Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kill Me With A Beat ❯ Kill Me With A Beat ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kill Me With A Beat
I stare and stare all day
Unable to touch her soft skin
Looking down at her
So innocent yet so dangerous
Ocean silk atop her head
Jewels of the sea in her sockets
Fragile fingers move around
Quickly and precisely
Her name is strange I'll admit
Yet it rolls lovingly off my tongue
While my eyes show nothing
But the pit of betrayal
How can I even look at her beauty?
When I know that it's a sin to
Tonight I'll forget about her
I'll forget about everything
The handle is rough
As the point is smooth
Her music's playing so loud
Like a careless college child
I linger here a little longer
Just watching her flowing movements
So kind is her mask
Though without it she's angry
I'll leave you know
I'm just a burden to you
I know you'll never feel what I do
So I'll go as soon as you sleep
Crimson is splattered everywhere
Pouring from my pale being
I'll leave you to your life
As the pain eases and my eyes droop
Goodbye though you won't care
I know you won't `cause you never have
I'm gone and alone
I disappear without a sound
Just a fading memory
I'm only that
I've given up pride
In seeing that you never saw me