Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Little Surprises ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Life's Little Surprises

As usual this fan fiction is an alternate universe story. This story revolves around many of the DBZ squad but mainly Gohan and Piccolo. This is not a romance b/w Gohan and Piccolo! But this is mainly a romance. If you've read my other stories, you will know exactly where this story is heading. But trust me… this story will have some interesting twists.

Chapter 1:

How I'd welcome the darkness, right now! Cursed sun, set, I say! No, you'd rather mock me and stay still, high in the bluest blue sky. I cannot survive, like this. Oh, damn those hunters to the deepest pits of hell!

It hurts to move. Is that the sound of a splash? Could it be a person or is it fish? Either way is good news for me. If only I could fly, I am too weak to even move. Maybe if I make some noise.

I conjure up all the strength I have left to make a ruckus. I'm sure if the sound I heard was a person, they will surely come to my call. If only this blasted arrow hadn't struck my wing!

Footsteps! I hear footsteps. I look up and narrow my keen eyes, please let them save me! Two people… I see their silhouettes. One is much shorter than the other but the other is a giant.

They approach me and I see one of the men has green skin! How bizarre! The other is just a child, maybe fourteen. The boy speaks to the green man.

"Mister Piccolo, it's injured! It's wing is bleeding… poor thing." The boy kneels down… he looks to be analyzing my wing.

The green man grunts folding his arms over his chest. Damn, he is muscular. What is he, an alien? I guess I'm one to talk… I'm a bird!

"Gohan, it is just a bird. Birds die everyday." The green man who was addressed as Mister Piccolo, speaks with a deep earth-trembling voice. This Mister Piccolo has some nerve. What, I don't deserve to live? Only the strong survive?

"We can't just leave it, here! It will die! And we can save it!" The kid, Gohan, looks up to, what seems to me as his mentor. And who is the kid calling it? Bird I can handle, but, it!

"Kid, you have such a weakness. What have I taught you?"

Oh, geez… I can't believe the kid is trying the puppy-dog eyes with Mister Stoneface.

"Please, Mister Piccolo. All we have to do is carry it to Dende, he can heal the bird. I wanted to see him, anyways. Please!" Gohan says pleading with his teacher. Heal, I have never heard a person capable of such magic. A sorcerer indeed!

"And then you will be late home. Your mother will not allow you to come train with me if you are always late." The man seems more interested in the sky than my bleeding wing.

"She doesn't allow me to, anyways! She never knows I'm with you." The boy stands, trying to convince his mentor.

Mister Piccolo rubs his temple, yeah, the kid is giving me a headache, too, it is not natural a boy his age to have such an octave, "Fine, you carry the filthy bird."

FILTHY! Why you! Once that sun sets! I squawk violently at the green man. I mean, he calls me filthy but he is covered in sweat and he smells of elderberries! (AN: Monty Python, gotta love it!) Filthy, maybe he should take a good look at himself. It is obvious the kid was the one splashing in the lake, I mean, I can smell him from down here!

"I think it heard you call it filthy." The boy says as he gently picks me up. Well, good thing the kid knows how to carry a girl.

"Don't be absurd… It has the brain the size of a walnut. It cannot comprehend speech." Mister Piccolo says as he begins to… fly? That is interesting but he is an alien. I guess they are capable of flight. I thought I've seen some people flying around… I guess I'm not as crazy as I thought.

The boy follows with me squawking angrily at Mister Piccolo. This man obviously doesn't know how to flatter a girl! First, I don't deserve to live, then I am filthy and now I am stupid!

"I really think it does understand you. There are people who train hawks like this one to understand voice commands…" The boy starts lecturing the uneducated man.

"But not to understand speech. So drop this foolish notion."

"Maybe it can tell you don't like it. Maybe if you adjusted your tone in your voice. It's worth a try!"

The green man looks back over his shoulder, "Gohan, you understand that once the hawk's wing is healed, you must release it. Hawks are not birds to have as pets. I am surprised this one hasn't attacked you." Mister Piccolo says. So, now I am a savage who attacks anything that moves!

"I know, Mister Piccolo. But, still, I think she's pretty and I am positive she understands us." The kid says. Boy, I think I love this kid. He understands I'm a female and he thinks I'm smart and pretty.

"She? How can you tell?" Mister Piccolo asks with what seems to me as a lack of interest but for him maybe it is interest.

"The coloring. I read it in one of the books my mother gave me. And what is even more interesting is that this type of hawk is almost extinct and is not seen is these parts." The kid strokes my feathers carefully. The kid is smart and sweet… too bad he hasn't rubbed off much on his ignorant green mentor.

"Gohan, don't get attached to that bird! We take it… her… to Dende, get her wing healed and send her on her way. Your mother will not allow you to keep a bird and I sure as hell won't keep your stupid bird either."

"But what if she wants to stay with me? You want to stay with me, hawk?" The kid looks down at me… now's my chance, I'll show that stupid green man how stupid I am! I nod my head, "WOW! MISTER PICCOLO!"

"What?" The now ticked-off mentor turns to his student.

"I knew she understood me! She nodded her head!" The boy says excitedly. Yeah and I know my ABC's too! "Tell him you want to stay with me."

This kid is going to have me doing tricks, sigh, I nod my head.

"It's just a trick, kid. It is probably a vocal command it learned. "

This Mister Piccolo is the most pessimistic person, I've met, besides yours truly. Oh man, the sun is going to set within the hour! Dammit! Where is this Dende? The moon?

Is that? What is that pole? It reaches to the clouds. Both Gohan and Mister Piccolo head straight up… our destination must be atop that pole! Are they taking me to heaven or what?

****That's the end of Chapter One. Let me know what you think. Give me some reviews.****