Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love after Love? ❯ number 7 ( Chapter 7 )
Love after love 7...
{A/N: I am truly sorry I have not written for a year. I originally had written this fanfic when I found my own love last year. I was so busy with life in all. Then it ended and I had no inspiration to continue to write, 4 guys latter I am back to my self again. I think I might re write my re-bound series cause sometimes it takes more than one guy to get over someone who really touches your heart. As always this story will have some humor in it. Xoxoxo's SuperGirl}
Life had been hell for the new King of the world. He finally had gotten his wife... er mate back to her usual drug induced self. Quiet frankly it was scary as hell. He would come home after a long day of conquering the galaxy to her knitting him a hat or booties, as she called them. He had left Kakarott in charge of her while he was away.
"What the hell is wrong with her!?!" he demanded. Kakarott gulped a bit. "Well, you see she has been acting strange while you were away." Vegeta glared at the man. "She has picked up several hobbies since she isn't training anymore. She has picked up knitting, collecting butterflies, and she has collected the whole Lord of the rings Series and the cards. Quiet scary."
Vegeta growled. "Lord of the RINGS!!! What the hell! She is supposed to be the strongest female warrior not some Lord ringer." He looked across the room back to his wife who continued to knit. "Well, my king it could be worse she could be a 'trackie'." Vegeta frowned he was the king he wasn't suppose to have this crazy woman for a life partner. It wasn't suppose to be this way, at least B.B. was gone.
"I can't take it anymore, she can't live like this Kakarott. I don't really care what the real Buruma is like. Anything is better than this marry popin chick." Kakarott sighed. "Your right, I have known her my whole life and she is completely not like this or that B.B. chick." Vegeta looked at the man speaking and wondered what his wife truly was like. It was like he was with her , but not fully and it was driving her mad and it wasn't fair. He didn't know why either. I couldn't have been love. He could be in love right? How can you be in love with someone who isn't themself.
"Buruma was always different while we were growing up from the other females." said Kakarott. "She was always looked at by other males and didn't find any interest in them. She did eventually fall for one and he heart was broken. She had changed then Vegeta. She wasn't her happy self she took herself away from everyone and began to train hard and harder until she made it into her fathers squad. She stopped talking to her childhood friends after that." Kakarott looked back across at his old friend yards away from the two still knitting.
"A few years back I invited her to my wives and mines anniversary of our marriage. She didn't even open the envelope she sent it back 'return to sender' with a side note on the envelope. 'I don't have time for parties'." He shock his head. She was miserable I know she was. I know deep down she is still up set over that guy from elite training back 5 years ago." He shrugged. "I wish you could meet the real Buruma I know she be happy now like she was. I got to go I have a family to feed dinner to." and with that Kakarott left the room and the prince alone with Buruma.
"He didn't need to tell you that." she said across the room. "I am not some mentally retarded creature who doesn't realize what is happening to her." she said. "I can't control everything Vegeta. I wish I could." She said crying into her knitting. "I can't control everything in my life! I am sorry I am such a disappointment to you!" she yelled standing up. "I am sorry I am not what you wanted." She yelled throwing the knitting down on the ground with tears in her eyes. "I can't help how I feel or how I act, or how B.B. did or what she did! I just want to scream! You don't know how frustrated I feel inside vegeta. And you never will!" She sobbed as he body hit the ground as a rush of tears came from her eyes.
Vegeta walked over to the woman on the ground and scooped her up in his tan arms as she sobbed. "It's not right." She managed to gasp out. She tried to push herself from his embrace, but he held her tighter to him. "I have failed." she cried into his chest. "I am a failure." Vegeta's own emotions were in turmoil he wished he understand her better and just fix her with a wave of his arm, but he couldn't.
"W oman, you need to realize you have so much hidden emotions when you lock them up, and forget them when they do emerge, it is not all fun and games." She wiped her eyes and looked into to his. "How can you just look at me like that?" she asked. "I am a horrible person, I am not going to be a horrible mother." she cried as she stood up and ran out of the room. Leaving Vegeta alone.
Vegeta just stood there alone in there room starring at the wall. "Mo...mo...moo...mo..."
{A/n: I am sorry again I haven't updated. It's been only 13 months so you guys can't be that upset... xoxoxo's SuperGirl, PS please review or any comments to my new email purestloveever@hotmail.com} Next time they get to go to the psychiatrist.....