Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love Unihibited ❯ Prologue

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Love Uninhibited
Ryo Angel
Rated PG-13
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I don't know why I'm writing this. Boredom maybe. Anyways, I have no idea what I'm going to
do with this and it might very well end up just this one chapter if I lose interest. I'm writing it as
I go... so no promises to continue it.

MATURE themes. A bit incestious (sp?)

Feedback always welcomed, good or bad.

Distribution - Ask and ye shall recieve

Onward to the story!

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I stare out into the black void. Mother had said that it might be best that I go into space to sort
out my feelings. It's been years since the andriods had attacked and destroyed our world. A
year ago, we finally defeated them. And I had gone back to the past to warn the Z fighters in
hopes that it would alter the future. I was wrong. Now, I stare out into the black void. Maybe I
should just go back to the past once more. There is nothing here for me. My only love had
betrayed me to Android 17. Feh, he had taken her for his lover. Had hung me and made me
watch as he taken her over and over again. I heard her screams of pleasure... and her scream
as she died by his hand. Hot tears form in my eyes as I think back. Never again shall I let love
cloud my judgement.

Mother thought that being in space and training in zero gravity would help calm my spirit. And
perhaps help me find peace within my heart. She had already lost all those that are dear to her
and I know what a huge sacrafice she was making by allowing me to leave her side. I can't
stand this anymore. I punch a few buttons and steer my way back to Earth. It has been three
years already and Mother's birthday is fast approaching. As the blue orb came on screen, I
thought about my father. I have never known him, yet when I met him for the first time in the
past, it was like trying to communicate with a brick wall. Mother had said that though he never
told her that he loved her, his actions spoke volumes of his affections towards her. Whenever
she spoke of him, she would often cry later that night, in the emptiness of her room. Little by
little, I had stopped asking, yet she still cries.

Stepping out of the ship, my eyes lifted slightly. Mother had said that my facial expressions
are growing more and more like Father's each day. The scars that ran in me may not be as
deep as his were, but they are similar. As a child, I had only known terror. Fleeing for my life
was the only thing I had ever known. Yasu was my light. Yet, she had betrayed me. No. I will
not dwell on this. It is in the past. And in the past it shall remain. The skies are blue. I knelt
down and ran my hands along the green grass. Grass! A small smile appeared in my lips and
I stood as a shadow was cast over me. My eyes soften as they rest on the woman in front of
me. "Mother..."

She still looked as she was in the past, with the exception of the wrinkles around her eyes from
lack of sleep. "Welcome home." Neither of us made a move. The wind picked up and her dress
flowed loosely to one side. "It's been a long time." She said, her mouth bent slightly in a girlish
pout. "Come give your old mother a hug." She commanded, opening her arms and wrapping
them around me. Softly, I hugged her back, allowing myself this one small comfort, yet my
heart is still bitter from the betrayal. It will not let me forget.

She senses this in me. "Trunks..." She tsked softly as she released me.

I smile to try and ease her worries. "Smile, Mother. I've come home."

She did, but her eyes were sad. "You've come home... but for how long?" She asked, taking me
by the arm and leading me towards the Capsule Corps. She had revived it shortly after the
androids were defeated. "A week? A month? I can barely hope for a year." She let out a deep

"Mother..." I started.

"Hush." She would not let me comfort her. She knows that I will leave again. This place holds
too much pain for me. She sat me down and took my sword. I wanted to help her with it, but she
held onto it. "I am not so old that I can't hang this by myself." Her voice grew fond, "After all, I
kept pace with your father..." She pause for moments only, then hung up my sword and rang
the bell for food to be delivered. "You must be hungry after that long trip." She sat down across
from me and smiled.

I search for a topic to discuss, at a loss for words once again. Luckily, she saved me. "Earth
has grown beautiful once more..."

"Yeah." I agreed, staring out the window. Trees have grown and grass. Green grass that I
haven't seen all through my childhood years. She did not touch her food when it was placed
before her and I can feel her eyes staring at me.

"You will leave me again." A statement. She knows it to be true. I did not contradict her. "Look
at me, Trunks." Something in her voice commanded me to and when I did, I flinched. "It has
been years and nothing has changed for you." She paused and her eyes dropped. "Perhaps
you need to go to a place where none of this horror has happened."

She need not say it. I already know. "The past."

"If you were fated and destined to be, you will be once more." I know how much she wanted to
touch me, but she looked away. "I made a new device that will allow you to travel back and fro
easily." She takes something out of her pocket, a watch. "Easy to use, no fuss. No muss." She
hands it to me. "You set it using the dial. Push the green button to activate. The red to stabalize."

"Mother..." I want so badly to comfort her, but I did nothing. She fastened the watch onto my wrist.

"Tell my younger self to be careful of spiders." She told me as she pressed the green button and
she vanished from my eyes. When my eyes cleared, I find myself staring at the exterior of
Capsule Corps. I'm in the past once more. A couple comes out hand in hand, one laughing, the other
scowling. My mouth twitches in amusement.


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Let's see if I can't get five reviews from you. I don't know what I want to write about yet, so help me
out a bit.