Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Meaning of Lust ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Pairing: Goku/Vegeta

Disclaimer: oh please...

Warnings: Yaoi, porn, explicit sex, dark Goku, porn, did we say explicit yet? PWP/TWT, OOC

Archive: No

Thoughts bordered by tilde (~)

"Meaning of Life" by Disturbed

"Closer" by Trent Reznor/Nine Inch Nails

Meaning of Lust

"Hey, Bulma! Great party but I have to go!"

Goku waved cheerily at his longtime friend and darted out through the big glass doors of Capsule Corp., lifting into the night sky without another look back.

"What is up with him?" Bulma frowned and went back to her other guests, shaking her head in consternation.

"What's the matter, Bul?" Krillin glanced over at his friend as she settled herself on the couch once more.

"Oh, I don't know Krillin. Ever since Goku moved out on his own he's been acting…well…odd." The blue-haired woman frowned into her drink, worry for her friend etched on her features.

"Yeah." Krillin nodded his head. "Things with Chi-chi were rough for him. I mean, coming back after all those years and finding out your family really isn't a family anymore. Then all the fighting and the things she'd say to him." The former monk sighed in sympathy. "He's changed, Bulma. I mean, he's still a great guy and all, but there's a sharper edge to him now. Like some of that innocence is gone, y'know?"

"But where's he always running off to, Krillin?" Bulma turned concerned eyes on the big warrior's best friend. "If anyone knows it should be you."

"Well…" Krillin looked around the gathering, checking to see if anyone was listening. "See, he's got this job now, in a club. He didn't really tell me what he's doing, but it's probably something he likes, like being a bouncer, right?"

Bulma blinked at him. "In a club? Goku?" She laughed. "Well that's probably the only job he's really suited for."

Krillin laughed along with her, both of them unaware that their conversation was being closely followed. The prince of saiya-jins lounged against the wall, just behind a small potted tree set at the corner of the large den area.

The only reason he'd been at the gathering at all was because he thought he'd have a chance to corner Kakarrot and find out why he'd been missing their sparring times. Until recently they'd met every weekend, either Saturday or Sunday. The sounds of blasts and crunching punches would sound throughout their isolated sparring grounds, both of them wearing each other down, challenging each other and pushing themselves to new levels of strength.

Vegeta would never admit to missing the younger saiya-jin, though that was the fact. But he did carry on entire conversations with himself wherein he berated the other for disrespecting his prince and being rude to the point of needing to be pounded into the ground. A vicious little smirk crossed his features even as he pictured that particular scene. His thoughts were broken as a new bit of information drew his attention to the conversation once more.

"What club is it Krillin?" Bulma grinned. "Maybe he can get us in free."

"Ahm…well…" Krillin tapped his fingertips together. "You might not want to go, Bul."

She blinked at him curiously. "What? Why wouldn't I?" She scowled and smacked his shoulder. "I may be older than you and Goku but that doesn't mean I'm old !"

"Ow! Hey!" The smaller man rubbed his shoulder, his cheeks flushing. "That's not what I meant. Just, well…" He cleared his throat, voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "It's that new place, Club Kiru."

"WHAT?" Bulma's eyes went wide. "Oh my gosh, Krillin! You have got to be kidding me! I heard that place is…well…" She darted a look around the room, her own tone low. "I heard it's a strip club! Why would Goku want to work someplace like that?"

Krillin gave her a sidelong look. "Oh come on, Bulma. He may be pure-hearted and all, but he's still a guy." His lips twisted into a little smirk. "Besides, I'll bet they need someone really strong to keep people in line, y'know?"

Bulma nodded and sighed. "I guess, but still…Goku?" She shook her head. "I hope they pay him enough. It's not cheap to live near the city, maybe I should invite him to stay here…" Her voice trailed off as she considered it.

Dark eyes narrowed as the information was filed away. Vegeta seldom made spontaneous decisions, but this was one of those rare occasions. Slipping down the hallway silently, he returned to his room to make himself inconspicuous.


Club Kiru

Vegeta eyed the blinking neon sign, the glare of purple sending amethyst highlights flickering over his thick spikes of hair. This looked to be the place. It was already late in the evening but it seemed there were plenty of people still eager to get into the club. He pushed dark glasses up his nose and shoved his way to the front of the line, ignoring protests and challenges alike. He eyed the burly dark-skinned man who seemed to be in charge of letting people in.

