Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ In'lar-Anth - Through Darkest Destiny ❯ Playing with Fire ( Chapter 6 )
Authors: Rogue & DarkSerapha
Email: neko_jin_rogue@yahoo.com & Mononokehime@gmx.net
Warnings for this chapter:
Strong lime, attempted rape, blood, violence
This chapter contains the link to a hidden chapter!
Warnings for hidden chapter:
Blood, strong violence, very graphic rape, SM, lemon, dark, angst
Pairing: V x G, (Z x J)
'…' = thoughts
"Points Of Authority"
Forfeit the game
Before somebody else
Takes you out of the frame
Puts your name to shame
Cover up your face
You can't run the race
The pace is too fast
You just won't last
You love the way I look at you
While taking pleasure in the awful things you put me through
You take away if I give in
My life
My pride is broken
You like to think you're never wrong
(You live what you learn)
You have to act like you're someone
(You live what you learn)
You want someone to hurt like you
(You live what you learn)
You want to share what you have been through
(You live what you learn)
You love the things I say I'll do
The way I'll hurt myself again just get back at you
You take away when I give in
My life
My pride is broken
("Points of Authority" by Linkin Park)
Announcing a special reward for all our readers! Please read the outro at the end of this chapter to learn more!
In'lar-Anth - Through Darkest Destiny
Chapter 6: "Playing with Fire"
Sprawled out on my bunk I rolled and stretched lithely with a groaning sigh, keeping my eyes closed for another few moments. I smiled contentedly under the warm blankets and considered going back to sleep but I opened my eyes finally to gaze sleepily at the bulkheads of the room. I took a deep breath and sighed again, rolling once more and stretching my limbs over the cool mat, slithering over onto my stomach. I laid there for another few moments before looking around. The bunk by the door was empty and I blinked at it in consideration for a few moments until the significance of it managed to come clear. Oh fuck... I moaned and dragged the covers away, sliding to the edge of my bunk and setting my bare feet on the cold metal floor with a hiss. I hated mornings. Why the hell did that little cuss have to wander off and make me have to go and find him?! I groaned again as I stood up, pulling the blanket around me to ward off the chill of the air recirculators. Reaching up, I drew my hair out of it's mussed braid and brushed through it with my fingers, the blanket sliding off with the action. I shivered and snatched it back, my skin tightening against the cool air. I always slept nude, it was more comfortable, but usually I had some other source of warmth near enough to enjoy. Huffing bad temperedly I chose a new uniform and boots and slipped into them, sweeping my long silky hair back into a braid before leaving the room, cursing and grumbling under my breath as I searched for the missing pervert.
Dusting off my hands I admired my handiwork before I closed the hatch. That done there were only a few more things to do before they arrived. I had used the scouter earlier and knew that they were on their way back. The ship had to be prepared for lift off now.
I put away the small flask I had used. Good thing I never went on a mission without my equipment. Smiling I walked over to the command centre and sat down at the chair in front of the consoles, remembering the last time I had sat here. My smirk grew. Ah... what fond memories... Punching in the last coordinates and programming the computer, I didn't even look up when the door hissed open. I knew who it would be.
I wandered down the corridor in a darkly groggy mood. Having to interrupt my morning to hunt down that selfish little blood sore! Not only that, I was cold! I looked into the cleansing chamber and then into the second bedroom but they were both empty. I wondered just what the two Saiyajin had gotten up to during the night. I hoped that Frieza would not find out that I had left them alone but...I was *not* going to stay out *there* all night! I was getting a little more unsettled as I continued to find no one. Damn!! I can't even close my eyes for a little while! I kept going along the hallway. No one in the commons either. My last resort. I stepped into the command centre and to my surprise... I stopped and frowned for a moment. Jeice was inputting the flight instructions. He was almost finished. He had to have been here for a little while. Why the hell was he still here? I had completely expected to have to go and pry him off of a certain Saiyajin. I pushed off my bemused expression in favour of idle, innocent curiosity.
"Early morning, huh? No one's come back?"
"Nope.. our little monkeys are still having fun in the jungle." My voice was absolutely casual. I finished punching in the code for the return sequence and leant back in the chair, folding my arms.
"You checked up on them yesterday, didn't you? What were they up to?" I didn't tell him that I used the scouter to check upon the two of them periodically over the night. Sleep? Who, me? Naw. I was much too energized for sleep. So much to do… I smiled broadly.
Hmph. I put my hands on my hips and looked at his relaxed and carefree carriage, considering. He couldn't have given up so easily.
"Yes. They were actually pretty boring. Just talking...and eating better than any *common* soldier has eaten in quite some time." I accentuated the word "common" deliberately with a smug tone. Jeice was one of those "common" soldiers who ate nutri-slime for their careers.
"Anything else I should know?" I asked.
I smirked again. I was not sure whether to be disappointed or content. Oh well. It didn't matter anyway. Not anymore... I smirked when he accentuated the word common. He wanted to rub it under my nose, no doubt. Little did he know that I was actually in a better position than most of the seniors. Being a common, I had access to all the dirty little rumours that went around. And being a member of the Ginyu-team meant that I had at least certain advantages. And I knew things that he did not. For example I knew which other commoners had access to things they shouldn't have...
"No. Nothing. We can lift off any time at your command." My smile was too smug and I knew it. Good. Give him something to think about. He would never believe that I had given up anyway. I could as well unease him a bit.
My eyes narrowed at the look on his face. What was he playing at? Whatever it was he didn't have a prayer. He should just give up now. Whatever.
"Alright. When they get here set the launch sequence then." I caught a stray lock of hair that had slipped from my hasty braid and tugged at the limp strand distastefully. Turning from the room I headed back to the cleansing station. The atmosphere on this nasty little chalk ball had done horrible things to my hair. I planned to stay in that room at least until the two monkeys returned. Jeice might have some thoughts in his head but between myself and Goku he would not gain anything. Then again... he might have given up. He would gain nothing as long as Vegeta's well-being laid on my head though. That was for sure.
That look on his face as he turned to walk away spoke volumes. I snickered lightly He would be occupied until I had set everything in motion all right. Checking the screening device I saw that our two monkeys were on their way back. I decided to stay here and not welcome them. I didn't want to scare off my prey. Heh... this would be fun. I smirked cruelly. At least it would be fun for me.
~ at the ship's entrance ~
We reached the ship all too soon and I could see that the engines had already begun to vibrate. They were already prepared to leave. Landing I approached the airlock and punched in the code to unlock the hatch. Stepping in, there was no one visible in the hallway. That in itself was encouraging. As soon as the hatch had been secured again behind us the ship began the launch warm up.
~the command centre ~
The ship told me that the hatch had been opened and closed and that Vegeta's personal code had been registered. I smiled wider as I punched the key that launched the start sequence. The prince did not know it… but he had just stepped into his trap.
~ the hatch ~
Son Goku
The hatch closed behind us and I couldn't help a bad feeling. I did not like this ship. I wished we could have stayed outside... I'd rather have put up with the pink grass and the ridiculous butterflies. Almost… almost I would have asked Vegeta if we could stay here. But then I reconsidered. He would only laugh at me or, worse, be mad at me. I was being unreasonable. I rather decided to settle with this and make the best out of it. Speaking of which…
"Okay. What do I have to do now? Anything important on this flight? And do I have to be in the same room with the green skinned freak or the red skinned lunatic for anything?"
I snorted and glanced back at him, the edges of my lips curled slightly but I forced away the smirk. My sentiments exactly.
"I suppose that all depends on them." I answered emotionlessly.
"You will have some time at command since I took my turn on the trip here. And Zarbon will too." I grimaced at the thought. That left Jeice too free for my taste.
"I suppose that I will have to show you the instruments." I led the way to the command deck. It would take some time to explain everything, especially to someone who seemed to have never piloted before. It should take up a good portion of time. It was better than sitting around waiting for "the green skinned freak or the red skinned lunatic".
Son Goku
Hmm. Supervising the instruments. Well, it was not navigating but it was close enough. Maybe I could learn something valuable. I remembered my plan to steal a ship and fly to Namek. Maybe I had given up too soon?
"Can we do that now?" I ask him, already in a better mood at the prospect of something to do.
"Yes." I answered as I led the way. We entered the deck and I grimaced. There was Jeice and he looked at us both with a much too high spirited expression. I had another 18 hours with that expression. I did not like it.
"You are relieved." I told him and waved Son to take a look at the instruments while I waited for Jeice to comply.
Inside I seethed. Oh yes. That fucking princely attitude. It was infuriating... and yet so alluring. How I would teach him to tread very carefully around me. He knew extremely well that I was a member of the Ginyu Team while HE was nothing but a prince without any power! "Of course, your highness." Was my reply and the sarcasm was easily audible.
'Oh just you wait, Vegeta...'
My glare narrowed but I said nothing, waiting instead for him to walk away. He had better walk away! Then I decided that I did not have to wait for that. Son was here. Whether he backed me up or not, even Jeice knew not to draw two Saiyajin onto himself. I might not be able to beat him very easily but if Son decided to keep his word then Jeice would not have a chance. I turned away and went to Son's side to start showing him the controls.
Son Goku
The tension between Jeice and Vegeta was almost visible. And I didn't like that smirk on the Ginyu-team-member's face one bit. He replied with a smug voice and then stood up. He walked out of the room but even I could feel his looks on my back though they were probably directed towards Vegeta. I had noticed how Jeice stared at the prince. I just wondered what was going on there… It was not until he left the room that I was finally able to concentrate on what Vegeta was trying to teach me.
Four hours later we were finally finished. It wasn't really that complicated but since I had never before had anything to do with this sort of thing it had taken much longer than we thought. I was surprised at Vegeta's patience. At the end he started to get annoyed with me but until then he had answered all my questions without complaint. When he did something he did it wholeheartedly.... From this short lesson I had learned that navigating this ship, making it fly where it was supposed to, was a lot more work and much more to learn than simply supervising the system. The ship was practically able to operate on it's own once it was programmed. It didn't really need supervising. It was just for safety.
