Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Little Moments ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]
Teresa:if any of u have read my other story "Oh no",then u already no who these ppl r.if not,plz check it out.^_^oh,& Jacie is my friend's character,& Yoh is Yoh Asakura from Shaman King.he's her character's boyfriend.

Trunks: 'like any1 would really wanna read UR stories

May:^o^ha ha!

Teresa:*hits Trunks*shut up Grapehead!!!(4 any Trunks fans,sry,my dad came up with that,so me & my friends have been calling him that ever since,it just stuck,^o^'sry!plz don't flame me)

Bret:...?*reading Teresa's note*

Teresa:by the way,if some1 could plz email me & tell me what a disclaimer is,I'd really...uhhhhhhhh...

Trunks:appreciate it.

Teresa:...right...what he said...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Well I'll never 4get the 1st time that I heard
That pretty mouth say that dirty word
& I can't even remember now what she backed my truck in2
But she covered her mouth & her face got red
& she just looked so darn cute
That I couldn't even act like I was mad
Yeah I live 4 little moments like that

Teresa:...shit...*jumps out of truck,face reddens,covers her mouth,muffled*Trunks is gonna kill me...

Trunks:*walks out*...Teresa!wat did u do?!I let u drive my new truck & u can't even get it out of the driveway!

Teresa:*quietly,eyes well up*I'm sry Trunks...

Trunks:uh...*sighs,smiles*it's ok I guess.I'll just have 2 fix it.

Teresa:u mean...ur not mad?

Trunks:well,yeah,I'm a little upset...but...*smirk*nevermind

Teresa:u...u sure?

Trunks:yeah,I'm sure Tree.

Teresa:*small smile*

Trunks:*sigh*well,come on.*flys up*

Teresa:?*follows*where r we going?

Trunks:*laughs*just come on*flys off*

Teresa:huh?h-hey!wait up!*flys after him*

Well that's just like last year on my birthday
She lost all track time & burnt the cake
& every smoke detector in the house was goin off
& she was just about 2 cry wen I took her in my arms
& I tried not 2 let her c me laugh
Yeah I live 4 little moments like that

Trunks:*watching Tv*

Teresa:I think I'll go make a cake*goes 2 kitchen*

Trunks:*chuckles*as long as she remembers 2 set the timer this time.


Teresa:hmmm...Mom said I should do something nice...but wat...RRAA!!!! >o

Jacie:well,it's Trunks' birthday isn't it?make a cake,it's not that hard.(coming from the person that can't cook...at all...)

Teresa:*hits her hand*yeah!something I can actually do!I'm good at cooking!^_^

Trunks:*comes in kitchen*wat r u all talking about?

Teresa:'eh...NO!U!OUT!*shoves him out*


Yoh:*standing there*I think it's a girl thing.

Jacie:well at least ur good at cooking.I'm good at sitting on the couch & playing video games while Tohru cooks.

Teresa:...yeah,I'm still confused by that.ur only 2 yrs older than me,yet,u can't cook.*shakes head* '-_-pitiful...well,anyway*puts hands 2gether*^o^I better get 2 work on that cake!*starts running around kitchen,humming*

Trunks:must b...I just got pushed outta my own kitchen.

Jacie:*walks out of kitchen* I can't cook.I was just informed that I can't cook.

Trunks:& how exactly did cooking come up in the conversation?...& wat's she doing in there anyways?

Jacie:*hands on hips*4 ur in4mation,it's none of ur in4mation*walks off*

Yoh:well that made no sense wat-so-ever.

Trunks:really...but wat is she doing in there?with her stupidity level she could brake something!

Teresa:*squeeks*ow...that wasn't a spoon...it was a knife...ow...

Yoh:sounds like she just did 2.mixing up a spoon & a knife,omg.

Trunks:wat's she need a spoon 4?



*Party time!^_^*

Trunks:Teresa STILL hasn't come out of there.

Bulma:come on Trunks!u can't miss ur own party!

Trunks:coming!...*looks at kitchen door,runs outside*

Teresa:it's almost done.about only 10 more min.*goes outside*

Trunks:hey look,it does live.

Jacie:*come up 2 Teresa,whispering*is it done?


Trunks:wat's almost done?*walks up beside Teresa*wat r u 2 up 2?

Teresa:*giggles*u'llllllll ccccccccccc!!!!!!^_^come on!till then,let's play some party games!*grabs Trunks' arm,runs off*

Yoh:*walk up 2 Jacie*wat r u 2 planning?

Jacie:I'll tell u if u promise not 2 tell Trunks.

Yoh:I won't tell him if u tell me.

Jacie:*whispers 2 him wat's going on*

Yoh:oh,well that's no big deal.now come on,I heard party games * I'm bored.*grabs her,runs over*

*1 hr later*

Teresa:*smoke detectors going off,gasp*oh no!the cake!*runs inside*

Trunks:Teresa?...cake?wat cake?wat is going on?!*looks at Jacie*

Jacie:I can't believe she burned it!!!

Yoh:go figure,that's smart.

Trunks:wat,cake?!u guys,tell me wat is going on!

Jacie:she was gonna make a cake 4 ur birthday,but,I don't think that's gonna b possible.It's not gonna b a cake anymore.

Trunks:*laughs*Teresa's not that kinda person!now seriously,wat's going on?

Yoh:she just told u,that's wat happened.

Trunks:*smile fades*...oh god...*runs inside*

Jacie&Yoh:*run after him*

Teresa:*sitting in kitchen floor,soaked,eyes welled up*this is wat I get 4 trying 2 do something nice 4 some1.*sniffs*god must really hate me.