"I'm here to see Kakarrot." The scowl was present in his voice even if it was somewhat covered by the glasses.

"I don't care who you're here to see, buddy. There's a cover charge. Pay up." The bouncer nodded toward a bored looking female sitting behind a caged desk.

Vegeta grunted and stepped over to the metal bars. The girl didn't look any older than his own daughter, Bura. She had shocking pink hair and chewed restlessly at a wad of gum in her mouth. She barely gave him a glance.

"Ten bucks." The gum cracked between her teeth.

The prince snorted and peeled a bill free, tossing it between the bars and stalking up the flashing steps of the club.

The interior was dark other than the flash and flicker of what seemed to be thousands of small lights which were focused on the on the dance floor or on the strange ladders and scaffolding that seemed to hang from the walls and even the ceiling. All of which were covered with a sea of grinding bodies, all moving to a loud thumping rhythm and sonorous synthesizer.

Someone plowed into the prince's back, shoving him forward and yelling at him to get the hell out of the way. Before Vegeta could give his own brand of response, the figure had melded into the swaying mass. Growling, he suppressed his ki and slid along the wall, eyes straining to pick out the familiar spikes of his rival's hair.

Nothing. Even after a half hour of shifting along the edges of the massive room, being nearly crushed, having drinks spilled on his shoes, being groped, and several crudely worded propositions, he still hadn't glimpsed so much as a wayward strand of hair or the gleam of a goofy grin.

Shrugging his leather jacket higher, the prince decided the baka wasn't there after all and turned to make his way back to the door. He blinked as the din ceased and the lights all winked out at once. He groaned to himself, thinking of the hysteria a power outage was sure to have on these Chikkyu-jins.

But instead of yells and shouts, or a mass exodus, the entire gathering seemed to be holding its collective breath. Vegeta turned with a scowl, surprised to see an elevated stage at one end of the room lit with tiny golden spotlights. He arched a brow speculatively, his curiosity piqued, and moved to fade into the darker shadows closer to the stage. An amplified voice sounded through the darkness.

"Well everyone, I can tell by the smell of your sweat that you've been having a good time tonight…" There was a laugh. "But I know why you're here, I know what you've been lusting for! So let's get on with it shall we? Club Kiru is so very pleased to present our latest and greatest: SON SHUKUN !!"

There were whoops and howls, catcalls and whistles. Vegeta would have sworn the noise was even greater than the pulsing music from before. But as the crowd quieted and leaned forward expectantly there was an electronic thump and rush, like a steady heartbeat. The lights focused on the stage began to throb and move as a synthesizer sounded, and a throaty voice sounded from the amplifiers.

You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you

A dark figure seemed to materialize on the stage, seeming to stalk on all fours, his movements stealthy and catlike. His features were indistinct as the lights washed all around and over him in time to the steady beat of the music; indistinct perhaps, but still very recognizable to the prince.

Vegeta felt his jaw drop with surprise. Behind the dark glasses his eyes widened at the impossible sight, locking onto the sway of narrow hips and the curl of a thick tail.

~ What the fuck? Kakarrot?? ~

Help me
I broke apart my insides
Help me
I've got no soul to sell
Help me
The only thing that works for me
Help me get away from myself

Dark eyes dilated as the figure on the stage straightened, his hips grinding and rocking to the continued deep beat. Vegeta's gaze finally freed itself from the swinging tail, and traveled from the top of the wildly spiked hair downward. This was Kakarrot? This was the happy-go-lucky idiot savior? He blinked in amazement at the transformation of his rival as he slinked among the golden lights.

Dressed in black from head to toe, an unbuttoned black silk shirt flowed over the burly saiya-jin's shoulders and flared around him as he moved, showing off a studded leather collar and giving teasing glimpses of the sculpted chest and abdomen. The slender waist was looped with several belts, some studded leather that matched the collar while others were gleaming, scaled silver. His narrow hips were clad in sleek black leather that hugged the muscled thighs and calves, showing off each flex and movement in the faint light. Heavy combat boots were laced halfway up, and thumped the stage rhythmically as his feet tread in time with the music.

I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to god

With a deft flick of his hand, a belt was flung out and snaked around one of the two heavy poles that framed the stage. Goku arched, using the belt to hold himself up, his hips grinding and thrusting at the pole. Leather-clad thighs spread wide, his head tipped back, the shaggy spikes of hair only lending him an extra sense of wild abandon. Howls and shouts of encouragement rang out, nearly drowning the sound of the music.