Vegeta had been totally baffled when I revealed to him that I was unable to read the letters on the screen. They were totally different from the human ones, and they didn't look very saiyan to me either. I had never really learned to read Saiyago, but I had seen a very few words written in it when I had surprised Vegeta once when he scribbled something into a large book.
A huge part of the time had been spent with me trying to memorize the letters he showed me, especially the ones indicating danger. I found that the system was simple as soon as he explained it to me, and it was not as different as I thought from the one I was used to. I just hoped I got everything all right...
I began to explain simply, pointing to the main controls first, naming them off and continuing on to the next quickly. Most of the main buttons and levers were labelled anyway so that would be simple enough. I had just finished with them and began to move on to the more complex settings when he began to shift uncomfortably beside me. I stopped to look up at him and he shuffled his feet self-consciously under my watchful eye. He then admitted to me that he couldn't read the labels. Now that took a moment for me to accept. I shook my head.
"What do you mean you can't read them?" He just couldn't read them. Any of them. For an instant I started to get annoyed but then I realized that that just meant I would be busy for a bit longer. I could sacrifice that. Alright. I backed up the lessons and began at a much simpler level. I never thought that I would ever have to teach anyone anything as basic as reading! Fighting, yes. Flying a ship, yes. Even conducting a purge was acceptable. The alphabet??
It took *much* longer than it would have otherwise but the knowledge that it was that much less time that I would be free to be bothered was enough to make me patient. He did not learn all that fast but he managed to pick it up. Once *that* was finally taken care of, I moved to the settings again and he seemed much more at ease. It took quite some time to differentiate everything and he did not even know the difference between thrusters and hyper drive! Finally I was convinced that I had covered everything and went over the few important things with him once more. Good. He was still a bit confused but I was relatively sure that we would not die flying straight to hell with him holding the wheel.
"You can handle it?" I asked him just to make sure.
Son Goku
"Yeah. Yeah I think I got the important stuff. That alert... that means that we're about to fly into a sun, ne?" I laughed at his horror stricken expression.
"Just kidding. Hey, don't worry. The ship will do the flying. And if something's going wrong I can always call for help. Thanks for teaching me though. You're a good teacher. I know I'm not the best at learning..."
I was surprised to find that I meant that. He *was * a good teacher. Pretty patient and thorough. He had me going over everything important again and again until even I myself was sure that I would remember it.
"So... does my turn start now? I'm already hungry again…" I sighed at the prospect of returning to the grey goo of hell when I had just become accustomed to real meat.
I smirked at him almost teasingly. I had relaxed again after having my attention taken up all this time with such mundane things. Humphing I shook my head.
"Well you can wait." I said smugly.
"It is not as long as it seems. Your turn will be over soon enough." I stepped away. I no longer had a reason to stay. There was no reason for the both of us to be here and I would *not* hide behind this Saiyajin for the remainder of the journey. Just around 14 more hours. I could handle that. I was getting a little hungry again as well. There had not been that much left of that animal for a very filling breakfast. I left the command centre and headed off to search up something edible. Fortunately enough I did not run into anyone on my way.
Son Goku
I settled back into my chair, leaning into it with a sigh. Now left alone with all the screens and blinking devices I found myself free to think and yet too occupied to actually do so. Therefore I simply amused myself by going through everything Vegeta had taught me, probing and testing if I remembered it all. To my surprise I found that I actually did remember most of it very clearly. Somehow his voice had a quality that made things stick in my head. He really was a good teacher…
I looked at the screens and tried to figure out what they said. It got easier and easier the more often I tried it. Subconsciously I watched for any of the signs of danger that Vegeta had shown me but when nothing happened at all I grew more relaxed. It seemed that at least supervising this ship wasn't as hard as I had thought at the start.
I felt my stomach complain after a short time. I tried to ignore it, but found that it was immensely difficult. I had told the truth to Vegeta when I said that I was actually already a bit hungry again. I envied him. He was free to wander off and eat, and probably even the better food again, wherever he got it from. Whereas I was stuck here, with no prospect of food whatsoever… I squirmed, as the rumbling grew worse. My stomach had never been very obedient... I cast a wary glance at the screens. Everything looked perfectly normal. Surely it couldn't do any damage if I quickly darted over to the common room and helped myself to some goo of hell just to calm down my enraged stomach? The prospect of the grey slime was not very enticing, but my stomach was already beyond caring. It just demanded to be fed.
Cautiously I got up from the pilots chair and walked over to the door that hissed open as I neared it. I threw a glance back but everything seemed to be just fine. Just a quick bite... I dashed out of the command centre and over to the common room. It was halfway between the bedrooms and the command centre which lay on opposite sides of the disc-shaped ship. I could sense Vegeta's ki in one of the bedrooms and Zarbon in the hygiene cell. I shook my head. The Repta-jin was the most prissy creature I had ever met. I had never seen someone who took so much time doing his hair each day! Somehow I just couldn't take him seriously.
I sensed further for Jeice but he seemed to be in the machine room or something, a part of the ship which I had only thrown a short glance in. It was only a small room, one person might be able to move okay but two would already be a tight fit for any kind of work. It was filled with complicated machinery and computers to the rim. And everything was brimming and humming! I had not liked it very much. I entered the common room, walking over to the food-vendor. Sighing in disgusted defeat I pressed the button and received another portion of nutri-slime in reward. If only Vegeta would tell me how to get the better food… but I did not want to break another fight.
It was only after I had unenthusiastically devoured the third portion that I remembered Zarbon's promise from yesterday. For a moment I was tempted to go and hit him back on it. But then I hesitated. Something was odd about Frieza's right-hand-man and even on the promise of better food I surprisingly found myself unwilling to go and see him. Odd.
Finally Vegeta and his bodyguard split up and the prince left the command centre. I had kept an eye on them all the time while busying myself with preparations. Our fearless leader was still conveniently caught up in his own occupations and blissfully unaware of my growing scheme. I had studied Vegeta and the Saiyajin in general once he left the last time. I knew a lot about them even though they never ceased to amaze and intrigue me, as Zarbon had proven with his little revelation yesterday. I knew that the Repta-jin was smitten with Saiyajin and, at the moment with one of them in particular and I would use that to my advantage. While I found Saiyajin very fascinating, my own interest was solemnly fixed on one particular subject of the species and had been for more than two years now. Other, smaller games I had played had only been to occupy my time until I could achieve my ultimate goal - to break and possess the ice prince of Saiyajin. No need to mention that a player of my talents had won most games and only minor drawbacks had happened to me, but still my sights were set on Vegeta. Before I had become a member of the Ginyu-team and learned how the game was played I had been the one to suffer more than once - it had been humiliating and I had vowed to get revenge for each single one - and I had. None of them still lived.
I was startled from my fond memories when the machine-room's built-in scouter - the very reason why I chose to stay here - indicated that my second target had left the command centre. I smirked, knowing exactly why. I knew enough about saiyan metabolism to have taken this into account. It was a crucial fact after all...
Quickly I left the machine room and made my way over to the commons. Stepping inside I saw Son Goku looking very unhappy over an empty bowl that seemed to have contained nutri-mash. Grinning I stepped nearer. Hopefully he had not eaten too much yet… But then again, Saiyajin were always hungry, weren't they?
~ inside the first bedroom ~
I secured for myself another tray of food from its hiding place and then glanced into the sleeping room that I had used before. The floor was still smudged with dry blackened blood and the coppery scent was a bit stale even though the air recirculators dealt with most of the smell. I grimaced but stepped in anyway. It was enough to keep Zarbon away considering how obsessive he was on cleanliness. He was prudish about it.
Jeice... perhaps not. I found it odd that I had not run into either of them yet. I could guess where Zarbon might be and it was not impossible that Jeice might be with him but that was doubtful. Whatever. As long as I was being left alone I did not care. I sat cross-legged on my bunk with the tray settled on my lap and a warm cup of Schorian tea in my hands. There was not much to do on these trips and I had little want to draw anyone's attention and was *certainly* not going to go looking to see where everyone was. I concentrated on the drink, just keeping myself occupied for a little while then I started to empty the tray at my leisure. When I finally finished off the food I tossed the tray off to the side, not really caring where it landed and leaned back with what was left of the tea. I took a deep breath and leaned my head back against the wall with a satisfied sigh. I was pleasantly full and relaxed again and in slightly higher spirits than I had been in for quite a while despite everything around me. I took a long sip of the cooling liquid and set the empty cup aside as well.
That Son had made me expend much more energy than I normally did. He always seemed to be able to match me and I guessed that I had used up more strength than I had realized keeping pace with him earlier because I was a bit drowsy now. It was a novel thing to be challenged so thoroughly by another Saiyajin. But it was not so much a bad thing really. I always looked for the advantages in things around me and the advantage of being pushed was that I would always be stronger afterwards. My eyes seemed to want to fall closed but I just sat there taking long blinks and thinking it over. I frowned again. He had remade his promise but I still did not know just how much stock to put into it. And I still did not know how strong he was! I had to learn that. He couldn't be stronger than me... I would not stand for that. An off-world rebel, surpassing the prince. I would...
My thoughts were growing a bit fuzzy and I lost hold of that last one. Frowning a bit more I pulled away from the wall and shook my head. Suddenly the room spun and I had to grip the bunk for balance. What the hell? I blinked a few times until everything stopped again and my vision focused. What...?
I set my feet on the ground and tried to stand up but the same dizziness hit me and I had to concentrate to keep myself upright. Panic suddenly spurred to life and started my blood flowing. Oh fuck! What the hell...? I suddenly gained a very paranoid and yet very realistic view of things. I turned my head enough to see the tray and the cup off to the side and stared in revelation.
~ the commons ~
Son Goku
I looked up when I felt another presence enter the room. It was Jeice. I didn't know whether I should be relieved or not. He looked at me and then at the empty bowl, smiling and tsking.
"What? Something wrong?" I asked, with a bit of annoyance. I remembered that I was supposed to get back to the command centre.
"Already missing on your duty?" He asked with that smug smile.
"I was hungry." It was a lame excuse but at least it was the truth.
