Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ KIng Vegeta ❯ The Last saiyan ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

King Vegeta

783 A.C.(after Cell)

...767 Gohan yells kamehameha and over powers the android Cell, but Cell knew he was going to die so he put out a emp(electro magnetic pulse)which shut down all the electric operated devices...presnt year 783 A.C.(after Cell).A rider comes up to giant building guarded with about 50 people armed with submachine guns . The rider gets into the building and says" my lord", and super saiyn four Vegeta looks up from talking to his wife Bulma and says in a loud and commanding voice" what do you want?" the rider said "lord I'am one of your many loyal subjects and I come to warn you that there is a green monster attacking our village "Vegeta jumps to his feet and mutters to him" the Namek". "what was that sir" the rider said, "nothing" Vegeta replied. "Honey what's wrong" Bulma said putting her hand on her husbands arm. "Nothing" Vegeta grunted back. Bra came running up yelling "mommy mommy!!!" "What is honey" Bulma said in a worried voice.Bra whispered something her to mom. Then Bulma yelled, "NO!!" and jumped to her feet. Vegeta yelled "what is it?" "Bra said that Trunks had went to fight Piccolo" Bulma replied. That made Vegeta furious he powered up and took off with a streak of yellow behind him. Bulma yelled "Gaurds go get Radtitz and Nappa"(Radditz and Nappa had been wished back with the dragon balls).Two guards stomped off to get Raditz and Nappa. "Mommy mommy what's going on" Bra asked. "Bra go to your room and take a couple of guards with you" Bulma said. Bra skipped off unaware what the real danger was.

Vegeta was traveling at high speed towards Piccolo and his sons energy levels. "Damn the fight has already begun" he thought to himself (at the battle)..."Special beam cannon." "ha! ha! you missed piccolo" Trunks yelled, with a chuckle in his voice. Piccolo appeared behind Trunks and fired a ki blast.Trunks was instantly knocked out just as Vegeta arrived, and seeing his son lying on the ground, he exploded. He appeared in front of Piccolo and kneed him in the gut and then elbowed him in the back of the head which in turn knocked out Piccolo. Vegeta picked up Trunks and Piccolo and took off (back at Vegeta's house) As Vegeta landed Bulma came running out crying and "yelled how is he is he ok?" And when she got to him she screamed, right in Vegeta's ear which made him drop Piccolo. "Raditz, Nappa come here!" Vegeta yelled. Raditz and Nappa came running and said at the same time "SIR." "Take The Namek to a cell and you to guard him" Vegeta said with anger in his voice. Bulma now cradling Trunks, crying. "Stop crying women" Vegeta yelled. "Vegeta how can you be so inconsiderate" Bulma said. "He will be just fine I will give a sensue bean after he wakes up and I give him his punishment." (Later that night). Honey are you sure that Trunks will be fine? Bulma asked.Yes, Vegeta said, Ok then come here and make love to me Bulma said with love in her voice. Vegeta started taking off his armor and got to the bed but then Bulma said, first become normal your to hairy when your like that. Vegeta agreed and became normal, and Bulma took off her night gown. And they made love long into the night...

The next morning, Vegeta woke from being punched in the face by his wife, he groaned and got up and automatically turned ss4 since that is the only way anyone has seen him except for his family. He walked into his kitchen to get him self a cup of coffee. He heard his wife come down the stairs and come into the kitchen. "Good morning honey" Bulma said softly. "Aren't you afraid Goku will come?" she said. "Kakorot is nothing to fear nor his half saiyn half pint of a son who is responsible for all of this mess." Vegeta said with pride in his voice, "and if I ever find them, if they come out of the hole in the ground they are hiding in, I will kill them Kakorots entire family." he said with a dead tone. "Ok honey I'm going to go wake up the kids so they can go to school" Bulma said while leaving the kicthen. "Fine do what you wish" Vegeta replied. "Time to get up" Bulma said to her children. Trunks came darting out of his room to try to get the bathroom first but Bra had already beat him there. "Thats not fair" "Trunks cried out, you always get the bathroom first." "Thats because I'm a girl and my room is closer" Bra replied sticking her tongue out and closing the door. Trunks got mad stomped off to his room to get dressed for school. "Breakfast is ready" Bulma yelled. Trunks flew in and landed in his chair shortly after Bra came running. "I beat you" Trunks said taunting his little sister. "Thats because you flew" Bra said with a smile on her face. "Trunks" Bulma said "what have I told you about flying inside the house, now hurry up and eat your breakfast so not late for school." "Yes mommy" Trunks and Bra said at the same time. "Where's daddy?" Bra asked. "He's in the pond training" again Bulma replied "I don't know why he still trains, after all he is the strongest person on the planet. Now you two hurry up and get to school." "Ok" they replied. Bulma waved good bye as she watches her children go off to school.

