Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ I See Me ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I see Me

I do not own DBZ or Travis Tritt's song. I took out bits and pieces of the lyrics, but never the less it's a good song.

Post Majin Buu

Vegeta was sitting in the kitchen finishing his breakfast as Bulma chattered away at him over her coffee mug. He listened with half an ear and nodded every now and again before taking his plates to the sink. He was about to go off and train when he heard a loud crash coming from the living area. Bulma shot up at the sound and said, "What in the world?" She threw Vegeta a confused look and he followed her into the living room.

Bulma's jaw hit the floor when she saw the mess before her. The couch had been dismantled and one of her potted plants had shattered and dirt and fragments covered the floor. Vegeta raised an eyebrow at the mess then he heard a loud noise. It sounded like someone running towards the stairs of the upstairs hallway. In seconds a black streak came down the stairs followed by a very dirty Trunks sliding down the hand rail. "I'll get you!" Trunks shouted giddly as he raced after a very terrified cat. He chased the cat all over the room leaving more chaos in his wake. Trunks laughed at the game of chase, but Bulma was not so amused.

"Trunks Vegeta Briefs!" She shouted making Vegeta cringe. He shook his head to stop the ringing and stared as the boy stopped dead in his tracks to stare wide eyed at his mother. Bulma put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot annoyedly. Vegeta crossed his arms and stared admonishingly to add to the parental annoyance factor.

"What's wrong mom?" Trunks asked innocently.

"The question my boy is what's wrong with you!? I thought I taught you better than to go racing around the compound at mach three and of all things to torment your grandfather's cat!" Bulma said sternly.

Trunks crossed his arms and frowned a mirror image of his father. "I was just playing! Jeez can't a guy have any fun!" Trunks groaned stubbornly.

Vegeta hid a smirk knowing Bulma would not approve of it.

"Well that is not an accptable type of play young man! Look at you! Look at the mess you've made!" Bulma motioned to her destroyed living room exasperatedly.

Trunks raised his chin up and arrogantly said, "It's not that bad, besides it's a small price to pay for speed."

Bulma's jaw dropped again and she clenched her fists angrily. She let out a huff of annoyance and clutched her aching head. "You want to train fine! Vegeta take him out and beat some sense into your son." With that she stomped off to get the cleaning robot.

Vegeta laughed out loud as Bulma left the room. Trunks looked at him and smirked. Vegeta shook his head. Trunks was so much like him it was amazing the similarities sometimes. He had the Vegeta royal family's stubborn arrogance and their was no doubt to anyone that Trunks was his son, but sometimes he feared Trunks might be too much like him. Trunks walked up to him and Vegeta smirked down at him. "You're going to give your mother a heart attack someday. Let's go." Vegeta patted him on the head and together they walked out to train.

Cause I look at him and I see a boy
And I see trouble and I see joy
See innocence and headstrong
And a heart full of dreams

I look at him and I'm so amazed
I'm so proud and then sooo afraid
That the apple didn't fall quite far enough from the tree
Yeah I look at him and I see me

9 Years Later

Vegeta and Bulma had just put Bra to bed. Vegeta was sitting in a recliner trying to find something worthy to watch on television and Bulma went off to the lab to finish up a project. Vegeta flipped through channels for about an hour and he couldn't find anything. He turned to the movie case and picked out the most violent action movie he could find and popped it in. The movie was a couple of hours long and near the end of it he looked up at the clock wondering why it was taking Bulma so long in the lab. She was the only person on Earth whose company he could stand, especially in the bedroom. ^_^ The clock read 11:30 and then it occured to him that Trunks was still out. He had gone out with Goten earlier in the afternoon and his curfew was at 11:00. Vegeta could see the front door from his chair and he knew that if he had come in that way he would have seen him.

Vegeta became suspicious and he went up to Trunks room to see if he hadn't snuck in a different way. His room was empty and Vegeta felt for his ki, but it was not in the compound. He went back down stairs set on going to look for him when Bulma walked in. "Hi honey, what's wrong?" She asked concerned when she saw the deep scowl on his face. "You're scowling more than usual." Vegeta didn't want to scare Bulma and he knew that Trunks was safe. He was a good fighter and Vegeta had no doubt that there wasn't anything on this planet that could hurt Trunks. Vegeta grabbed Bulma's shoulders gently and was about to tell her that Trunks hadn't come home yet, but then he felt Trunk's ki outside the door. He grabbed Bulma and they leaned back into the shadows.

The door opened slowly and Trunks walked into the dark living room cautiously. When he didn't sense anything, (Vegeta was hiding his ki.) he headed up the stairs, but then Vegeta appeared at the bottom and said, "Where have you been?" Trunks jumped right out of his skin as Bulma flipped the lights on and he turned around to see his parents glaring at him.