Vegeta swallowed hard, his pounding heart seeming to hammer in his throat as surprise melted swiftly toward a deep animal excitement. He'd never seen the other like this. Had been willing to bet, in fact, that his rival's innocence and naiveté extended to all parts of his life. It had been one of the things the prince had found offensive about him; that Kakarrot had been so distant from his forceful and warring race. But now, now all that had changed.

You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything

The muscular form turned and spun, the thick glossy tail whirling around him like some kind of demonic familiar. He peeled slowly out of the thin silk of his shirt and tossed it outward, where it was shredded by the ravenous crowd. Both male and female lusted for him; it sparkled like fire in their eyes. A deep growl formed in the prince's chest. Kakarrot was his dammit! These Chikkyu-jins had no right to the strength of a saiya-jin!

One belt after another was loosed from the slender waist and left scattered across the stage, looking like sinful serpents paying homage to the demon dancing in their midst. One button and then another were unfastened on the front of the leather clinging to his hips as they gyrated back and forth, leaving a glimpse of dark fur against pale skin. Vegeta felt his skin tighten in terrible anticipation; he was becoming as aroused as the rest, perhaps even more so since he knew the one they all lusted for.

Help me
You tear down my reason
Help me
It's your sex I can smell
Help me
You make me perfect
Help me become somebody else

Wild dark eyes flashed, and Vegeta could swear they had locked onto him as he pressed against the wall. But that was impossible, he was deep in shadow, while light blazed around the other saiya-jin. He felt his gut tighten anyway, his instinctive reaction not giving a damn about logic. It seemed as if the other was staring into his soul, seeing every dark secret the prince had ever held. Calling to him.

His breath was labored, and he felt a light sweat break out over his skin that had nothing to do with the heat and close atmosphere of the club, but much, much more to do with the sweating and bending form that seemed to beckon to him. Heat seemed to be pooling in his groin as Vegeta watched, mesmerized by the primal display.

I wanna fuck you like an animal
I wanna feel you from the inside
I wanna fuck you like an animal
My whole existence is flawed
You get me closer to god

The brawny figure arched and dropped to the floor of the stage, his hips thrusting and grinding as he writhed in sensual abandon, seeming to have forgotten his audience as he gave himself up to feral need. The furry length of his tail went from sleek to bristled and back again as it undulated enticingly.

Goosebumps traced a serpentine trail down Vegeta's spine as he watched, bewitched by the display of carnality as sleek leather was slowly drawn from muscled thighs. Kakarrot was left clad in nothing but small dark briefs, combat boots, and golden sweat as he drew himself to his knees. A deep ache pounded in the prince's groin, and his head seemed to spin with the rush of heat through his blood. He leaned back against the relative cool of the wall behind him, feeling as though the milling bodies of others were mere phantoms. The only reality was himself and the beguiling Kakarrot.

All through the forest
Above the trees
Within my stomach
Scraped off my knees
I drink the honey
Inside your hive
You are the reason
I stay alive

The sultry voice began to slow as the song drew toward its close, throaty and muted, as if drawing away. The untamed saiya-jin arched back on widespread knees, his chest heaving for breath after the exertion of the dance, pulse visible in the strong neck as thick spikes of hair brushed the floor of the stage. Vegeta's tongue darted out over his lower lip, the need to taste the sweat and blood of the other clawing deeply through his middle.

It came as a shock when the room first went black then was lit faintly as the house lights came up high along the walls. Vegeta blinked along with the rest as his vision sought to adjust, the club's patrons filing past him almost quietly after the raucous mob they had been. Kakarrot's tempting form had vanished from the stage, the tangled leather and belts still scattered across the floor. The prince struggled to even his breathing and the erratic beat of his heart. Had that really happened? Had that actually been Kakarrot?

The announcer from before was encouraging everyone to make their way to the door in an orderly manner and to return again the next night. Vegeta's eyes narrowed behind the glasses and sought out a hiding place. Keeping his ki suppressed he crept up behind the stage and lost himself in the curtains draping between back and front.

He swore he could smell the other saiya-jin. Smell the sweat and eroticism that had poured from him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, struggling to remain still rather than leap from cover and hunt down the source of that perfume. He closed his eyes and grit his teeth as he willed his hands to top shaking. He would find out the truth of this, but he'd do it his way.


