Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love Conquers All ❯ Sweet Bliss ( Chapter 3 )
Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ, obviously.
Rating: NC - 17
Warning: these texts contain Yaoi and sexual situations.
Pairings: Mirai X Gohan as of now
All CC is welcome, it makes a better writer. Please send to: ssj_chibigoten@hotmail.com
And of course, I would like to thank My DEAR friend ~Lady Kaiya~, for reevaluating this chapter before I posted it here. THANKS A LOT YOU GRAMMAR GODDESS!
Love Conquers All
Chapter 3: Sweet Bliss
He looked deep into the eyes of his love, they had come so far.
"Lets dance, you and I…" Mirai offered his hand
"O, so suave."
"I learn from the best." Mirai said in an all too seductive voice.
"You have no idea how long I have waited for this moment Mirai."
It was only mid day when the terror started again, fear, hate, and pure evil had arisen once more to claim the lives of the innocent. The days have been getting shorter, yet the pain seemingly endless, dragged on forever. It was unusual, their strikes have become more frequent and earlier then usual. The population of the earth once flourished with seemingly endless longevity, now have been reduced to nothing more then a few thousand. The once proud people of the earth have become nothing more then scavengers, the trash of the universe.
"Behind me we are looking at the burning wreckage of Pepper City, the largest target of the androids hostility." The reporters were silenced, pure evil seemingly unstoppable had taken their lives and countless others with a single push of the accelerator.
'Car Radio' "They just whisked over our heads, after destroying the city. Now they're on a joy ride terrorizing the survivors! This is just…" Bulma, Tired of hearing the day to day horror, shut off the radio. No longer able to stand the ongoing torture that plagued them endlessly.
"This is terrible. Darn those two, they're wrecking the entire planet. Everyone living in fear, wondering where they're going to strike next. That's no way to live! There has got to be a way to stop them."
"Mom stop, I want you to go on home without me."
"What on earth for? What's wrong Trunks? Huh…" She looked at here only son, fear and hate ravaged his eyes. His hands tightening their hold on his thighs, nails clinging to the flesh, digging deeper and deeper into the delicate tissue. He stared at her, it was as if he was ready to kill anything that dared to cross his path. Her eyes widened.
"You can't. N.O. I'm not going too loss my only son to those mechanical demons, No way! Trunks don't you dare!" At that moment nothing mattered to him, he would not be stopped by anyone or anything.
"Trunks NO! Darn YOU!" Her voice echoed through the desert like terrain that consumed most of the earth. He heard her, loud and clear. Her voice lingered in him, but he would not be stopped. He had to do this.
People ran through the streets, crying for their very life's. The treacherous demons followed behind them with precise accuracy. People dying with every moment that passed, paved to the grown as they passed over, no one would be spared.
"How juvenile, Honestly seventeen, your like a child, all you want too do is play." With a wave of her hand she pushed away the golden strands of hair across her face, reveling shimmering eyes that sparkled like sapphires. But within the sparkle, lied nothing. Cold desolate pools of nothing but pure evil.
He jumped out of the car, letting it slam into an already devastated building. The already apocalyptic remains of a once vibrant city now laid in ruin, soon to be put asunder by the ravaging flames released by the car crash.
"C'mon lets get out of here." She said, as she flicked the strands of hair across her face.
"Your just a party pooper that's all."
"Oh, Shut up…" As fast as they had entered they were gone, it was a German Blitzkrieg. They burst like a bat out of hell holding nothing back. Cold and frigid, Completely invulnerable to emotion, as cold as ice.
Trunks flew across the country side, rapidly turning into a sea of mass concrete. He was stopped motionless in mid air. The sight he saw was nothing more then a ghost town, the shadowed remains of a city too demolished to recognize.
"Uh…O my gosh. Look at this place. Everyone's dead!" He landed, tears forming in azure eyes. The mass genocide almost too much to bear. He walked slowly surveying the damage inflicted among the innocent people who didn't stand a chance. He saw horrors that only Lay deep within his subconscious, where his nightmares were locked away. Only this was not a dream. The horror that stifled his imagination collided into him like a tone of bricks. The scene eating away at his very soul. He saw countless body parts that laid across the ground like confetti. And then, he saw something that nearly killed him. It was a small stuffed animal, laying on the ground socked with the blood of its owner.
