Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss from a rose ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kiss from a rose
A/n- Yaoi! Goku/Vegeta paring. Based on Seal's 'Kiss from a rose', but not really a song fic.

Thank you very much for the reviews ^_^
Macha, CardDragonball, Jaygoose, Mechanical Butterfly, Pixelgoddess, Santurion, Getarian, fire goddess5, Miyanon, Midnight-flame-Princess, BlackDragonFury, Kimmy Jarl, inumoon3, Plyric, nightspiritfox.

I forgot to answer them in the second chap so sorry… here are the answers:
ozumas girl - Who knows who will be on top O_O… well actually I do, but it may change, you'll have to wait and see. ^_~
SM/DBZ FANS - sounds like it could be fun, give me sum time to catch up on Sailormoon episodes and we'll see… I'm honoured that you've asked me. ^_^
Kahlan Nightwing - I like your version better as well… it certainly does sound more poetic… I'll do some research on the lyrics. ^-^

And a special thanks to Mechanical Butterfly for Beta'ing this chap for me! ^-^

Disclaimer- I do not own DBZ or Seal's 'Kiss from a rose'.


Vegeta's guard was down, he had a clear shot. But as he sailed through the air, his fist ready to deliver the ki infused punch. He faltered.
He knew it would be the finishing move, the blow would have surely rendered the Prince comatose, but everything Bulma had said; the worn expression on Vegeta's face… He let his power drain.

The fist connected with Vegeta's unguarded jaw causing the smaller Saiyan to stumble back in the air slightly, there was a moment of silence as Goku calculated Vegeta's next move, subconsciously holding his breath.

He knew he had already pissed off the Prince today, although the reason still mystified him; Bulma seemed to know.

One of the things Vegeta definitely did not tolerate was holding back, but Goku didn't want to hurt him, he didn't want to cause the Prince anymore pain.


That's what he felt when a foot collided with his nose: "Ouch!?!" He hadn't seen that coming! His hands immediately went to hold his aching nose trying to stifle the pain, his eyes were shimmering with burning tears from the sting.

Another shot of pain engulfed his nasal area as he tried to speak; "Ow! Darn it Bfegeta!"
He floated backwards as Vegeta approached him; to say the Prince looked angry would be an understatement.

Goku prepared himself for another attack;

"Does it hurt?"

The earth raised Saiyan almost fell out the sky. It was a question that betrayed Vegeta's sadistic nature, but it also held a childlike curiosity. Goku stared at the Prince incredulously.

This was the first time the Prince had spoken to him since the morning, but it didn't take a genius to know Vegeta was angry; there was such tension in the air during sparring, Goku found it difficult to concentrate.

It had been a long time since Vegeta had ever attacked him like this, catching him off guard when he was powered down; Goku found himself wondering again what he did wrong to make the man so mad?

"Let me see!" The Prince demanded, yet his voice held a soft tone to it, Goku found himself slowly moving his hands. Vegeta's fore finger and thumb pressed his nose, checking for any signs of breakage, it stung… a lot, but Vegeta was being surprisingly gentle.

"It's not even broken you big baby! Just a little bruised." Vegeta said amusedly, he allowed the tiniest smile to grace his lips before his face went back to it stony expression.

Goku himself had to stifle his giggles, he didn't think 'Big baby' was in Vegeta's vocabulary. The Prince descended, followed by Goku, who had now developed an obsession of prodding his sore nose. "Don't touch it! You'll only make it worse." The lithe Prince snapped it made him sound like a parent scolding a child. Goku stopped immediately, indeed looking like he had been told off, to lighten the mood, he smiled and declared: "Well I guess you won the spar today Vegeta!"

Vegeta shot a glare at him, causing him to stumble back from its intensity, for a moment he thought the man would attack him again. There was an exhalation of air then the Prince turned his back to him.

"Shut up Kakarot!"

The smaller man blasted off into the air with Goku in tow, but the earth raised Saiyan was wise enough to keep his distance.


