Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ How in the world!? ❯ ch.1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Kelsey Aurion:Just a really short story nothing at all!I dont own dbz!So enjoy and I was NOT in my right mind when I typed this...

Hyperbolic Time Chamber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Wow Gohan you finally turned into a super saijn!Why don't you let me cut your hair,I can hardly see you face?"Goku asked
Gohan started to back away very slowly."No way!!!!"

"Why not???"
"Like I'd let you touch my hair!"Gohan said now up against the wall.

Goku got out a pair of scissors and started chassing after Gohan.

"Get over here!!!"Goku yelled.
"Leave me alone!"Gohan said in a squeaky voice that was totally not his.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!"
Ok by now they were running around the damn thing that I dont know how to spell,and I'm little afraid cause my sister is not in her right mind either and has already thrown a cup at me!

"Come on it want be that bad!!!"Goku yelled.
"Key word is that bad!!!"Gohan screamed back still running around like a maniac.
Goku continued to run well fly with the scissors still in his hands.
"Your not suppose to run with scissors!"Gohan said.

"I'm not running I'm flying."Goku said thinking he had proven himself as the smarter one.
"Uhuh go away!!!!"He said not thinking of a better come back.
Goku suddenly stopped."Whatever Gohan we'll just take you to a barber..."Goku said trying to hide a smirk.

"FINALLY!"Gohan whom was exhausted from the transformation and running around for the two hours.

"Alright why don't you get some rest..."He said still trying to hide his smirk.
"Thank You!!!!!!!!"Gohan said.
Goku gave Gohan 2 hours before comming into the room."Teheh,I can't cut hair you say well mr.I'd rather you fight with a crap hair cut then with all that hanging in your face."Goku said grabbing the scissors.

Gently he lifted his sons head and cut to what he looked like would work."God boy you don't wake up for nothin!"Goku exclaimed putting his head back on the pillow."Better for me though!"

2 more hours later!!!!

"Hey dad."Gohan said yawning.
"Hey son.Sleep good?"He asked smirking.
"Yeah why?Uhh!!!"Gohan said suddenly feeling the back of his head."What did you do!?!?!?!"
"Ohh good Kami calm down just go look in the miror."
Gohan did as he was told.He gasped.

"I thought it didnt look that bad...."Goku said a little insulted.

Kelsey Aurion:And done!!!I think it's a piece of crap but yall tell me what yall think ohhh and if you like this story please check out Life Suxs its alot better than this and I could really use some reviews on it PLEASE!!!Hope yall enjoyed ^_^