Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss from a rose ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kiss from a rose
A/n- Yaoi! Goku/Vegeta paring. Based on Seal's 'Kiss from a rose', but not really a song fic. Just a short get-together. ^_^

Disclaimer- I do not own DBZ or Seal's 'Kiss from a rose'.


He stopped still in mid air panting, he could feel tears gathering in his eyes and he had to blink a few times to stop them from flowing. He stared deeply into those confused dark eyes and felt again, light fluttering in his stomach.

It wasn't overly romantic or anything, in fact it was said so indifferently that if it were said by anyone else it wouldn't mean this much to him. He didn't know what compelled him to ask such a question in the first place, it was a thought that in that moment had popped into his head. Most who would dare to ask the Prince of all Saiyan's ~why he would continue to stay on earth and if he missed his days of universal travelling~ would probably get a 'None of your damned business' in return.

But Goku had received a smile, a real smile that left him feeling so warm inside. And he answered while still delivering punches and kicks to Goku, ~'what would be the point Kakarot, there's nothing out there for me. Besides I'd probably have to drag you along with me, I don't think I'll find another one like you out there.'~

And that is when Goku stopped still, right in the middle of there sparring session, absorbing just what Vegeta had said. He had been so happy when Vegeta and him started there sparring sessions, it was initiated at Videl's baby-shower held and Bulma's house, Chi-chi had 'insisted' he'd come.

He'd mingled, made sure he had said hi to everyone, but by half an hour he was already bored. Vegeta had agreed immediately, but persuading Bulma was a whole other task. She had stated ~'Vegeta spends enough time away from his family in that GR! If you start your sparring he'll never be home!'~

It had actually been Chi-chi who had saved them, well saved him; Vegeta would have gone ahead with or without Bulma's consent. ~'Oh Bulma they'll probably sneak out anyway, let them go play'~
Vegeta had blushed at that, Goku could even recall the way he bent his head down slightly, it had made him look like a little boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar.

Head swimming back to reality, he noticed Vegeta's angry scowl. He rubbed the back of his neck in his usual fashion, smiling nervously. "Why not take Bulma with you… I mea…"

"Kakarot, not that I'm planning to travel the universe anytime soon, but I don't think a sparring session with Bulma would be quite as effective as one with you."

A smirk was flashed at him followed by another questioning glance; Goku's face had gone from a glazy happiness to a now saddened look.

Goku shifted in the air, not showing any signs that he wanted to continue this spar. "Um, Vegeta we should head back, it's getting late… and I think it's gonna start raining soon."

A brief look of hurt crossed Vegeta's face, but it was replaced with a hard stony expression quickly. Goku didn't know if it was because they had known each other for so long and he could notice these things, or if it was because Vegeta trusted him enough to reveal his true emotions.
He would have preferred the later.

He didn't like hurting this man he had grown so close to over the years, even though the older man had relished in calling him names, mocking, taunting him. It had toned down over time, become more friendly, but the sting that came with them still remained.
Seeing Vegeta hurt or upset affected him much more, especially after seeing Vegeta smiling, grinning like a boy, because he was sparring. Sparring with him.

"Vegeta we can meet up tomorrow, earlier, then maybe after we could hango…" Vegeta quickly cut him off mot waiting for him to finish the sentence. "Whatever Kakarot!" And with that he blasted off leaving behind a shimmering blue trail.

Goku just gave a sad smile to the quickly disappearing form, at least Vegeta would miss him if he did decide to go space travelling, miss his convenient sparring partner.
Goku drifted home, he would shower and change. Maybe he could go shopping, it was Christmas soon, it would be a nice change from the customary presents from him and Chi-chi. Besides, he wanted to get something special for Vegeta.


He touched down in an empty ally by the mall, when he'd reached home Chi-chi was not there, as he expected. She often did not like him flying to the mall, said he attracted too much attention. So he respected her wishes and was discreet about it.

He walked towards the enormous building already knowing his way around, he had been here before, just never on his own.
He had dressed in beige slacks accompanied with a white tight tee and a pale yellow zip up jacket. He had thought it would make him 'blend in with the crowed', but his bulky muscled form and height seemed to let him down a bit.

He walked through the mass of people, voice's intermingled sounding like a horde of Gulls at sea, if he listened long enough it almost sounded like a tune.
This was one of the reasons why he disliked going to the mall with Chi-chi, he liked people, but he didn't see how anyone could like this crowdedness, it was quite overwhelming.

There were so many shops to chose from, he didn't know where to start, didn't have a clue what to get Vegeta.
A little teddy bear caught his eye, perhaps he could get a present for little baby Pan, it would narrow his list.

He looked up at the shop name and shrugged, 'Anne Summers' he'd never heard of it. He stepped inside glad that this store was not as busy as the others he seen, in fact the most noticeable thing was that there was no children.
He picked up one of the small teddy bears, they seemed to be the only ones in the store.

Immediately his eyes widened in horror, the teddy bear seemed to be wearing black leather… strings!
The strings didn't seem to be covering what they needed to, the teddy was sporting an erection half it's size. He dropped it back inside the box and stepped backwards, finally getting a good look at the rest of the store…He ran.

He stopped when he was sure he'd gotten a safe enough distance from the store, he may have been naïve, innocent, but he knew that was not a toy store, at least not toys children should play with!

He would get Pan's present later.

He continued walking through the mall, taking the escalator to the second floor, he was getting rather bored now, he hadn't accomplished anything.
He stood still outside a shop when he heard music, the sound seemed to take over all the rest of the noise, making it the only sound he could hear…

~There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea
You, became the light on the dark side of me
Love remains, a drug that's the high and not the pill
But did you know that when it snows
My eyes become large
And the light that you shine can't be seen?

Baby, I compare you to a kiss from a rose on the grey
Ooh, the more I get of you, the stranger it feels yeah
Now that your rose is in bloom
A light hits the gloom on the grey~

It was beautiful, how he felt about Vegeta, at least how he thought he felt. All he knew was that he always felt really really happy when Vegeta was around, he spent most of his time trying to impress the Saiyan Prince, to make him smile.

He just stood there, listening, almost in a trance like state. This would be Vegeta's present…
He turned sharply when he heard his name being called, walking towards him was his wife, looking very confused.

"Goku, what are you doing here?"

"I was ere… well I wanted to buy presents, for Christmas."
Chi-chi smiled sweetly at him then narrowed her eyes, "You don't have any money." He just beamed proudly puffing out his chest, "I do Chi-chi, I saved up, from all that money Bulma gave me from helping her out with remoulding her lab!"

She smiled again shaking her head, "sometimes Goku, you surprise even me." With that she began to walk away, but turned back when she realised Goku wasn't following her. "Are you gonna stand there looking lost all day, or are you gonna help me shop?"

He inwardly sighed; he guessed Vegeta's present will probably have to wait. He rubbed the back of his neck smiling lopsidedly, "Oh, sorry Chi-chi, guess I just spaced out for a while huh!"


A/n- The 'teddy bear' is undoubtedly real…It looked so cute then I was like 'Ahhh my eyes!'- That 'Anne Summers' store, perverting such a cute little teddy. ^-^

Anyways… what do you think, please leave your comments.
BTW, I need a Beta, if anyone can help please contact me. ^_^