Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Life Through the Looking Glass ❯ Let the Plan Begin ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 10: Let the Plan Begin

Have you ever just wanted to lay down and die? You thought life was so bad and it couldn't get any worse. Even though you could just leave, you felt useless. Just second best to everything else. It tore you up inside. It hurts doesn't it? To always fail no matter how hard you try. There's nothing you could do but sit back and take what comes your way, because you know something they don't. You could change everything around in just an instant. And that's exactly what you're going to do. You will change the way everyone sees things, and then, finally, they will understand you. They will understand your motives. And they will understand why you are the way that you are. They will give you the respect that you deserve. Then you wake-up, and you realize, that nothing will ever happen. You are too scared to do it. To hurt others the way you were hurt. All because you love them. Love is the weakest emotion there is. Weaker than pain, anger, and sadness. Weaker than hate.

-From the Diary of Son, Pan

(Son, Carina)


Pan's alarm clock was going crazy. Seven o'clock in the morning. She was definitely not a morning person. She yawned as she turned her alarm off and sat up in bed. She still pretty tired. But today was the start of her plan. She had to get up today to go to school. She stretched and yawned again as she finally got out of bed. She removed the covers from over her body as she stood up and quietly walked to the bathroom. As soon as she got in there, she started the water in the shower, turning the nozzles to just the right temperature. She the stripped off her sweatpants, panties, and sports bra. When the temperature was just right she stepped in and let the warm water relax her muscles.

After a few minutes she quickly washed and conditioned her hair. She then quickly washed her body and stepped out of the shower. She quickly dried herself and wrapped a towel around her body. She quickly put her hair in a bun and walked out of her bathroom. She walked to her closet and quickly picked out a pair of simple black jeans and a black t-shirt with a hole on the bottom that said 'Good morning. Let the stress begin.' Yes, the stress was going to begin. Very soon, for a certain lavender-headed boy.

She quickly applied her dark make-up and put in her piercings. She never slept with them in. It was just too uncomfortable when you roll over and there is something poking you while you're trying to sleep. She then grabbed her books and her homework she had due today, and quickly made her way downstairs. She was in a hurry. She didn't want to be late for school, but at the rate she was going, she would be. She didn't want to be late for today.

She quickly grabbed a muffin off the counter and ran out the door, heading towards her car. When she got there, she threw her book bag onto the passenger's seat, got in and started the engine. Less than a minute later, she was driving out the gates of the mansion she called a prison.

'How ironic.' Pan thought. 'Leaving one hellhole to go to another.' Pan laughed at that thought. If only these people could see how much she truly despised them. She quickly ate her breakfast as fast as she could while still trying to drive safely.

As she pulled into the school parking lot, she quickly pulled her hair out of its bun, now that it was dry, and let it cascade down her back. Her long flowing hair blew in the wind as she quickly grabbed her books and headed to the front of the school. As she made her way up the front steps of the school, she could see some people pointing and laughing at her. She was glad though. They were laughing because she was different, and that was all she ever wanted to be. She didn't want to be like the preps, jocks, or drama students. They all had their groups and clichés. She didn't want to be like everyone else. It was what she strived for. It was what she had worked her entire life on accomplishing. It was the only thing she had to be proud of.

She made her way to her locker with a smug smile on her face. Her first class was Trig. With Trunks. Exactly what she wanted. She dropped her books off and she made her way to her class, just as the first bell began to ring.

'This is going to be so much fun. What will he think after I'm through? Guess we'll have to just wait and find out,' Pan thought to herself with a devilious smirk. Oh, how much fun indeed. She was too absorbed in her plans to make them all pay, she didn't realize the foot that had purposefully made its way into her path. She tripped as she put her hands out to break her fall, and all of her books and papers went tumbling to the ground. Her face almost hit the floor as she finally stopped the sudden rush of wind. Everyone in the hall stopped and laughed as she started to gather her things. Still lying of the ground, she refused to look up into the face that had been the reason for her fall. She knew who it was, and she wouldn't let her get to her. Marron.

'If I weren't a Saiyan, I would've pummeled her a long time ago. But I had to be born 'special' didn't I.' Pan grumbled as she quickly gathered her things, and just as she was about to get up, she felt pressure on her back. 'That blonde bitch is NOT stepping on me!' Pan took a deep breath as she finally stood up with her things in her hands. She slung her bag over her should her as the students around her started laughing even harder. Pan could feel her face heat up out of anger. 'She'll get it soon Pan. Don't worry about it.' Pan didn't even look at Marron as she quickly made her way to class.

As Pan sat down at her desk she could feel the weight of many eyes on her. She usually didn't like this class because she sat next to Trunks; but today, she liked it for that same reason. As Trunks walked into class after saying good-bye to his 'girlfriend,' Pan took out her homework, paper, and a pencil. She didn't look Trunks in the face as he walked to the back of the class and sat next to her.

"Nice fall." Pan heard a voice say. She looked up to see that it was Trunks.

"Yeah, I'm expecting a better summer though." Pan said with a smirk.

Trunks had to laugh at that. He had never heard of a better comeback. "You know, you let her push you around the rest of your life she isn't going to stop."

Pan sat there thinking. He didn't know it was her. He didn't have a seat next to her in any of the other classes that they had together. That meant that she would have to put her plan into action right now.

"Is that what you did? You let her push you and now you can't stand to leave her side?"

"My relationship with Marron is none of your damn business," Trunks managed to growl out. He was starting to seethe with anger.

"I just mean that you two have been together for so long. Do you love her or are you using her?" Pan asked. She knew it was bold to say. But she had to do it.

"I love her more than I could ever love anyone, if it's any of your business. But it's not. So I don't know why I'm telling you." Trunks almost screamed.

Pan could tell he was stressed. He was worried if she would ever find out. If Marron would ever know about 'Carina.'

'Oh, trust me Trunks. She will know. She will know about me. In due time Trunks. All in due time. But if you do love her and you were only playing me that night, then I will take pleasure in breaking you.' Pan knew what she had to do. Even if she had to brake hearts, she would do it. Just to find out who Trunks Briefs really was.

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