Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Knowing who to count on ❯ My father's perfect warrior ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: If you like the story, please review, if you hate it... tell me what's wrong with it, but please review!
I do not own DragonballZ. Or the characters. Whatever.
Yesterday was one of the most fucked up days of my life. And that includes all my days spent by Frieza's rule.
He's a sick bastard. A disgusting, slimy pink creature whose sight alone made my sick. A perverse man.
Enjoyed virgins. I think that's enough said. A day hasn't gone by that Frieza hasn't been on my mind.
Not since my father gave me to him.
I don't think my father wanted to give me up. I was strong, brave and never showed mercy. The ideal son.
Everything he ever wanted.

The woman's still asleep. It's nearly 11 am and she's snoring. Unaware of everything that happens around her.
Until my son walks in the room.

"Mom, dad" I hear him say
"What is it sweetie?" Bulma immediately replies. It's unbelievable. You can fire an energy blast right next to her and she'll sleep right through it,
but the minute my son makes a sound, she wakes up.
"Ehm, Goten and his dad are here. Goten wanted to go into the woods with me, and his dad wanted to talk to my dad. They're waiting for you downstairs.
Can I play with Goten mom?" he finishes with a pleading look in his eyes.
"Well sure you can go play with Goten, but I'm not sure what your father would say about a conversation with Goku." she says a little hesitating.
I know exactly what I'd think of a conversation with Kakarrot: I'd rather try and start a family with the Namek.
"Tell you what, go tell them I'll be downstairs in a minute, and I'll try to break the news to Vegeta."
Trunks nods and leaves the room. "No" I say.
"No what, Vegeta?" she asks me in her sweetest voice. "I refuse to speak with Kakarrot." What is that fool thinking?
Me, talking? He hasn't got a ounce of brain in that oversized head of his. Why would I even consider speaking to him?
He can't possibly think we're friends. The prince of all Saiyans doesn't have friends. He doesn't want them. And he sure as hell doesn't need them.
"Look, Vegeta, maybe if you'd think about it" She starts. I decide to cut her off. "Woman, I barely speak to you, why would I talk to Kakarrot?!"
This shuts her up. Not for long. "For me Vegeta, please. He came all the way down here to speak to you. You don't even have to listen, just say something.
He's my friend, do it for me. Please". She's nearly begging me. I want to say no. To aks her why she would think that I would do anything for her.
I wish I could walk out that door and tell her to leave me alone. But I find myself putting on my dark-blue training gear and walking towards the door.
I turn around for one last sentence. "I'm off to the GR, I need to get all my fury out if I want to speak to that idiot without blasting him."
She smiles and nods.

Firing off blast and throwing punches, I can't stop thinking about one thing: Why did my father send me away to Frieza?
Why? Was I a disappointment? I couldn't have been; I was more powerful than he ever could have dreamed.
Was he so weak that he couldn't have saved his son? No matter how much I think or dream about it, it always comes down to one thing:
he was afraid. He was a coward, afraid of standing up to Frieza. So scared that he'd lose his precious empire, that he showed no resistance giving me to him.
My father was my role model. Every time I got in trouble or felt like giving up, I always remembered his words: "You have the ability to become a Super Saiyan."

I was born with a high power level and exceptional intelligence. Power alone isn't enough. The perfect warrior exists of more than just plain physical strength.
Brolli was a perfect example. Strong, but he had less brain cells than Kakarrot. He knew nothing, and had no techniques, he just blasted everything that came in his way.
I had it all. A good bloodline, strength, intelligence; I was perfect. Until my fight with Kakarrot, I thought I had it all.
But now I know what I'm missing: talent. When Frieza sent me on my first mission and made fun of everything that I was, I swore that I would make my father proud.
I would become the best warrior ever. I would surpass every one. I would make sure that my father could be in Hell, knowing that his son is what he always dreamed I would become:
a Super Saiyan. I fought because I would be killed if I didn't. Because I was at a place where a quick death was considered a good thing/
Maybe my father cared for me, and sent me to Frieza because I would have been killed otherwise. I don't know.
I just know that I cannot imagine giving my son to some tyrant. I would rather die than betray him. I already did it once, and I would do it again.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh." I was powering up. After half an hour of intensive training, I decided that I had let go of my anger enough to finally face the clown.
I was ready. The Saiyan Prince would show the fool who he truly was. I would show him what a warrior truly needed to become the best.
And I would show him far above him I still was.

A/N: That's it for chap.3, please review! This story is already finished, I'm just uploading the chaps. one by one!