Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ I Believe In A Thing Called Love ❯ Saved By A Beautiful Stranger ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. The DBZ universe and its characters are property of Akira Toryiama, Toei and Hi No Tory studios. However, Asyla is my character.
Author's Note: Ok, a couple of people put my story as one of their favorites, so please review it. Thanks. Enjoy.
Chapter 2: Saved By A Beautiful Stranger
Minutes became hours, hours became days and days became weeks. Time moved slow for her. Her living arrangements were decent if you could call being chained to a wall naked was decent. Brolly had treated Asyla fairly well barely touching her until his father told him of his miscalculations. Instead of a month, it would take them two months to reach their destination. The beatings started them. Light caresses turned into blows that broke ribs and ripped skin. His excuse for beating her was that he had to break her spirit.
"A saiyans mate must be submissive." he would say when he was done.
The first few weeks Asyla fought back as best as she could. Verbally attacking him and spitting in his face. She even bit him, but she left with a broken jaw afterwards. Brolly began to break her in other ways. The monster had recorded the 'deflowering' of Emerald and played it over and over for Asyla to see and hear. Asyla also learned that the stew that she was being fed was the flesh of Emerald. Asyla retched for days and refused to eat until she was force fed through a tube.
Brolly believed that he was breaking her, but he was slowly killing her. The wounds were the main things that were taking a toll on her. She couldn't even like her wounds clean due to the chains. Infections set in and only when Asyla was near death did he let his father intervene. Asyla had four near death situations where she cursed Brolly's father for not letting her die. After that, Asyla became numb. The beatings didn't phase her, the video, nor the food. Nothing Brolly could do would get a response from her.
"Make her eat." Brolly commanded.
"She won't. You have broken her down too much. She has no will to live." his father replied.
Brolly stared at Asyla, who hung limp on the chains. He smirked in satisfaction. "We will not discuss this now. Kakkarott has arrived." Brolly said. He walked over to Asyla and cupped her chin.
"I will be back for you." Brolly said kissing her. He shoved his tongue into her mouth and Asyla bit down. Brolly reeled back and slapped her.
"I hope Kakkarott rips your nuts off and make you eat them before you die." Asyla hissed.
Brolly laughed and left the room. When Asyla was sure they were both gone, Asyla wept. She was completely alone for the first time she was kidnapped and she wept. She wept for her planet, her people, her sisters, Tookie and for herself because in three weeks she would be seventeen. "Please let me die before then. Please!" Asyla prayed.
Trunks and Gohan flew through the sky. They had finished rescuing the slaves when they picked up on a low ki level just a few miles away.
"What do you think it is, Trunks?" Gohan asked.
"I don't know, but we need to find whatever it is quick. The ki level is extremely low." Trunks replied. On any other day, Trunks would have ignored the ki level figuring it was just an animal, but he had strange feeling that it wasn't an animal.
Trunks and Gohan landed in front of a spaceship.They cautiously entered. The smell of blood hit their senses hard causing Trunks to sneeze repeatedly and for Gohan to silently gag.
"Gohan, you should go tell our Dads what we found." Trunks suggested.
"Sure." Gohan replied as he ran out of the spaceship sighing with relief.
Trunks was actually wishing he could leave too, but since he was the oldest he had to investigate. He walked slowly down the corrider. He came to double door room. He pushed it open and stared in horror.
Asyla had heard him when he opened the door. She sighed with relief when it wasn't Brolly, but immediatly tensed when she smelled that he was a saiyan. Half, but still a saiyan. She slowly opened her left eye to see him. She couldn't see him. He was a tall blur of colors.
Trunks stared in horror. The woman before him was chained spread eagle to a wall naked and bleeding. Gashes, bruises and bited covered her whole body. Nowhere on her body was untouched. Her red hair hung down to her waist covering her breasts slightly. A collar kept her from turning left or right, but just staring forward. Her tail was wrapped around her waist. Her ki was extremely low. Trunks had no idea how she was able to stay concious, but she was.
"Hey, I'm going to get you down." Trunks stated walking towards her.
