Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Inevitability ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two: “Dear Diary”

The Saiya-jin no Ouji had stormed out of the princess’, whom he had to protect from nothing he could possibly imagine, new room making his way to the training grounds. Soon, the person he would love the beat the living shit out of had joined him for a little sparing match.

“How does ‘his highness’ feel like being a servant to a creature far weaker than himself?” Zarbon snickered as he threw punches at Vegeta, who dodged them with ease. The boy sneered.

“Not worse than his ‘bitch-ass pseudo-handsome’ sparring partner who loves playing the role of a man-whore of a sick fuck.” Vegeta’s creativeness surprised even himself as the words rolled off his tongue as if it was the most natural thing in the world to say. Insulting had never been prohibited to him, unlike his current charge. She was to be well-mannered, polite and to know how to courtesy. However, even when he had been home, Saiya-jin did not insist on their leader’s noble language. True, Saiya-jins treasured their nobles, but they weren’t really insistent on them keeping their mouths clean from curse words. Royalty or not, the regal were still Saiya-jin. Nonetheless, his words now earned him a kick in the gut for his boldness.

“Watch your mouth, monkey boy. I might share some of your... effusions during training with Lord Frieza.” Threatened him the green skinned man between clenched teeth.

“It would only be common sense since you probably share your own flesh with him.” Vegeta’s venom seeping words struck a nerve yet again but the man decided it would be better to strike back than beat him to a pulp again. That boy was uniquely stupid from Zarbon’s point of view. Sure, all Saiya-jins were supposed to be strong. They weren’t famed strongest race in the Universe for nothing. But there were so many people far stronger than him on board of that ship. And what was even much more of an enigma to Zarbon was the fact Vegeta loved setting them all off, getting beaten to a bloody mess time and time again, barely able to drag himself to his chambers, leaving a bloody trace behind himself. Little did the alien know that was what made a Saiya-jin stronger.

“Now isn’t that sweet. The little princess has come to see what her royal bodyguard of a servant is doing.” The spiky haired boy’s head snapped at the direction of the gravitron’s window. A low growl emitted from his throat at what he saw. What was that fool doing out of her room, roaming around? Didn’t she realize how dangerous it was for her to be around here, when he was training nonetheless? How had she got there in the first place anyway? Well, maybe she did have to be protected from something. Mostly from herself, he sneered in his mind. “What do you say we make some show for the princess to gossip with her friends down on Earth, monkey boy?”

With the side of his eye, before he could turn around to take the whole scene in, Vegeta saw a small ki-blob form in Zarbon’s palm and shoot in the direction of the now shaking royalty. And then things began happening fast… Faster than he would’ve wanted them.


Bulma had been asleep for not more than two hours when she awoke with a headache and a sour throat. She had cursed under her breath, finally seeing something good in having no one around that knew her whole life. For if they were there, they would scorn her about the “words that did not fit a princess’ language”. Chuckling slightly, the young royalty had made her way to something she could consider a bathroom or anything of that sort. Truth to be told, she wanted more to find that bodyguard of hers and knock some sense into him, for she was no normal servant girl! She was a princess!! And he was going to respect her, like it or not!

Turning around the many corners and going through various sliding doors, the cerulean haired gorgeous young girl had found herself lost. Not losing her coolness, however, she kept on walking. Perhaps she could have a tour around the spacecraft and she would end up where she started from?... She hoped she had such luck but didn’t really think she would.

Bulma was beginning to feel the panic getting the best of her when she heard a familiar deafened voice. She came closer to the little window she was sure her guardian angel was located. Hey, that was a really nice way to put it. Although, he seemed more like a guardian devil by his flame-like styled hair and dark obsidian eyes. By the time, she had forgotten all about being mad at him for anything. All she wanted was to get back to her room, where she felt safe.

But to her utter horror, she was welcomed by a glare in the boy’s eyes when they... suddenly widened. What could’ve possibly surprised someone like him? He looked like he had seen a ghost. Was she that ghost? Was it so surprising she was there? Or maybe he just -... She couldn’t even finish her thought as she saw a small concentrated shining ball that blinded her flying at her direction.