He tried meditating to pass the time and calm himself, but found his mind's eye filled with images of the other saiya-jin as he twisted and arched. He wondered if the scent still tickling the back of his nose was real or if it was an olfactory hallucination brought on by his own surging hormones. Regardless, his body was still tight with arousal and anticipation. He was startled from his reverie as two voices called out.

"G'night Goku! You really wowed them tonight! There's a bonus in it for you if the door increases."

"Hey thanks! You know I always do my best."

There was a sharp snap of electrical connections as the lights went out, and Vegeta peered out from behind the curtains, cursing himself for missing his chance to confront his elusive prey. He frowned as he noticed a soft glow from backstage. Maybe his opportunity had not been missed after all.

He prowled through the narrow foyer and saw that the light was coming from an open doorway. Ever so slowly, he peeked around the edge of the frame, his eyes quickly scanning the small room. There was a rumpled bed pushed up against one wall, and a two-burner hotplate and coffeemaker stationed on a wobbly looking table in the opposite corner. The floor and a single broken down lounge chair were strewn with clothing, half of it the familiar orange and blue, while the rest was a combination of materials, textures, and colors: stage clothing.

The alluring scent was fainter here, though still present. The small room was empty of anything living, at least of higher life forms. Kakarrot was obviously not here, but Vegeta had plenty of evidence that he was staying here, and had confirmed the erotic hallucination as reality.

As he turned to make his stealthy way out of the club a strong hand slammed against the wall next to his head. Vegeta's startled gaze lifted to meet wicked ebony pools as the mate to the first hand gripped the lapels of his leather jacket and lifted him to his toes.

"Hey, Vegeta…" The voice was at odds with the gleam in the other's eyes, low and friendly, with just a hint of amusement. "Funny seeing you here, huh?"

"K-Kakarrot!" Vegeta did his best to growl indignantly, his hands coming up to wrap around the thick wrist holding him up. "Let go of me!"

Sensuous lips curled into a slight smirk. "Nah… I think I want to know what you're doing here, Vegetahhh…"

Goku grinned ferally as the prince squirmed and struggled to free himself, deliberately leaning forward and sniffing into Vegeta's hair. He breathed out a deep purr, entirely pleased to have caught the ouji spying on him.

His life had become both more complicated and easier since he'd struck out on his own from the little house on the side of mount Pauzo. Things had changed rapidly since the morning a few months prior when he'd woken to found his tail had regenerated. Chi-chi had told him he smelled bad all the time; she'd avoided him both in bed and out. His kids were grown and doing whatever pleased them. It had been time for him to do the same.

He'd left and lived in the wild for a time, readjusting to his new circumstances and thinking things through. He'd isolated himself from everyone. Since his tail had grown back he had become more and more restless; yearning for something, needing something that he had no resolution for. After many nights of tumultuous dreams and with cold weather coming on he'd finally decided to go with what his gut was telling him. It was time to lay his snare.

He knew Vegeta was frustrated with his absence, but he'd figured the best way to lure such a prince was to present a mystery, and draw him out. Though it had taken time, sure enough, Vegeta had come looking for him. He'd missed their time together himself, but he knew he was playing a dangerous game when he'd set his sights on the saiya-jin royal.

But now Vegeta was on his turf. The trap was sprung and so was he. The slender body strained and arched as the prince tried to loosen his grip on the leather jacket. Fine. He grinned and released the prince long enough to slide his hand into the collar and pull it down hard. Vegeta had two choices; leave his arms trapped, or let the jacket slide free. He wasn't surprised when the leather was shrugged off.

"What the hell are you doing, Kakarrot?"

Vegeta's chin dropped as he glowered up at the other saiya-jin, his heart had begun to pound again, and his palms grew sweaty. He felt like he was being stalked, and from the look in the other's eyes he wasn't far wrong. He felt the hair on the nape of his neck lift in some sort of primal warning.

"I think I should be the one asking you that, Vegeta." Goku purred down at him, his eyes narrowing. "You're the one who came snooping around here."

"I…I did no such thing!" Vegeta swallowed as a quaver threatened his voice.

"Oh but I beg to disagree." The flash of faint light on sharp teeth was not lost on the prince. "What would you call sneaking into the club, then hiding backstage, and finally sniffing around my room?"