(at the pond)Vegeta was training under water when one his guards came running up. "Sir" the guard yelled to get Vegeta attention. Vegeta came up and said "this better be important." The guard said "Sir the monster has awaken". "Good" Vegeta said with a smirk (in the dungeon) "Let me the hell out of here" Piccolo yelled bareing his teeth at Nappa and Raditz who were taunting him. As Vegeta walked in Piccolo stopped yelling and smiled. But Nappa and Raditz had not realized that Vegeta had come in so they were still taunting Piccolo. "Nappa, Raditz" Vegeta yelled, their eyes became wide. "What are you doing?" Vegeta asked smiling and putting one hand on each of their shoulders and squeezing. "Nothing!" they said while wincing in pain. "Vegeta I thought felt a strong energy reading but I figured it could be... Piccolo stopped because Vegeta had his hand around Piccolo's neck and was choking him. "Now namek tell me were Kakarot now, before I have Raditz get some pay back when you killed him."Vegeta said. "You'll never get it out of me" Piccolo said with pride in his voice."Oh realy we'll just see" Vegeta said and walked away.(later that day)"Vegeta?" Bulma said coming up behind Vegeta. "What is it?" Vegeta growled back. "You seem worried." Bulma said grabing hold of Vegeta's hand. "I'm not worried, I'm pissed, that namek knows where Kakarot is he refuses to tell me even though he is having the crap beat out of him." Vegeta said with a pissed off tone. "I know you want to find Goku but I think you are obsessed about it." Bulma said with a worried voice. "I'm not obsessed I want his son to pay this he had the chance to kill Cell but he didn't he wanted him to suffer but the monster cell did not suffer he regenorated him self and because of that (begining to yell) little brat let him do this to us" Vegta yelled. "Honey isn't the sunset lovely" Bulma said softly."Yea it is nice isn't it" Vegeta said turning Bulma and kissing her.

(the next day 10:00 a.m.) "SIR!!!" Nappa yelled. "The namek has gotten free!!!" WHAT, how did that happen!?!?!?" Vegeta yelled "Raditz left to go get something." Nappa said. "There is nothing to worry about." Raditz said with a calm voice "What do you mean we have nothing to worry about he got free you dumbass." Vegeta yelled "I'am aware of that, but I sent a spy to watch him and when he goes to where ever Kakarot is hiding, we will soon know where they are hiding." Raditz said starting simling "Very good Raditz very good." Vegeta said starting to simle him self. "Honey." Bulma said coming in to the room. "Yes." Vegeta said turning towards his wife "Whats all the noise is there something wrong???" Bulma asked "No, there is nothing wrong we are just talking about what to do with Piccolo,ok??" Vegeta said "Ok honey just keep it down so you dont scare bra ok???" Bulma said. " Yea ok, we'll try." Vegeta said. Bulma left the room. "Ok back to prablem at hand." Vegeta said turning back towards Nappa and Raditz and said "Raditz if this fails it will be on your head." "Dont worry sir it will not fail." Raditz said smiling.(later that day)"Master Raditz." a gaurd said running up to Raditz. "What is it???" Raditz asked. "There is a mesege for you sir" the gaurd said "Good what does it say???" Raditz asked "It says that the monster flew to a gaint tower that seems to reach above the clouds." the gaurd replied "I dont know what that means but I'll ask King Vegeta, now get back to your post." Raditz said "Yes sir" the gaurd said saluting and left.(Vegeta's throne room) "Sir" Raditz yelled running in to the room. "What is it Raditz, why do you barge in here??" Vegeta yelled. "Sir the spy I sent to folow the namek sent back a mesege!!!" Raditz said. "Well what did it say??" Vegeta asked " I dont under stand it though, it says he flew to a tower that seems to reach above the clouds, sir do you know what this is talking about???" Raditz said with a puzzled look on his face. "Yes I do beleve I know what he is talking about, Raditz go get Trunks and Nappa, but dont tell Bulma she will get worried" Vegeta said. (later that day) Trunks came in, then Nappa "What is it dad" Trunks asked. "Yea what is this all about Vegeta" Nappa asked "We found out where Kakarot is hiding" Vegeta said "And we are going to go get them" Raditz said "We will leave in the morning" Vegeta said

