Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Khan Saga: The Jeweler Icejins ❯ Pre-Tournament Battles, Part Two ( Chapter 5 )
Khan Saga
Disclaimer: I won't put one of these on every single fanfic, you know. Don't own DBZ. I wouldn't be here if I did, now would I?
Pre-Tournament Battles, Part Two
Khan figures out where his wife is, and Pritz joins him in his search to find Cold and Mulan. Meanwhile, Mulan is being pounded into submission by Cold in his final transformation. If Khan makes it to the battle site, will he be able to make a difference? Fifth in the Khan Saga.
By Queen Breeza
In a flash, King Cold thrust his fist forward and caught Mulan in the gut. He barely did any damage, however, and Mulan counterattacked with a fist of her own, sending Cold flying back.
"What do you think about that one, Cold?" Mulan said watching her victim crash into a mountain. She wasted no time following Cold where he was and pummeled him mercilessly.
"How about this, and this, and--oh, no!" Suddenly Mulan stopped punching and looked at her fingernails.
"What?!" King Cold got out of the tight spot in the mountain he was in quickly enough and appeared behind Mulan in an instant.
"I broke a...nail!" Mulan's eyes got watery.
"You'll be worrying about more than that once I'M through with you!" King Cold put his two fists together and slammed Mulan into the previous mountain he had been in.
"Oh, shut up, you freakin' fossil!" Mulan's muffled voice called out. She burst out of the mountain and tried to get Cold with a left hook but missed.
"Remember, Mulan," Cold bragged, "I haven't even begun to transform!"
"Whoopi-do," Mulan wiped some blood from her chin and landed on the ground. "Why don't you just transform right now so that we can get this stupid fight over with?"
"What's the matter? Not enjoying yourself?" Cold smirked and landed five yards away in front of Mulan.
"Hey, you were the one who invited me, okay? I refuse to fight any longer until you show me your final transformation."
"Hmph!" King Cold took a stance to begin transforming. "I usually don't take requests, but alright, if you wish."
Good, Mulan thought, watching King Cold achieve his final form and skipping the others, this'll give me some time to store energy for my Oozaru transformation. Hope this works...
"Mulan! Where are you?!" King Khan hadn't found his wife at the Starship Motel, or anywhere else close by for that matter. Maybe she had went back home?
"Nah! She wouldn't do that without talking to me first!...Would she?" Khan stopping in mid-flight and crossed his arms, thinking of how his wife would act if she were fed up with King Cold and everything happening.
"Maybe it was the food...no, there was nothing wrong with the food. Or maybe because..."
"Hey, Khan! Have you found her?" Pritz, who was now fully recovered from the fight, asked Khan. He was lending a hand in finding Mulan because Ulydania had made him.
"No," Khan sighed. "I just don't get it! Is she hiding from me?"
"Well," Pritz scratched his head, "have you done anything to make her want to hide from you?"
"I don't think so," Khan replied.
"Hmmm," Pritz looked thoughtful. "Have you tried the farther outskirts of the city?"
"Uh, no," Khan cocked an eyebrow. "But why would she be out there? Isn't that the perfect place for private battles?"
"Yeah; no one can hear you scream out there."
Suddenly, Khan's eyes got wide. "Great: I think I know who she could be fighting out there!"
"King Cold."
"What possessed her to fight him?!"
"I don't know; could be anything. It depends on if Cold challenged her or not. Mulan NEVER ignores a challenge."
Khan looked out above the city. He closed his eyes and tried to sense his wife's power level. Pritz crossed his arms and awaited the results. Finally, Khan opened his eyes.
"Found her: she's about ten miles away from the city to the west," Khan said quickly. "There's more: Cold is definitely there, and Mulan's power level is nowhere near his!"
"Ouch," Pritz flinched. A fight with Cold was a fight to the death.
"Look, I gotta go. But I might need some back up. You coming?"
"Uh," Pritz was taken aback by the request. Crap, I never planned on fighting Cold! But if I don't help, I wouldn't seem like much of a friend.
"I'll understand if you don't want to. After all, it just might be your last fight ever. But you have to decide now," Khan continued.
"Sure, why not," Pritz said with a smile. I must be crazy to be doing this! "A Saiyan loves a good challenge!" Pritz powered up.
Khan smirked. "You're beginning to sound like my wife."
The two flew off to the west, going as fast as they could. Khan hoped they would get there before his wife took too serious of a beating to breathe.
"I hope I didn't disappoint you," Cold had finished his transformation, his final form was complete. His fourth transformation looked very much like Mulan's only Cold's had a dome that stood straighter up in the air than curved back.
"No, you didn't, Cold," Mulan said tiredly.
"My apologies. It seems you want to end this sooner than I would have liked," the nine-foot giant teased. He looked like Cooler's fourth transformation, only white of course, with a pitch black carapace on head.