Goku knew he had won when the prince's eyes dropped from his and the high cheeks flushed. Vegeta was his. He might not know it yet, but Goku was about to show him just how saiya-jin he had become. His hand shot out and fisted into the upswept spikes of hair and he shook the smaller form lightly, shaking the glasses from the prince's face. A low chuckle sounded in his throat.

"Wh-What are you doing, Kakarrot! I told you to release me!"

A feral smile flashed. "Please release me, let me go…" Goku sang lightly into his ear and laughed. "You came looking for me, Vegeta. Now's not the time to be crying about what you've found."

He hauled the prince away from the wall and back out to the backstage area, giving him a little shake each time Vegeta struggled. He propelled the lithe form up the steps and through the curtains, pausing only long enough to slap a few switches. Once again the small golden spotlights sparkled over the stage.

"How did you like the show, Vegeta?"

Goku's voice was almost conversational as he dragged the prince to one side of the stage and flipped a few more switches. Pulsing music came up, filling the room with throbbing sound. He leaned down and murmured.

"I could smell you, you know." Another low, wicked laugh sounded. "I could smell your lust, Vegeta. You wanted me, just like all the rest of them." He paused for effect then licked at the prince's ear. "Only difference is…they're never going to have me."

Vegeta's mind whirled; confusion, outrage, fury, and worst of all, a deep hot well of arousal. He was being manhandled by this third-class baka like he had some right to put his hands on the prince. And something buried in his psyche loved it. He struggled to power-up, thinking that if he could throw the other off of him he could shake these feelings free and concentrate.

"Ah, ah!" Goku shook him harder, snapping a fist across his jaw and growling. "None of that, Vegeta. Besides, we both know I'm stronger than you."

The prince shook his dazed head as he was hauled to the middle of the stage; the punch had been unexpected and sent his thoughts reeling. The flash and flicker of light across his vision left his eyes struggling to adjust from light to dark, he couldn't focus on anything. Vegeta felt trapped in the ripple of lights, anyone could be out there in the cavernous blackness; it made him feel almost naked. He gasped as he felt his shirt torn free, the cooler air sending a shiver through him as it kissed his bare skin.

"I-I demand…"

"Oh no, Vegeta." The dark chuckle returned. "You're in no position to make demands. It's time I showed you what I'm really made of, don't you think? After all, you've always been upset when I held back."

A thread of panic twisted in Vegeta's gut. This was no game; Kakarrot was serious. Desire and arousal battled with the prince's pride. He twisted, trying to pull away despite the painful hold on his hair. Some dark part of him might want this, but he was not going down without a fight.

Goku laughed, maintaining his grip on the prince easily as he kicked one of the sloped amplifiers onto the stage. He hauled Vegeta off his feet and looked him in the eye a moment before leaning forward and nuzzling at his neck.

"Mmmm…" The feral purr in Goku's voice deepened. "You want to know the meaning of lust, Vegetahhh?" He gazed into wild, desperate eyes. "Doesn't matter, you're going to find out anyway."

Goku dropped the prince to the floor, then pinned him as Vegeta tried to scrabble away, chuckling softly and tossing him across the amplifier. Sound pulsed through the prince's flesh as he struggled to get away again, but found his wrists suddenly bound in one of the thick studded belts left scattered on the stage.

He watched dazedly as the belt was looped around one of the poles and tied off firmly. He was stretched across the carpeted amplifier, his hands trapped, his back bare. He shivered in horrible expectation as he felt strong hands stroke down his sides and hook into the waistband of his pants.

"K-Kakarrot!" He strove once more to put command into his voice, but it came out sounding more like a plea.

"Oh, it's all right, Vegetahhh…" Goku purred and pulled effortlessly on the heavy black denim wrapped around the prince's hips.

There was a long, straining moment, but once the first button broke under the pressure the rest quickly followed. The wild saiya-jin smirked as he drew the dark fabric slowly down to expose the prince's flesh. He was thoroughly enjoying the squirm and struggle of the lean form. The scent rising from Vegeta was a combination of fear and excitement.

He bent down and breathed deeply of the heady aroma, his own excitement doubling as he felt Vegeta arch up. He nipped between the narrow shoulder blades, and traced his tongue down the nubs of his spine, and was rewarded with a low moan that he sensed more than heard over the thunder of the music.