He arrived home half an hour later; Vegeta had made it clear during their flight that he did not want his company. He had made the decision that he would go fishing, it had always relaxed him; he would cook the fish, then go home and help Chi-chi and Goten, if he was home, with Christmas decorations.

Thinking about it brought a smile to his face, even Chi-chi seemed more happy at Christmas!

Chi-chi was not home, he guessed she was visiting Videl and pan, something she did every so often; she would be home when he got back from fishing. He hoped Goten would come home soon; it had been a while since they had spent time as a family, he and Chi-chi both missed that.

He didn't bother with a shower, he would swim in the lake after all; instead he took with him a change of clothes.
It was not a long flight, in fact he did not need to fly there at all but he preferred it. He liked the feel of the gentle breeze, and he would raise his power up just a fraction to keep warm, at times he liked the cold. The throb in his nose had long since subsided and the cool breeze made it feel numb.

When he arrived he took a deep breath, breathing in all the scents around him, it had been so long since he was last here, a few months at least; Chi-chi had forbade him and Goten to come here for a swim as it neared winter.

He did another quick scan of the landscape before him, noting the slight patches of thin ice on the lake. He figured with his Saiyan blood he would be able to brave the icy depths without being too cold.
He was a little surprised that it wasn't colder, since it was Christmas in only two days; he shrugged his shoulders, perhaps it wouldn't snow this year.

He knew it would be very difficult to catch any fish in these conditions, but he was feeling rather hungry, what was five more minutes to him.

Clothes were carefully taken off, making him shiver slightly from the cold breeze that rushed past him. He made the decision to keep on his boxer shorts when he caught sights of the lake again, He slowly approached while keeping his arms wrapped around him.

Attentively he lowered one foot into the water to test its temperature, doubted that this was ever a good idea began to form in his mind.
"Kakarot! You're not really considering going in there are you?"

The earth raised Saiyan jumped in surprise at the sound of Vegeta's voice letting out a frightened yelp and falling face first into the shallow icy depths. He jumped out, almost in pure reflex and stood staring at Vegeta in shock, looking very much like a drowned rat.

"Wha…what are you doing here Vegeta?" His teeth were chattering so hard he could hardly form a sentence.
Vegeta just stood there and stared at him with wide eyes and Goku knew the dam was about to burst, soon enough the Prince was doubling over in fits of laughter; by the end of his laughing fit he was left gasping for air.

Goku, who was stood still shivering, let a small smile don his face, it was not often he'd get to see Vegeta laugh like this, and even though it was at his expense it made him smile; there was not any maliciousness to the Prince's laughter, just pure amusement… Goku had amused his Prince.

Finally when Vegeta calmed enough he answered Goku's question glee still obvious in his eyes; "The woman told me to come find you." He stated the answer as if it was the only explanation needed, Goku looked at him blankly in return for a while before replying, "Um… why?"

"She told me I needed to come and…" The Prince paused, for a second it looked like he was blushing but he quickly cleared his throat and mumbled a quiet "it doesn't matter."

Goku didn't know why but he had inkling that Vegeta was sent here to apologize by Bulma, that woman could be scary when she wanted to be. He flashed Vegeta a smile as if saying apology accepted then turned again towards the lake.

"Want to go for a swim Vegeta?"

Light chuckling was heard from behind him as he expected, "Kakarot most people tend to learn from there mistakes… but I guess you're an exception! You can swim in there if you like but I'm going home."

Goku without pausing jumped into the lake, shivering as spasms of cold ran up his spine, his teeth chattered and he gave Vegeta a wide grin saying slyly; "Ok Vegeta… if your too scared I understand."

He swore he could see the steam rising from Vegeta, his face was actually red; he was sure he would suffer some injury; but with the grin still on his face he thought… He'll probably raise the water temperature a few notches.


Only a few chaps to go… so plotline should be picking up speed! ^_^

Please review.