‘It’s all over...’ Was the only thought that managed to cross her mind as she felt the heat radiated from the door on her front. It wouldn’t take more than a fragment of a second for the blast to reach her fragile shaking form behind it. It was indeed all over.

Or, it would, if Vegeta didn’t have anything to say about it.

On contrast with Bulma, a million outcomes of this situation played fast in front of the boy’s eyes. He didn’t really know how to react, what to do. She was a little bitch; she didn’t even deserve the slightest move of his pinky finger for her sake. But then again, he could lose his life if Frieza found out about his failure at the duty he had been bestowed upon with. But failure was not what he feared most. No. He had lived with worse things, dare I say sins. It was something different. Something he could not understand yet. No matter what happened afterwards, he decided that he had to act. And he had to act fast.

Disappearing into the thin air, the Saiya-jin no Ouji reappeared next to the ki-blob. Stretching his foot up as high as he could as he kicked it as if his own life depended on it. It partially did, but that’s besides the point. Before Vegeta even heard the ball hit the opposite wall he straightened his arm in front of himself, drawing his fingers close together and bending his thumb, he shouted as hard as his lungs could take, gathering all that was left in his drained body.

Big Bang Attack!!!

Zarbon was caught off-guard as the attack connected painfully with his “beautiful” face and threw him against the wall behind, making a hole in it in the process. Vegeta’s position eased and his muscles relaxed. He was overworking himself yet again. A mental smirk signalized he didn’t really mind it.

“This fight is over.” He muttered and stamped off, leaving a green skinned alien mend his bloody nose.

Bulma, who had somewhere in the middle of the scene closed her eyes, opened them widely as she sensed no burning pain and no fried flesh. She looked to her side to just see as the prince stepped down the hall, probably to his room. And his room was right next to hers. She grinned widely and ran off after him, wanting to thank him for saving her as well. After all, she couldn’t act a bitch when there was something as serious as her life being saved.

Zarbon slid down to the ground, clutching dearly for his nose to stop bleeding. He snorted.

“Kids...” He muttered angrily, pushing himself to his feet. He would have to clean himself before he did anything else.


Vegeta was on the verge of a nerve wreck. How dare that baka insult him as to trying to kill his charge?! Did he realize that the prince would be killed too if something ever happened to her on this ship?! Furthermore, the boy was sure that was the exact reason why Zarbon was mocking the girl - because she could serve the man whore his head on a silver platter.

The prince heard echoing footsteps near him. A snort followed soon enough. So, she dare come after almost being killed?

Vegeta didn’t really understand what made him so angry... Was it because she was irresponsible to come and search for him? Because, well, it was clear as a cloudless sky that she had been looking for none other than him, being so far away from her room, not knowing anyone for the exception of him on this ship. Or maybe it was the bare fact itself that she was there for him. Him, of all people on the ship. He hated being bothered but she couldn’t know before being told, could she? And why did he despise people who wanted something from him? Was it because he got beaten every time they did? No, that couldn’t be it, he was used to coughing blood. Or was he afraid of something? Affection? Attraction? Devotion
“You look deep in thought.” Her voice surprised him ever so slightly as he nearly bumped into her with his next step. He growled at her boldness for crossing his way. Didn’t she realize how dangerous this was to do for anyone?!

“That I think is none of your concern!” He scolded and entered his room. How did they get there so fast anyway? They. He sneered at the thought.

“I didn’t say it was.” She followed suit and still stared at him as if her life depended on it. That didn’t go by unnoticed.

“Didn’t your parents tell you staring s impolite?”

“Are you going to lecture me on moral too?” She snickered. Bulma was used to being lectured almost thousand times a day, being a princess who had to take over the kingdom one day and all. But being lectured by someone such as the Saiya-jin prince was... strange. She had heard rumors of him, the merciless killer, even if he was mere five years older than her. She guessed it didn’t really matter how old you are if you have it in your veins. Brutality... It radiated from him. It seemed to be a part of him. Natural as it was. It was like his body heat... She shuddered at the thought of how many he had really purged.

