Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ If you were a Saiya-jin... ❯ Sinu-yasha shares! ( Chapter 5 )
Well…again, since I only got one new list, this is gonna be a short chapter…now I usually wait until I get two new lists to put up a chappie but you people don't seem to be interested in putting up lists…what part of `INTEREACTIVE FICCIE' don't you understand????? Yeesh, anyways, to those who have sent in a list, THANK YOU, THANNK THE GODS FOR YOU PEOPLE!!! Okies…onto the newest list.
This is the list by Sinu-Yasha, this is what she would do if she were a saiya-jin…
Show off her Saiya-jin abilities,
Train to become the universes most powerful warrior,
Try to help everyone, (love and peace!-Vash From Trigun)
Be a superhero known as the gold fighter [A/Nsound familiar anyone? Anyone?lol]
Use her religion to increase her spiritual, mental and physical powers
Walk around with a small monkey on her shoulders and a wolf at her side (The oozaru is the giant monkey like thingy saiya-jins turn into and she read that an oozaru was a monkey wolf mix)
Look for a good sparing partner
Show off her awesome body
Smile at her opponent to shoe him/her how much she enjoys the battle (if she's winning) and if she's losing…shut up and fight on, ha ha heh
Wear a Gi fit for a king, even though she's a girl.
Show off her glistening fangs, her tail and elfin like ears [A/N Nani? Elfin ears? Eh, whatever] before a battle to show her opponent that he/her is not up against any normal being.
Well, that's interesting, definitely. Never had anyone say anything about religion before, coolies. Okay, I need 2, yes 2 new lists before the next installment. Honestly…so sent them in!!!!! bye.