Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Humidity ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I don't own DBZ or the characters, I'm just borrowing them for a bit. So no suing.
Vegeta couldn't stop laughing. Sure, the Prince laughed occasionally, but it was usually along the lines of a refined snort, or confident laughter in the face of his enemy's defeat.
Not this near-hysterical, uncontrollable, rolling around on the ground cackling.
Nappa sat on a log and cracked open a thighbone of a recently deceased resident of the planet to get at the marrow. He could understand the Prince's humor, but he was a little more restrained. He had snickered for a bit, then went right back to his meal.
The object of the Prince's humor sat on another log, fuming silently. He couldn't very well tell his monarch to shut the hell up, although he'd dearly like to. He settled for snagging a chunk of meat out of the fire and sinking sharp teeth into it, muttering all the while:
“Damn humidity.”
Nappa took another look at Raditz and grinned down at the bone in his hands. The furball was in great form today, his long mane of hair stuck out frizzily in all directions. The younger man looked as though he'd stuck his hand into the circuitry of his pod and gotten a good zap.
Damn humidity indeed.