Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow ❯ Goku's Plan..or the Ridiculously Short Chapter.. ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Summary: Things have gotten very strange since Bulma and Vegeta became five-year olds...what's this? They changed again? *THUD* V/B romance with a comical twist, new inventions, and a whole lot of eye twitching. May include some Yamcha bashing.

Disclaimer: Mwahahahhahaahahahaha!!! *weep*...if I did own DBZ that is what I would do...

Android T: Laugh diabolically then cry?

Bunni: O.o;; yes..

Shout out to:

DarkSerapha: ^__^ Thanks for reviewing *hugs her* Here's some bandaids..*hands her First Aid Kit* Anyway thanks for the suggestions. I hadn't thought of that. *malicious laughter* I have new inspiration now! Anyway as for your favorites, I checked it out, and you're right (as always) and I'm HONORED! I seriously AM the only B/V romance on there. O.o;; Is this story that good?

I won't even bother to even contemplate that thought. *grins and holds unto DarkSerapha's soul* Mwahahaha! Mine! *everyone stares at her weirdly and inch away* ^______^

zipp: Well thanks! O.o;; everyone says it's good, so I'll just go with the flow and say it is too! ^_^

Rez: Well you'll find out now the whole plan thingie. ^__^ Chichi says it works, It MUST WORK!.. Anyway as for the Lima and Bean, they have gone to Cat's Eye (a cool cafe shop where intellectuals who do not wish to be bothered by people go and lament stuff that only higher beings can understand) and another night club called "Spunky" O.o;; Though I try not to talk to them too much...they mess with my mind..-_-;;

veggie-chan: I DON'T KNOW! Those images Haunt me Also! *shudders again* I hope Vegeta doesn't get a nosebleed soon...*shivers* that image was pure *gags* I don't even want to finish that sentence! *watches fruit loops in the corner of her eye*...AAAAAAAH! Them again! *yells a warning*

Android18: ^__^ You make me so happy.. with all your reviewing at stuff..*clueless experession* Who the heck is Bob?


Mushi-azn: Corny dreams are Veggie's speciality! ^_^ I hope to do one more in this story, 'cause it's so cool! I love doing those things! O.o;; no the kawaii pic didn't come in, which was why I was sort of disappointed. You CAN do transfers by AOL email, but AOL sort of sucks. -.-.. Er anyway you use the transfer by email and you just add the files in by "Attachments" which is this bottom button down on the left corner of the screen of the email. O.o;; if you don't get it, I explained it wrong then. Good luck on it, and ask if you didn't get it. And about what will happen with B and V... I'm not telling! :P

DarkFire101: ^____^ Glad I could help! OOOOh. I miss those buggers. ~_~ anyway, glad you liked the Veggie plushie! *hugs hers* I love MINE! Anyway if you were wondering what is Goku's plan this chapter is dedicated to it. Errrrrrrr... and chocolate..*drools* what a wonderful creation. ^_^ A woman must've invented it! *grin*

Squirrel: Smart game plan! ^_~

Chibi-Bra:*diverts her attention to Yamcha and Gohan and eye starts twitching* *chases them with her mega-wrench*

Yamcha and Gohan: AAAAAAAAAAH!!! *run*

Chibi-Bra: Mwahahaha! ^_____^ Die Mommy-stealers!

Bunni:*while watching, high fives Squirrel*

The Flying Pen: Yes, that also gives me inspiration! ^_____^ You'll sure be surprised in the next chapter! Oh I'm so evil..*chuckles evilly*

: Hehe, here ya go!

: YOU HAVE FREED ME! THANK YOU! *bows* ^___^ I am free! No more writing for me!

Chibi-Bra:*pokes head in and glares suspiciously* What was that?

Bunni:Er...uh...I said..*searches for words* I said, "Wow, More writing for me! ^_^" *laughs nervously and twidles thumbs* Yup, that's what I said..

Chibi-Bra:*narrows eyes and slowly backs her head out of door*..