“I’m no where near to even planning to.” He muttered as he threw himself on his back on the comfy bed, staring up in the ceiling. When she didn’t even move an inch to either come in or buzz off, as he would refer to it as, Vegeta gave her a blank glance.

“What do you want?” He snapped making her frown. “You plan to bug me until I say I give up? If that is it, I give up. Now get out of my room or I’ll make you.”

The Princess’ face fell more ever so slightly.

“Actually, I did not intend to do anything of the like. In fact, all I wanted was to thank you for saving my life, pitiful as you might call it. And now I realize how wrong I was by thinking you might enjoy hearing my thanks.” She hissed between her clenched teeth. Her words visibly confused the male on the bed. He soon regained his usual temper, snapping back,

“I agree to that with you. You were terribly wrong. Now take a hike, girl.”

Bulma needed nothing more to be spoken. She turned on her heel and left for the door. Vegeta moved on to staring blankly at the ceiling again. Did he enjoy setting her off as much as he thought he did?


The Princess felt so filthy. So very, very dirty. Almost... unholy. Not that before she was, but let’s not forget what the topic was. She needed a bath. And she needed it badly.

You couldn’t possibly imagine how happy she was when she found a bathroom near by. And it was right next to her room! She was surprised as to why she didn’t see it there before! Finding a towel, she rushed for it before anyone else took her place. She truly needed the bath. She craved for it. And she wouldn’t allow to be outrun by some filthy henchman.

While the royal princess enjoyed the water dripping gently down her growing and blossoming body, Vegeta found the right time to look for her. When he heard the water running he went over to her bed and noticed a little book on the pillow.

Letting his curiosity obsess him as he took the little thing in his hand and went through the pages until he noticed his name as a title of the last written thing. Vegeta couldn’t help but get interested as to what she really thought of him. Diaries were really childish and girlish things. If they were meant never to be read by anyone, why make them? Why waste so much time to write your emotions into something no one will ever read?

Dear Diary, it read,
Today I wanted to find a bathroom. Unluckily for me, I didn’t notice one anywhere near the room they placed me in. I already told you how much I despise this place and how I long to go back home. I really miss that servant who has a daughter baby girl ChiChi. I miss my parents as well. ~sigh~ If only you knew, my dear sweet diary.

Vegeta felt his eye brow lift further up. This girl was creeping him out...

Anyhow, when I didn’t see the bathroom, that I’m planning to invade right now, I went down the hall to search for another. I kept walking and walking and nothing!!! I can’t believe it!!! How do they pee when there are no bathrooms around?! Does the fact they are warriors mean they don’t have go to the toilet? Doesn’t really matter... So, then, I noticed that beautiful light. I got attracted to it and then I heard his voice. Yep, my dear diary, the boy I mentioned you yesterday. Uh huh, you got it right, the one from the title of today’s day. (Today’s day... What’s wrong with me?!) And, I went nearer and you know what happened next?! You can never guess, I bet my head on that. That idiot green-skinned freak wanted to blast me!! Darn him for his insolence! How dare he anyway?! So, I thought I was finished! Ended! Dead! Collapsed! Ruined! You got the idea.. That’s when Vegeta interfered and somehow saved me. I couldn’t really see because I was too DAMN (she had repeated the word a few times with her pen) busy to feel sorry for myself!

Anyhow... When I wanted to say thanks, he just brushed me off like the fool he is!! How dare he?! Okay, so I’m starting to repeat myself. You should care less about what I say, shouldn’t you... Even though that Vegeta guy acts so Know-it-all and High-and-Mighty, I still think -

He couldn’t see what she “still thought” about him as the diary was snatched out of his grasp by a dripping wet Bulma who had a heavy scowl on her face.