"I see. And you are actually satisfied with... this?" He smirked and pointed to the empty bowl that still held traces of the grey goo. I frowned.
"It's not like I have a choice in that matter." His eyebrows rose and his eyes widened just as did his smile as he chuckled lightly.
"Oh... I forgot... you don't have access to the better stuff and our dear prince won't share with you." The way he said that last part made me frown even more but he quickly passed over it. He stepped closer and placed his hands on the table, facing me and leaning close.
"Would you like me to tell you how to get better food?" He asked casually. I raised my own eyebrows and gazed at him suspiciously.
"Why would you do that?" He shrugged.
"What do you care? Probably to piss off Vegeta. He will be annoyed when he learns that he can't tease you with it." Hm. I was not sure if I believed that but then again, what did I care what his ulterior motives were? As long as it resulted in me never having to put up with GGOH (grey goo of hell) again...
"All right. Show me." He smiled yet a bit wider and it created an uneasy feeling inside me. Was it really okay...?
"Sure. Step over here, will you?"
He motioned me to come over to the food vendor and I did so, though tentatively. He pushed a button in the wall and a small hatch opened, revealing a key-pad right next to the machine.
"All you have to do is punch in this code and you'll get what you want." He showed me the sequence. I tried it myself to be sure I would remember it. When I pushed the button that normally resulted in GGOH, instead a plate with very good looking meat appeared. It's smell wafted through the air tickling my taste-buds and making my mouth water. Perfectly cooked prime steak. Heaven, here I come!
Jeice showed me how to manipulate the machine so that the meat was in different states and how to get different kinds of food though the list of available stuff was short due to the nature of this ship as a fast war-ship.
"There. You can take the tray with you to the command centre" He said.
"You're supposed to watch the screens, you know." There was slight amusement in his voice and I felt a bit guilty of having neglected my duty.
"Thanks." I said it almost against my will. Somehow I still had a bad feeling despite the delicious treat in my hands.
"No problem. Just don't tell Vegeta who showed you. He'll be really mad." He smirked in that odd way again and I stared at him before turning.
"Sure thing. See you later." I said on my way to the door. The barely disguised snicker I heard made the hairs on my neck stand on end.
"See you later." he said and I left the room, glad to be away from Jeice's unnerving presence.
I grinned broadly as the bodyguard left the room with the food in his hands, practically drooling all over it. Step two of my plan was on it's way. I returned to my place in the machine room, carefully studying the scouter. As assumed Vegeta had not moved out of the sleeping room he had been perched in for the last half an hour. I knew exactly what he had been doing there. Yes, it did help to have a vast knowledge beside fighting. I was an able machinist, programmer and pilot, that's why starting the ship and the docking at the mother ship were usually my task, being the most difficult phases of the flight. It also meant that I knew these ships like the back of my hand. I was also pretty able when it came to chemicals and drugs - a lesson my lovely prince had just learned, judging from his dropping ki. I smirked wider as I watched Son Goku move back to the command centre and staying there. No doubt he would dig in ravenously. Only a few minutes before the results would set in… time to get the third phase of operation 'ice-prince' going. As bad as I itched to go and take a look at Vegeta, I resisted. There would be plenty of time for that later. I had to make sure that everyone was where they were supposed to be.
I went to the second bedroom, pausing shortly in front of the first, a knowing smile on my lips. Only thinking about what awaited me there made me all tingly...
I stepped into the second bedroom and towards the door that connected it with the hygiene facility.
"Knock knock." I smiled, as the sound of running water inside stopped immediately. Really, would you believe that guy? Certainly you could overdo it with the cleanliness. After a moment the door opened and Zarbon emerged, fully clothed and his already braided hair only slightly damp.
I was enjoying myself immensely and sighed under the stream of water. I knew I had spent an inordinate amount of time here but it was relaxing and comfortable and clean and I loved the thick moist warm air. My reptilian nature coming out, no doubt. It was so much nicer than anything else. Almost as good as my home planet. I had checked up on the others in the ship from time to time and the two Saiyajin had been together on the bridge for quite a long time so I had been free to not worry about my compatriot. I also needed to make a call to the mother ship again but I had put that off as well. Now... I had finally used up all the heated water and it was getting cold. Sighing with regret I was just about to shut it off when there came Jeice's voice from the other side of the door. I dried my hair thoroughly and plaited it before sliding into my uniform and opening the door to let a cloud of moisture billow out at the red alien who waved his hand through the steamy air with an amused smirk.
"You want something?" I questioned with a satisfied smile. It had been a rare chance for me to have such a vast amount of time to myself and I was in a wonderful mood now.
I smirked at his relaxed features. Again, research proved it's value. I knew that our fearless leader was always in a good mood after having time to bathe properly. Not only did this appeal to his extremely narcissist nature, his race also loved moist warm environments. That's why they were a dangerous thing to deal with on the ships, where the air was cold and dry due to climatic control. They were able to hide it very well, but inside they were very moody most of the time, a trait that threatened to break out anytime and could result in very violent actions.
"Nothing in particular. I just wanted to report that everything's going smoothly. We'll arrive with the mother ship in about 13 hours. Plenty of time. Our dear prince has locked himself in the other sleeping room and our rookie is on the bridge, doing his first shift in navigation ever. Otherwise nothing has happened. I'm pretty bored. I think I'm going to go to sleep for a while if you don't mind." There. That should have piqued his interest. Son Goku, on the bridge alone... I knew that Zarbon was quite frustrated because the brawny Saiyajin had managed to slip from his grip a few times. Of course he was nowhere near my frustration, having hunted for more than two years now, but he was much less patient than I was and he was used to getting what he wanted when he wanted it and that meant immediately. Now all I had to do was wait if the last part of my scheme would work like planned...
I listened patiently to him and my smile spread a little wider. Ah. The dear dear bodyguard was finally alone? And the prince had locked himself away in the other room. Then I might not have anything to worry about. After all... many of the security codes and tricks he had learned he had learned from his time with me, though he thought that he had managed to keep it a secret. I knew how smart he was. That was one of the reasons I liked him. I allowed him to keep what codes and information he had learned. That gave him an advantage when it came to other predators and made my life easier since he could fend for himself. My codes were some of the highest codes on the ships. They were hard to come by and break. I smiled smugly at Jeice.
"Wonderful. So you are going to get some beauty sleep? Good for you. I think I will just go and see how our little navigator is doing then. Sweet dreams." I stepped out into the room and toward the other door, already imagining just how I was going to go about taming the brawny creature that waited for me. Ah. I was in a great mood!
Only when Zarbon turned his back to me I allowed myself a large satisfied grin. I had known he could not resist the temptation. He glanced back and instantly my hand flew up to cover my grin and I pretended to be yawning. Casually I walked over to one of the bunks and threw myself down, closing my eyes, Through slitted eyes I watched Zarbon throwing a last look at me and then walk out of the door, no doubt on his way to his own tête-à-tête. Really, he should be thankful. In an attempt at the wonderful philosophy of live and let live I had ensured that this time his prey would not run from him again - it would not be able to. Our dear Zarbon would supposedly be quite occupied for the next few hours and I had time on my own to tame myself a prince.
A cruel chuckle burst from my throat as I sat up. I suppressed it though I dearly wanted to throw my head back and laugh as I stood up and stealthily made my way over to the second bedroom. The door was locked but I had hacked into this ships security systems last night when Zarbon had kept me imprisoned in here and it was no problem at all to open the locks.
~ back in the command centre ~
Son Goku
I returned to the command centre, placing the plate beside the pilot's chair on a small tray secured there. To my great relief nothing had changed at all and no indications of danger were to be seen. I smiled happily as the smell of the delicious meat made my mouth water again. Taking the plate I dug in. It was wonderful, though the meat Vegeta and me had roasted over the fire had been almost as good.
And to my growing surprise I found that after the breakfast and three portions of GGOH I was almost full. That surely was a novelty! I couldn't even clear half of the plate before I had to set it aside. I felt a bit hot and lazily fanned myself with my hand. The food had made me drowsy. Normally I was not one for to eat-and-nap but it had happened occasionally. I was pretty sure though that I should not fall asleep while being on duty. I leant back, closing my eyes, hoping that it would wear off if I allowed myself a moment of tranquillity. But it did not seem to work.
I considered asking Vegeta to switch with me or at least keep me company so I would not fall asleep but could too vividly imagine his reaction. Maybe if I walked around the room a bit... I stood up but found to my surprise and dismay that instantly a light nausea washed over me. Maybe I had spent myself more than I had thought? Funny though that I had not felt it earlier. Maybe it was just a late reaction to the GGOH. Surely it would pass if I just sat down and waited a while.
~ in the first bedroom ~
Aw fuck!! I was braced against the wall, staring at the air about two feet in front of me, and taking deep panting breaths to keep the vertigo from making me sick. I had managed to get to my feet and away from the bunk but I had not gotten far. Adrenaline was making my blood fly through my veins and I was light-headed. If I could just gain enough control to move around, to get my limbs moving, then I could force my metabolism to burn away the substance in my system but I couldn't seem to keep my balance. How did he do it?! He couldn't have... But Zarbon wouldn't have done it this way... Zarbon enjoyed the fight... I had to gain control... If I could just get to the fucking door I could key in the security code and at least I would be safe then. I tried to take three more steps and nearly tripped over my own feet. Bloody hell!! The dizziness got stronger and then subsided for a moment. I was half way there. I just needed to control myself.
I punched in the code to override the simple locking algorithm and the door hissed open. I stepped in and found myself immediately eye to eye with one saiyan prince. He braced himself at the wall, his knees seemingly not so very supportive of his body weight. I was impressed that he was still able to walk. Normally he should be almost immobile. That would wear off slightly, because I relished in a bit of healthy kicking and trying to get away, but it rendered him more than helpless. He had no control over his ki whatsoever. I smiled at him and turned my back, making the door shut. Then I turned again and faced my prey, taking in his appearance. He was clad in the standard uniform, but conveniently he had already disposed of the amour. Though I would not have minded taking it off this perfect body… I stepped over to him, very slowly, gazing into his face and relishing in the changing emotions his eyes betrayed despite the fact that he was remarkably controlled. My ice prince...
