Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Just Like Heaven ❯ Visitors ( Chapter 11 )
A/N: The usual disclaimer of not owning anything, not DBZ, not The Cure or their songs.
Chapter Ten: Visitors
Bulma and Vegeta were seconds away from getting busted by Yamcha! She quickly whirled herself from the Saiyan's grasp and he folded his arms and turned his back on the whole scene. (There were two reasons for this: 1.He hated Yamcha with a passion and 2. He still was still sporting some major wood.)
"Blast that weakling!" he thought angrily. "One minute more and I would have had that Woman naked on the floor!" Unfortunately, this thought did nothing to alleviate the gigantic bulge in the front of his spandex shorts.
A few seconds later brought Yamcha bounding into the GR. "Hey, there you are!" he said beaming at Bulma. "We were on our way to Master Roshi's to pick up Puar, and thought we'd stop by to see you. I couldn't believe it when the house -keeper told me you'd moved out of the main house. This is a really sweet pad Bulma!"
Yamcha stopped and noticed that his long-time friend was blushing furiously. He regarded her suspiciously, "Why did you move out and what happened to your leg?"
Bulma giggled nervously and did her best to dismiss any notion that Yamcha might have, that anything was amiss. "Oh, I fell off of my bike, no biggie," she said shrugging. "And moving here was my dad's idea. He felt living here would help elevate Vegeta's training and I am here to assist him…"
Bulma watched as Yamcha's gaze traveled over to the Saiyan across the room. The Earthling fighter narrowed his eyes, his face mirroring the disgust he felt rising from within. (Vegeta was partially responsible for his death, after-all)
"You're actually living here with that maniac?" spat Yamcha through gritted teeth. "Are you fucking nuts Bulma, or are you just fucking him?"
Vegeta, whose back was still facing the Earthling fighter, snorted loudly.
Bulma shot him a dirty look and whirled back to face Yamcha. "I am not 'fucking' Vegeta and even if I was…it's none of your business!"
Bulma was prepared to continue giving her ex-boyfriend a big piece of her mind when a thought dawned upon her, "Yamcha…you said 'we" were going to pick up Puar at Roshi's house. Is someone with you, or have you suddenly developed a multiple personality disorder?"
Vegeta snorted again. Bulma guessed that was his version of a humored laugh.
Thankfully Yamcha forgot the Vegeta/Bulma situation upon the recollection of his companion. His face reddening, he laughed, "Oh yeah…I almost forgot. You remember Marron, right?"
Almost as if waiting for her cue, the young blue haired woman poked her head inside the Gravity Room. "Hel-loo…oh… so this is where everyone is hiding."
As Marron made her grand entrance, Bulma felt her own eyes narrow and jaw clench. She disliked this woman immensely, as she never failed to make Bulma feel old and ugly in her presence.
True to form, Marron looked directly at Bulma and chirped, "I know you…you're one of those grumpy old ladies I met at Turtle's house."
Another snort from Vegeta, Bulma could have killed him.
The older blue haired woman clenched her fist at her sides and hissed, "I'm not old, and I am only 29. I'm the same age as Yamcha."
Marron flashed her baby blues at Bulma and then Yamcha. "What-ever!" she said sing-songing her disbelief.
A low growl sounded in Bulma's throat as she launched herself for an attack that would only end with the satisfaction of her gouging Marron's eyes out. Luckily Yamcha had been around the two women before and intercepted Bulma in mid-pounce.
While Yamcha was struggling to keep Bulma at bay, Marron had noticed the wall-to-wall mirrors. "Ooooh…what a pretty room! Look at this…it's one big looking glass!" she said rushing towards her reflection. She turned and gave Yamcha her best pout, "I want a room just like this. You'll buy me one, won't you Yammiekins?"
Yamcha, a sucker for Marron's puppy-dog eyes blushed and momentarily forgot about subduing Bulma, "Sure Babe…anything for you!"
Bulma suppressed her anger as she fought to control a gagging reflex. "Yammiekins? Babe? He can't call her Babe, that used to be my name!" she thought angrily. She backed away and watched as Yamcha gazed adoringly at the younger woman.
Marron, oblivious to anyone else, produced a hair- brush from her purse and began to run it through her long blue tresses.
Bulma crossed her arms in front of herself in disgust. Yamcha had begun drooling at the sight of Marron applying some ruby red lipstick.
"That's it!" thought Bulma as she gripped Yamcha's arm to regain his attention. "Can I have a word with you in private, Yammiekins?" she asked digging her nails into his skin.
Her soon to be dead ex-boyfriend turned and tried to gin innocently at Bulma. "Sure…we're going to step into the hall for a moment, all right Babe?" he said to the younger woman as Bulma pushed him out the door.
