Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Life's Little Surprises ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Life's Little Surprises

As usual this fan fiction is an alternate universe story. This story revolves around many of the DBZ squad but mainly Gohan and Piccolo. This is not a romance b/w Gohan and Piccolo! But this is mainly a romance. If you've read my other stories, you will know exactly where this story is heading. But trust me… this story will have some interesting twists.

Chapter Four:

I wake to my cursed winged body. I hate this body. I scramble out of the confines of the clothing and the blanket. The blanket is heavy but then I feel it lifted off me. I look at the green hand and then crawl free of the blanket.

Piccolo extends his hand to me. What does he expect me to do? Perch on him? I'm a hawk, for god's sake! My talons will go right through his skin.

Obviously, Piccolo knows my thoughts. "My skin is not like a humans. You will not hurt me."

Too bad, I think as I climb up to his shoulder and stand on the shoulder pad of his cape to find it must be weighed down with metal.

"If you'll allow me, I would like to open a mental channel so I can understand you." Piccolo looked at me with those obsidian eyes.

I nod my head, no use in him being confused for the reasons I attack him.

I think to him, "Does that mean I will hear your thoughts?"

"No," Piccolo says aloud, "It is a one-way deal."

Piccolo's voice is very dark and deep. I guess I would even go as far to call it sexy. I wonder how we will find these dragonballs and how long it will take. It took over a year for Perna's army to find those gold balls.

"First, we will go see Bulma to get the dragonball radar. It will show us the exact location of each ball. It will be much easier to find them." Piccolo explains and I feel embarrassed. He probably heard my thought about his voice. Piccolo walks out, ignoring Dende, and takes off into the air.

Piccolo continues to fly. I try to keep my mind off him because I know I will start to think of those things he said before he knew I was a woman. Piccolo stops flying and looks at me. I see the reflection of my amber hawk eyes in his.

"I did not mean any offense to you." Piccolo says and I get the sudden urge to claw his eyes out for listening to my every thought. "I am sorry, Ava."

Damn him! My thoughts are personal! I mean he could, at least leave me, some privacy! And staring at me like that! Like I am some sort of freak!

I notice the sweat bead at his forehead, as he starts to fly off again. Is he tiring?

"No. I do not tire so easily. It is just you are giving me a headache." Piccolo smirks. "I never knew that one could have such an active and loud mind. And so very complicated. I do not understand you, at all."

"Well, I don't understand you, either! And if my thoughts are bothering you, you should stop listening." I think, as loudly as I can.

"As you wish, Ava." Piccolo's eyes are focused on the sky ahead. I am used to flight but… this… this is so different. He can fly faster than I and I do not tire as he flies to our destination.

Civilization… how I dread such things, and I think my green hero feels the same. Nature is always the place for me. Boy, this is a humungous complex.

Piccolo lands his brown-clad feet not making a sound on the sidewalk. He walks to the door, and for the first time I realize his power. I can feel his strength emanating off him. It is not just that… there is more than meets the eye. Maybe, Piccolo isn't who I think him to be.

Piccolo presses the little red button and the door quickly opens. A woman with blue hair, wearing a red top and shorts, stands in the doorway. She also wears a bright cheery smile.

"Oh, Piccolo! Do come in! It has been so long since-"

Piccolo quickly cut her off. "I want the dragonball radar. I did not come to visit, and you know I do not do such things."

Bulma folds her arms. "You should be nicer! What if I don't give you the dragonball radar?"

"Woman, do not try my patience. I need that radar!" Piccolo snaps.

Piccolo… you really do want to help me. But there is no need to be so callous.

I hear a deep voice come from inside. "Namek! Why are you threatening my woman?"

Piccolo lets out a growl. "I need the radar. I am only here for that."

The man reveals himself. He has dark hair that stands straight up and he has dark cold eyes. He is muscular but so short. "And what are you going to wish for? More power? Immortality? A woman?"

Piccolo continues to growl at the man. The man raises a fist. I quickly fly between them, squawking. Why am I protecting him? … Because he will protect me.

The man laughs and it literally kills my hearing. "A bird? You have a bird to fight your battles."

"Ava, do not be so rash." Piccolo says as he carefully grabs me. "My wish is not important but it is not a selfish wish. I am on a quest for Dende."

Not important?

"So you are just an errand boy." The cold man smirks.

"Well, if it's for Dende!" The blue haired woman walks inside while the man steps out closing the door.

"Namek… what is the wish?"

Piccolo releases me. "Go Ava."

No! Why fight your friend? Why, Piccolo? Just tell him about me! Why won't you tell him? Me! The wish is for me! I frantically fly around the man.

The man strikes me down. I feel the bones crack in my wing, where he struck me. Such a powerful strike! I fall.

"You foolish bird!" The cold man cackles as I see a glowing ball of light form in his hands. I have a strange feeling this ball of light isn't like Dende's healing light.

The ball comes at me but Piccolo swats it away. "Do not touch her again." His voice it was so… angry and forceful!

"Her??? Oh this is wonderful! The Namek does have a girlfriend… but she is a bird!"

The woman has returned. "Vegeta! You were going to kill Piccolo's hawk? You jerk!" The woman hands Piccolo some round device… the radar.

"Ava…" Piccolo picks me up. Oh! It hurts, don't touch it! "Vegeta, if you ever harm her again. I will-"

"You'll what? It's a bird! Namek! You know I am more powerful than you!"

"Are you?" Piccolo cradles me so I do not feel pain. "What appears to be… may not necessarily be. Keep that in mind."

"What do you mean, Namek?"

Piccolo flies into the sky, it seems we are heading back to the Lookout, thanks to my stupidity.

"Yes, that was very stupid. Vegeta would have killed you. And the reason I did not tell him about the wish is nothing for you to worry about. Now, we will have to wait until tomorrow to look for the dragonballs. Foolish girl."

You are listening to my thoughts again????

"I never stopped. You are really a headache, you know."

Yeah, I know… that's why… my parents… sold me. I was just a handful of problems.

"Well, as much as I'd like to, I won't sell you or abandoned you." Piccolo smiles. "The kid gives me problems, too. I just think of it as some excitement in an otherwise boring life."

Piccolo… will you really give me this new life?

****That's the end of Chapter Four. Let me know what you think. Give me some reviews.****