Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Life Through the Looking Glass ❯ Introduction ( Chapter 1 )
This is my first fanfic so don't go bashing me that much okay. Pan and Trunks are my favorite couple and I love happy endings just to let you know. But I also love writing tear jerkers. I've had this story in my head for about a year now and I'm really bored so I decided to write it. I'll be getting some help from a friend of mine who hates anime so she's a little skeptic about it but she agreed to help with a few things. If you guys like it then I'll write more. If not then whatever. Hope ya like it. So review and let me know. Flamers are welcome. Just let me know what you don't like so I can bitch at you and let you know because you obviously wouldn't if you were flaming that you don't have to read it.
Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Have you ever thought that life was just intolerable? That everyone around you had it all and you just seemed to be the only one suffering. Everyone has. And that is why everybody is the same. You see someone who has it all and you do everything you can to be just like them, hoping to see just a glimpse of their happiness. That was when you see it. You see the truth. But just when you realize it, you're stuck in a world that you never knew. The world so unlike the one you wanted. What they don't show you is what you have to do to get it. The tears that you shed every time you are alone. Then as you realize that this life isn't for you, you want the old one back. That's when you realize that you were truly happy. But it's too late. Your life has gone in a completely different direction and there is no path that leads you back to the person you once were. That part of you died and that is why you cry every night when you are alone.
-From the Diary of Son, Pan
It was a normal day of school. Life sucked as always for the one person that stood out from the crowd. Why did she stand out? Because she refused to conform to the ways of society. She was only 16 and stood at 5'4" with long black hair that reached her lower back. She had piercing black eyes that could look through you, straight into your soul. Eyes that were surrounded in dark make-up. Her lips were perked with dark black lipstick. Her cheeks had a slight blush giving them color. She had a piercing in her left eyebrow, left side of her nose, five in her right ear, four in her left, and one on her belly button. She refused to tell anyone if she had anymore. If they even talked to her. She wore baggy black jeans with a hole in the right knee, with a black studded belt and a chain that worked it's way from the front of her pants to her back pocket for her wallet. She wore a black t-shirt that read in white letters 'Life sucks...get over it!' Her shirt, however, was covered with a plain black hoddie that had a huge rip up one of the sleeves and was put back together with safety pins. Son, Pan truly hated being like everyone else.
"Damn it!" she yelled as she slammed her locker shut leaning against it as she sighed. Everyone looked in her direction and pointed as they snickered their comments about her attire and her life. She truly was alone in this life. Nobody knew her. Nobody cared to get to know her. She glared at them as the bell rang signaling for them to go to class. She grabbed her books and silently walked to her next class that just happened to be with her worst enemy; Marron Chestnut.
Marron Chestnut was the reason that she didn't have a single friend that went to their school. The 16 year-old, blonde-haired, blue-eyed, cheerleader was the biggest slut in the school. She got what she wanted, when she wanted it. It came with the benefits of being in a rich family. She got every guy she wanted as well. What guys hadn't she slept with? There were even a few rumors that she had slept with a few girls. She was the one that always spread the rumors about Pan. She was a lesbian, she was poor, she was doing drugs, and she was a witch. There really was a rumor that she was doing some type of voodoo. Anybody who believed that was an idiot. And there were a lot of idiots at Orange Star High School. Whenever anybody would actually ask Pan about the rumors, she would never deny them. She would just look away, walk away, or ignore them. She didn't care what others thought about her.
Pan walked quietly to her class. Thankfully this was her last class of the day and that today was Friday. Then she would get to go home. She would get to leave this nightmare and enter another. She would worry about that later though. She just wanted the next hour to go by as soon as possible. She made it to her class to see that Marron was not in her seat right up front but on her boyfriend's desk three seats behind it. Trunks Briefs was the hottest and richest person in school. At least that's what everybody else thought. She just thought that he was the snobbiest bitchiest asshole she had ever met. And he also didn't do so well in the looks category either. His muscles were too over developed and he loved to show them off. His hair color was lavender and he claimed that it was his natural color but nobody believed it. She always believed that he dyed it, which always led her to believe that he wasn't straight. Sure his family was rich and he was the future president of Capsule Corp. but that didn't mean he couldn't be gay. His eyes were a piecing blue that haunted her. She hated them and she hated him.
Trunks had whispered something into Marron's ear as she giggled. Pan quietly worker her way to the back of the class meeting each and every stare that she received. She hated English class. Not English, just the class.
"Alright everybody. In your seat," The teacher announced. "That means you Ms. Chestnut."
"Yes Mr. Johnson," Marron giggled as she got off of the desk and walked to her desk and sat down.
"Good. Now please pass up your homework to the front row and I will collect it." As the teacher said this you could hear a shuffle of papers as all the people who did their homework went through their folders to find the assignment. Pan found hers and passed it to the person sitting in front of her as he passed his on. She sighed as she sat back in her seat taking notes on predicate nomitaves and other sentence structure rules that nobody would be able to understand.
Finally, the last five minutes of class, everybody started to put their things away in their backpacks getting ready to leave and go home. Pan had already beat them, she had her stuff packed up ten minutes ago. She hated them all. They all stared at her every chance they got. She quickly checked her make-up, seeing that it was fine, she put her mirror away and sat quietly waiting for the bell to ring.
"Did I say you could back up? The bell hasn't rung yet." Mr. Johnson told his class as they all groaned in response. "I have a proposition for all of you." They all looked at him expectantly. "You know I don't give you much homework in this class, I will only give you one more assignment." Mr. Johnson paused as he heard the entire class excluding Pan, cheer in excitement. Pan just sat in the back of the class not even looking up, just listening, obviously the only person who remembered that he had a deal to make with them. "Since we are studying poetry I want you all to write ten poems. The person who writes the best poems won't have to take a final in this class. How does that sound to you?"
Every head but Pan's nodded in agreement. Who couldn't write a poem. It couldn't be that hard, could it?
"Then it's agreed. The person who writes the best poems will not have to take a final. It will be due two weeks from today."
The bell finally rang as everybody gathered their things and left the school. Pan quietly walked by herself to the student parking lot. She looked up and saw Trunks and Marron talking to their friends around Trunks' new convertible. As they said good-bye to their friends Trunks ushered Marron into his car and they started driving around the parking lot to the exit, they drove passed Pan walking to her beat-up two-seater car.
"Hey, Pan!" Marron screamed as Pan just ignored her. Marron knew she was just ignoring her, but she also knew she could hear her. "You know, if you could find a way to sell your body as a living, you might be able to save up for a new car and get one in about ten years." Marron laughed as she had yet again insulted her. "Considering you're not even worth ten bucks. Ten maybe twenty years. But as I said, if you could find someone that would pay." She laughed again as Pan got into her car. Trunks drove off laughing at his girlfriend's antics. She could be mean, but she did put out and that was all he wanted.
Pan pulled out of the parking lot as she drove the thirty minutes to her home. She lived far away, but she was glad because nobody from her school lived around her so they never knew her secret. The one thing that would instantly make her popular no matter her reputation. She sighed as she pulled up to the three-story mansion that belonged to her parents. They were never home, always traveling for business, but there were butlers, maids, chefs, and animal trainers. She hated her life. Everybody thought she was poor, and in reality, she wished she were.