Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ little daddy's girl has moved on! ❯ "I loved her first" ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
By: redcarpetgirl 
Bulma spaced her timing for the special day to come, Bra was going to look elegant and her best today at the due. Not her usual style with plain tee~shirts or shorts, oh it was very exciting, indeed!.
I loved her first~by heartland
Bulma placed the objects and Acessories in a neat pile to re~load the hover convertable, with one massive heap of stuff at once.
Hufff! Slamming down the heavy weight down the platform, that her arms were now screaming in agony to rest, it had been all day what did he expect.
God, Vegeta is selfish sometimes, thinking deeply about him with a gentle sob escaping her nose.
She only wish Vegeta would Marry her someday, but that was only for late at night for when she is snuggled up tight, for her illusions to take control of remaining thoughts about the day that would never be.
Oh, i guess it was natural, with a man like Vegeta to be so narrow, non believing soul who wanted nothing more than food,training,sleep.
Or the other main opition was to use herself as an amusment, his little skive or emotional strain to introduce new sets of mind games. Bulma didn't know weither to laugh or cry at the fact ,love is really confusing.
It will not affect her being she refused and as for the worst she digged them feelings deep down, so they don't resurface again. Withdrew all her insecurities in the back of her upsetting mind. She will not recall all her worries, Not for her daughters big day.
Though Bulma had learnt during these last few years that Vegeta was not a christain! this was the reason he did not want to step forth in a church, strange for a prince. In his heart he did believe but it was burried deep inside him from all of the pain, that has cursed him throughout the years,never leaving the poor guy a break.
Deep cuts eating at his soul within each passing minute, physical scars from the rapist frieza, she heard him say it with his own proud mouth.
When he got drunk at Mater Roshi house, this seemed very unlike her longtime boyfriend to visit there.
She giggled in facination. The memory in her mind was totally inaproprate for what she remebered.
Not finished! still up~dating this chapter recently!!!!!
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Comedy | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 03.27.2008 | Updated On: 04.05.2008 | Pages: 1 | Words: 16 | Visits: 364 | Status: Completed

Bulma spaced her timing for the special day to come, Bra was going to look elegant and her best today at the due. Not her usual style with plain tee~shirts or shorts, oh it was very exciting, indeed!.
I loved her first~by heartland
Bulma placed the objects and Acessories in a neat pile to re~load the hover convertable, with one massive heap of stuff at once.
Hufff! Slamming down the heavy weight down the platform, that her arms were now screaming in agony to rest, it had been all day what did he expect.
God, Vegeta is selfish sometimes, thinking deeply about him with a gentle sob escaping her nose.
She only wish Vegeta would Marry her someday, but that was only for late at night for when she is snuggled up tight, for her illusions to take control of remaining thoughts about the day that would never be.
Oh, i guess it was natural, with a man like Vegeta to be so narrow, non believing soul who wanted nothing more than food,training,sleep.
Or the other main opition was to use herself as an amusment, his little skive or emotional strain to introduce new sets of mind games. Bulma didn't know weither to laugh or cry at the fact ,love is really confusing.
It will not affect her being she refused and as for the worst she digged them feelings deep down, so they don't resurface again. Withdrew all her insecurities in the back of her upsetting mind. She will not recall all her worries, Not for her daughters big day.
Though Bulma had learnt during these last few years that Vegeta was not a christain! this was the reason he did not want to step forth in a church, strange for a prince. In his heart he did believe but it was burried deep inside him from all of the pain, that has cursed him throughout the years,never leaving the poor guy a break.
Deep cuts eating at his soul within each passing minute, physical scars from the rapist frieza, she heard him say it with his own proud mouth.
When he got drunk at Mater Roshi house, this seemed very unlike her longtime boyfriend to visit there.
She giggled in facination. The memory in her mind was totally inaproprate for what she remebered.
Not finished! still up~dating this chapter recently!!!!!
Anime/Manga: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction | Genre(s): Romance / Comedy | Type: Songfic | Uploaded On: 03.27.2008 | Updated On: 04.05.2008 | Pages: 1 | Words: 16 | Visits: 364 | Status: Completed