"No don't touch me." Asyla growled at him and Trunks froze, "If you touch the chains, I'll be shocked. You have to destroy them with ki ball."
The chains gave way immediatly after she finished her sentence. Asyla fell forward. Trunks caught her. He had noticed how skinny she was until he caught her. He caught himself staring at her body. Trunks looked away blushing.
"I need to get you some clothes." Trunks stated.
"I have none." Asyla mumbled. His voice was fading and everything was becoming dark..
Trunks cradled her in his arm like a baby. Asyla's tail wrapped tightly around his leg. She looked up at him and met Trunks gaze. Trunks was mesmerized. He wasn't sure why he couldn't look away. Maybe it was her gold eyes or her fiery red hair or her cute ears. Asyla could see him clearly now. She gasped at his beauty. Asyla reached up and ran her hand through his purple never breaking the gaze with his blue eyes.
"So beautiful......" she mumbled slipping back into unconciousness.
Asyla woke up seeing blue eyes. She growled low in her throat, teeth barred. The person backed up. Her vision was still blurred and her whole body was in pain. "Hey, hey! It's okay. We are not trying to hurt you," a woman's voice said.
Asyla noticed she was laying in a bed and with clothes on. There were so many scents in the room. Three male saiyans and a female. Asyla couldn't tell what she was. She had never smelled like someone like her. It was an earthy, clean smell.
"Where am I?" Asyla asked.
"You're on Earth among safe people." the woman replied.
"Where's Brolly? Where....." Asyla asked frantically trying to climb out of bed. A hand gripped her shoulder and laid her back in the bed. She looked up and saw the man that had released her from the chains. He was so close. She could see him perfectly. His face was sketched in worry.
There was a snort and a man spoke, "That bastard won't concern you anymore."
"He's dead then?" Asyla asked relaxing into the feel of the man's hands.
"Yeah, nothing to worry about anymore." her savior answered.
"Now everyone leave. She needs her rest." the woman said. Asyla could hear them leaving and her savior's hand left her shoulder.
"No, wait." she said, "Let him stay."
There was a moment of silence and then the woman left the room. There was a loud noise of a chair being dragged against the floor. Then, her purple haired savior was sitting next to her.
"So, how are you doing?" Trunks asked.
"Better now." Asyla replied.
"Who are you?" Trunks asked as he returned his hand to her shoulder. He noticed she liked it. He fugured it was comforting. Trunks didn't get an answer. She had slipped back into unconciousness.
Bulma returned and said, "You should go, Trunks."
"I can't, Mom. I think she needs me here." Trunks replied.
"What do you mean?" asked Bulma.
"I think I am comforting to her. Mom just let me stay. I won't disturb. I'll just sit here." Trunks replied.
"Trunks, you've been just sitting here for the past 1 1/2 weeks. I doubt that she has even noticed." Bulma said.
"She has Mom. I think she remembers me when I am found her. Oh god, Mom, it was so horrible." Trunks stated, "How could anyone do such horrible things to a person?"
Bulma watched her son pulling Asyla's hair from her face. She smiled at his small sign of affection towards Asyla. She began to wonder if Trunks had deeper intentions for staying by her side.
"Alright, you can stay, Mister, but this is the last time." Bulma said.
"Thanks Mom." Trunks replied as Bulma left.
Asyla woke up once again. Her vision was back to normal. She could see everything perfectly. She was in a plain looking room with a closet and a bland dresser. She breathed in and caught a scent. Asyla turned her head to her left and saw Trunks asleep in a chair.
Why, was the first thought that came to her mind. Why had he saved her? Why was he now sitting here watching over her? He didn't know her. She didn't know him, so why all of this. Asyla smiled at the drooling sliding down the side of his face. He was extremely handsome and his scent was devine. She couldn't place it. Asyla was quite taken with his hair. It reminded her of her moon. She frowned slightly at the thought of her planet. She didn't have a planet anymore.
Trunks stirred in his sleep. Asyla smiled at the next thought that entered her mind.
"I was saved by a beautiful stranger."