Mulan just sighed. She could feel the despair within her begin to build. She hoped none of it would show accidentally when she and Cold commenced fighting again. Mulan's plan to gather energy to make her Oozaru transformation stronger failed since Cold had warp-transformed faster than she had anticipated. Now the giant prepared to break her down bit by bit.
Well, since I'm going to lose anyway, Mulan thought, might as well go down joking about it. "Come on, Cold, I have better things to do than look at you all day."
The tyrant looked at Mulan in disbelief. How could she not be serious about getting beaten by him? Why would she take this so lightly? Something's not right, Cold began to think when he saw Mulan sit on the ground and start sifting dirt through her hands. She knows something I don't...
"Well?" Mulan asked impatiently. "Get on with it! Beat me into submission! Just don't touch my hair."
"Ha! Very funny, Mulan," Cold sneered. "You don't have any hair in this form."
"Actually, I did until I shaved it all off one day. Hasn't grown back since, though..."
"Enough of this!" Cold hovered in the air and quickly made his way to Mulan. "If you aren't going to fight me the right way, I'll make sure you don't even live to fight in the tournament!!"
"Huh?!" Mulan barely had any time to move as Cold began sending a small yet powerful barrage of blasts Mulan's way. She blocked and dodged as many as she could while flying backwards at an impressive speed, but she couldn't block all of them. Soon her torso and legs began to show excessive damage.
"Great, just what I need: broken legs!" she said through gritted teeth. The pain was incredible. She knew Cold was more powerful than her, but up until now she hadn't realized just how powerful the Terror of the Universe really was. Due to exhaustion and pain, Mulan landed on the ground with her hands instead of her feet. Her legs looked more like chopped chicken. The rest of her was more or less burnt. The mouth guard that came with her transformation was destroyed when one the blasts struck her face.
"Even though you don't really stand a chance, Mulan," Cold began stalking near his prey, "you've proven yourself to be the most powerful and only female warrior I've ever faced. Everyone else would have crumbled under my power if I were just in my first form."
"Yay for me," Mulan managed to cough out. Blood seeped out of her mouth, but she didn't bother wiping it away. If only she had gotten to Oozaru state. Then at least she would be somewhat matched with this beast she was fighting. As she laid on the ground, she took a time out in remembering all the good times she had when she was little. She had one memory in particular that kept coming back like a broken record. In this memory, she remembered meeting Khan for the first time. He was pretty much a dork back then, but she had fallen in love at first sight. Dread filled her as she thought she would never see him again.
"Darn it, can't I think of anything else?" She said quietly. Cold didn't hear her as he approached her face.
"I commend you for lasting this long. Of course, you probably would have lasted longer if you hadn't been so hasty in seeing my final transformation." Cold knelt down and touched Mulan's bruised face with an oversized hand that could easily crush her if he wanted to. "If I had met you before, we could've been so good together."
"Don't I feel special," Mulan's sarcastic attitude brought Cold out of his mood and he stood up.
He sighed. "Too bad." Cold brought his right leg up and crashed it down on Mulan's already beaten torso. He did this several more times as Mulan screamed, more and more blood being forced out of her mouth.
"I hope you don't take this personally, my dear," Cold said calmly as if beating his victims to death was a normal thing to do any day of the week.
"Did you feel that?!" Khan said in desperation. "Mulan's power level just shot down five times lower than mine in a single beat!"
"Yeah," Pritz quivered. He hadn't felt such power from Cold like this before. Just like Mulan, he had underestimated the bulk of Cold's true power.
"It's a good thing we're almost there," Khan stated, but it wasn't reassuring him. He still couldn't see Mulan or Cold.
Pritz was sweating profusely. What the heck is wrong with me?
Khan decided this was a good time to pick up the pace. He powered up his energy even more and quickly left Pritz's side.
"Hey, you're not leaving me behind!" Pritz powered up and flied over to his friend. It was too late to back down now.
They kept going for less than a minute more when Khan heard a blood-curdling cry.
"MULAN!!" Khan saw his wife just up ahead and Cold stomping on her. Pritz looked on in terror. He saw Mulan's mangled form and Cold's form without even a scratch.
"Wait here! And try not to be seen," Khan ordered. He flew down to the ground and hurried to the now diminishing fight.
"Why?" Pritz's confusion annoyed Khan but just for a moment.
"By the way it's looking, I'll need you to do something for me. And I need you to be alive to do it," Khan explained.
"And what would that be?" Pritz shouted down to him.
Khan flew back up and whispered something in his ear. Pritz eyes showed understanding, and, satisfied, Khan flew back down and ran over to the fight. He turned around briefly and said "Remember: Saiyans love a good challenge!"
"Why am I here?" Pritz asked himself. He watched as Khan tried to interrupt Cold's stomping and Mulan's screaming.