Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Just Another Girl ❯ Darkness ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*~ Hey guys! Yes, it's another story from me! ^___^ Anyway, this was actually a dream I had last night. Only, not with the DBZ characters. So, when I woke up I only remembered bits and peices of it. But, from what I remembered, it sounded like it would make a great story! But, you'll be the judge of that! Anyway, I hope you like viewing my dreams! LoL ^____^


Just Another Girl

Chapter One ~ Darkness

By ~*~ LaUrEn

The definition of alone is this : Alone, may indicate isolation as a chosen course, but more often suggests sadness and a sense of loss. Well, I'll tell you this much, Chi Chi, did not chose to be alone.

Chi Chi, was 16 years old. She was a rich girl with a perfect family. A mom, a dad, and an older brother. They lived in a mansion on a hilltop, the biggest one around.

Chi Chi was a junior in highschool. She was popular, had a great boyfriend, and caring friends.

That was one year ago. Now, Chi Chi still lives in that mansion. But, she sure as hell, wasn't happy anymore.

Her mother had passed away, half way through her junior year. She had mourned her loss for months, only to be interupted by her father, who had chose to remarry. Gyuu Mau had married Aiko Kamikaza, and Chi Chi and her brother, Vegeta, had a new mother. If you can call Aiko Mau a mother. By the definition mother means, to care for and protect as a parent. Aiko did the exact opposite.

She had never really been a caring person, even as a child. And with a very short temper, could be added. On occasions, she beat both of her step children. Which, automatically crosses out the protection. Of course, Gyuu had no idea.


Chi Chi sighed in her sleep. A gust of wind woke her, but she did not open her eyes. Instead she chose to think. She was a senior in high school and she was at the top of most of her classes. She would graduate as valadictorian, without a doubt.

Another breeze stopped her thoughts. Hadn't she shut her window? Chi Chi pulled the covers over her shoulders and opened her eyes. She was laying on her side and she was looking at the door. Her line of vision sweeped to the ceiling to watch the shadows of the trees blow in the wind. Suddenly there was a presence at the end of her bed. She immediatley moved her gaze straight ahead of her. Sure enough, there was a shadow of a figure sitting on the edge of her bed. She sat up to scream, but before a sound could come out, she was voilently shoved back down with a hand over her mouth.

REVIEWS PEOPLE! I WRITE FASTER! I'll try to update soon! ^_____^
