Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Judgement Day ❯ Judgement Day ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: We do not own DBZ or any of the characters and are not getting any profit from this. Nor do we own the book this was based on.

Hello, this story was based on a book that Pocket Mouse's Dad was reading the other day, it's called 'Good Heavens No' By Malcolm Smith.

It's a pretty cool idea you'll figure it out as you read the story..


By Mystic Pan and Pocket Mouse

"What do you mean you haven't done the paper work yet?!" King Yemma shouted at the two bewildered blue men in front of him.

"W-we're sorry your Excellency, but what with all the commotion from Buu it's very hard to f-find information you know…"

King Yemma stared at them with a look of barley contained rage.

"Well look," He said in an attempt to sound reasonable, "I suppose you'd better send him in the longer we wait the more people are going to be coming in here. He's a very hard case. We don't want to waste any more time than we have to."

"B-but how can you decide where to send him with out the p-proper paper work?" The other blue man stuttered out as King Yemma glared at him coldly.

"Just. Send. Him. In."

"Sir!" And the blue men were gone. Yemma glanced down at his desk and sighed wearily, it had been a terrible day and it was just about to get worse.

"Where you taking me?! Get your dirty hands off me!!!" The short man struggled as the two men started hauling him towards Yemma's office. Once inside they let him go and stood either side of the large desk which took up most of the room.

"Look, I don't know what you think you're doing but I was in the middle of a very important fight so would you let me leave because I can't even remember getting here!!!"

"Are look who it is. I can just tell you're going to be the highlight of my day." The enormous king said, he was used to this kind of behaviour, it wasn't often someone remembered their own death.

The two blue men glanced at each other and grinned toothily.

"What are you smiling at you freaks! Just tell me what's going on! I DEMAND to know!"

"Who are you calling a freak, shorty?"

"Why you little…" He lunged at the little blue dude but before he could grab his throat the room shook as a giant fist pounded down onto a giant desk. Every one froze and the room went silent,

"SILENCE!" King Yemma shouted, "The truth of the matter is you're dead Prince Vegeta and we need to decide whether you go to heaven or hell!!"

We are aware that this is not very long, but its only this beginning and there's no point writing a lot if no-ones going to be reading it. So go and review!!!

On a more personal note COME AND VISIT OUR WEBSITE!!!!!! At www.geocities.com/litiji !!! We need some more fanfiction and fanart submissions!!!! Hint! hint So go and check it out!