“What is it exactly that you think you are doing?!” She shrieked and hit him over the head with the little book. “This is private property! My thoughts! My private emotions!! How dare you even touch it with your filthy blood-stained fingers!? At least you could’ve cleaned your wounds of your fight before you touched anything in my room!!!” Her shouts grew stronger as she kept on pounding on him with the diary. The boy just chuckled.

“ ‘Know-it-all’... I do know many things, girl.” He mocked her, enjoying as her cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

“You have read so much!?! How dare you?!” She smacked him again with the back of the small book.

“Though, some things I am sure you wouldn’t want to hear a word about.”

Her cheeks reddened even more.

“Leave.” She stated. He didn’t even flinch. “Please, leave.” His head cocked to a side.


“Can’t you see I have to change you fool?!!!!” She pushed him out of the room and locked the door behind him, making sure he wouldn’t burst in right when she put her panties or anything like that. Not that he couldn’t if he wanted, but that was besides the point yet again.

The Saiya-jin no Ouji chuckled and got back to his bed, wishing for nothing more but just to rest for a few hours.


There was a knock on his door about an hour later. He knew it couldn’t be anyone else than the annoying wench. No one else cared enough to knock. He doubted she did as well, but the knocking was still present.

“Fuck off.” He snapped. The door opened, completely unaffected by the harsh remark of the owner of the room, who now glared intensely at the marine hair-color of the Earth Princess. She waltzed in and placed a cup filled with some liquid and she was carrying lint and a towel.

“What exactly is it that you think you’re doing?” His question nonetheless startled her.

“You’re a mess! Look at yourself. You can’t run around like that.” She muttered accusingly, earning a growl and a deep frown from the fourteen-year-old beneath her.

“I do not see how this is any of your concern!”

His uncaring voice scared her. Bulma couldn’t imagine how one could be so ignorant of such wounds. They weren’t minor scratches, for she knew what a scratch was. She had watched the Palace’s guards train often. She had seen worse than this, but... She just didn’t understand this guy! He was such an enigma.

She took the towel and began brushing the blood off lightly. He pushed her off, nearly getting her to fall of the bed, but she regained balance before she landed on the cold tiled floor.

“Don’t push me, idiot!! It will only get worse if you struggle!” She explained none too calmly.

“I have lived for over fourteen years without your help. Why do you think I’ll need it now?!”

To answer Vegeta’s question, the princess lifted his bloodied arms on his eye level.

“Look at this. Look at it. If you don’t take care of it, it will leave a scar. Permanently!” His snort surprised her yet again.

“I’m used to having scars. It’s normal for a warrior to have them.” He was just so unbelievingly stubborn, wasn’t he?

“It’s normal for a warrior to admit defeat in a verbal fight when he isn’t quite right and is not aware of the situation he is finding himself in.” She muttered non-chantilly, continuing to brush the wounds with the towel dripping with the strange liquid the Saiya-jin prince haven’t figured out what it was.

“You mean you understand the situation I am in more than myself?!” He laughed mockingly.

“Laugh all you want, but judging by the look of your limbs, you could really use some help.”

Vegeta grew tired of this argument. She wasn’t giving up and he still hadn’t regenerated from the fight with Zarbon. He wondered if it was because of all the blood he shed, but the room began spinning slightly when the towel was clamped over his eyes, preventing him from seeing the spinning premise.

“Now, don’t move a muscle except for breathing. I’ll be right back.”

Bossy girl, was the last thought he had before giving in to the obscurity that threatened him for hours.


Ah, there we are! Another chapter done! ^_^ I hope you like it as much as I like writing it. Next chapter will be up on June 15th! Whoohoo! And it will really be up by that time. No swindling! Honest.

I want to thank again to the following:

Laina, Serpant Lake, RoGuE-WhItE-DrAgOn, Kataan, DBZ-fan-JESS, jill, VeryShortMidget and Penthisileia for reviewing!!! You guys really give me the strenght I need to write! ^_^

Take care and until next time,