"Okay," sang Marron who was busy checking out her figure in the fabulous full-length mirror. As she surveyed the excellent view of her ample backside, she caught sight of the well-built man across the room. "Yummy!" she thought wickedly to herself, "His ass is even nicer than mine!"
Out in the Hall:
Bulma waited until the door was securely closed before turning her wrath upon Yamcha. "How dare you bring that little bimbo here…!"
"Listen Bulma," he tried to explain, "Marron doesn't really mean any harm, she just never thinks before she talks."
Bulma narrowed her eyes at her ex, "I'm not pissed because she likes to point out the fact that I'm older than her". (Not entirely the truth, but that was an argument for another day.) I just cannot believe you're dating her, Yamcha! What does Krillen think about this?"
Yamcha shrugged and averted his eyes from her angry glare. "Well…ah…you see…Krillen doesn't know I've been seeing Marron and it's not what you think anyway, we're just friends."
Bulma placed her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes, "Come on Yamcha, you can't pull that crap with me. You're talking to the girl who spent ten years 'just being friends' with you. Save your lame excuses for someone who doesn't know any better. How could you do this to one of your best friends?"
Yamcha frowned and placed his arms defensively across his chest, "Krillen broke up with Marron ages ago. He probably won't even mind…"
"You don't think he'll mind, huh? Have you forgotten how that little trollop broke his sweet little heart?" she screeched at him. "So, you were just going to drop by Roshi's house and surprise him with the news? You're such a moron, Yamcha!"
Yamcha, unable to defend his actions in a verbal spar with the feisty woman, decided to change the subject to one he could win. "Who's the real moron, Bulma? At least I'm not living with a mass murderer. What in the Hell are you thinking? Did you forget that little bastard killed me?"
Bulma sighed with frustration, "Vegeta has changed Yamcha and technically, he wasn't the one who killed you…"
"Oh yeah, how could I forget, he only just sat by and laughed maniacally as I was destroyed. He doesn't give a flying fuck about you Bulma. He's an evil little asshole whose only goal is to kill everyone on this planet. Don't fool yourself into thinking he is one of the 'good guys', because he's not!" he jeered.
Bulma stared at him for a few seconds and then replied softly, "You're wrong Yamcha, he's changed. I wouldn't go so far as to say he's 'one of the good guys', but he is certainly not the little monster he used to be. Why is that so hard to believe?"
"Oh gee, I don't know, maybe I was just thinking about all of the people he's killed or maybe it's just the fact that he would murder Goku in heartbeat. We all hate him Bulma and he's never given us any reason not to."
"You're wrong, Goku trusts him," Bulma said stubbornly.
It was Yamcha's turn to roll his eyes, "Goku likes everyone. Hell, he even gave Frieza a chance to reform, so what? "
"So what?" yelled Bulma. She could feel her anger reaching a boiling point and tried hard to suppress the urge to club him. "Well, Goku gave you a second chance Yamcha. Or are you forgetting the fact that you used to be as jealous of him as Vegeta is? You know, you're no innocent either, Mister Desert Bandit. As I recall, you tried to rob us blind and kill us for the Dragon Balls."
She caught him off guard and he paused for a moment, remembering his life before he met her. "I wouldn't have really killed you guys and besides, I did what I had to do for survival," he said in a low tone.
Bulma blinked back her angry tears and took a deep breath, "Did it ever occur to you that Vegeta was only doing what he had to do to survive, too?"
Yamcha could only stare at her. He had seen Frieza with his own eyes and could not even imagine what it must have been like to be a small child growing up under the Evil Tyrant's guidance.
Bulma continued, "Look, Goku had a knock to the head that allowed him to grow into the sweet loving man that we all love. He had his Grandpa Gohan to nurture him and then when he died, Goku found us. Vegeta's never had a family or friends that cared about him. He's had to live all these years with the knowledge that Frieza murdered his father and his entire race. Frieza tried to mold him into his own fiendish image and Vegeta had the courage to rebel against it. He helped Goku defeat Frieza on Namek and he's here training his ass off to help us fight the Androids. I think that counts for something."
Yamcha regarded her impassioned plea with silence. He knew she was right, but he wasn't about to admit this to her. It bothered him to no end that Bulma was now with Vegeta. They had ended their relationship before Freiza's return and he had tried unsuccessfully to rekindle their romance once the boy from the future had left. Goku had made some vague comment about Bulma having a 'healthy baby'. Yamcha had proposed they start a family right on the spot, but Bulma had turned him down. He suspected this was all because of Vegeta.