His tears could no longer be controlled, all these men, woman, and children were dieing for no apparent reason. Except for the sick pleasure of the Androids. The evil which they emitted eclipsed all others. Making Hitler seem nothing more then a speck in the far distance when compared. He held the tattered remains of the beloved toy close to him.
'This jut isn't fair!' "Huh…" In the distance he could fell a familiar Ki approaching rapidly. It could only be one person, Gohan. His heart in his throat, the person he had loved for so long was finally here. He wanted so much to just hold him and tell him how he felt, but he couldn't. It was too hard for him to even conceive the courage it would take. But one thing was for sure, he would always love him no matter what. Despite all odds of rejection, he would love him till the end of time, and beyond. The love he held deep within his heart seemed too be endless and had no boundaries.
Gohan swiftly approached, landing with the grace of an angel. His eyes glisten in the sun like shimmering diamonds. His body sculpted from the many years of battle. His hair, like silk strands waved in the air. He stood tall, yet elegant. He was molded into the perfect warrior, yet he was as gentle as a summer breeze. He was the very definition of refinement and poise. He stood there, his face was blank. He saw the horror that unraveled before his eyes. He could never get used to seeing the sight. It was sickening to believe that such things could happen, that such cold beings could exist.
"Gohan, Why are they doing this! Killing all these innocent people!" He closed his eyes, he tried as hard as he could too contain his rage. Gohan stood there, mouth agape and in awe at the site. Not that of the city, but of the young man that laid before his eyes. He stood there, breathless of how much he had changed in such a short period of time, he was no longer a child. He had matured into a very exquisite young man.
The skies darkened as they flew toward what was once Capsule Corp, now nearly a demolished building. Trunks stood there, in the confines of the living room. His tears streaming down his face. He could barely live this way anymore, living in fear day in and day out. Something had to be done.
"Is this the way Life's supposed to be, so full of pain…Well I would rather die then watch this all happen…" His tears too uncontrollable.
"No! I can't sneak around while this is going on! Please train me…" His eyes so full of pain and suffering, his world was crumbling around him and he couldn't do a thing to stop it.
"Please you have to! Please train me! I must fight! C'mon Gohan your half Saiyan like me right, so you must know how I'm feeling. Help me channel some of this anger." At that moment he couldn't sort out his feelings. He didn't know if he was crying about the loss of life, or the fact that the person who he desired most, was standing right before him, and he couldn't touch him once. nonetheless, they were tearing him apart, limb from limb.
Gohan stared into the endless expanse of total chaos. Yet beyond, shined a brilliant light over the horizon. The beautiful sunset sparkled across the clouds and mirrored within him. This was his chance to get closer to the young Demi Saiyan, and he would not let this opportunity slip away from him. The graphic images slowly emerged from the back of his mind. Sending him into a deep reverie.
"GOHAN!" Gohan was thrusted out of his explicit fantasy. Quite frankly annoyed that he had been.
His head turned to glance at the other behind him. Trunks was clenching his fists, as if ready to pounce. Gohan glared back and then turned to face the bewitching sunset. He slightly grinned and began to speak.
"Your pitiful Trunks, an emotional wreck. Just like I was when my mother wouldn't let me train and fight with my father. That's it. From now on I'm your master, and you are my pupil. How's that!?" Trunks face lit up with a smile, one that would surly rival that of the famous Son's.
"GREAT! I wont let you down." Gohan quickly nodded and smiled, this was sure to be a very rewarding relationship.
~Flash forward~ [3 months later]
Gohan gazed at the bewitching site. Trunks was powering up, Gohan was in awe. Trunks was coming along very well with his training. He achieved so much in such a short period of time. At that moment obsidian met azure. Both could see the look in each others eyes, yet they dismissed it thinking it was just their imaginations getting the best of them.
'I've got to do better then this, I have to show Gohan I'm worth being with. I have to do better!'