Drawing back slightly, Goku unbuttoned his own jeans that he'd donned after leaving the stage earlier. He watched as Vegeta tossed his head back and tried to glare at him over one shoulder. Lips twisting into a feral smile, he teased the prince's anger and fired his arousal by slowly pushing the denim down and off over now-bare feet.


Dark eyes slanted as he dipped forward and nipped at one curved buttock, gaining a twitch and squirm from the lithe frame. He was going to savor this, the claiming of his prince. He took his time in pulling off Vegeta's shoes, and lifted the narrow hips to push his pants the rest of the way off. He paused to take in the sight of the muscular form as it moved in response to his every touch, and took his time stroking and exploring each curve and plane.

Vegeta pulled at his wrists, knowing he should be strong enough to snap the leather without effort. But that scent had returned to wend its way through his brain, the lights left his eyes dazzled, and there was a stifling heat pulsing through his veins that left him trembling and gasping for breath. Every throb of the music pouring through the amplifier vibrated through his hardened flesh as it was pressed against the padding. He could barely think, much less put up a fight. Each touch of strong hands left his skin burning and tingling.

The prince shuddered as those hands cupped his ass and kneaded firmly, then spread him. His head snapped up and he couldn't stop the cry that tore from his throat as something hot and wet stroked firmly over his sensitive flesh. He found himself writhing back for more as pure erotic pleasure rippled up his spine. This wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening.

Nothing was this good.

Goku continued to feast on his prince's flesh, holding his hips down firmly, and taking his time torturing and stroking Vegeta to complete incoherence. He thrust his tongue against the tight pucker within the prince's cleft and flicked it, delighting in the breathy cries and struggles against what he knew were surges of pleasure wracking the slender frame.

Dipping down further, he licked firmly across Vegeta's tightened sac, pinning his balls against the vibrating amplifier. The effect on the prince was electrifying; he bucked and writhed as if wired directly into the sound system himself. With a throaty laugh, Goku dragged his wet tongue up into the cleft of his ass again, wetting the trembling flesh thoroughly before moving up to rake his teeth over the furry patch of Vegeta's tailspot.

The ragged moan torn from the prince's throat and sent a jolt of arousal through him that threatened to break the control Goku had been exerting over himself since he'd first laid hands on the royal sneak. It was time he rewarded himself for such iron will, time he got more than a little taste. He rubbed himself upward, Vegeta's skin feeling like hot, damp satin against his own sweating chest, and nipped sharply at the curve of his ear.

"Mmmhh…You ready for your lesson, Vegetahhh?"

The words growled into his ear sliced through the hot haze that enveloped each of Vegeta's senses. His lashes fluttered up as he fought to make sense of the sounds mingling with his own breathless cries and mewls. His skin was feverish, his muscles loathe to move at his command, he couldn't seem to catch a deep breath, and his thoughts tumbled around in his mind in fiery abandon, led by dancing imps of sensation in a wild dance of need.

"Ahhnngh!" The incoherent sound was the best Vegeta's throat could manage.

"Mmmm…sounds like a yes to me, Vegetahhh…"

Goku nipped at the strong neck as he slowly maneuvered his aching flesh into position against the prince's heated opening. The way Vegeta bucked and arched under him was driving him into frenzy. Kami, he had wanted this so much! And now the moment was here. But still he held himself back, not wanting the prince to miss the full impact of the moment. He purred into the curve of Vegeta's ear, knowing he would be heard even over the rumble of sound around them.

"Lust, Vegeta, is the craving, aching need for something you think is out of your grasp. It drives you mad, but you take it anyway, not caring about the consequences, because it burns your very soul."

Vegeta's heart lurched, he knew what was coming, and he knew what Kakarrot would do next. And he wanted it, his body screamed for it. Yes, even burned for it. But his pride still fought, buried deep beneath the layers of sensation, and made one last ditch effort to salvage itself. He thought his throat would tear from the pressure within him.


He thrashed desperately, but when powerful hands pinned his hips down, his body conspired against him and pressed back eagerly. No, oh kami, no. He shook his head in denial of the searing need he felt. Kakarrot's breath was hot in his ear as he cried out his own need.

"Yes!" Kakarrot's hips lunged forward, burying himself to the hilt in molten nirvana.

Pain. White-hot and consuming, it tore its way through him, searing along every nerve. Vegeta could hear his scream echoing back to him from the cavernous walls and ceiling. It was a desperate shriek of rage, defiance, and utter bliss. Steely flesh impaled him, filled him completely, the ache within somehow deeply gratifying and yet not enough.

