Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Khan Saga: The Jeweler Icejins ❯ The Jeweler Icejins: Prologue ( Chapter 1 )
Khan Saga
Disclaimer: Don't own DBZ, never will...
The Jeweler Icejins: Prologue
By Queen Breeza
In this Saga, the two Species of Icejin are introduced.
The first is the Origins; you may know them as King Cold, Cooler, and Frieza. Origins are usually wicked and cruel--both male and female--and they often specialize in conquering other races. They focus a lot on power, but do have plenty of intelligence. Most are rich and have their own kingdoms, blah, blah, blah. You know how it goes.
Now for the Jewelers; there is only one ruling family, though as you will soon find out, they're not very keen on ruling. They act like they're poor, desiring few objects, and they have the tendency to want "worthless" things. Jewelers are known to be very generous, although when it comes to food they can be the greediest in the universe. This is because of a very important fact of their makeup: All Jewelers are half Saiyan, or have Saiyan blood. So you could say they're all half-breeds.
Neither Origins nor some Saiyans accepted them as part of their race, so Jewelers decided to be their own race and do their own thing. Jewelers are known for they're expert singing abilities. They are also very rare in many places.
The Colds and the Khans, the Jeweler family in this Saga, are constantly "battling" with one another, with the Jewelers always minding their own business to avoid contact with origins.
Now for the present setting: The Khans have landed on Planet Vegeta, having a good time with some Saiyan friends, and the Kolds are right behind them every step of the way. King Cold is 100, Cooler is 24, Frieza is 15, King Khan just got married two weeks before the arrival--he's 20, and his wife Mulan is 22. What are Cold's intentions? Why does he pursue these two newly-weds? Find out in Chapter 1 of the Khan Saga!
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