'He's achieved so much in so little time, his power so immense at such a young age. His body is becoming so much more sculpted. Those arms, that chest…those thighs…WOW, stop right there Gohan! You know better than that! Get your head out of the gutter. He's your student for Christ sake. Na, its just your hormones speaking, nothing more. I guess its just because…it's been so long…' Gohan, too deep within his thoughts didn't even realize that Trunks had stopped powering up and was now staring at him. Gohan, being totally oblivious to sound and sight in this deep stage of phantasm didn't even hear a word.
"Hello, earth to Gohan. Wake up sleepyhead" Trunks said waving his hands around trying to get his attention. He didn't see where he was walking and tripped over a rock. Gohan was shot out of his absent-mindedness. He looked up to see Trunks nearly straddled on him. Although he didn't mind the close contact, he didn't think that such contact would be a very good idea, considering he was wearing loose Gi pants.
"Um…Hiya Gohan." Trunks said with a large grin on his face. Gohan smirked back and got up to dust himself off. '
'Gohan why couldn't you just stay there' Trunks sighed at the loss of contact, a very large pout spread across his face.
"Here Trunks, let me show you how to control your power." Gohan took to his stance, Power of unheard of limitations began to surface. Trunks was pushed back by the force of the energy. Trunk's eyes filed with glee as he saw the sheer, raw beauty and ruggedness that was laid out like a buffet for his eyes to consume.
"Ok Trunks, did you see how I did that?"
"Uh…huh." He, still in disbelief.
"Ok then, that's enough for today. Hey I have a great idea! Why don't we go take a swim? Its been a long time since we've been to the beach. What do you say? We do kind of need a little…bath."
"Sure, sounds great!" They took off, landing on a near by island to the west of South City. The shores of the island, plagued with the memories of lost battles. It was where the demon duo first appeared.
Gohan flew over to a nearby rock that peeked over the horizon. He stood watching the endless tides. Trunks stared at the glories figure before him. He was so beautiful in every way possible. His eyes were hungry with want and lust. But yet he never dared to reach for what was so close that the pain was almost unbearable. If he only knew that the feelings were mutual. Standing before him was one of the most beautiful creatures his eyes had ever lied on. Trunks eyes moved like a hawk. Observing and analyzing every square inch of his Greek God, his master's luscious body. Trunks could feel his animal within him take over. He had to stop it before his master could notice.
"Hey Trunks! What's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing." As he shook his head almost crying, the pain too much to bear. The torture, the torture that crucified him everyday and night for as long as he could remember. The endless pain and suffering that haunted him every night in his dreams. He was too scared, too scared to even fathom that the impossible… could be possible. He thought he wanted something he could not have, something that was too far an impossibility to become his. He wanted to scream out in agony, to say what he really felt. But he thought that if he did, Gohan would not return his feelings, and toss their friendship, him to the side like an old rag doll.
"Trunks, Are you ok?" He could see the visible pain in his pupils eyes.
"Yah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about…"
"About what? About what Trunks? You know you can tell me anything. Anything at all."
"Nah… This is something too big, its so big that sometimes I can't even understand it."
"C'mon Trunks you know you can tell me anything." Gohan said bringing his friend, and student to sit on the rock that was beside them.
"C'mon Trunks your not just my student, your also my best friend, we should be able to tell each other anything."
His tears already visible "Gohan, I can't tell you because of those very reasons." Warm tears starting to protrude down his face, making long streaks of red down his cheeks.
"It's ok Trunks. I'm here for you when ever you need me, I always have and always will." Gohan took his friend and pupil in hand and leaned in on his shoulder. Then giving him a very intimate hug which was followed by a small kiss to his forehead.
"When ever you feel you are ready to talk just tell me, I'll be right there on your side." Gohan looked deeply into his eyes. He could see the pain he felt deep within him, yet at the same time joy and happiness resided. Now was his chance, the intimacy was perfect. It was now or never. He had to do this. He could no longer live the way he was. Every morning waking up feeling such emptiness, his heart crieing out for the one he longed for. He could no longer push away his emotions, he had to at least try. He leaned in as close as possibly as he could. Gohan was staring at him with an intense gaze, he didn't even know what was coming. As he did with Gohan's other self in the future, he was thrown into a heated kiss of unfathomable proportions. Although Gohan was startled at first, he quickly returned the kiss with open arms. Trunks was so overjoyed that his feelings were mutual. Tears of joy slowly fell from sapphire eyes. They broke for air, yet intense gazes still fell upon each of them.
