Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ I Believe In A Thing Called Love ❯ Mall Adventure ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ. The DBZ universe and its characters are property of Akira Toryiama, Toei and Hi No Tory studios. However, Asyla is my character.
Author's Note: Hi, folks! I want to thank everyone who has reviewed! I really appreciated. Here is chapter 5! Hope you like it!
Chapter 5: Mall Adventure
Asyla was amazed by the bright colors outside. It was beautiful. The planet was beautiful. It dulled in comparison to her planet, but it was beautiful none the less. She loved the way the grass felt on her feet. It felt wonderful. Asyla purred with delight. She was resisting the urge to let the cat in her roll around in the grass. I will wait to do that tonight. Trunks watched her in amusement. He was amazed at her reactions to nature.
"Have you never felt grass before?" he asked.
"Is that what you call it?" Asyla said looking down, "No. I have never felt grass before. There wasn't grass on my planet. This planet is beautiful." She smiled at Trunks and then sat down in the grass. She began purring again. "So, where do we go to find suitable garments?"Asyla asked.
"We're going to the mall. Did you have malls on your planet?" Trunks asked.
"No. We made our clothes. Every household learned to make their own clothes and had their own styles, so you could identify families. I am assuming this is not what you do on this planet." Asyla said.
"No. There are certain brands made by people who provide clothes for everyone, but you buy them." Trunks said.
"Oh," Asyla said, "So, this mall, is like a market in a way?"
"Yes in a way, but it's closed off." Trunks said.
"How do we get there?" Asyla asked.
"We shall drive or we could fly," Trunks said.
"Fly?" Asyla asked.
"Yes, fly, like this." Trunks said and levitated off the ground.
"I do not know how to do this. My people had no need for this." Asyla stated.
"I will teach you, anyway. It will be useful," Trunks said, "So, fly or drive?"
"Flying since I am not sure what driving is," Asyla stated and Trunks laughed. He walked over and picked her up bridal style. Before she could object, he shot off into the sky. Asyla held him tightly. Her eyes were closed tightly. Trunks looked down at her and chuckled. "You don't need to be afraid. I won't drop you," Trunks said. "I prefer to keep my eyes closed," Asyla said and gripped Trunks tighter. Trunks body stiffened. Her breasts were rubbing against his chest. He bit his lip and began to think flying was a bad idea. Her smell was driving him nuts. He hadn't smelled anyone that smelled this good. "Am I going out of my mind? Why am I thinking like this?" Trunks thought and swallowed hard. He couldn't help it. Trunks was drawn to her when he first saw her bashed and bloody and that's what made him sick. How could he be attracted by a bloody and abused woman?
Just as Trunks was going through his mental dilemma, so was Asyla. She was fighting every urge not to stroke his chest or lick his neck. It was becoming so hard for her. The tiger in her roared for her to mark him, but she couldn't. It had to be a mutual binding. Asyla growled low in her throat with frustration. She heard a rumbling. She looked up at Trunks. He was staring at her with such intensity that caused her to wince. His blue eyes seemed to be darker than they usually were. Trunks growled at her again. She knew he was asking her something, but she didn't know what.
"Trunks," Asyla said, "Are you ok?" Trunks eyes returned to their normal eye color when she said his name.
"Yeah, I am fine. Are you?" Trunks asked looking at her with concern.
"Um, yes. I am fine," she lied and thought, "What just happened?"
"What are you talking about?" Trunks asked.
"Uh, nothing. It's nothing," Asyla said and closed her eyed again. "What just happened?" she thought. She tilted her head to the side, so the wind could keep Trunks' scent wouldn't be so overwhelming.
They landed on the roof of the building. Asyla quickly stepped away from Trunks to clear her senses of him. She inhaled deeply and nearly gagged. The air was tainted with the putrid smell of exhaust fumes.
"Bleh, what is this smell?" Asyla asked covering her nose with her hand.
"I am so sorry. I should have warned you about this. It's the pollution in the air from the technology." Trunks said.
"Ugh, I must really tell your mother about my designs. We figured out a way to avoid this. I believe I should tell her as soon as possible. There's no telling how much damage there is to your planet." Asyla said shaking her head in disgust.
"Believe me we know." Trunks said taking off his jacket. He gave it to her and said, "Put this on. I think you would prefer the jacket than just walking around without it."