This was crushing enough to his ego, but here she was now, living with him. He could feel his jealousy ignite. "Are you fucking him Bulma?" he asked watching her face for any sign of untruth. Bulma was a horrible liar. He waited for her answer.
"No, I'm not," she admitted, smiling at him. 'Not yet anyway', she thought, smiling to herself.
"We're just friends, unlike you and Little Miss Thing," she said smugly.
Yamcha shot her 'A how do you know?' look and Bulma gave him a satisfied smile. "You've got her lipstick smeared all over your face Lover-boy," and she watched with amusement as he raced off towards the bathroom to wash off the offending red stains.
Meanwhile in the Gravity Room:
Marron had spied the beautiful body of the Saiyan standing across the room and when satisfied with her appearance, she began a sultry walk towards him.
Vegeta watched her approach with interest, through her reflection in the mirror. He had heard enough from Bulma's conversations to know this blue haired beauty had once been the girlfriend of 'the Cue Ball Head'. That fact mixed with the knowledge that she was currently dating 'the Weakling' was enough to make him put his guard up.
But still, she was breath taking to watch as she swayed her way towards him. She was incredibly sexual in her movement and dressed even more scantily than Bulma.
They locked gazes in the mirror in front of him and he felt the ache in his groin intensify as he identified the predatory look in her eyes.
She came to a stop, mere inches behind him, still maintaining eye contact. "Hi, I'm Marron," she breathed huskily.
Vegeta turned around to face her; she was so close her breasts pushed into his still folded arms. He made no effort to conceal his hard-on. "I know," he said smirking.
"Do you like what you see?" she whispered pressing her plump breasts harder against him.
He nodded; she slipped her hand down and rubbed his engorged cock. "You look like you could use a little help," she murmured, massaging harder.
"What is it with women with blue hair?" he wondered to himself as he groaned from her expert touch.
But as turned on as Vegeta was, (and he was believe you and me), he couldn't help but acknowledge a nagging doubt in his mind about this female.
He wondered if it was her sexual intimacy with two of his least favorite Z Fighters? 'No, that wasn't it'. He could care less who she had fucked in the past. Maybe it was her strong resemblance to Bulma? Or the implication that he could possibly be cheating on a woman he was only recently willing to take as his very own? 'That is conceivable' he reasoned.
But it was something else, beyond any betrayal to Bulma. It was the younger woman's scent; there was something disturbingly familiar about it. And he was having a difficult time pinpointing what the odor was.
Marron, encouraged by the handsome man's more than eager body language, continued her advances. "You know, Yamcha and I are not exclusive or anything," she offered suggestively. Marron made it a point to never commit to anyone, because a girl never knew whom she might meet next. Like this dangerous looking man!
Vegeta could only nod his response. He was finding more and more difficult to maintain his control. He didn't know what 'exclusive' meant, but his intuition told him it might have something to do with her strange scent.
Marron moved her hand away from Vegeta's crotch and wrapped both of her arms around his muscular neck. She used this movement to pull herself close to him and began rubbing against him with the lower half of her body.
Vegeta instinctively wrapped his own arms around her waist but still puzzled over his hesitance. He tried hard to push Bulma's pretty face from his mind as Marron pulled him closer for a deep kiss.
Vegeta froze. The woman's mouth had an unpleasant salty/bitter taste that he found to be extremely foul. He fought to push her pungent tongue from his mouth. "Woman, what did you eat last?" he growled as he drew back from her embrace.
Marron paused in thought and then giggled at his silly question, "Well…I was eating Yamcha on the way over here…."
Vegeta confused, tried to compute this statement into language he could understand. "Eating Yamcha on the way over? Why…that would mean…the insipid flavor in his mouth was…semen from the Weakling?" Realization hit him harder than any punch given by Kakarott, he backed away from the She-devil in horror.
"Hey…where are you going?' complained Marron, using her usually effective pout. It was not effective this time.
********************************************************* *********
Outside of the Gravity Room, Yamcha had just returned, his face ruddy from scrubbing. He was just preparing to apologize to Bulma when the GR door opened. Both he and Bulma watched in surprise as Vegeta brutally shoved Marron through the portal.
"Get away from me!" he raged and immediately sealed himself alone in the room.
They looked at the young woman questioningly and she merely straightened her skirt and "humped."
Bulma couldn't help but grin as Marron demanded to leave immediately. She was more than happy to see her visitors out as she wondered what had happened between the Saiyan and the stupid girl.
Vegeta, in the mean time, had removed his white tank top and had begun spitting every ounce of saliva into its folds. "Blasted woman!" he thought as he gagged into the white material.