'Wow Did that really happen' Gohan quickly questioning himself if it was just another one of his daydreams.
"Gohan…" Trunks puzzled, he really didn't know what to do from this point. He laid out his feelings with one kiss, now whether or not Gohan would accept it, was the daunting question. He stared into obsidian eyes, afraid of what his master might say.
'Please say something, ANYTHING! Just please, not silence.' Tears beginning to swell in anticipation.
"You feeling better Trunks?" Gohan said with a carefree smile he had always seemed to possess.
Trunks sat up to wipe his eyes away of the tears. He looked at the deep depths of obsidian that were staring in at him. It was as if Gohan was peering into his very soul. It stirred the deep emotions within him, that were dying to come out. And then he saw Gohan's Bright smile. It made him feel calm and relaxed. At that very moment it was as if all the troubles in the world were gone and were replaced by that big beautiful smile that made everything seem so much better.
"Gohan…I wanted to tell you so much, I just never had the courage." Gohan's smile was the light in the darkness, it always seemed to make all the troubles of the world go away.
"I know… I know…I wanted to tell you too." Gohan pulled Trunks into a warm intermit kiss that melted the fears away. All the pain and agony had been all worth it, his dream had finally come true.
"You did?!" Trunks was too overjoyed to even begin to describe.
"Yes, I didn't know how to say it either." Trunks' eyes were filled with such joy, it was as if he had reached his own nirvana. All that he wanted in life was being delivered to him on a silver platter, life was now his oyster. He leaned in close for another kiss…
~Flash Forward~ [2 Weeks later]
Gohan was injured from their last battle, nearly losing his arm. They stood on top of a high peek, overlooking one of the remaining city's that lied untouched from destructions eye.
Trunks had grown wary, he had nearly lost his love. They never even had much time together, and they were already almost split apart. He would not let this happen again. In these uncertain times he had too show Gohan how he truly felt. That they were close enough too take it to the next level. He was determined to consummate their love.
"Gohan…"Trunks was summoning up the courage it would take to say what he was about to.
"Yes Trunks?"
"Gohan…I…I want too…"
"I know Trunks, but you know that can't happen, not now. As much as I love you, we can't. You are much too young. But be patient, just give it time. There is a time and place for all things young one. Our time will come, I promise you that." He smiled back at his young love.
As the intimacy of the moment had risen to unheard of heights, it was crushed by the sudden scream of people from the distance. They knew all too well who it was.
"Yes, I know. I have too go, you stay here. You will be safe here, wait for me."
"No! I wont let you go alone, I wont let them take you away from me!"
"Trunks, L'amour concourt tous." [1]
"Love conquers all?"
"Oui." [2]
"But what does that have to do with…" Before he could finish, he was struck in the back of his head, he was knocked out cold. Gohan caught him in his arms, he held him tight for a few short moments. He had to do this, it was for the better of their future. 'He must become a super saiyan, and Bulma should be almost finished with her time machine.' He slowly cradled the angelic figure in his arms, savoring the moment. He knew it would be the last. He slowly caressed the soft gentle facial features of the one he loved dearly. Tears beginning to form within his obsidian orbs. He gently laid him on the grown, saying his last goodbyes.
"He should be safe now. Je t'aime avec tous mon coeur et âme, le cher." [3] He gazed into the look of his sleeping angel. He seemed to have no flaws at all, he was beauty in its purest form.
"Good luck, Mon amour." [4] He smiled in content. "I shall love you till the end of time, and beyond." He kneeled with on knee and gave a final kiss on the forehead of his love.
"We shall meet again my love, you can count on that." With those final words he was gone, disappearing into the dark depths of the lions den, never to return.
