Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Kuria no Kizuato ❯ V-day ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"I can help…"

"Really thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!"

"But… you have to come to C.C with me"


"Right here's the deal. I help you, you go see Vegeta a least once a month and you and your friend live either next door or with me" I look at him I'm not about to be selfish and let Sokno die, besides he's just being protective. I stick out my hand.


"Deal, but you're not off the hook for this stunt" he shakes my hand and scoops me up and we're off, mission: save Sokno's life.

And that was a few weeks ago. Juunana-gou saved Sokno with a senseu bean. I actually visit them more like once a day than a month, they're really cool people and their arguments are quite amusing to watch.

Now Sokno her son and daughter live right next door. Yep that's right I live with Juunana-gou or to me Juu-kun, an android, who saved my life, and once upon a time tried to destroy the world.

Now what most people would think if I told them this, would either be: `ha-ha very funny' `are you insane' `really tell me more while I ring this number and the nice men with white coats can come and take you back to your nice rubber room which, I'm sure you already miss' or `ARE YOU INSANE!!!'.

I grin, most days I would be out training or reading Ann rice, but not today, today is feared through out the hearts of loners every where. This day strikes even me, a really bad ass tough chick in to hiding under the duvet like a child scared of the dark. Even though I'm not sure why they do that since its dark under there as well, any way that's getting off target today is….

Today is the most horrible terrible hateful fearful… um… err…. Did I already said horrible… damn! Anyway today is….

Valentines Day! (Screaming in the background is heard)

Lonely people every where cower in fear!!! As you can see, hiding today leaves me time to think up witty come backs and come up with stupid theories.

Where's Juunana-gou you ask well he's out with his new *shudders* `girlfriend' god I hate her, whoops that should be Kami or that other guy how I hate her, and NO I not jealous, I just can't stand the noise they make at night and the fact all she wears is yellow and that she sleeping with the man I lo… live with.

Just as I think that the door slams and yelling is heard then the door slams again, cautiously I walk out of my room, Juu's sitting on the settee looking mad. I clear my throat he looks at me, a few emotions cross his face, one was worry.

"What was that about?" he now looks panicked

"What about"

"The screaming, you and miss sunshine woke me up" he sighs and then laughs.

"Well at least one good thing came out of this" of what? What's he talking about.

"What are you talking about?"

"We broke up" he doesn't look one bit remorseful, ether he was a really good actor or… he really didn't like her…

That's stupid, if he didn't like her then why then why was he dating her and making so god damn much noise at night.

Earth to Heikgan comfort the poor guy.

"Why did you break up, I mean if you're not to upset to talk about it, not that I think you're a wimp just… I shouldn't pry."

He laughs "I don't think you're prying, we broke up `cause she found out I like y… American pop she hates that she only likes clubbing music"

"Well I'm not that keen on American pop ether but it do's has some good songs ether way it's no reason to break up with you"

I'm really trying to sympathise, but maybe this isn't my strong point, I should have gone to option B: humour. I'm not very good at this I hope he changes the subject, but I will be here for him no matter how much I want to run away and hide in some ditch.

"Yeah... so what did you do today?"

"It's only nine thirty am" man that girl really whacked his sense of time up.

"You usually go to Sokno's or the park in east capital around four thirty"

Smart arse how'd he know that anyway.

"So no valentines no cards flowers? Have you talked to any boys around here?"

"No cards and I don't date boys. I date men and flowers depress me"


"They wither or die" my voice was weak I hate things that die, he catches my eye and I smile, another look passes his face.

"What are you going to do today" he asked a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Hide under my duvet until today is over" no point in lying when I know it won't work on him.

"Nope, you're going to the mall with me for a day of shopping" I so do not want to go out, I need an excuse!

"Money don't come out of thin air"

"Nope it comes from your credit card that Bulma gave you" damn I need a better excuse.


"We're going now" before I can protest we're flying through the air.

After fifteen minutes of shopping I hear a sniffle… a familiar sniffle, I turn to the bench.

"Bra" she looks up and dries her eyes.