Bunni:*wipes bead of sweat off her forehead* Phew! That was close. Anyway Zaria. You have saved me for a doomful doomy existance of..*creepy music* DOOM. Thanks! ^_^ *turns cheerful* I want some fish with mashed potatos, and carrot chunks in calm chowder with a side of catnip! ^_____^ MMMMMM... food.. *drools* *everyone stares at her*

Now to shamelessly plug in my own story *everyone hisses at her* AH! Trust me it's good, or at least I think it is. O.o..! ^^;; it's title is "The Annual Villain Bikini Contest"..and as you can plainly see, the title speaks for itself but inside it contains cat-fighting, weirdness, hilarious moments, and a side of villains you wouldn't care to find out. O.o;; but it's as funny as heck.

Kids Today, Adults Tomorrow
Chapter Ten
Goku's Plan..or the Ridiculously Short Chapter..

Goku rubbed his tummy, grinning at the fullness. O.o;; at the strangest times he was hungry. He then grabbed his chin, and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.

'Everything seems to be going as planned. If it keeps going this way, Trunks'll be born in no time!' Goku thought gleefully. Now if you are wondering, which I am sure all of you are:

What exactly is Goku's plan?

Everyone naturally assumes that Goku Son is not the brightest bulb or sharpest nail in the hardware store, but that's where you are wrong, my friends. Very, very wrong. He puts up that cheerfully ignorant idiot front to keep from everyone suspecting his true intellect. You didn't think Gohan got it all from his mother's side did you?

Of course not! ^__^ Anyway, getting off the subject here, what were we talking about again?

Ah, yes. Goku's plan. To some it may seem simple, to others complex, even slightly bizarre to even contemplate whether it would work or not, but to Goku, was there a doubt in that ingenius man's head?

Heck no! ^_^ This is the Saiyajin that defeated Frieza people, achieved Legendary, and is the Hero of the World!...*coughs embarassed* sorry, it's just that I'm on a roll here, anyway back AGAIN to Goku's plan.

The plan is to simply let Vegeta and Bulma interact. Alone. Together. In a room for the night. He had suspected there would not be much sleeping. But not in that sense. You see Goku is not a fan of teen pregnancy, or any other underage mature acts *coughdrinkingandwheezedrugsgag* Now here is the basic outline of The Plan:

First, interaction. (i.e. involving arguing, nosebleeds, more arguing, alot of sexual tension, nosebleeds again, arguing, and finally an understanding, with a probably chance of more arguing/nosebleeds.)

Second, they will ignore eachother.

Third, they will fall asleep in eachother's arms, and convientantly, Goku shall sneak in the room and try to get the A.D.T. to act up again, hopefully to age them back at their original age.

It was a long shot, a real risk, but anyone who knew Goku's other side, would know that he was a risky man.

Goku rubbed his hands together, ignoring the look Chichi gave him. It was time for to set The Plan into motion...

Chichi shook her head, and put the dishes in the sink, and went upstairs. She could only wish her husband the best of luck..

'Good luck, Go-chan!' She winked as she made her way lightly upstairs. By now Vegeta and Bulma would be dressed in their pajama's, and everything would begin to go to plan.

Goku nodded and grinned, still rubbing his hands. Time to matchmake. If a total stranger were to see this strong Saiyajin named Goku Son, he would have thought that all that was missing was either:

A.) A straightjacket and two burly men in white uniforms.


B.) A toga, a bow and arrows, and a sign on his back saying, "Cupid".



AN: Yes, it was short, it was vague, it was sort of boring, but right now I have to deal with school (blagh, what an awful excuse!) but I gaurantee that the next chapter will probably be the best of the best! *everyone whispers and squirms in anticipation*

Also no Bra, Andorid T, Trunks, and Me moments right now. O.o;; In the next chapter though, you'll get a major shocker! *dodges random objects thrown at her* AH! *runs into a portal* nyah nyah! Can't get me! *an object hits her in the head* X.x ow...

Next chapter: Will Goku pull it off The Plan? Or will something unexpected happen? *evil giggle* Find out...next time! ^_____^ Review please, even though you thought this chapter sucked..