"Why Vegeta. What's up with you? You don't look so good. Was it something you... ate?" I smirked cruelly.
~ in front of the command centre ~
I only gave Jeice one last dismissive thought before heading for the command centre. The door swished open and I could just make out the Saiyajin sitting in the control chair. My smile grew and I sauntered over to peer over his shoulder and down at him. I was surprised. He was sitting with his eyes closed and his hands in his lap, completely relaxed. I circled the chair and let my sights wander over him, tracing every curve and every muscle. He was so very nice to look at. I wondered just what to do.
What to do? What to do? Oh! I wanted to play! But he was a Saiyajin. I had to play carefully. Especially if he really was asleep. But he had been so relaxed last time I woke him... I decided to take a chance. I powered up just a tad so that if he did lash out it would not be detrimental. Leaning my hands on the arms of the chair I moved down until we were almost nose to nose and whispered silkily to him.
"Asleep at your post? You know... you're supposed to be working." He stirred only slightly and my smile pulled even tighter. I couldn't resist. His mouth was right there. I licked across his lips.
Son Goku
I felt so heavy...
I realized I had fallen asleep when something suddenly touched my lips. I wanted to open my eyes immediately, wanted to jerk away and instantly power up at the alien sensation but found I could not. My limbs felt heavy and my mind felt drowsy and therefore I opened my eyes slowly, blinking in confusion. I found a face hovering directly over mine. My first impulse was to lash out, to hiss and growl and make my attacker go away, but I found that again my body was not listening to my minds commands. I found that I could move but it was as if my muscles lagged several seconds behind the stimulus from my brain. I managed to lift one arm and push weakly against whomever it was who was bent over me, but that was all. Damn. Why was my sight so very blurry?
He took even longer to rouse this time than the last. It was slightly puzzling. He certainly was strange for one of the monkey race. Then he seemed to look at me but something about his expression was odd... muted... He reached up slowly and pushed me back with a strong hand and I let him for only a short distance.
"A bit slow today, aren't we?" I said slowly, still rather distracted by the fact that he had not reacted adversely to my wake up call. A light smell of food came to me and I noticed a tray off to the side. I frowned in surprise.
"So you convinced the prince to share after all?" I did not like that idea. That led to the wrong sort of responses. That meant that something must have changed between the fight they had had yesterday and this morning... Not good at all. I grasped his hand and pulled it from my chest, leaning forward again to get closer.
Son Goku
Finally I recognized the face and instantly felt much more awake and alert. My eyes opened wide and my tail puffed out twice it's size as I realized just how close the Repta-jin was to myself. My breath hitched and I jerked and this time my body reacted instinctively as I managed to slide out of the chair and stumble away from the intimidating man. My blurry mind was still occupied trying to decide whether this was just another odd behaviour of the green-skinned alien and whether my reaction had been appropriate but my body didn't care as it just wanted to get a large enough space between the two of us. Zarbon freaked me more each time we met.
"I... no..." I tried to clear my thoughts and calm my breath. To my dismay I found myself staggering and swaying and I had to brace myself at a support beam.
"No... Vegeta didn't show me..." I managed to say though the question stroke me as odd. What did he care whether Vegeta taught me how to get that food or not? I closed my eyes briefly as my vision went dizzy again. What the hell was wrong with me?
I stayed where I was, watching him stumble away. There was something not right. I advanced on him and caught him by the collar of his armour, gently steadying him and pressing close again. I stared intently and playfully into his eyes and leaned down so that we were face to face again. Holding so that he stayed still while I studied his features, I suddenly reached out and caught his full lower lip gently between my teeth before he could do anything. He stiffened and jerked his head away and I pulled back with a naughty smile. Being this close with him in my hands made me tingle with expectation of what I wanted to do to him but as I looked him over I realized that there was something very wrong. His eyes were not focused and he was not in complete control of his body. I spoke with a nurturing tone.
"What's wrong? Are you feeling alright? Did that nasty animal and sleeping outside in the cold disagree with you?" I questioned still advancing as he backed unsteadily away.
~ meanwhile, in the first bedroom…~
If the panels beneath my feet opened up to swallow me into a void of nothingness it would have been a better fate. I stared at the red alien that appeared so suddenly that I almost didn't even consciously realize that he *had* come through the door. I had not been able to focus on anything yet but he was in perfect focus and the look on his face made me turn cold. I had been almost there. My hand had been almost in reach of the keypad. I let it drop to my side, and stared at him as he stepped so close that I could feel his body heat. I felt numb. Mind and body both numb and heavy. The bastard! The bloody whore of a fucking Grashnar! I couldn't move. I was sure that I would fall if I did. My legs were completely unreliable. I just stood there holding myself still with an iron will. Damn him!!
Vegeta stood perfectly still. Only his eyes moved, darting from one side of the room to the other, only to return to my face. I stood close to him now. So close that he could already feel me and I could feel him. I leant closer and lifted one hand, lightly tracing the contours of his face.
"My dear prince... You didn't really think I would let you get away, did you?" His eyes darted to the door once more and I gripped his jaw, forcing him to look at me.
"You shouldn't even hope for it. This time no one is going to interrupt us. If you're counting on your little bodyguard to save you - I dealt with him. He's going to be... very occupied the next few hours. No doubt Zarbon will see to that. The poor guy. I just hope he's intelligent enough not to struggle too much. It would be such a pity if yet another accident would happen... Zarbon is known for such funny accidents to happen to the ones who reject him. But I am sure you know that, don't you, Vegeta? I can remember that time two years ago when you spent a week in the regen-tank..."
I pressed against him as he tried to struggle. He was unable to do anything against it and the hate blazing in his eyes showed that he knew it. He spat at me. I grimaced and wiped the offending liquid from my face.
"Now… that was a mistake..." I said smiling and in the next second backhanded him so that he was flung across the room and against the opposite wall. I was there a moment later, kicking him hard as he lay on the floor. He attempted to rise and I punched him squarely in the chest so that he doubled over but I took hold of his throat and held him upright.
"You've teased and taunted me for two years, Vegeta. I won't let you off easily now. You'll scream before this is over, I swear to you that you'll scream until you can't anymore!" And with that I captured his mouth, roughly plunging my tongue inside and down his throat, plundering that sweet cavern.
Something! Anything! I had to think of something! But he took my jaw painfully and that smug confidence! It set fire to my rage and I pushed the queasy feeling in my stomach away. No distractions. ...Son...was on his own as well. I was not truly worried for him anyway. I was worried for myself. I was on my own. I would not be taken so easily!
'You bastard! I'll fucking kill you!' There was not much that I could do. Nothing! So I did the only thing that I could and smirked in triumph at the spittle that ran down his cheek. I would pay dearly for that but I didn't care.
Then the pain... I couldn't even keep up with what happened. Suddenly I was on the ground and trying to get away again but my body would not do as it was told. He was there a second later and had me by the throat. I hated him. I wanted him to die. Right now I wanted to rip his intestines out and strangle him with them but I could do nothing! Snarling at the slippery member that pushed it's way between my lips I gave a high pitched growl and bit down. He had made his own mistake. The blood that poured into my mouth tasted sharp and sweet but it had a bitter twinge to it. My eyes still rolled back from the headiness of it.
See what you get for underestimating me even in this state!
He bit me. That fucking little shit bit me. I felt the sharp pain as his canines pierced my tongue. It hurt like hell - but I did not draw back like he had expected. Instead I bit him in return, bit his lip where I had drawn blood before. Our blood mingled in his mouth and I relished the taste. Then I drew back, licking delicately at a drop of blood that ran from out of the corner of my mouth.
"You still don't get, do you?" I laughed at the expression on his face.
"Fight me, try to resist me... that's only making it so much sweeter!" He must guess it by now. Pain was my biggest turn on, whether I was able to deliver it or to take it. It only heightened my pleasure.
"But... this stubborn insolence should be punished. Really, this misbehaviour just won't do." And with that I stepped back, smirking. And then I sent him flying again, this time making him crash down on one of the bunks. I was over him in an instant, sitting down straddling his hips even as he tried to get away. And then I started to slowly and deliberately punch him. He had nothing to protect himself. The sickening sound from flesh impacting on flesh was music to my ears. But he stayed silent, much too silent for my taste. I wanted to hear him scream... I paused in my methodical beating.
"Look at you. So helpless. So weak. So worthless. When I am through with you no one's going to want you anymore. I will see to that, my ice prince." And with that I raised my ki and slowly, painfully, burned the spandex from his skin. I didn't care whether he was hurt. True, I relished the sight of that perfect body. But in my eyes blood and marring only added to it's beauty. They were a testimony of MY ownership. I would scar him and brand him as mine.
"Scream for me, my ice-prince..."
He did not pull away from my teeth, instead he sank his own into me. I had heard it but I had not been sure. He liked pain. Well, there was a limit to the amount of pain anyone could take. I *would* fight him. My pain threshold was very high thanks to my own lifestyle and experiences. Scream for him? I would not!! The pain and adrenaline helped to clear the fog over my mind a bit and I struggled for my ki, only able to draw a very small amount. I pulled as much as I could. I was jolted harshly and found myself pinned down on one of the bunks. No! But I couldn't push him off and I couldn't match his speed. I grunted with his blows and punches but I refused to cry out. I would not scream!! I drew what little ki I had and it helped some to lessen the hits but that was all. And then heat seared me but my ki kept the worst of it away. I would not give in! He took an instant to revel in his handiwork and I used all my strength to try to buck him off. I succeeded partially as we both hit the cold metal floor. I rolled to my stomach and watched him with blazing unfocussed eyes. I had to find a way to stop him, kill him. I pushed up but could not raise up further than a crouch.
He actually managed to get us both on the floor and buck me off. I snarled angrily. I had managed to sear off the upper part of his body-suit and could now admire the view.