"Hei-Chan what ya doing here" she's trying to change the subject; I smile and sit next to her.

"Juu decided I was not going to hide under my duvet all day and that I was going to the mall. He just broke up with his girlfriend I think he's trying to get his mind off it"

"Where is he?" she questions looking up with pain filled eyes, no her eyes where filled with a kind of sad love deep in her eyes.

"I have no idea I just turned around and he was gone" I say looking around, "hopefully I'll just turn around in five minutes and he'll be there, now why are you crying?"

She looks over to Goten who is walking around with some brunette in a yellow dress.

"That's Goten my life long secret crush with his girlfriend on valentines day" I sigh poor young foolish girl, an idea springs to mind.

"Shouldn't that be `that's Goten a life long fool with his rubber yellow ducky on Valentines Day'" I get a laugh from her.

"hey how `bout we find Juu and you me and him will get some ice cream and shop and since he wandered off ice creams on him" another laugh and a chuckle, we spin `round to see Juu standing there lots of bags.

"Hey I'm on a roll three people and it's only ten thirty am, where have you been Juunana-gou" I growl the last part out.

"I believe what an English person, as you once were, would say is `that's none of your business pet'" OOOO I am going to kill him ditching me then, mocking me I will kill him… after ice cream, one problem I hate ice cream… Damn!

"Come on B lets go eat on Juu's bill" I hear him mutter something about killing me and smirk.

Bra eats and I don't I have a can of Pepsi. I would have Bacardi and coke but it's a bit to early you know, I look up at Juu looking at me, and my face heats up. I look away. Out of the corner of my eye I see a smug look cross his face. Bra's got the same look I would groan but I am not going to embarrass myself more.

A few hours later we part for home, at least Bra goes away with a smile on her face. As we walk in the phone rings, me and Juu look at each other a dash for it, unfortunately he is so much faster than me and therefore beats me to it. I stand and wait patiently. He comes off and walks away smirking.

"Well" I ask

"Well what?" he asks back

"Who was on the phone?"


"Yes the thing I'm going to hit you with if you don't answer me"

"Ask nicely and maybe I'll tell you" he is looking so smug smirking like that, I can feel my anger melting… Damn! Still I am not asking nicely.

"Juu-kun please tell me who was on the phone" damn my curiosity

"Nope" now he's near a grin.

"Come on Juu please" I whine.

"Fine it was Bulma" he walks into the room and hands me a bag and continues.

"Were going to a party in honour of valentines day, go get ready we're leaving in thirty minutes" I cannot believe this I'm never told anything.

I storm off in to my room still angry as ever.


Juunana-gou's P.O.V

I could almost laugh at her expression as she storms off leaving me to get ready for the party.

My room reminds me of my now ex girlfriend and I remember what happened this morning.

We'd just finished having sex when it happened.

*flash back*

"You said *her* name again as usual" she growled the green eyes of jealousy had bitten my girlfriend.

"If I always do then why are you complaining?" she growled and I smirked.

"You love her don't you, you're… your using me" she looked angry

"And your sleeping with people behind my back" I tsked my finger at her and she growled storming out yelling.

"You're in LOVE with her AREN'T YOU?!!"


"You… bastard you've been trying to make her jealous so YOU could have her run to you like a lost lamb when she… she can't just take listening anymore" I smirk

"So your not as dumb as you look" and laugh she runs out slamming the door behind her… bitch she cheated I just used fair trade in my books

*flash forwards*

I hear the door open outside I walk through and my jaw drops.


Heikgan P.O.V again.

After my shower I come through I look through the bag lots of black even black lacy under wear, oh crap my face is heating up again.

I love this dress its black with ankle boots black choker, I applied black eye shadow but pink lipstick, spray vanilla scented body spray on, last I brush my hair but leave it alone apart from that, I feel pretty.


And sound like a moron!

Juu looks surprised I walk over and close his mouth and for once in all the time since I've met him in I'm the smug one. Mhhhaaaaa.

"Don't want any fly's to get in do we" I hide a laugh and walk towards the door and tap my foot impatiently.