Goku held motionless, arched into the smoldering sheathe of the prince's body, fighting every instinct that screamed to him to simply hammer into the glorious heat surrounding him. Vegeta was his, and he wanted to relish that which he claimed for his own.

Gasping and straining to hold himself still, Goku nuzzled the nape of the prince's neck, a strangled moan escaping his throat. He had wanted this so much, so long, yet he never thought it would feel so incredible. All the anticipation and holding back, each agonized moment of doubt… it had been worth it all.

With great care, he stroked up and down Vegeta's sides, soothing and striving to relax the trembling body beneath him. Sliding his hands up along the straining arms, he snapped the belt holding the narrow wrists extended and cradled the prince back against him.

Vegeta trembled through every muscle, the initial agony had begun to fade, and was being further soothed away as warm gentle hands caressed him. His dazed vision still struggled to focus, but sight was unimportant in comparison to the flood of sensual overload pouring through him.

Heat. Fullness. A wonderful throbbing that resounded through him. His blood rushed and roared in his ears, but he could still hear the wordless murmurs of wonder and delight sounding from the one who held him so close. Pain still lanced through him, but began to entwine with an amazing coil of heat building deep inside.

Goku clung to his prince, arms wrapped tightly around him as he sat back on his heels. He had never dreamed it would feel this way. He had expected the fight, had planned to overcome any resistance Vegeta might give him, had counted on his own skills. But he didn't know he would find himself drowning in satisfaction and emotion.

"Ohhh, Vegeta…"

He buried his face in the velvety upswept spikes of hair and breathed deeply. He wrapped one arm around the smaller saiya-jin's chest, and traced his other hand down over Vegeta's quivering stomach to close around the prince's throbbing erection. The combined scent of their sweat and arousal sent a wave of need rushing through him. He curled his tail around the slim waist to hold them more tightly together

He stroked the heated length, and was rewarded with a deep moan and buck of the prince's hips. He hissed as the tight heat around him shifted and rubbed; it nearly sent him over the edge then and there. Goku steeled himself and thrust slowly up into the welcoming inferno, taking shallow strokes into the writhing body that encouraged him with its own downward thrusts.

Vegeta felt the strong arm wrap around him, strangely comforting and secure. His own hands came up to curl around it, not to pull it away, but rather to hold Kakarrot closer. His chest hitched for each breath, the surge of sensation through him tangled his thoughts and left him trembling with arousal. His knees tightened around Kakarrot's, giving his body leverage to arch and drive downward. He wanted, no, needed more of that deep touch.

His head tossed as his body bucked and strained, Vegeta's entire being yearned toward completion such as he'd never glimpsed before. The burning heat inside him flared outward to chase over his skin. He shook with spasms of delight at each quickening movement, and ground downward for more. He gave himself up to need, obsession, and the third-class saiya-jin who claimed him with such skill.

The rush of emotion wove with the physical sensations clawing through him until he couldn't tell one from another. All he knew was that he was being taken, filled, and fulfilled. And it was Kakarrot doing this to him. Making him feel all this and more. He felt his body shudder as their thrusts increased in both power and speed. The fiery coil in his middle tightened unbearably.

Goku's hips began to tremble as each deep lunge brought him closer and closer to the beckoning abyss. Vegeta had accepted him, was responding with his own deep-seated passion; the prince was his. Completely. He pressed heated kisses to the cheek resting so trustingly against his own, and his hips began slamming up harder and faster.

Some instinct drove him to rake sharp teeth along the angled jaw and, when Vegeta's head tilted to the side with a honeyed moan, breathe in the scent of the strong neck. He could feel and smell the prince's blood rushing just under the skin. And oh how he wanted to taste.

His tongue flicked over the rapid pulse, tasting, but not enough. His thoughts spun out of control as Goku found himself wavering on the brink of the abyss. With an audible crunch, he bit into vulnerable flesh, and the body wrapped so firmly in his arms arched and spasmed. A rush of crimson burst over his tongue and he was lost in a sea of red as climax tore through him, his shout of ecstasy muffled against Vegeta's skin.

As sharp teeth sank into his neck, the helix of fire in Vegeta's groin exploded outward, tearing a scream from his throat that drowned out the continuously pounding music. Each nerve burst to incandescence as sparks of white light flooded his vision. His head fell back onto the strong shoulder behind him as he shook with the intensity of completion.

