Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ If You Live in My Heart, You Will Live Rent Free ❯ If You Live in My Heart, You Will Live Rent Free ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
If You Live In My Heart, You Will Live Rent Free

If You Live in my Heart, You Will Live Rent Free

By:Me!! Bulma-chan *************************************************

Setting: This takes place either at the end of Dragonball or the beginning of DBZ. Probably the beginning of DBZ. Goku & Chi-Chi are already married and have Gohan.

Description: Short Romance fic. This is kind of a 'what if' story. It's about Tien and Launch. Launch just broke up with Tien, but realizes that she wants him back. But the only thing is: Does Tien still love Launch? You'll have to read and see!!

*Warnings* Not much warning here. This is a sweet fic. I rate it PG. There are no swear words, no lemon, but this fic is probably best viewed by teens. I don't think children would understand it that well. Hey, if you're a Tien/Launch fan and if you're emotional(like me) I would suggest to get the tissue! This can be pretty moving!^_^

Key: ' '-thinking " "-speaking ****************************************************

Launch couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about Tien. She didn't know why she was thinking about him because she had broke up with him a couple of weeks ago.

' I shouldn't be thinking about him!' she thought. ' I'm not with him anymore.'

No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get Tien off her mind. She kept wondering what he was doing, how he was getting along, and most of all, if he had another girlfriend.

She didn't like the idea of Tien having another girlfriend. In fact, just thinking about it made her feel jealous.

' No, Tien can't have another girlfriend!' she thought. ' I should be the only one who can go out with him!' Then, she realized she was being selfish. She can't just have him all to herself. Not unless she was going out with him. But, it was to late for that. She had already broken up with him. He certainly wouldn't want her back now. Or would he? All these ideas and questions kept running through Launch's mind.

She kept thinking about him, all the while tossing and turning still trying to sleep. Finally, she realized that she was still in love with him. No matter how much she didn't want to believe it, it was true. There was nothing she could do about it. She couldn't change her feelings. But, soon she came to a fork in the road. How was she going to get him back? She was sure that he didn't want her anymore.

' I know!' she thought. ' Me and him can just start over by being friends again. Then, maybe just maybe, our relationship will grow into what I want it to be.' Well, that was her plan and she intended to carry it out.

The next morning...

Launch jumped out of bed and stood in front of her closet to find something to wear. She decided on a pair of short, blue-jean shorts and a red shirt from Abercrombie&Fitch. On the front it read, "Sun Your Buns".

She walked downstairs and entered the kitchen to make breakfast for her, Master Roshi, and Oolong. They both came downstairs when Launch had finished cooking to eat.

When they were all done, Master Roshi said,"Launch, Oolong and I are going into town today and we're going to eat out tonight for dinner. So, don't bother cooking supper for us."

" Okay. When are you leaving?" asked Launch.

" Just as soon as we get ready!" replied Oolong. Master Roshi and Oolong went upstairs to get ready. When they were done, they left.

Launch thought this would be the perfect chance to invite Tien over, since they wouldn't be bothered by Master Roshi and Oolong. Especially Master Roshi.

She knew that Tien would probably be at Goku's house training because last time she talked to him he said that he was going to start training with Goku. So she called Goku's house.

Chi-Chi answered the phone.

"Hi, Chi-Chi, it's Launch. Is Tien there?"

"Yes he is. He's outside training with Goku." replied Chi-Chi.

'Just as I suspected' thought Launch. "Well, can I talk to him?"

"Sure! Just a sec, let me go get him." Chi-Chi walked out back and told Tien that Launch was on the phone and wanted to talk to him. He came inside and picked up the phone.

"Hello?" he said.

" Hi Tien! It's me,Launch," said Launch.

" Yeah,I know," Tien said.

Launch just ingored that last remark and said," Master Roshi and Oolong went into town and I'm really bored. They're not going to back until later this evening."

" So, what do you want me to do about it?" Tien said, wondering why Launch had called him.

" Well, I was just wondering, if you would like to come over and just hang out with me."

" Why me?" said Tien.'Why all of a sudden is she being so nice to me?'he thought.

" Because, we're still friends right? And I just haven't seen you in awhile. Please come over," said Launch.

Tien thought for a few seconds before he said,"Okay, I guess. First, let me get cleaned up and then I'll be over."

"Okay! Thanks alot! See you then!" said Launch as she hung up the phone. She went outside and sat on a bench on the porch to wait for Tien. About 15 minutes later, she spotted him flying towards the Kame house.

He landed and then walked on to the porch. Launch motioned for him to sit down beside her and he did. He looked at her shirt and then said with a smile,"Nice shirt."

Launch blushed a little and said with a giggle,"Oh, thanks!"

Suprisingly, Tien was the first to break the silence."So, what do you want to talk about?"

" Oh, nothing in paticular. Just whatever," replied Launch.

Eventually, they got off on a conversation about what they had been doing lately. Finally, Launch gathered enough courage to ask him if he had a girlfriend.

"So,"she said,trying to sound casual,"you got a girlfriend? I mean, you know, I'm just curious."

"No, I don't. Are you with anybody?" asked Tien.

"No," said Launch. She decided to change the subject. "Hey, do you want to go for a walk around the island? I need to stretch my legs."

"Sure, I guess. It's not going to be very long though," replied Tien.

"That's okay. We'll just walk around the island a few times."

They both got up and went down to the edge of the shore to walk. It was a pretty day outside. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and there wasn't a cloud in sight in the sky.

They continued to walk and talk until Tien noticed that Launch was not walking beside him anymore. He turned around to see her standing a few feet behind him.

Her head was bowed and you couldn't see her face because her hair was in the way.

"Launch, what's wrong? Why did you stop walking?" asked Tien.

Launch didn't answer. She just stood there.

"Launch, why did you stop walking? Are you going to answer me?" No answer. " Will you at least say something?"

"I can't stand it anymore," she said in a quiet voice.

" What are you talking about?" asked Tien.

" I can't stand just walking beside you," she said, still not moving.

" Well, if you don't want me to be here-"Launch interupted Tien.

"No, it's not that. I don't want to just walk beside you," she said.

" Then, do you want to do something else? Launch, what do you want?" asked Tien.

"You," she whispered, still not looking up at him.

"What? I couldn't here you," said Tien.

Finally, Launch looked up at him and ran to him. She threw her arms around his neck and laid her head on his shoulder. She waited until she felt his arms around her and his hands on her back before she said anything.

" I said I want you," replied Launch.

Tien's eyes widened when she said that. He couldn't believe this. But why? Why did she want him?

"But, you broke up with me and I thought you said that you didn't want to be with me anymore," he said, questioningly.

" I was wrong. I do want to be with you. The truth is, I...I love you." She didn't look at Tien to see if he was shocked or not. Instead, she just hugged his neck tighter.

Tien didn't say anything. In fact, he didn't really know what to say. Neither of them said a word. They just stood there, holding each other.

Finally, someone said something. It was Launch. " I realized that I need you, Tien, in my life. I can't go on without you. My heart won't let me forget you."

Tien pulled her back and looked into her eyes and smiled. It was a warm, gentle, loving smile. "Well, that's how I feel, too." With that, he pulled her close, wrapped his arms around her thin waist, and kissed her softly on the lips. Then, they pulled back, but were still holding each other. They looked at each other and smiled.

"So, does this mean we're together again?" asked Launch.

Tien said," Yes, but just remember, if you live in my heart, you will live rent free." ****************************************************

*still crying from the story*Sniff..sniff... *gets a tissue and dries her eyes* That was a touching story. I laughed, I cried, it moved me. Well, plz review!!! I hoped you liked it!!