"Oh no you don't!" I smirked at him, throwing him down face to the floor. I made short work of his remaining clothes, all the while holding his wrists behind his back in an iron clamp. I took a moment to admire my handiwork. That beautiful body, writhing beneath me, angry snarls coming from that delectable mouth. Traces of blood adorned those firm muscles. My earlier treating had injured him, but not overly so. He was very strong after all and able to take a lot more than that. I licked my lips in anticipation as I envisioned how I would sate myself in that hot flesh again and again until he would beg for me to stop...
"Come on, you worthless scum. Are you broken already? You disappoint me. So it's true what they say? That you begged Zarbon to take you? No one respects you, Vegeta, they say you're only acting so tough." I laughed and allowed him some leeway and he immediately tried to crawl away, determination in his eyes. I laughed louder as I watched how he squirmed and meanwhile shed my own clothing.
I writhed and strained against his grip as my clothes were ripped away.
'I am NOT broken! I will not go through this again!' He loosened his grip and I tried to stumble away. He was toying with me! Fucking toying with me! Never! Never did I beg!
"Fuck off, you whore! A masochist who begs from elites! Go play with your little roadie gang! Ginyu will play your sick little game! A damn low class moron like you could not dream of dominating me!" I hissed venomously.
"Zarbon at least is worth my hate and loathing. You are not even worth my pity. A dog! A filthy effeminate slug who can't gain any one's attentions unless you drug them first! Are you truly that desperate?!" I tried to instil as much pride and disdain into my voice as I could but it was hard when I was trying to flee myself. My mind was so fogged and heavy. I was struggling for anything I could get.
His hissed insults made me laugh. He was desperate and I knew it. But honestly... Ginyu? Ewww...
"So all the rumours about you are wrong? That you like being taken like the dog that you are? Well pity, because then you ain't going to like what I'm about to do to you..." I smirked as an evil thought came to my mind. So he thought he wasn't broken yet? So he thought he could stand all the pain and humiliation I could throw at him? Well... let him deal with that... I captured him just as he tried to rise on hands and knees, pressing my own body against his naked flesh, deliberately rubbing my groin on his perfect rounded cheeks. Then I reached out and took hold of the limp sex between his legs and slowly, deliberately started to work it. Let him deal with being unable to control his own body. Let him deal with the shame of actually being aroused by this... I felt proof that my ministrations worked harden in my hand.
"Hmm...? What do we have here...? It seems to me you like it after all. All you needed was for someone to actually give to you what you need, my lovely ice-prince, isn't that true? Don't worry, I will take good care of you… as long as you please me..."
I shuddered and stiffened, unable to pull away and unable to ignore him. No! In my head I shrieked at my own weakness. My inability to control my own body. Shame and horror made me shake along with the drug that flowed through me like a sickness. No! But no matter how I fought it I couldn't hold it at bay. My body responded. I closed my eyes and bit into my own lip, the blood dripping down my chin and over my tongue. The haze enveloping me seemed to settle even thicker over my thoughts and all I was aware of what the loathsome press of him against me and my own reaction to his unwavering grip. I hated it. My brain felt so light and disjointed and the rest of me felt the need to give in to him and I hated it.
~ back at the command centre ~
Son Goku
Shaking my head - whether in denial or to try and clear it I honestly could not say - I tried to get away from him. My head felt as if it would burst any minute. Surely I had imagined that! He had NOT nibbled at my lip just now had he? No… it must have been a hallucination. But still…
"Stay... stay away from me... Ungh... I ... everything's moving... Vegeta..." I felt so cornered... Must get away... Vegeta... Vegeta? Must get to Vegeta. He would know what was wrong with me... He would help me. He would keep Zarbon away from me. Whatever.
I staggered towards the door, trying to find my balance. Must get to Vegeta...
I was highly amused when he pulled away from me and almost laughed at his slurred order and the strange way he was moving. Why was he acting so odd? I caught his shoulders and pulled him backwards to myself, looking down at him over his shoulder.
"Whatever seems to be the problem, I'm sure we can figure out how to deal with it." I said sweetly to him. But then I frowned. What was so odd? I probably would not have cared normally. Whatever his problem was, it made it seem too easy to take him here and now and I was sorely tempted, but I was in such a good open mood that, scrumptious Saiyajin or no, I was curious.
Son Goku
Nnng... I wanted to get away from him, but he wouldn't let me. Was he really so concerned about my well-being…? It was hard to tell since I couldn't see too straight. I tried to pull away but when he let go of me I found that I had pulled too hard and was now in danger of falling. Therefore I tried to catch myself by leaning on the next available firm hold - which unluckily happened to be the very person I wanted to get away from. I felt something embrace and hold me.
Wait. This wasn't supposed to happen? Being held does not equate to getting away, does it?
I blinkingly realized that somehow I had ended up being held by Zarbon instead of being *away* from Zarbon. I shook my head and stepped back sharply. I breathed deeply and turned my gaze on Zarbon who was smiling again and stepping closer.
"Stay away from me!" My eyes widened and I retreated, finally finding enough balance to actually stay upright and walk. I had to get to Vegeta. Whatever was happening with me, surely he would know what to do! I stumbled out of the door and into the corridor.
He pulled away again harder than before and I let him go just to see what happened. Just as I suspected he was just not steady enough on his feet and he latched back onto me as he nearly fell flat on the floor. Quite happily I obliged him, slipping my arms around his solid form and pulling him back up and against me. He did not respond right away again and I used the opportunity to get a wonderfully appetising feel in. Then he pushed away, keeping his balance this time.
"Stay away? Why would I want to do that? I don't think I want to." I said slyly but then he was stumbling away. I made a frustrated sound and followed him. He was already rounding the corner when I reached the door.
'Damn. You are not getting away from me again.' I was way too...excited at the moment to even consider letting him off the hook a third time. I was after him in an instant intent on taking him down where he stood.
'Here, little Saiyajin...'
Son Goku
My tail puffed out thickly as I retreated from Zarbon who followed me, a curious and odd glint in his eyes. What the hell did this guy want from me? Why couldn't he just let me alone? I groaned, clutching my head. It seemed that it was getting clearer but I also had quite a headache coming on. It felt like that one time when Kuririn convinced me to go drinking with him. It had been nice at first and I didn't really understand why Kuririn had started to talk rubbish after only the tenth glass of that so called beer, but after another twenty glasses or so I had woken up the next morning with a feeling as if my head was about to split - just like now.
"I must get to Vegeta..." I mumbled it as I made my way down the corridor, backwards, glancing suspiciously at Zarbon.
"Vegeta will know what's wrong with me..."
He retreated almost desperately and my smile widened. I sped up my pace and he turned to watch me come, walking backwards. He was mumbling something... I heard the prince's name and felt a jab of annoyance. Vegeta would not save him. The prince knew better than to mess with me. He would find no solace there and if he thought that he held any sway over Vegeta then he would learn otherwise. I was just zeroing in on my prey when he pressed the control pad to the door he was leaning on and stumbled, nearly falling inside. I was there an instant later, frozen in the doorway, staring at the contents of the room.
Son Goku
Zarbon kept coming closer and I could only stumble backwards so fast. Damn! Where was Vegeta when I needed him? Where was he anyways? I tried to sense him but my mind was too cluttered. Suddenly I felt something under my searching fingers and pressed it without thinking twice. The wall behind me that was actually a door opened and I stumbled in backwards and tumbled to the ground. My gaze was still fixed on Zarbon who was standing in the doorway now but he was not looking at me. I could hear his sharp intake of breath and see his eyes widen and I turned around to see what he was staring at. And stopped breathing. That… no. I would have rubbed my eyes, but I was too stunned. It... it can't be! I must be hallucinating this!
I stopped and my smile dropped away completely leaving my face expressionless and my eyes hard.
Jeice! There he was, a carnal triumphant grin on his face and Vegeta in his lap. It did not take more than an instant for me to get over my shock.
So... He thought that he could just do whatever he wanted, did he? He was in for a surprise. I was quite happy to crush his hopes and dreams. I stepped further into the room. Vegeta was kneeling with his eyes closed and his teeth gritted and a bright flush on his cheeks. He was also slightly bloody and shaking. This was not acceptable. It suddenly occurred to me. Son had said that Vegeta had not given him that food. That left one other who could have. How did he gain access to the code? Hmph. It did not matter. My voice was quiet and subtle.
"I seem to be at a loss, Jeice. Would you care to illuminate me? Just when did you decide you wanted to die?"
Grinning wickedly I worked faster and was finally rewarded with a strangled moan. I could feel that rigid body slightly slumping beneath me. Yes... I almost had him...
"Mmmh... Admit it Vegeta... you need this as much as I want it... Come on, say it... if you beg me I might be generous and give to you what you need so obviously..." I could feel his breath grow ragged. He was giving in to me. I pressed against him and then forced him back into my lap, my hardness pressing against the firm cheeks of that perfect royal ass. Soon, so soon all my dreams would come true...
And then the damn door hissed open and someone violently stumbled in. Only inches away from the fulfilment of a two year hunt I looked up only to see the damn bodyguard falling back first into the room. Closely followed by Zarbon.
Oh shit. Zarbon's eyes widened and I knew that I was in trouble. Then the bodyguard turned and looked at me from large dilated eyes. DAMN HIM! Why wasn't he sufficiently drugged? Why wasn't Zarbon in the command centre fucking him? How could this happen? My plan had been so perfect!
"Umm..." This probably wasn't the most intelligent answer but what should I say to Zarbon's question?
"Come on, Zarbon, you know how it goes. Take the other, have your fun and simply pretend you ain't seen nothing. This is the Game. I deserve a chance after such a long time!" I hoped to persuade him to take the chance on the bodyguard and leave me alone.
"Look, I even made it that you would have no problems with this one. He's been quite annoying hasn't he? Well, now he's at your every whim and will. Take him! I know that you're just as frustrated as me!"
Son Goku
Closing my eyes I willed myself calm. Then I opened them again half expecting to wake up in the pilot's chair and find it had all been a nightmare. But it wasn't. Vegeta...
First I saw him though his back was turned to me and he was partly hidden from view by... by none other than Jeice. Only at the second blink I noticed that both of them were stark naked. And at the third I noticed the position they were in and I blushed hotly as my hazed brain made the right connections. The only connections that made sense in this situation.