The night is going great Goten danced with Bra twice his girlfriend never showed and Bra's showing him the time of his life. Marron is dancing with Ubuu again and Trunks and Pan were looking each other and pretending that they didn't. Bulma had conned Vegeta into dancing, wonder how that happened. Krillen was talking with Goku and the other guys, while Chi chi and Videl were eating, wondering when the role reversal happened.

I wonder where Juu went; I sneak off to the balcony maybe if I'm lucky no one will notice that I've arrived.

"Heikgan" I spin around to see my brother standing there.

"Hey `Geta" he looks annoyed

"It's Vegeta and you look beautiful by the way little sister" little I'm taller than him damn it in spite of my self I smile.

"Thanks `Geta you don't clean up to badly your self" he frowns and I smirk.

"VEGETA" Bulma yells for somewhere within the party

"You have my permission" I look at him quizzically

`For what?'

"I'll see you later and you know what" `No I really don't.'

"See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya"

For some reason he smirks as he walks off, what's up with him? I just insulted him!... and he didn't have a normal smirk on he had that `I know something you don't know smirk on.'

Not like I care….


Ah as the old saying goes curiosity killed who ever got in my way…. No wait that's just my saying oh well, its two threes and a six really.

It's later and no sign of Juunana-gou. I'll kill him bringing me to a party then ditching me like that! I should do in that bint! Wind blows my hair slightly. Someone taps my left shoulder I look to the left, no ones there look to the right Juunana's standing there smirking.

"Why do I always fall for that" he chuckles shrugging

"May I have this dance?"

I nod, it's all I can do, he takes my hand and leads me into the dance hall. For the first time tonight I really look at him, with his black tux and all…. Somewhere between the beginning of the dance and the end of the evening, I get entranced in his beautiful mysterious sky blue eyes and I was caught like that for what seemed forever… not that I minded….

Down girl! Go sit in the corner, no supper for you tonight and tomorrow whe're getting you spayed… wait, no I'm not, that'll hurt like hell, so NO!

Usually I'm a naff dancer but tonight I'm on fire, or maybe it's because he can sense my movements and has no desire for his toes to turn purple, ether way I'm having a great time.

We arrive home late as in last at the party late, ever since that dance the night has flown by, Juu goes to walk into his room I can't just leave tonight like this.

"Juu-kun" he turns and looks at me. I walk up to him and kiss his cheek, hey that's more than my brothers or father ever got out of me.

"Thank you"

He smiles and nods kissing my fore head.

"Now go. To. Bed" what one minute romantic next I'm five… great.

I sigh and walk away I hear him chuckle, Kami that guys a pain. I switch the light on and there on my bed is a rose.

I walk up to it not and ordinary rose there's a card.

A flower that won't wilt or die


A crystal rose…

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^< /div>

Disclaimer: well I really wish I did own DBGT and *all* of it's charters for my own but this guy named Akira Toriyama was born before me, and therefore had the idea before me, got copy right over Juu-kun… I mean DBGT. *cries* he was sooo mean he didn't even write me into the plot I had to write my own… JERK!

Hey guys, I know long chapter, don't take it to heart it's a special for V-Day which I hate but many love so there's your love and mush, you romantics don't say I never give ya anything, just kidding I had a lot of fun writing this chapter… in between puking and blushing that is, do you know how hard it is to write a romance with out any one else's in the room knowing, DO YOU!!!

Any way hope every one had a wonderful V-day I `hid under my duvet' like I do every year as a friend of mine so `kindly' pointed out, therefore, the idea. Any way I do not hate v-day because I got no cards, well I didn't this year but I don't have a love interest… wait this is none of your business!

You people who reviewed you guys are the best and mostly are what is keeping me going thanks… please review so I know if I'm doing bad or good or even if you have an idea or question ask…

Unless it has to do with some secret plot line cause then you'll have to wait with the rest of the world including myself. Any way guys gotta go and rest and eat and sleep and eat and… you get the rest of it Lazer.

Ja Ne

~ *Hei-Chan* ^_~