Trunks:*standing in doorway,also soaked by now,smirks,walks over,sits down*Teresa,it's ok.it was just a cake.

Teresa:u no 2?!god!this can't get any worse!*get's ready 2 start crying*

Trunks: 'uh...mm...*hands on her shoulders*Teresa...Tree look at me.

Teresa:*look up*

Trunks:Tree,it's no big deal.really.k?


Trunks:good.*sorta hesitates,hugs her,trying not 2 laugh*

Teresa:*giggles,starts laughing*I burnt the cake!*wipes her eyes*

Trunks:hm?hmph.*starts laughing 2*

Jacie:*whisper chanting*Trunks luvs Teresa.Trunks luvs Teresa.^_^

Yoh:*laughing at Jacie*

Trunks:*notices Jacie & Yoh,slightly blushes*well,uh,um,come on.let's...go play some more games.

Teresa:*giggles*yeah.*walks outside*

Trunks:*walks by,stops,hits Jacie,glares at her,turns away*& u shut up.I do not.*walks outside*

Jacie:mm...m...ow...it hit me!Trunks hit me!u get back here!*runs after him*

Yoh:*run after her*Jacie!don't u touch him!it's his birthday!

Jacie:*stops,glares at Trunks*u got lucky it's ur birthday Briefs.

Trunks:*smirks,keeps walking*

Jacie:yeah u keep walking.oh well.PARTY!!!!*run off*

*End flashback*


Teresa:wat?*leaning over couch*


Teresa:hm?mm.w/e.*sits down 2 watch TV*

I know she's not perfect but she tries so hard 4 me
& I thank god that she isn't cuz how boring would that b
It's the little imperfections it's the sudden change of plans
Wen she misreads the directions & we'r lost but holding hands
Yeah I live 4 litle moments like that


Trunks:*moves bhind Teresa,grabs her in choker hold*ha!watcha gonna do now?

Teresa:*struggling*come on Trunks!hey!let go!this isn't fair!get off!!!*shakes her head*

Trunks:*starts choking,lets her go*

Teresa:huh-ewwww!hy hairs all wet!Tru-unks!

Trunks:god!don't u ever cut that thing?!

Teresa:uh...but...*stroking her hair*it took me 4ever 2 get it this long...

Trunks:yeah but geez Tree!wen ur fighting either they'r gonna use that against u,or u'll kill em cuz they'll choke 2 death!I need a drink*leaves*

Teresa:uh...u really don't like my hair?...hm...*goes 2 kitchen,gets a pair of scissors,goes in2 the bathroom*

May:hey,wat's Teresa doing with scissors?

Trunks:*Shrug*how would I no?

May:...well I don't no!your her boyfriend!

Trunks:so?that don't mean I no wat she's doing in a bathroom with a pair of scissors.

May:...u lost me...

Trunks:'-_-...y don't u go find Bret?

May:*starry eyed*OK!BREEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*runs off*

Bret:*screaming in distance*

Trunks:*shakes his head*

10 min later...


Trunks:hm?Teresa?*nocks on door*...Teresa?

Teresa:go...away...I am NOT EVER coming out...EVER!

Trunks:...wat did u do now?

Teresa:promise not 2 laugh?


Teresa:*opens door,hair cut very,very,VERY badly & unevenly*

Trunks:*starts laughing*

Teresa:c?!I new u would!go away!*slams the door shut,locks it*

Trunks:wat did u do 2 ur hair?!

Teresa:I tried 2 cut it.

Trunks:y?!& u no u & scissors don't mix!

Teresa:cuz,u made fun of it.

Trunks:oh,that.u took that seriously?


Trunks:oh...hmmmm...well...y don't u go get a hat or something & we'll go 2 a Keith Urban concert.wat do ya say?

Teresa:...really?!*opens door*u mean it?!

Trunks:*snickers*sure.just plz.get a hat!*laughs*

Teresa:who cares about a hat?!KEITH URBAN HERE WE COME!!!!!*grabs Trunks,flys off*

Wen she's layin on my shoulder on the sofa in the dark
& about the time she falls asleep so does my right arm
& I want so bad 2 move it cuz it's tinglin & it's numb
But she looks so much like an angel that I don't wanna wake her up
Yeah I live 4 little moments
Wen she steals my heart again & doesn't even no it
Yeah I live 4 little moments like that

Teresa,Trunks,May,&Bret:*watching movie*

May&Teresa:*sleeping soundly*



Bret:I think the girls fell asleep*looks down at May(asleep laying on his lap)*

Trunks:yeah,I think so 2.*looks at Teresa(asleep on his arm)*

Bret:*picks up May,stands up*

Trunks:*trys 2 move*...uh oh...


Trunks:I was wondering y I couldn't feel my arm.he he.it won't move.

Bret:-_-& u just noticed it was asleep?



Trunks:...still...can't...move...& she wouldn't wake up if u killed her...wait...

Teresa:*hugs him*mmm...my Keith Urban...

Trunks:*sigh*how did I no it was coming?


Trunks:*sighs,fall s back on couch*

Teresa:mmm^_^my Keith Urban.*squeezes harder*

Trunks:...I still hate that guy...*drifting 2 sleep*

Teresa:... ... ... ...*screams*


Teresa:Trunks!stop!u can't kill him he's mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trunks:'-_-*sigh*I'm not.

Teresa:oh...mmm*tightens grip again*mmmmiiiinnnneeee.^_^

Trunks:...w/e...*falls asleep*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Teresa:& that's the end.this is my 1st songfic on here!

Trunks:I still don't no y anyone would wanna read it though.

May: :'( I still can't find Bret!

Bret:*hiding in a broom closet*

May:*still searching*
