Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Legacy of Chaos ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
A/N: Okay, I understand that at the end of the Buu Saga, they wished for everyone to forget about the whole incident. No one's supposed to remember at all. But for the sake of argument, let's say in this ALTERNATE universe, they didn't wish for everyone to forget. Yeah, the Buu Saga, the World Tournament, everything is still fresh in their memories.
Legacy of Chaos
Chapter 2
"Lime! Don't forget to take out the trash!" an old man called from inside a shop. The young girl, Lime, trotted out, carrying a garbage can. She hummed happily to herself as she placed the can at the side of the dirt road.
"Done, Grandpa!" she called back inside. She was about to turn around to leave, when the ground started to shake and the trash can tumbled over. Lime spun around and glared at the can. "Don't you go tipping on me!" she barked at it. Carefully, she set it upright and turned to leave again, when the ground began to rumble once more. "Darn it!" She twirled around to pick up the can again, but froze in her tracks when she saw a huge spacecraft fly overhead. She could have sworn her jaw hit the ground at that moment as the ship landed a few miles away. Ignoring the discarded bin, she let her curiosity get the better of her and ran to the landing site of the starship. Just like in an old sci-fi movie, the main door opened slowly, making fizzing noise the whole time. Lime swallowed nervously as a few figures could be made from the steam and smoke. When the dust settled, three women could be seen, one with white hair, one with blue hair, and one with green hair. They stepped off the landing platform and the woman with white hair pressed something on her wrist watch. In a flash, the spaceship was gone as if it was capsulized. Then their attention was drawn to the gaping Lime. The green-haired girl grinned.
"What do you think we should do with her, Doom?" she asked sinisterly. Doom tilted her head to the side while Lime tried to inch her way back.
"She's not worth our time," Doom replied. She walked right up to the frightened girl, placing her hands on either side of Lime's head. "Dowasure no omoiokosu, tabini omoiokosu no dowasure." [1] Suddenly, Lime's eyes got hazy.
"What was that?" the blue-haired girl asked.
"An old forgetfulness spell," Doom answered casually. She studied Lime's facial appearance before removing her hands and snapping her fingers. Lime became alert and looked around, confused. "Excuse me, miss?" Doom said, slapping on a fake concerned voice. "Are you alright? You dazed out for a moment." Lime shook her head clear.
"I'm…fine…" she murmured. Doom secretly smirked.
"Good. Do you happen to know which direction Satan City is in?" [2]
"Uh, yeah," Lime replied, getting her thoughts back. "It's just east from here, a few miles down the road. You can't miss it!"
"Thanks. By the way, I'm Doom…er…Dune Armagen and these are my sisters, Pearl and Christy."
"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Lime."
"I better get going. Later." She pulled a capsule from her pocket and tossed it a few feet in front of her. Seconds later, a convertible popped out of the contraption. The three sisters got in the sleek car a drove off. Lime scratched her head before looking at the huge crater before her.
"Where'd that come from?!" she shrieked. But before she could think about, she suddenly forgot it was even there. Turning to leave, she didn't even acknowledge it again.
Gohan looked back and forth before sneaking out of the school library and down the empty halls of Orange Star High. He had shown up early for school so he could talk to Videl. He knew no one would be at school this early. That meant no fan girls. His locker came into sight as he thought, 'Home free!' But just as he opened his locker, a hand slammed it shut.
"Hey!" he yelled, forgetting to actually look at the person. "What's the big id - oh! Hi Videl!" He quickly blushed when he realized he had been yelling at the very girl he needed to talk to. "Sorry," he said sheepishly, one hand behind his head in the classic Son pose. Videl grinned, showing she forgave him.
"Getting paranoid?" she asked smoothly. Gohan chuckled.
"Uh…yeah, I guess…" he replied, grinning as he reopened his locker. "I guess you kinda spooked me." Videl smirked.
"I didn't expect to see you here so early," she said, examining her fingers. "Usually you're late."
"Uh…actually, I came to see you." Videl froze as a blush crept up her cheeks.
"Me? Why?"
"I was wondering if you could do me a favor," Gohan answered, smiling. Videl found her breath once more and continued to look at her finger tips. 'For a second there…' she thought silently. 'I thought he wanted to see me.'
"What can I do for ya?" she readily accepted.
"Well…" Gohan trailed off when he sensed a hundred tiny ki's heading his way. "I'll tell you later." He hurriedly snatched his books from his locker, slammed it shut, and began running. Videl stood for a second before a gust of wind blew past her, followed by a hundred girls, screaming Gohan's name. She smiled sensitively for Gohan. At least now she knew why she hadn't been able to talk to him for quite some time.
