Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ I Love You ❯ I Love You ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I Love You

By: kyra_briefs@hotmail.com


I open my eyes… or do I? I can't really tell, everything's so blurry, and I can feel my head swimming. There are figures standing beside me… 4 I think. I can't even feel their ki's, I'm too damed weak. I can feel one of them holding my hand… Bulma. It's Bulma. Can those be tears I feel beating softly on my chest? No, don't cry… I hate to se you cry, woman…


I hear her voice, it's Bulma all right. My eyes come into focus, and I can see her plainly. I can also see the other 3 now… Bra, Trunks, and Kakorott… what is Kakorott doing here? I try to speak, but find I can barely move my lips. What's happening to me? What's going on? All I remember is training in the gravitron, and then…

"Papa… are you ok?" Bra asks, her head coming into my view. She's so beautiful… just like her mother. Funny, I tell Bra she's beautiful all the time, but to I tell that to Bulma?

"Papa… please be ok," she begs me, leaning in to kiss me on the nose.

Ok? What happened? I still can't remember…

I can see Trunks taking Bra away now, telling her to give me some room to breathe. Some room to breathe? Where am I?

I can now hear Bulma telling Kakorott to take me inside. Where was I? Grass… trees… outside. What happened? Suddenly, there was uncomprable pain welling in my chest, as I felt Kakorott try to lift me. My shrieks well up in one large mass of hysteria. Have that moron release me! Can't he see he's killing me? Let me go, damnit!

Finally… rest… but the others are hysteric. I want to calm them, telling them that I'm fine, that it's just minor… and tell that mindless fool Kakorott to get the Hell away from me and go back to his own damned house. However, I can barely breathe. What happened?

"Vegita… please answer me… Vegita…" It's Bulma again, and I can hear the pain in her voice. I want to speak to her so badly… to tell her… everything will be all right.

"Is Papa going to die?"

No B-chan, I won't. I won't leave you and my family… it's nothing, it's minor… whatever it is. In fact, I'm feeling stronger now, the pain is starting to leave. But then… why is the world spinning? I can't be… no.

My eyes are heavy, and my head fels as though it is floating. No! I can't leave them, I won't! My breath slows, and my muscles loosen.

Bulma's crying.

Bulma, you were always so strong…

My vision fading away, I can barely see her now.

Did I ever tell you that I cared about you, Bulma? That you mean the world to me?

My body relaxes completely, and I'm unable to move my arms or legs.

Bulma… I'm sorry…

My breathing stops.

Bulma… I… "I love you."

She smiles at me. "Oh Vegita, I love you too…"

I smile weakly. She knows. And I find that's the one thing that was holding me back. Now, my eyes drift close, and my heart beats for one last thump before I drift off into the abyss…