I felt the blood pool in my cheeks as I looked away hastily, too embarrassed to be able to look further. Oh my god! Just what had I intruded on? Had I mistaken the situation all along? How could he…? Had I misinterpreted the tension and loathe between the two of them? But Vegeta would never… I cast another shy glance towards them and this time I noticed something more. I noticed that there was blood on Vegeta's skin. His back was shaking very slightly and his shoulders were uncharacteristically slumped. I narrowed my eyes.
This... this was wrong… he didn't seem as if I had just intruded on an acquiescent encounter… my eyes widened. Could it be...? No! Jeice wouldn't dare... I gulped weakly as bile rose in my throat. And then... then I felt something else rise. Anger. Blinding fury! How dared Jeice do this to him! How dared he force himself on Vegeta in this way!
How dared he touch MY prince!
I didn't even ponder about that last thought as I rose, eyes flashing dangerously.
"You will release him NOW!" My voice was thick and my head was still pounding, but my fury had cleared most of the haze.
I couldn't keep it away. I couldn't keep from responding. I couldn't think. I couldn't move. My breath was coming in barely stifled gasps now and the humiliation poured through me like ice water but it wasn't enough. He was pressed against me and I tried to pull away, too tense to do anything but my muscles were sluggish. I was barely holding myself upright. No... I couldn't give in.
And then there was a thump behind me. It took a moment for me to really realize that I had heard it and then there were other voices. Zarbon!
Suddenly I found a fraction of my strength again and began to struggle against him. My body came to life and I opened my eyes and my mouth to utter a weak snarl, trapped blood dripping from my wounded lip. He still refused to let go but I pulled and kicked against him anyway. I would not give in!
Oh God. And one of my own kind was watching! That was the part that I truly could not stand above all else.
I stared down at him dryly as Vegeta struggled to get away but the look on Jeice's face showed he had no intention of letting him. The Game? Ha! This was not part of the Game. This was beyond that now. I was completely calm and poised though inside my temper had burst loose the moment I saw this. I felt nothing but a cruel disdain for the red creature here. He needed to be taught the rules of the Game all over again it seemed.
"He is not part of the Game anymore. I explained that to you. I do not need you to gain my conquests for me. I will get them myself." I knelt down and stared at Jeice coldly.
"And I have just chosen mine." Then, with the grace of my reptilian race, I shot forward and seized him by the throat, slamming him flat on his back on the cold floor and powering up so that he could not pull from my grasp. I squeezed roughly and smiled down at him.
"You think you can dictate what happens on my ship? I think you have forgotten just how things go around here. Time for a refresher course." I did not look away from the struggling alien when I spoke to Goku.
"Son Goku. Do get the prince a new uniform, will you? I am going to be busy for a while." Without another word I lifted Jeice with one hand in his thick white tresses and the other still latched to his throat and dragged him from the room, licking my lips as I went.
"You're right Jeice, I *am* a bit frustrated."
Son Goku
My anger kept me upright but I was still very confused and my vision refused to stay still. I did not know if I was capable of helping Vegeta but I had to! Then suddenly Zarbon shot forward and slammed Jeice to the floor, separating him from the prince. For the first time I was truly thankful for his presence! He must be okay after all if he reacted like that! Surely he was as enraged as me!
How dared Jeice do this!
Then Zarbon seized Jeice by the throat and hauled him outside the room, presumably to get him away from Vegeta. He told me to watch over the prince and then the door hissed shut. I swallowed, looking at the slumped from on the ground. Vegeta was lying face down and moved, but only slightly. I stepped over to him tentatively, not knowing what to do. Was he hurt? What was wrong with him? Cautiously I knelt by his side and dared to touch his naked shoulder.
"Ve... Vegeta? You okay? What did he do to you?" My voice was calm and full of sympathy. Kami... it had been so close... only minutes and Jeice would have... I swallowed again. No... don't think about it. But I couldn't help but replay the ugly scene before my inner eye. I could only guess how Vegeta felt at the moment.
I was suddenly free and I shuffled away from both aliens. Everything spun and I could not stand up. I could not get enough air in my lungs and my vision swam. I stared warily at the figures that I could not quite make out and listened to the voices that did not quite make sense of. When the two that I knew were my enemies finally left the room what little clarity of thought that I had left me and I huddled where I was just trying to breathe with my forehead resting on the cold tiles. I hadn't given in. I wouldn't give in.
Then I felt another touch on my skin and jerked, my breath jumping up to a quicker pace. I turned my head to look at the one who was... My eyes had a hard time focusing on the person but I finally recognized him. ...Shit... I pulled away from him.
"Don't touch me..." But he made no threatening movements. I couldn't do anything anyway. I forced my breathing to slow again and my voice to steady as well as I could. I could not show weakness... but I was weak...
Son Goku
He shied away from my touch - or at least he tried to. I could see that something was seriously wrong as he tried to glare at me but failed miserably. His pupils were dilated and he seemed to sweat more than normal. He was ghostly pale. I wondered why he did not get up. I noticed how shaky his limbs seemed to be. Actually he looked like a worse version of how I had felt a few minutes ago. Suddenly I understood. Whatever had made me weak had gotten him too, only much worse.
I pondered what to do. He shivered. He was still completely unclothed. I swallowed and stood up, and walked over to one bunk, trying not to stumble on the way. Zarbon had said that I should help him into a new uniform but I really did not see a way how to do that. He obviously was too weak to do it himself and the last thing someone who nearly had been raped a few minutes ago needed, was to be touched by anyone he didn't really trust. And that he did not trust me he had stated earlier quite clearly.
I walked back with the blanket in my hand, kneeling down again. Looking him over quickly, I could tell from long years of experience that he had some nasty surface wounds and bruises but nothing threatening. Nothing was broken. I spread the blanket over him and as he tried to push me away weakly I used the momentum to wrap him inside it. Then I gently gathered him up. Immediately he started to struggle and curse me in blurred sluggish words and several languages I didn't know.
"Hush. I can see that you're not okay. I'm not going to hurt you." I tried to calm him, quickly making the few steps over to the bunk with some difficulty. He was heavy and constantly squirming against my grip and I was still pretty dazed. Whatever it was, I was not even nearly back to normal either. Yet I managed to lay him down carefully, before I collapsed beside the bed.
My body slowly began to cool down and I shivered as the cold set in, the ache beginning to dim now that I was away from *him*. My eyes kept trying to close but I couldn't let them. I had to be alert. I couldn't let my guard down. I couldn't let it happen. None of these were conscious thoughts, they were more of an innate knowledge. Beyond them my head was too muddled to think clearly.
Then Son was touching me again. Damn it! Suddenly I was a little warmer and I realized that it was a blanket. What... What was he doing? Then he lifted me and set me on the bunk and I settled into the mattress.
Why did he do that?
"...baka..." I finally said, focusing all the confusion and suspicion and anger and threatening lack of control that I felt into that one word, having not enough functioning brain to say anything else really meaningful. I did not understand the renegade. But those thoughts disappeared along with all the others and I just lay there, shivering slightly. I was so tired. I didn't want to sleep but I couldn't keep my eyes open.
Son Goku
I managed to sit upright beside the bunk and I heard when he said it.
It almost made me smile. It was just the kind of reaction I would have anticipated from him. It felt almost normal. I could see that he was still shivering. It took me some effort, but finally I got myself up again and then I was able to walk over to the other bunk, retrieving the second blanket. I returned to Vegeta and wrapped this one around him too.
"There. Don't worry, Vegeta. You can sleep. I'll protect you. I am your bodyguard after all, aren't I?" Somehow this seemed so odd in a situation like this that I had to snicker darkly as I collapsed beside the bed again, leaning against it. His bodyguard. Hah! What a failure…
I tried not to give in despite what he said. His promise. Would he keep it? I supposed that I would find out. With a sigh my eyelids fell and it all disappeared.
Son Goku
What a great bodyguard I had been! I had not fulfilled my duty very well up to now... I just couldn't believe that Jeice had done that. And how had he ever made Vegeta submit?
Impossible! He would have had to beat him unconscious or drug him or...
Wait a moment. Drug him. That was it. That's why this felt so similar to the time I had been drunk. But why had he drugged me too? Or had it merely been a coincidence? Whatever, I glanced over to Vegeta and felt a pang. I should have protected him. Suddenly I wondered... was this why he acted so different in the future? Had this broken him? Was this the reason he had closed himself off..? And if yes… had I changed the future by preventing it...?
~ somewhere else on the ship ~
Cursing in a dozen different languages I could only struggle against Zarbon's iron grip. Damn him! I had been so close! And I was so painfully aroused that it absolutely hurt! And he was taking me away from my prey! I cast a last glance on the bloody and sprawled form of my ice prince as I was dragged away. Son Goku was already moving towards him.
DAMN! I spat and hissed and struggled fiercely. Just what was Zarbon going to do with me? True, I had kind of ignored his orders and he hated that. He had been in a bad mood all along… suddenly a cold shiver hit me.
Oh damn… he wouldn't kill me for this, would he? I knew how very violent and cruel he could get. If he decided to take all of his frustrations out on me… I might very well not survive this. Fuck! Vegeta was not worth dying for!
"Zarbon! Let me go! This is really not necessary! I swear I'm sorry for this!"
I tried to pry his hands form my neck but was dragged like a fucking newborn kitten! Damn him for being so much taller and stronger than me!
I dragged the small red alien away from the room and prince. As I went I considered just how I wished to do this. Jeice struggled and squawked, his throat vibrating in my hand as he tried to plead with me. I tightened my fist in his hair painfully.
"You are going to learn just who is in charge here. You have made it necessary." I said quietly. I entered our room and smiled at the emptiness of it. There was plenty of space. I considered perhaps a nice hot bath but remembered that I had used up all the hot water already. Oh well.
"Alright, Jeice. You have gotten in my way and you have done something that could potentially bring harm to me. I hate it when that happens." Off handily I lifted him up into the air and tossed him to slam against the reinforced wall.
"It makes me very out of sorts."
