Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Love Unihibited ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Love Uninhibited
Ryo Angel
Rated PG-13
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Absentmindedly, I landed and walked to the lone tree standing over the
small lake. I'm tired of this shit. And moreso of what's happening at
home. Damn it! I can't even step out of my room without bumping into
him! A red blush spread over my cheeks as I remembered the encounter
that happened today...

I had just stepped out of my room early in the morning, thinking that no
one in their right mind would be awake. Quickly, stripping away my clothing
just outside of the GR, I set the gravity to 300 times normal, starting off with
stretches. It's been a while since I last trained, but it was just like flying -
once you learned how, it's just a matter of time before you can do it again.

Feeling my body getting use to the gravity, I upped it to a point where I was
struggling to stand. Then, I sspun into a gentle kata, trying to ignore the pull
of the gravity against my body and worked my way through it in a relaxed
and flowing manner. And that's when shit it the fan.

I was so tired after doing the kata that I forgot to take the time to have my
body slowly adjust back to normal gravity. When I stepped out, I fell over,
being use to a more heavier gravity. I couldn't move a muscle, the grass
crushed beneath my naked body, my clothing to one side. It was then that
Trunks came around the side. Dede! He saw me in the flesh!

I cover my face with both hands now. How am I going to live THAT down??
Ture, I did the same thing to him once, but that was PURELY accidental.

'Ri-ight... accidental...'

'It was too!'

'He did have a nice and firm butt though...'

'Oh, yeah... I mean... er....'

'Admit it, Bra, you like him.'

'Yeah, duh! He's my brother.'

'You know what I mean.'

'I have no idea...'

'Yes you do. You just won't let your human half admit it.'

'What do you mean, human half??'

'Figure it out yourself, smartass.'

"Grrrr..." The tree branch splintered as I crushed it with my bare fists. As I
looked towards the setting sun, my heart stopped at the sound of his voice.

"You have Winter dreams, Bra..."

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For the life of me, I don't know why I followed her. Nor why I appraoched her then.
This morning, I accidentally chanced upon her in the nude. She was sprawled
out on the grass, small tuffs of green outlined her form. I was about to turn and
leave when she gave a small shriek. I quickly turn my back and heard her
scrambling for her clothes. After a certain amount of time had passed, I peeked
over my shoulder and saw her gone. I don't know why I didn't just turn and left,
but I had stayed. And what's more, I found her ki signiture and followed it to a
hill overlooking the ocean.

As I watched her internal debate, I could feel my mouth twitching in amusement.
It's been a long while since I have smiled so... perhaps I really DO need a sister
to keep my mind occupied...

When I heard her voice her frustration and the branch snapped from the pressure
of her fists, I made myself known. "You have Winter dreams, Bra."

She slowly turned to me, a deer caught in headlights expression. Very, very
amusing. Very, very cute. She gave me a small nervous smile. "Really?" She
laughed with trepidation.

"Yes... perhaps you would like to..."

"Pizza!" She suddenly said.

"Pizza?" I asked, not knowing what she was going at.

"Me hungry. Want pizza." She brushed past me and I caught a whiff of white
jasmines mixed with roses. Very refreshing.

"Care for some company?" Why do I seek her out?

"Er... hehe..." Her eyes darted left and right nervously, "I... guess..."

"Perhaps in the past?" I suggested lightly.

That sparked her interest, but still she hesitated.

"And maybe catch how Father proposed to Mother?" I threw in as an after thought.
Why am I so insistant for her company?

Her eyes lit up, "YES!" She said eagerly, latching upon my arm, almost throwing
me off balance, "Let's go, let's go!!"

I chuckled as I adjusted the timepiece. Mother had only told me once when Father
proposed to her... she had said it was an unforgettable night for her. I had always
wondered about that... she went red in the face... they weren't having sex were

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^.^ Hehe. I'll bring you guys a brief citrus on the next chapter. It's B/V, no MT/Bra
action yet... but there will be, don't you worry.