Gohan forced his way into his first period class and hurled the door shut, slamming on the faces of his chasers and stalkers. To his surprise, Videl was sitting on his desk, waiting.
"How'd you get here before me?" he half demanded.
"No time to explain," she laughed. "Seriously, though. I got here through the window. You can fly you dolt!"
"Oh yeah…" He practically had to crawl his way to his desk and slumped in his chairs. "I feel like a human who was just stuck in a cage with a lion." Videl giggled.
"You want sympathy or some cheese to go with your whine?" she joked.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"What do you think? Y'know, for the school's smartest kid, you can be pretty dense sometimes."
"Shaddup!" Gohan jokingly sulked.
"Now what did you want to ask me?"
"Oh yeah! As you can tell, the fan girl situation is getting out of hand. So Dende-sama suggested -" He was cut off by a high pitched welcome by none other than Erasa.
"Videl! Gohan! Great to see you guys here!" she greeted. "And early for once! What happened? Didn't do your usually quickie this morning?" The two teen warriors blushed furiously.
"Erasa!" the both squealed, clearly embarrassed. Even Gohan knew what she meant by 'quickie'. He may have been home-schooled for most of his life, but he had been around Erasa, Videl, and Sharpner long enough to get corrupted by them.
Moments later, Sharpner walked in, his usual 'Hey nerd, hey babes' routine. He casually draped his arm over Erasa's shoulder.
"What's up? You and Gohan are early?" Sharpner remarked to Videl. "Did you arrive early to announce that you two are officially dating finally?" Again, the daughter of Mr. Satan and the demi-saiya-jin blushed once more.
"Where is everyone getting these ideas?!" Gohan screamed. "First Krillin, then my mom, then Bulma, now you guys!! When will it end?!"
"There, there, Gohan," Sharpner comforted. "It'll end either when you admit you like Videl, or when you kill yourself. Both options sound pretty embarrassing to me."
"Why me…?" Gohan began banging his head on his desk. Luckily, before the conversation could go on, the bell rang and in barged the Language Arts teacher, Ms. Brady, followed by the rest of the class.
"Okay, class!" Ms. Brady said nicely. "Please open your Japanese books to page 34. We'll be studying adverbs, adjectives, and pronouns." The class complied. Ms. Brady began reading off the page, when they were interrupted by a knocking on the door. "Ah! That must be the three new students."
"Three? Wow!" mused Erasa. Ms. Brady placed her book down and opened the door. In walked three teenage girls.
"Students," their teacher announced. "Please welcome Dune, Christy, and Pearl Armagen to the class."
"They're sisters!" Erasa stated the obvious. "How cool!" Gohan stared at the newcomers intently. Something about Dune's expression sent shivers down his spine.
"I have a bad feeling about her…" he whispered more to himself.
"Girls, there should be a few empty seats at the top level [3]," Ms. Brady said, pointing behind Videl's row. The three sisters walk self-consciously towards the stairs. As they climbed the small staircase, Dune and Gohan made eye contact briefly. In those few split seconds, Gohan was suddenly filled with fear and grief.
But just as quickly as it came, it was gone and Dune was sitting in her seat behind them with her sisters. Videl gently reached behind Erasa and shook Gohan from his thoughts.
"You okay?" she whispered. Gohan nodded numbly. He couldn't quite shake off that dreadful feeling he had gotten when he looked into Dune's eyes. It was the same feeling he had felt when he fought Cell and Majin Buu. He looked over at Videl and noticed the concerned look on her face.
"Don't worry," he said, slapping on the Son grin to keep her from distressing. "I'm fine. Really!" That answer seemed to satisfy her and she turned back to the front.
Dune eyed the raven-haired boy sitting in the row in front of her. 'He might be trouble…' She then turned her attention to the girl sitting two seats away from the boy. Quietly, she checked the picture in her purse. Name: Videl Satan. ID #: 325842492. Dune smirked and tapped her two sisters on the shoulders. They looked at her with interest. Dune pointed to the picture and then to Videl. They both clued in and smiled as well.
"We found her," Dune whispered so only they could hear. "And while we're at it, I think we found the golden light."
[1] Dowasure no omoiokosu, tabini omoiokosu no dowasure: Roughly translates to "Forget to remember, when you remember to forget." I could be wrong.
[2] Now before you all ask, "How do they know about Satan City," keep in mind they have knowledge of everything about Earth and its people.
[3] Remember the way the classes are set up in DBZ? Each row of desks are one level higher as you get to the back of the class. It sorta reminds you of a collage classroom. I think it's like that so the teachers can see every student and the students can see the front of the class.