At first I considered trying to reason with him but when I saw those cold reptilian eyes I knew that he was beyond talk. And I absolutely refused to beg him. He was stronger than me but I had my pride. This was the Game, sometimes you won and sometimes you lost but I refused to loose my life because of it! I would not go down without a fight!
Then he threw me through the room and I rolled and was up on my feet instantly, fighter's instincts taking over as I snarled and crouched in a defensive stance.
"I can't believe you're getting so worked up over this! It's just a fucking monkey for heavens sake! Frieza will never know if you don't tell him! I certainly won't!!" I spat down on the ground.
I merely looked at him. Not smiling, not frowning, not even glaring. I was quite calm but I was extremely annoyed and that made me just that much more creative. I shook my head sadly, as if resigned.
"You don't really think that do you? You should know better than that. Frieza wants him. He will know if anything happens to him." I powered up. He thought that he could fight me? He was not even a half of my strength. I could swat him like an insect and I would. I was in control here and he was going to learn it now. I moved faster than he ever could and caught him by his left arm, swinging him around in one movement and efficiently snapping the limb over my knee. It made a very satisfying sound and I smiled now with a deep appreciative breath as he cried out, though he tried to stifle it.
"You, on the other hand, he does not give a damn about. And neither do I, frankly. But I also am interested in the prince's well being."
I almost screamed as the fucking bastard broke my arm but managed to stifle it at the last minute.
"Nngh... fuck you Zarbon... !" Damn it! Why did he have to be so incredibly quick? I punched him in the guts and retreated to the opposite side of the room as fast as possible, clutching my hurt arm protectively. I powered up and collected my ki around me.
"If I'm going down I'm going to drag you with me!"
I laughed lightly and unmindfully rubbed my ribs where he had punched me as I watched him cradle his poor arm and power up.
"Oh really. Such stubbornness. You know. I had never really thought about it but... this could be more fun than I expected it to be. You think you can fight me?" I squared against him.
"I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here, and so are you." I looked him up and down and let my teeth show in my smile.
"You like control." I chuckled.
"Well so do I."
Narrowing my eyes I crouched even lower. Just what the hell did he mean by that? I studied him closely. He had this feral glint in his eyes... Oh damn. I recognised a player when I saw one. And Zarbon certainly looked like on right now. He wouldn't...!
Who was I kidding? Of course he would. I had always believed myself safe from him because he was so smitten with the monkeys that most of his goals lay there. He had never shown any interest in me at all and I was glad about that. His reputation… was scary in certain parts. I had no wish to end up like Vegeta two years ago or like some other of Zarbon's interests, who had never lived to see the light of day again. I could only hope that I was wrong with my suspicion...
"Just what are you trying to pull off here?" I hoped that the nervous strain was not audible in my voice.
Nervously I threw my long bushy white hair over my shoulder. I didn't need covering now, I needed free hands so that I had at least a remote chance. Though fighting naked wasn't what I called ideal conditions.
Since we're not sure if all our readers want to read this, we have put the following part into a separate hidden chapter. If you want to read what is going on between Zarbon and Jeice, click on the link below.
Do NOT read if:
- you don't want to see Jeice and Zarbon get intimate (euphemism…)
- you are freaked out by strong violence, blood, strong SM and rape (but in that case you might be in the wrong fiction anyway)
- you don't wish to feel any sympathy for Jeice
Explicit warnings!!!
Lemon, graphic rape, violence, SM, blood
Do not read if you can't cope! It's not necessary to understand the following story-line, but gives more information on Jeice's past and Zarbon's and Jeice's relationship.
All hentais, this way:
To In'lar-Anth - The Hidden Chapter 1: "The Taming of Jeice"http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_ch.php?id=29363&cid=8374 0
Once I was clean again I dressed in my uniform and stepped back over my unmoving toy, leaving the chamber without a second look. I was in so much more of an improved mood now. I really needed to work out those frustrations more often. I chuckled to myself before opening the second bedroom door and looking inside.
There were the two monkeys. Vegeta was curled on a bunk and Goku was on the ground beside it. Hmph. I should not have left them alone together but it seemed that things had worked out pretty well. There was still distance between them. Good. I assumed that that meant that I would not have to worry overly much then.
Son Goku
It was hard to stay awake but I dared not fall asleep. The picture of Jeice and Vegeta still stood as clear as the first moment in my mind and I growled softly. I would not allow something like this to happen again! The drowsiness in my mind was finally clearing and I could feel the effects of whatever Jeice had given to me begin to wear off. But it left my body in a devastated state and I wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep. For a few times I thought that I heard screams from another room but I wasn't sure if that was reality or a hallucination or a dream. If it was reality I was not sure if I wanted to know what was happening over there. Those screams spoke of more pain than a sentient being should be able to bear.
I shook my head, trying to get the hallucination to vanish and shortly afterwards the screams died down after a particularly piercing shriek and I sighed in relief. Behind me Vegeta was sleeping, but it was a disturbed sleep. I could hear him toss and turn under those blankets. I had already had to pull them up twice as he kept wriggling out of them.
Suddenly I heard a sound from right outside. Instantly my eyes snapped open and my body tensed. The door hissed open and all I could see against the bright light from outside was a dark silhouette. Instantly I crouched low, snarling warningly. The message was clear.
'Stay away!'
I smiled at the sight of the bodyguard protecting his prince... or, more accurately, the renegade protecting his travel ticket. Hmmm... So interesting. I did not step into the room though. I did not know what Jeice had given them... Saiyajin were dangerous when they were in their normal states of mind. In altered states... they could be more so. I knew that first hand. I was in too good a mood to bother with them now anyway. I raised my hands disarmingly.
"Easy, Goku. I just came to check up on you. I have things to do. I will see you when we land." I stepped away and continued down the hall. I had a call to make.
Son Goku
It didn't matter to me in my state right now who it was who had intruded on us. I only relaxed when the intruder shut the door again, paying no attention at all to the words. But then I noticed that Vegeta had curled up at the sound of the voice, shivering even harder. It was a heartbreaking sight, one that I never thought I would ever see. Never before had I seen the prince so unguarded and vulnerable…
I felt the urge to protect him return tenfold. I had always had this stupid notion, just like back then when I couldn't throw the damn genkidama because he would have been hurt. I stared down at him. He seemed to be cold. I looked around but there were no more blankets available. Shrugging I did the only thing that came to mind. Slowly I let myself sink on the bunk right next to Vegeta. Then I wrapped my body around him, trying to share my own warmth with him. Slowly, very slowly he ceased to shiver and I could feel the much needed sleep return to him. For a moment I actually had the impression that he snuggled into my arms. But I must have been mistaken about that. I felt myself growing more and more tired and finally after having resisted as much as humanly possible, I succumbed to sleep, closing my eyes and finally drifting off.
I continued down the hall to the command deck. No one had been watching the instruments for a while. I supposed that I could do it for the remainder of the trip but it wasn't that important. The ship could fly itself as long as nothing got in the way, I had more important things on my mind anyway.
Turning on the vid-screen, I called in. There were quite a few things to relay. Certainly about the mystery Saiyajin. But at least I could tell Frieza that the prince had not gotten too close to this one. The scene in the room back there would have been different otherwise. I hoped that my lord Frieza would consider handing Goku over to me once he decided what course he would take with him. I may have had quite a romp with my new addition but I still had my eye on that brawny Saiyajin. Well. It would be out of my hands soon enough.
The other end of the line picked up and my lord's face appeared. I smiled and greeted him cheerfully.
"Lord Frieza. I have more information for you..."
~ to be continued ~
Outro (containing several revelations and a very special prize for our readers!)
DarkSerapha:*hangs head down from a lamp post, wings also hanging relaxed, nibbling at a piece of pizza and burping occasionally* If I have to eat just one more piece of pizza tricolore I'll personally kill the delivery boy...
Rogue: *lounged on a beach chair with three whole boxes of pizza horded away and tail weaving contentedly* This is the best I've eaten in a long time. *hick*
*smirks and drinks down yet another pina colada...maybe about the 6th too many* Maybe this whole block party worked out better than we thought.
DarkSerapha:*lets go of the lamp post, performs a perfect summersault in midair and casually lands on her feet, crouching low, wings opened wide* Still I think punker182biatch overdid it slightly. I've even seen Son Goku reject the last pizza and that's a first! But of course it also could have to do with the fact that he... *in last moments clasps both hands on her mouth, looking wide-eyed* Oooops… now I nearly would have given away something... *smirks* I find it just so very funny that everyone out there thinks Vegeta and Goku would go into rut or heat...
Rogue: Heh, yeah. Go fig. There isn't even any moon or anything that would cause it like there would be on a planet or something. *straightens up and stands rather unsteadily* And somebody already made a guess on the meaning of the title. Quite a good idea... *looks thoughtful* ...and still in the ballpark...sorta... but not really. *giggles uncharacteristically and gets another pina colada*
*suddenly turns around with a haughty air* Oh. That reminds me. I happen to be a natural beauty. I don't rely on chemicals or paints and I have nothing to do with rouge. No rouge. *stumbles, tail fidgeting twitchily* And no FLL's!! None! *stops and glares down Goku Mum as well as possible* Don't make me hunt down Mad Mum myself... *hick*
*suddenly losses interest and sits back down*
Vegeta: *leaning against the lamp post looking at his own glass appreciatively* Not too bad for a weak earth concoction. It certainly does not stand up to what I used to enjoy but it's almost sweet enough. *looks over at Rogue and shakes his head disgustedly* Weakling cats... No self control at all.
DarkSerapha:*throws a suspicious glare over to her partner in crime* I think she really had a dozen pina colada too many... *walks over and takes the glass from Rogue's hand only to down the content in one gulp* There. No more alcohol for you, young lady! You are a very bad example for our younger readers... *ponders* Well, though I do hope that they are not too young! This chapter sure earned the classification of "adult content"! *snickers* So... the very first lemon… but I bet it was not at all what our readers thought it would be...
Rogue: *chortles evilly* You can say that again.
