Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Lasta lalaithamin (Listen to my laughter) ❯ A'maelamin er (My beloved one) ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lasta lalaithamin

Listen to my laughter

By Rina_istorlle (Mean's Memorize your spells hee hee ^_^)

Disclaimer: I don't own the DragonBall z characters; if I did it wouldn't be fan fiction…All made up characters in this story belong to me, if by any chance you would like to use them please just ask and it will be granted! ^_^ Lasta lalithamin and other words also don't belong to me. I found the words on an Internet site of Elven Phrases that I thought were really cool. Here is the site if you would like to see them:


Thoughts: `Hello!'

Talking: "I have a giant Flamingo!"

Me: (Insane-ness runs in my family!)

Hours ago she had finish her shower. Her wet brunette hair lay limp on her shoulders. Alexia felt like she was going crazy, having been in this ship for a few days now. There was just nothing to do! `What does my mother do on these ship rides of hers? I know she doesn't train, how does she past time?'

While pondering the question she tapped her fingers against the table in front of her. Growing bored just sitting there and thinking about her mother, she sighed. She would train but her muscles were throbbing from pain. She didn't watch the time and spend about the whole day training.

She laughed, if only her mother could see her now! The Princess of Vela training? It's not like her mother to know that she train about every day. She did it in secret because her mother didn't improve of it. `I wonder what's going on in Vela. I call see my mother and Jerral calling the guards wondering where I have gone. Ha, I don't even know myself. `

A loud voice boomed over the intercom, bring her out of her thoughts. "Horme, being dragged into a Unknown planet's gravitation." `A planet already? What's going…' The ship lunged to the right sending Alexia crashing into a counter. Groaning she looked up to see a bright scarlet light flashing above her. That was the last think she saw before she past out into the darkness.

Pan looked around her it looked like all the z fighters where there. She blinked; she had never seen everyone gather so quickly. Noticing Trunks to the right of her she quietly walked toward him. Grabbing his hand, she looked up into his stunning blue eyes.

"Trunks, what's going on?"

"I…we don't know yet. No one has come out of the ship!"

Not replying back to him, she started walking toward the ship. The astonishing black color of the ship was impressive. The closer she went to the ship she could see more detail. A dragon illustrated on the ship with some kind of golden ink was breath taking.

"A black dragon…" She whispered to herself. Before she had time to act the ground being to tremble and the door to the ship unlocked it's self. Not turning around to see if anyone was following she swiftly stepped into the ship. No more then a few steps did she observed a girl about her age on the floor, bleeding from her forehead.

Gasping she quickly got down on her knees to the side of the girl. The girl looked very pale and unhealthy. Pulling her orange bandana out of her pocket, she wrapped it around the girl's forehead. Not wanting to hurt the girl anymore then she was, she rushed back outside.

"BULMA! Hurry there's a girl who's hurt in here."

Suddenly Bulma followed by others were before her. Being pushed back inside the ship by Bulma and the others, she watched Bulma giving orders to everyone around her.

"Mirai! Pick the girl up slowly; we don't know how hurt she really is. Place her in the clinic room in the west wing!"

Quickly Pan followed Mirai out the ship's door and into the house. She had never seen Bulma giving orders in such a commanding order and quickness. Almost knocking into Mirai she became aware that Mirai had stopping moving and was trying to open a door. Pan push his hand away and opened the door for him.

Mirai placed the girl gradually on the bed with such gentleness that it surprised her. She hadn't seen him or for that matter any other saiyans ever being gently. But Mirai was different; he was never really talkative to anyone but her father.

They, being Goten, Marron, Trunks, Bra, Ubuu and Pan, had always tried to get him to go with them to places. Places such as the movies, the beach, anywhere. The problem was he never wanted to go and he always said he was busy training. It kinda reminder her of Vegeta in a sense. Always training and never really having conversations with anyone.

She didn't really blame him though; he would probably never fit in. Due to being from such a difficult time and being another Trunks. It was weird when he had first come to live in this time. Seeing another Trunks who didn't act like Trunks was hard to get use to.

Realizing Bulma had finally come up into the room, she looked around to find that Mirai had left the room. Bulma looking at her in a strange way made her cheeks turn red from embarrassment. She gentle walked out of the room to leave Bulma to her healing of the girl.

Wondering where Mirai had gone she ran into something that felt like a brick wall. Landing on the floor she looked up to see Trunks smirking at her. Glaring at him she got up and rubbed her butt.

"Well, I never thought I would see Fair Goddess Panny on the floor doing who knows what."

"Trunks, Please not right now."

"Are you worried about the girl, oh Fair-one?"

"Yes, and stop calling me Fair Goddess Panny, Boxer boy!"

"If you can call me Boxer boy than I can call you Fair Goddess Panny!"

"Do you ever stop?" She replied throwing her hands up in the air.

"Maybe." He said while mocking her with his hands in the air.

Growling at him she attempted to get past him through the hallway. But he kept blocking her way. With a final effort trying to get away from him she pushing him back only to allow him to take hold of her wrists. Taking the opportunity he brought her against chest.

"Trying to get away, Panny?"

"Trunks, It's the middle of the afternoon I need to get home."

"Why? Your parents are here."

"Yeah, well I have homework!

"You know what, Panny? You're a horrible liar."

"Really? While we're here why did you break up with...um…what's her name again?"

"Yes you are! Her name was Susan Cooper."

"Oh, right! So why?"

"I guess you were right, just like the others…"

"I'm sorry. I don't know what goes on in through those minds of the girls but you're a great guy!"

"I don't know…"

"For starters your funny, nice well sometimes, attractive, rich…the list could go on."

"Fair Goddess Panny thinks I'm attractive?"

"Nope, But to others you might be, Boxer boy."

Still in his grasp, she rested her cheek against his chest and closed her eyes. She was really tired; she didn't get any sleep that night. She had been having the dream about Trunks again. Biting her lip she wanted to know why she had fallen in love with him. Feeling him rest his head against her head, she almost wanted to pull away. `If only he knew the way I feel. Can he sense my heart beating faster just from him touching me?'

***Another chapter! Hope you guys like! Thanks for reading my fan fic. Please review; it helps me become a better write. Plus as a bonus a better story for the readers! ^_^ Thanks to Mina Son, Lisa for reviewing! ^_^


Urgent: Horme