"Why?" Asyla asked.
"You'll see," Trunks said opening the door to the steps.
Asyla stifled her growls at the human males. They were making her angry with their thoughts and scents. She began to realize how these clothes were really not that suitable to the customs of this planet. Even the women harbored anger towards her due to the fact that their men were eyeing her great interest. Asyla really could care less about them. The tiger inside of them was not interested. Their energy levels were barely noticeable. They were not a threat nor were any of them potential mates maybe potential prey, but Asyla would not stoop that low. Trunks had led her into a store called Macys. He left her with a clerk and two credit cards. The clerk measured her and then showed her the clothes.
"Hmm, this is cute," Asyla said to herself as she stared at the lingerie. She was racking up piles and piles of it as well as dresses and other things. She was sneezing constantly due to the perfume and other scents in the store. Because of this, she had not noticed nor smelled the man that had been following her through the store.
"I think I am done," Asyla said to the clerk.
"Ok, then, I will ring you up. How do you want to pay for this?" the woman asked. She was amazed at all the clothes that Asyla was buying. The woman settled with the idea that maybe her house burned down and she had to buy more clothes.
"Credit card." Asyla said handing her one of the cards. The woman nodded and began to charge it. Asyla began to worry. She hadn't seen Trunks for hours. She couldn't smell his scent because of the damn artificial scents. He should've come back for her by now.
"Ma'am, shall I send this to the Briefs' residence?" the woman asked.
"Yes please, but let me get a few things." Asyla said digging an outfit out of the bags. She went to the dressing room and began to dress. Asyla slipped the shirt on and came to her waist, but still hugged her tightly. "This is more suitable." She said as she put her black jeans on. Asyla admired herself in the mirror. She was sporting her royal colors: a dark purple cami with red and gold stripes. Asyla tied a black bandana over her ears, so she didn't have to lay them down under her hair.
Asyla opened the door to her dressing room. To her surprise there was a man standing right in front of her. "Oh, hello," she said staring at him. The man didn't say anything to her, but came closer. "Excuse me, but who..." Before Asyla could get anything else out the man grabbed her by her neck and slammed her back into the mirror. Asyla hissed in surprise. His scent flooded her senses and she could smell his intent.
"You're such a beautiful woman. I will enjoy tasting you." The man said.
"You won't enjoy anything," someone said behind the man. The man turned around to see very upset Trunks.
"Boy, this is none of your business." The man stated.
"It is my business." Trunks said grabbing the man by his shirt and throwing him off of Asyla. He walked over and grabbed Asyla's arm. "Are you ok?"
"Not even a scratch," Asyla said. She was secretly thanking Trunks. If he hadn't come, she would have most certainly killed the man and she had a hunch that Earth's customs wouldn't be too fond of that.
Trunks picked the man up off the ground by his neck and growled out, "If you ever put your hands on her or any other women, I will come back and rip off your dick and make you eat it. Got me?" The man nodded and Trunks dropped him on the ground. The man scooted away staring in horror. "Come on. We're leaving," Trunks said grabbing Asyla by her hand and leading her out.
Trunks was holding her hand until they reached the balcony of the mall. "You can let go now," Asyla said trying to hide the fact that she liked the fact he liked it. "Oh, um, sorry," Trunks said, "Let's go home." Trunks picked her up casually and launched off into the sky.
Dinner had been extremely odd. After the incident at the mall and flying to the mall, the tiger in Asyla began to call out to Trunks. It seemed that she wanted him, but Asyla wasn't going to allow that. Asyla figured since he was the only eligible male in her vicinity that she was acting this way. Dinner had been awkward because her tail had miraculously grown back and found its way wrapping around Trunks' leg. It took her forever to pry it off of him. It seemed it had a mind of its own. Asyla had been so embarrassed that she ran away to the top of the house. She would eat when everyone was asleep.
Asyla lay back on the roof. The moon was nearly full. "What am I going to do?" she thought, "I only have a few days left. What will happen to me? What will happen to them? I can't put this family in danger. Maybe I will ask Bulma in the morning." Then, Asyla heard a voice that broke her train of thought.
"Where are you brat? Did the little kitty get scared?"
Well, that's the end of chapter 5. Hope you enjoyed. Please review!