Son Goku: *looks up and sees Vegeta* *instantly storms over taking him into a bear hug* Geta!! *sniffles* I just can't believe that that awful Jeice did that to you!!!! I am soooo sorry!
Jeice: *from the shadows* Why thanks. I'm the bad guy, as usual. I HAD A HARD CHILDHOOD! And look what Zarbon did to me! *tears brimming in his red eyes*
DarkSerapha:*looks to Jeice* That, young man, is not an excuse. But I must admit that I grew to like Jeice much better since this chapter. We had lots of reviews saying that they hate Jeice (and others saying that they hate Zarbon) and one even asked for us to kill him ASAP *winks at Xero Sky* But I think he has suffered enough… poor guy.
Vegeta: GAH!! *stiffens and tries to fend off the clinging softy* Get off a me! It's a story you baka! Just a story! Good grief! As if I would ever have fallen prey to such a thing! I am much too intelligent and strong for something like that to happen!
Son Goku: Really? *sniffles some more* Are you sure? Just a story? *sighs in relief then tilts head looking thoughtful* If that's so... why did you turn out such a cold-hearted ruthless bastard in the end, Vegeta? *looks totally innocent
Rogue: *strides unsteadily over to the group again and glomps Jeice* Aaaaw. I always liked you, Jeice! You make such a good bad guy. *draws little shapes on his chest* And since we got to know each other better... I like you even more. *snuggles up to him*
Jeice: *stares wide-eyed at the weird clingy neko-jin* Eurgh... I think I like Zarbon better... *slips from Rogue's grip and swiftly disappears back into the shadows...
DarkSerapha:*snickers* No luck with the guys, eh, lovely? Which reminds me... we actually have a winner in our little riddle! Slam Dancer was the only one to correctly guess who played whom!
Vegeta: *blinks for a moment and then recovers himself* What makes you think that I wasn't just born as I am? That this is who I am and always was? *grimaces and looks away* Hmph!
Son Goku: *smile* I just know it... and even though you can be such a bastard at times, I still… *steps forward and whispers something into Vegeta's ear*
Rogue: *stumbles and catches herself as the little red alien flees* Aw man... likes Zarbon better? Well... I guess I can accept that.... Yes. Slam Dancer wins! .... *looks confused for a second* Um.... *glances at angel* What does she win exactly?
Vegeta: *eyes widen and he looks over at the half lidded expression on Goku's face*
*suddenly smirks* Really.... well...I don't know... For someone who keeps calling me a bastard... Maybe I'm not interested... *turns away and drinks down the rest of his beverage*
Son Goku: *smiles coyly* Hmm... is that so? Then you won't mind if I go and play with Zarbon for a while?
DarkSerapha:*shakes head* Stop thinking with your pina-colada-hazed libido, dear. She won, as I already said, because she was the one to guess right who of us did Zarbon and who did Jeice. Yes! We finally reveal it! *switches on CD-player* TAMM TAMM TA TAMMMMMMM...! *switches off CD-player*
Jeice - Dark Serapha
Zarbon - Rogue
Radditz - Dark Serapha
*smirks* For some reason no one seemed to believe that I was able to do a bad guy too... *snicker* I AM a half fallen angel after all! Anyway, congratulations to SLAM DANCER! So, tell her what she won, lovely!
Rogue: *straightens up again* Well. For being so intuitive and bright and loyal and all around just brilliant... We are prepared to offer the following as per Slam Dancer's choice. *cheesy game show music ensues*
a) the video we recorded of these two lively bishonen right here for the pleasure of *her* viewing only. *gestures over at the two Saiyajin who are conversing totally unaware*
b) a link to the *second* hidden chapter. That's right! The SECOND hidden chapter! And I must say that it is absolutely awesome! Very...fun... *snickers* With an interesting change...
c) a snippet from a future chapter. Get a sneak peek at what lies in store for our favourite set of Saiyajin right here! Right now! Time is running out! Get it while supplies last! And finally
d) a meeting with the one, the only, Vegeta no ouji and... of course, *rolls eyes slightly and almost falls over* Goku, right here at the corner!! *does a Vanna White impression gesturing toward the duo* What will it be, Slam Dancer??
DarkSerapha: *smirks* Tough choice, I am sure. *clears throat*
But now, surely everyone will ask:
WHAT? A second hidden chapter??? Yes!! You guys heard right! There is more yaoish goodness! This is a very special treat for all our lovely readers! We have done a second hidden chapter containing another lemon. The pairing is again Jeice and Zarbon. This one is a bit more.. hmm... sensual. But it's still very angsty, pretty psychological and… yeah... well… very smutty. Now, you will ask, how do we get the link to this fabulous treat? Well, the answer is easy! Simply review and say that you want it! Be it on mediaminer, on fanfiction.net, on the mailings lists or if you mail us, give us a review on "In'lar-Anth" and give us your email-address and you will get the link!
!!!ONLY REVIEWERS get the link!!!
Fair and square! *smirks* We know you want it...
Rogue: *smirks* Yes. And we would like to pass on our combined love to Xero, Talon, and Kia for being so wonderful to us. You are so talented and we love to know that you notice our efforts.
*blushes slightly* And I must apologize to some people. *hangs head* I have not updated FOTM for so long. I plan to! I really do! I'm working on the chapter right now! But I have been kinda stuck for a while. Sorry Vilranda. Yes, I plan to update and I will as soon as I manage to finish the chapter I'm stuck with right now. But... Sad as it is to admit. FOTM is no longer my first love.
DarkSerapha:*grins* Speaking of first love... *glances over to Son Goku and Vegeta* Anyway, I have been asked a lot when I will continue my other fictions, too. I am working on "Schattenseele" but it will still take a while for the next chapter. As for "The Darkness Within" I am still in need of a translator! I don't have the time to do it myself! Any volunteers? You must be able to translate German into English! *desperately*
Okay, that done, down to business again.. *slinks over to A'nore* Heard you were interested in buying souvenirs? *grins* Well this will not be cheap but maybe we can agree on something… *glances over to Vegeta, Goku and Rogue* But absolute discretion, please. THEY don't have to know... *smiles conspiratorial
Vegeta: *stares flabbergasted at Goku* You wouldn't! After what we've gone through?? That whole horrifying experience?? *narrows eyes* These evil ningens are rubbing off on you, aren't they? You wouldn't dare do something like that. Even you aren't that stupid. This may be a story but it does have *some* basis in reality.
Son Goku: *folds arms, tail swishing traitorously happy* Well, then you should be a little bit more nice to me....
Vegeta: Nice... *expression suddenly turns calculating* Nice... *takes a step closer* That depends...upon just what you mean by "nice". I seem to recall you thinking I was quite "nice" to you not long ago. Is that what you mean? *leans forward to look Goku in the eyes* And you certainly did not... complain.
Son Goku: *totally hypnotized by Vegeta's deep dark ebony eyes* Mmmmh... very nice... *tail swirls enticingly*
Rogue: *stands torn between forces and glances back and forth through the pina colada haze*
*enhanced cat like senses can tell that there is something shifty happening behind her back and female hormones know that something very interesting is happening before her eyes with the two Saiyajin* Oh... what to do? What to do? *mewls with tail snapping back and forth then sighs and turns to see what conspiracy is growing* This happens to be my street corner that you are peddling wares on, my dear angel. I have staked the Angst and Lemon end. Yours is the Angst and Mush end. I require a percentage of all earnings on my corner. This may be a block party but it is still a business.
DarkSerapha:*looks totally innocent* What? Me? I never dunn nuttin.. *ggg* Anyway, I'd like to see you get your lemons ready without MY help...
*gaze shifts to the cute couple* Haaaach... young love... *smile* I think you should ready the new trailer, dear. After they ruined the last one... *sighs happily* Anyway. The next chapter will find our heroes back in the devil's pit. And Frieza will make his first appearance... For all of you who want to see Zarbon or Jeice dead: reconsider. And our poor Jeice will have to suffer even more… I really feel sympathy for the poor guy… no one deserves that...
As for the highly demanded "hot monkey sex": it will come... but like all good things this too takes it's own time. Stay patient. We can never say it often enough: This fanfiction is very epic. It only starts where most other fanfictions end...
Rogue: *raises a new remote control and smirks* This endeavour has turned out to be very profitable. I could afford some nice expensive gadgets this time...
*sidles up to the two arguing Saiyajin and snatches up two lovely tails* Well, hello boys. Is there a problem? Say... You said you liked that drink, didn't you, Vegy? Well, I have a nice chilled portion set aside just for you. *pets captured tails sweetly* Why don't you take Son over and share with him... I've heard he hasn't had much experience with the finer things in life... I bet he couldn't even handle a few glasses. Isn't that right, Son? You are a lightweight, aren't you? *snickers teasingly*
Son Goku: *tears gaze from Vegeta and looks confused* Geta? What does she mean by that? *unconsciously starts to purr at tail being petted
Vegeta: *smirks craftily at the sneaky neko* She is challenging that you can't hold your liquor. She thinks that you are no stronger than a weakling human and that you have no self control. *looks at Goku* Is that true? What a shame. Living among all these ningens has made you lose your Saiyan strength?
Son Goku: *looks outright outraged* That is not true! *winces as he remembers the trip with Kuririn and decides not to mention it* I can take anything you give me!
Vegeta: *smirks* Hn. Of course you can. Then you should have no problem then, should you? *glances down at his tail that seems to have been wound around another one and then over at the neko who is strolling away and whistling innocently* Come on. I'm thirsty and tired of all these human females all over the place. *turns and walks away with Goku in tow via tail*
Son Goku: *had not noticed the thing with the tails and yips in surprise as Vegeta tugs at his tail gently* Ummm… yeah sure. I could use a drink too. *follows his prince
Rogue: Ah. Yet another successful chapter. And maybe another successful home movie...if that ki of theirs does not fry the equipment again. Remember. Review. That Second Hidden Chapter awaits.
DarkSerapha:*smiles* Yes. And now give me another pina colada and then let's sneak over and have a look at the show…
Rogue: *snickers and grabs as many glasses as can be balanced in two arms and a tail and follows angel*