(the next morning) The four sayins took off towards the look out above Korins tower. "There we are men Korins tower and at the top of that is the look out, where Kakarot is hiding." Vegeta said with a smile "Well lets go Vegeta, lets get him." Nappa said powering up. Then they all powered up to super saiyn and took oof towards the look out. "There it is dad." Trunks said. They all landed on the look out and Goku, Piccolo, Gohan, Goten, And women named Videl."Vegeta we have been waiting for you." Goku said smiling. " I should have know, it seemed a little to easy to find out where you were hiding and that the namek him self be follwed." Vegeta said "Vegeta, I say we kill them now." Nappa said "How could you do that we out number you and we are stronger." Gohan said. "Thats what you think little boy we have gotten alot stronger." Raditz said. Then Raditz and Nappa went super saiyn two. "How is that possible they were so weak last time they fought us." Piccolo said "Thats not it." Nappa said. Then they went to super saiyn three. "Thats impossible how could they get that strong in this amout of time???" Piccolo said. "It's all thanks to Vegeta here." Nappa said. "Nappa I thought you would hate Vegeta for killing you." Goku said "I did until he brought me back to life and trained me." Nappa said grining What about you Trunks I see you have gotten bigger, have you gotten stronger to???" Goku said "Yes I have gotten alot stronger." Trunks said. Then Trunks went super saiyn two then super saiyn three. "Good Trunks you have gotten stronger, what about you Vegeta knowing you, you probly been training every day since the fight with Cell." Goku said "Yes Kakarot you know me well but you have no idea." Vegeta said Then he went super saiyn two, then he went super saiyn three and by showing true power he went super saiyn four. "Amazing Vegeta you have become very strong." Goku said. Then Goku Gohan Goten and Pan went super saiyn and Goku went super saiyn four, Gohan went super saiyn three and Goten went super saiyn two. "Vegeta, you, Nappa, Raditz and Trunks have grown very strong but so have we and you are still out numbered and I didnt want you here to fight." Goku said starting to get angry. "Well Kakarot what did you want us up here for then?" Vegeta said "There is an evil growing on the earth and we need your help to defeat it." Goku said "And what if we dont want to help you." Vegeta said "Then the earth is doomed." Goku said sighing "Dad I can feel something and it feels evil and its heading towards home!!!!!" Trunks yelled and the for saiyns took off towards Vegeta's home. When they got there a giant saiyn monster was attaking the town close to Vegeta's house. "There is the house." Trunks said Then Bulma came running out side with Bra in her arms. "Bulma!!!" Vegeta yelled as he shot down to the ground and picked her up. "Trunks carry your sister." Vegeta said taking off towards the look out with bulma in his arms.

(at the look out) "What the hell was that, that thing???" Bulma asked "It is the evil I was talking about." Goku said "I know what that was." Vegeta said. "What you know what that thing is Vegeta?!?!?!?" Goku said shocked. "Yes I do." Vegeta said "Well what was that thing that we saw." Bulma asked. "It's not a thing first of all it's a saiyn, and his name is Broli." Vegeta said with a dark tone. "What that was a saiyn, you mean like you and Goku?" Bulma asked in shock. "Yes like me and Kakarot, but not the same, see Broli was born a super saiyn, he was so power full they had to put a power belt on him." Vegeta said right before bulma interupted him. "Why did he need a power belt." Bulma asked. "Because he couldnt control his power, see when me and Kakarot and our childern went super saiyn we had to train to get there and we knew how to control the power, but since Broli was born with that power he didnt know how to control it and every time he would get mad he would destroy every thing in his path so finaly my father had a power belt created and sent Broli off to a remote planet where there were large power full creatures in a hope that some day he could call apon Broli to serve him. And he has some how got off that planet and has come for me." Vegeta said walking over to the window. "Vegeta, why is he here for you?" Piccolo asked. "He must think Im my father and he has come to get his revenge." Vegeta said turning from th window