Trunks slowly opened his eyes, still in a daze. Unsure of what exactly happened. He looked around, but his love was nowhere to be found. His heart beginning to tighten, he could feel the uncertainty overcome him. The foreboding beginning to consume him. He walked through the decimated streets of the once known town. His mind denied it, but his heart knew it all too well. He saw the figure lying on the grown, lifeless. His heart began to beat faster and faster, the pace breakneck. His legs began to buckle before the terror that laid before him. His tears consuming his very soul. He ran over to his lost love, crying in agony. His heart wrenching cries echoed across the farthest corners of the earth. His pain seemed to eclipse the very sun itself.
The agonizing pain, engulfing his very being, transformed. He became the light in the darkness. His eyes flashed teal, his body shined with a golden aura. He had done it, he had become a super saiyan…
~End Flashback~
"You really have no idea how long I've waited for you Mirai." Tears forming in his beautifully pure eyes.
"I have an idea." Mirai thought back at his reverie, it was time to move on.
His eyes tearing, remembering the loss that haunted him still. The past, a daunting challenge in itself to overcome. He had to close that chapter in his life. He had to close the door to his past, and move on. But when one door closes, another opens. And behind that door lied his future. And his future lied waiting, Gohan…
He gazed at the figure before him, his love was waiting for him. They pulled each other close. Their mouths danced in a tango all their own. Their lustful gazes struck each other like a hurricane. Neither one of them would lose the fight for dominance. As fast as lighting struck the ground, so did their clothes. They were drowning in searing kisses that engulfed passion itself. Mirai had reached the very pinnacle of heaven, the height of heights, and he screamed from the very top. All those years of wait had finally arrived.
Mirai's eyes explored his master's body, carefully mapping every detail. His tongue wet and hungry, slowly made its way down his finely sculpted chest. Stalling, the wet tongue encircling his belly button. He leaned into his master, brushing his cheek against black curls that trailed into his tight reddish-orange pants. He looked up gently, he could see the agonizingly painful look of anticipation across his face. His devilish grin once again appeared. He slowly went back to his work.
The feeling sent tendrils of ecstasy throughout Gohan's body. His hearts pace was increasing dramatically, his body responding to every touch that his love expelled onto him. His desires were quickly making themselves known. His body was now completely overwhelmed and subdued by the nimble tongue. His body no longer wanted it, it demanded it.
Happy to comply with the commandments of his masters body, he slowly began to unbuckle the tight pants with his teeth. Slowly unzipping the copper teeth, reveling the treasure that lay waiting. Trunks eyes dilated, almost breathless and completely overtaken by his masters rather well endowed length. Trunks leaned in close, taking its base in hand, breathing heated pants on its tip. His tongue flickered, slowly licking it from top to bottom. Gohan threw his head back, his back arched at the feeling of bliss.
Trunks opened his mouth wide slowly taking in his master, careful not to gag as it filled his throat. He positioned himself in between his masters legs getting the most comfortable position he could. His head began to bob, his tongue began to suck veraciously. Gohan's eyes opened as wide as they possibly could. He was coming close too his limits. He had to do something.
"Trunks! Stop…not like this." Trunks still in a daze at the moment, was not to sure what his master said. His mouth slowly retreated, his eyes succumbed with confusion.
"Did you say something?" Trunks was genuinely confused, he thought he was doing something wrong. 'Why did I have to stop, did I do something wrong?'
"Trunks, not like that. I don't want it to happen that way." Trunks smiled, he soon caught on to what his master meant. Gohan casually walked behind his love. He leaned in close, sucking the exposed neck. He hands slowly made its way down to the protruding bulge in the front. His skilled hands quickly removed the remainder of both their clothes and tossed them to the side. He brought them both down to the soft grass beneath them. He leaned over his mate. He looked down, they were eye to eye. Their intense gazes struck a cord within them both. They were completely parallel to one another. Gohan leaned in closer, their crotches met in a passionate clash. Gohan quickly positioned himself, straddling Trunks legs over his shoulders….
~French Translations~
[1] L'amour concourt tous. - Love conquers all.
[2] Oui. - Yes.
[3] Je t'aime avec tous mon coeur et âme, le cher. - I love you with all my heart and soul, dear one.
[4] Mon amour. - My love.
Authors note: HAHA! I've done it again! Now that's a cliffy ^_^ C'mon you know you want to say it! I'm evil bwhahahaha.