"Hey guys! I didn't know you were up?" He scratched his head nervously and bit his lip.

"Trunks Vegeta Briefs, where have you been?" Bulma asked angrily catching on to the situation pretty quick.

"Well, you see, we, that is Goten and I, were..." Trunks was stammering when Vegeta interrupted him.

"Spit it out boy!"

"We were at a party and lost track of time, ok!"

"And you didn't bother to call us and let us know you'd be late, why?" Bulma interjected.

"I forgot." Trunks said agitatedly running a hand through his lavender locks.

"Unacceptable. You know how your mother worries." Vegeta said.

"Dad you know I would never get into any real trouble!" Trunks said making a plea to his more laid back parent.

Bulma was about to add her opinion to the mix when Vegeta stopped her. He put a comforting hand on her shoulder. He gave her a look that told her to let him handle it. Bulma smiled at him and nodded. "That is beside the point, son. Your mother and I both know you are more than capable of taking care of yourself, but we don't appreciate you disrespecting the rules we've set for you."

Trunks felt like a real jerk. His heart dropped to his feet at the thought that he might have disappointed his parents. That was the last thing he had thought of. He stared at the floor and hung his head in shame. "I'm sorry." He whispered.

Vegeta nodded and dimissed Trunks, who walked sullenly to his room. Vegeta knew from experience that there was nothing more heartbreaking then disappointing ones' parents and that would be all the punishment Trunks needed.

Cause' I look at him and I see a teen
Having fun doing stupid things
I see roadblocks I see mistakes
I see heartbreak he can't see

I look at him and I'm so amazed
I'm so proud and then sooo afraid
That the apple didn't fall quite far enough from the tree
Ohhh I look at him and I see me

11 years after that

Vegeta yawned as he walked into the Capsule Corp kitchen and was assaulted with a barrage of noisy bustle. Bra was buzzing around the kitchen in her school uniform, looking for something. "Bra sit down and eat!" Bulma sighed exasperatedly.

"I can't find my lipstick!" Bra shouted frustratedly.

Vegeta smirked and sat down. "Of course you can't I threw it out. You're too young for such things."

Bulma and Bra stared at Vegeta with looks of shock written across their faces. "Dad!" Bra shouted.

Vegeta chuckled darkly as Bulma set a heaping plate of eggs in front of him. Bulma gave him a hidden smile and kissed his cheek. "What am I going to do with you?" She whispered.

Vegeta gave a devilish smile and wrapped an arm around her waist. "I don't know, but I can't wait to find out." He growled playfully as he nibbled her ear.

Bra gace a shiver of disgust and sighed. "You guys!" She growled as she stomped from the kitchen.

At that same moment Trunks walked in. He looked back at his fuming sister and then at his parents. "What's her problem?" He asked.

"Beats me." Vegeta said shrugging and squeezing Bulma's butt before letting her go.

"Trunks you look so good!" Bulma cooed as she admired her son dressed in his Armani business suit. Bulma had just made him official Business Chairman of Capsule Corp he was having his first big meeting with the share holders today.

Trunks smiled. Bulma sat him down next to his father and gave him breakfast. "I'm so proud of you!" Bulma said happily watching her men eat. Vegeta glanced at his son. Trunks was all grown up. He was a strong warrior and proud. He was a successful business man and he had broken more than a few hearts with his charm and phisique. 'Just like me.' Vegeta thought.

After breakfast Trunks stood up and said, "Well I'm ready." He was about to leave when Vegeta grabbed his shoulder. Trunks turned around and said, "Yeah dad?"

Vegeta pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to Trunks. Trunks looked at it confused. Bulma came up next to Vegeta and leaned against him as he spoke. "This is a gift from your mother and I to show you how proud we are of you." Vegeta looked at the floor nervously as Trunks turned the box over in his hand.

"Thanks mom, dad." Trunks said as he opened the box. Inside was a lapel pin with the Vegeta family royal insignia on it. Trunks couldn't speak he just stared at it in awe. Bulma took it from his shaking hands and put it on Trunks' lapel.

Trunks looked up at his parents and just stared. "Make your family proud, Trunks." Vegeta said his always regal tone resonated with every word. Trunks nodded and stood up tall. His expression turned to that of Vegeta's and he walked out of the room.

Bulma leaned against Vegeta as he wrapped an arm around her lovingly. "He's just like you." She whispered.

"Hmph! Let's hope he's not too much like me." Vegeta said.

"Why not? I love the way you are." Bulma smiled at him adoringly. Vegeta chuckled and smiled back lightly kissing her on the lips. "You would." He whispered.

I look at him and I'm so amazed
I'm so proud and then sooo afraid
That the apple didn't fall quite far enough from the tree
Yeah I look at him and I see me