Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Majin Leeli's Story ❯ Sunday Bloody Sunday ( Chapter 6 )
Chapter2 part c
Sunday Bloody Sunday
"What the hell?!"
Leeli blinked as she set the trash bag down and stared at the little old woman digging around in their garbage. The woman looked up at the sound of Leeli's voice and glared before slowly stalking away. Leeli watched her for a minute before shaking her head and walking back in the house.
"What were you yelling about?" Trunks asked, as Leeli walked back in, shutting the door firmly behind her.
"That woman was digging through our garbage again," Leeli sighed, sitting on the arm of the couch and crossing her arms. "Doesn't that ever freak you out? The fact she's so obsessed with making us look bad?"
"Yeah," Trunks agreed half-heartedly, turning back to the television. "It is damned creepy how she stalks us. On the bright side, thanks to the rumors she starts, everyone in the neighborhood hates us and we don't have to deal with them."
"There is that," Leeli nodded appreciatively. "However, having her tell everyone that you and Goten are screwing like bunnies and that I'm Goten's oriental prostitute is very uncool. I mean really. Do I look oriental?"
Trunks blinked. "Well, sorta, I guess," he cocked an eyebrow, "shouldn't you be objecting to the prostitute part?"
"I like to think it's a compliment on my beauty," Leeli said, flipping her hair over her shoulder and tucking an errant strand behind a pointy ear.
"Y'know, most real prostitutes aren't that pretty," Trunks said as he dug into the couch cushions for the remote control.
"Compliment on my beauty," Leeli reiterated with a growl.
"Hey, you're the scary woman," Trunks said, raising up his hands in deference, "who am I, a mere bum on the couch, to argue?"
"That's better," Leeli nodded. "I still don't know why she hates us that much."
"It all started the day we moved in and she yelled at you and Goten for being married," Trunks said, finding the remote. "I think it may have something to do with the fact that ChiChi chased her over the horizon with a frying pan."
Leeli winced. "Nah, couldn't have anything to do with that. In any case," she said, sitting up off the arm of the couch and stretching her arms, "I don't think she should be digging though the garbage. It's just unsanitary."
Trunks shrugged in response, but was already too enthralled by the television to vocalize any words he wished to say.
With a shake of her head Leeli walked out of the living room and into the kitchen and got a bottle of juice out of the fridge before sitting down at the table.
It'd been nearly four years since she had come back to her rightful dimension. In the time she had settled in easily. The house was so strange that any change was simply shrugged off as normal and conformed to with very few questions asked. Which was both good and bad in its own way.
Leeli fidgeted with the bottle. Kim's third birthday had just passed and she was at least as hyperactive as Chris and twice as talkative. She'd spent most of the party headbutting her brothers in the back and rambling words in some coherent order at the other children. All before she decided to jump into the cake in an attempt to wear it as a dress. The girl was a handful; fortunately Goten had experience with raising children.
"Mom, we're going out to train," Elijah said, bounding through the kitchen and out the screen door. "Come on, let's go!" he yelled over his shoulder as the door banged closed.
Leeli blinked as she looked from the door Elijah had left back to where he'd just come from as Goten came through. "I put Kim down for her nap," he said, smiling at Leeli, "she's tired enough I think she might actually fall asleep. Chris is outside looking for frogs and Billy was reading last I saw."
"That's good," Leeli smiled back, then shifted her eyes toward the screen door. "I'm guessing you're going out training with Elijah now?"
"He seems to really enjoy it," Goten nodded, "and it reminds me of my mother teaching me to fight and when Gohan…" Goten trailed off momentarily before he finished his words, "when Gohan taught me to fly."
"I can see why you enjoy it," Leeli said, trying to keep the wince out of her voice. Goten still hadn't come to terms with Gohan's death. It was anyone's guess as to whether or not he actually knew his brother was dead or was actually so far in denial that he thought his brother just no longer visited.
"Come on," Elijah said, swinging open the door and waving for Goten to hurry before jumping back out.
"Y'know, training with you is the only time I ever see that boy animated," Leeli said. "Well, unless he's beating up on Trunks, but that's different."
"He's a good boy," Goten said with a smile. "A little overzealous when it comes to training, but he's learning." Goten's smiled faded a bit. "Unfortunately he'll never be as strong as you or me. But he'll definitely end up stronger than Krillin if he keeps training."
"That's good," Leeli said cheerfully. In some ways it was truly a shame that Elijah was only a fourth saiya-jin.
"The woods ain't going to be there all day," Elijah said impatiently from outside the screen door.
"Yes, Elijah, they are," Leeli said with a mock glare. "Cool it. He'll be with you in a second."
Elijah let out an annoyed snort before he walked away from the door, presumably to pace around the garden and wait for Goten.
Leeli let out a sigh. "He reminds me waaaay to much of Trunks in some ways."
"He does at that," Goten smirked as he leaned forward and kissed Leeli on top of her head. "We'll be back sometime in the evening before dinner."
"Alright," Leeli said, closing her eyes momentarily as he kissed her. "Have fun and don't pound the kid too hard."
"Let's go!" Elijah's voice echoed from outside.
"Bye Leeli," Goten said as he walked out the screen door.
"Later hon," Leeli waved, taking a sip of her juice as she felt Goten and Elijah fly away. It was so nice to be. She set down her juice. In a year of so the Solda'en'tar'a would be back and she could go into the other dimensions to see the majins. She bit her lip. It was such a strange feeling. She couldn't decide whether or not going to see the majins was a good idea. On one hand it was the right thing to do, on the other she could get stuck again. Tough decisions.
"What the hell," Leeli coughed and glared at Trunks as he entered the kitchen. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I like to make a grand entrance," Trunks said with a smile as he walked over to the coffee cupboard, "and can you think of anything grander than sex?"
"Oh, I don't know… maybe Goten's peach cobbler or coffee. Coffee's good," Leeli taunted with a wink. Goten's peach cobbler was legendary.
"Cobbler.. coffee… Oh, dear Kami, Leeli!" Trunks said dramatically. "Don't make me choose between sex, coffee, and cobbler!"
Leeli let out a loud laugh. "I leave you to your contemplation, porno-boy," she teased as she stood up out of the chair, grabbing her juice and walking out into the garden. Shielding her eyes with her hand she made her way over to the round white table with the large yellow umbrella. "Trunks," she smirked as she set her drink down on the table. "Sometimes you're such a moron."
The world became a flash of blinding light and she felt herself be thrown to the grassy ground. Her hip ground into the gravel path as she felt roses and thorns brush past her in the unnatural wind. She blinked violently, her eyes tearing up as she was finally able to focus on a white tear in the middle of her yard. The tear seemed to flicker with the brilliant light before six dark silhouettes appeared. Their hair blowing in the abnormal wind and their shoulders hunched to help them keep their footing.
The tear in space flickered and faded into nonexistence as a woman in the back of the group flipped a handheld device closed. Kristel, Leeli mouthed in shock before her eyes instantly shifted to the woman in the lead of the group: Koshi.
"We've been looking for you, Leeli," Koshi said, her voice hard as she held out a hand to the green haired woman, "it's time to come home."
[Torn Apart]