Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ If you were a Saiya-jin... ❯ Chibi Gemi and Maria S. share ( Chapter 3 )
Hi! I'm Baaaaaack! I have more stuff for you all to read, and remember this is an interactive fic, so I need reviews for it to work. I mean I got 12 chaqpters on ff.net until they deleted it, so I want to beat that here. Also I have my lovely assistant here to help me out, and probably annoy me as well.
Vegeta: I am just pointing out that I did not come voluntarily.
Yes but you love to help your mate out don't you. `Kalia pulls out Basher the almighty frying pan and holds it ready at her side.'
V: `looks scared now'O_O O-of course, I love helping you out dear.
Great! You can announce the author of the list.
V: yay. -_- ; I cant wait.
You know what… Just announce the next person already! `raises basher threatengly'
V: O_O yes Kalia, the first person on this edition….erm….chapter is Chibi Gemi.
Thanks, okay Chibi Gemi tells me she would:
She would change her name as well as Nicole is just not right for a Saiya-Jin [I agree entirely, that's why I changed my name in my story, also for future reasons, umm right, continuing on…] she would probably change it to Kino.
Show off her tail to her friends and make them jeaolos for a bit but not to long `cause she wouldn't want them jealous of her for to long.
Fly around just for the hell of it of course!
Go Oozaru at the first full moon (away from family/friends) and SMASH THAT BEDAMDED SCHOOL INTO OBLIVION MUAHAHAHAHAHAAH!!
Beat the shit out of people who piss her off (and easy feet she assures us…this one seems to be a reacurring thing) [V: Now that is a good idea, I think I'll go spare with Kakkarot now, bye! `tries to run out the door unsuccesfully' K: Hold it right there mister! `grabs collar of shirt' you are not going anywhere until we finish this chapter, and we haven't even gotten to the second person yet so stay here or no you know what for a month and a half! `Vegeta sits and glares.']
Have fun blowing up random items using her Ki.
Learn all the best fighting techniques
Blow a hole in the space-time continuum and go live with the DBZ Gang
Kidnap her brother and force him to come and live with her (Growls…he is such a bakayarou, he never calls)
Occasionally save other people but she would deffinitly NOT become a superhero
Train to become stronger than `jita-chan and Kakky-chan, go to DBZ universe and make them her mates [K:`glares' Veggie is MY mate, thank you very much but that's okay, `stops glaring and wacks veggie on head as he tries to sneak out the door' he will never learn will he. Oh well, since my announcer is unconcous I guess I will tell you who is up next.
The last person for this chapter is Maria S., hey! I think I know you fromm ff.net reviews, cool. Anyhow, Maria writes that she would:
Have a great body and show it off with cool outfits,
Become a superhero but with a cool metallic costume and she would call herself `Silver Blade' [very cool]
Train to become stronger and fight off bad guys,
Learn new techniques of ki blasts,
Make quik money by entering fighting rings and anything else she can do to get fast cash with her powers.
Teach these powers to her families so they can protect themselves [very noble, I would as well, in fact I am teaching my friends hand to hand combat, they still can block to well.]
Get her way whenever she is in a bad mood.
Learn to use mind powers to make her enemies relive there most traumatizing moments. [sweety, that kind of power is not usually taught, and it is a dangerous power if your enemy knows how to reflect it back to you, I should know, I've used it before and I saw into that scene. I couldn't ear for a week, honestly. Just a warning.]
Be able to fly into the sky and spook airline passengers everytime she see's a plane.
Protect the endangered animals and save the rainforest. [You go girl!]
And if she is really in a bad mood she would go and beat up some gangs &/Or mobsters.
V:* -_- * Owwwwwwwwwwwwww, who put those stars there?
K: finally awake I see. Well I suppose I did hit him kinda hard, anyways while I go and make sure his concussion isn't to bad, I want you people who read this to review me with your own lists. Remember this is and Interactive fiction. I need stuff from you all out there to keep it going. Thanks to all of you who did review, thanks in advance for those of you who will review. Laterz.