After long moments of gasping and shuddering, both forms slowly slumped to one side, the larger curling possessively around the smaller. A thick silky tail draped over tapered hips, and warm palms stroked still shivering flesh. Low purrs sounded beneath the flow of music as nipping kisses and murmurs of satisfaction were exchanged.


"Are you sure this is the place, Krillin?" Bulma scowled around the packed dance club as she leaned back against the bar.

"Well, yeah, Bul. I mean, this is where Goku said he was working, Club Kiru." The former monk's brow knit in confusion as well.

"But we've been here half the night and haven't seen a single spastic hair of his head." Bulma crooked her finger at the bartender to order another round.

"Yeah I know…" Krillin sighed and tipped back his beer. "Maybe he's off tonight or something. It was your bright idea to haul me along with you. I thought you were going to get Vegeta to come with you."

"Oooh! That man is worse than Yamucha when it comes to standing someone up. I haven't even seen him for a week."

Krillin smirked and slanted a look at the blue-haired woman. "Sealed himself into the gravity room, huh? Guess that's no endorsement of your cooking. Heheh…Ooof!"

The small human picked himself up from the somewhat sticky floor and grumbled up at his companion. "You didn't have to hit me that hard! A guy could get stepped on down here!"

Krillin hauled himself up onto the bar seat again as Bulma downed her next drink and grabbed up her purse.

"Well I'm tired of all this noise, and these Goths. Ugh. Haven't they heard of tanning beds? Let's go Krillin, Goku's obviously not here."

They both paused as the lights went down and the small stage at the end of the club was suddenly flowing with tiny red and gold spotlights. Everyone stopped to look, the sea of bodies suspended in anticipation. Bulma growled and pushed ineffectually at a large set of shoulders blocking her way. A loud voice thundered over the sound system, drawing her attention to the stage again.

"Well all right everyone! Welcome back to Club Kiru's fabulous Saturday Sinfest! We have a special treat for you guys tonight, oh yes we do! Son Shukun is back everyone…" There was a swell of shouts and whistles. "Yeah, yeah, we know you love him! But now he's even better… give it up for ShuuJuu!!"

There was a jagged riff of electric guitar followed by the throb of drums, the red and gold spotlights swung in wild patterns, outlining two figures at each side of the stage. Dressed identically, both wore dark leather jackets, cropped tank tops bared muscled abdomens and the eye was drawn down to where sleek leather shorts clung to lean hips. Muscular thighs were accentuated by clingy, sheer leggings that ended in heavy laced boots.

Get psycho
I wanna get psycho
Get psycho
I wanna wanna wanna wanna

Each figure swung around one of the poles on the stage, two thick black tails snaking out to follow along behind, waving and lashing through the air. Booted feet stomped the floor in time to the music as muscled bodies began to flex and bend.

I wanna get psycho
Run you little bitch
I want your power glowing, juicy flowing, red hot, meaning of life
It's not enough to have a little taste
I want the whole damn thing now
Can you dig it?

The larger form suddenly swung out to grab at the smaller, teeth bared in a predatory grin. The smaller form twisted and danced just out of reach, his body swaying enticingly as whirled around the pole, one leg sliding up to hook around it as he arched. The other's tail lashed wildly as the first teased him.

Need to get psycho
wanna hear you say it
say, you want it, need it
Don't wanna wait until we finish the show
It's not enough, you hunger for more
You're one twisted little fuck
And now you wanna get psycho with me

Now it was the larger form's turn to tease as he hooked arms around the pole on his side of the stage. He rubbed up and down against it and dragged his tongue over the gleaming metal, bucking his hips and grinding against the pole, his thick tail waved and beckoned. He shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it aside, raking fingers up his lean ribs and licked his lips suggestively at his stage partner.

Give in
Give in
Give in

Get psycho
I wanna get psycho
Get psycho
I wanna wanna wanna wanna

Both bodies swayed toward one another then away again, as if each were unsure of the other. Tail tips looped and released, hands stroked over firm flesh as they spun together briefly and retreated to opposite sides once again. Hips thrust and ground, bodies arched temptingly. The crowd swayed back and forth as if hypnotized.

I wanna get psycho
Scratch my itch
Give me your power glowing, juicy flowing red hot, meaning of life
It's not enough to have a little piece
I want the whole damn thing now
Can you dig it?

This time the smaller figure danced and spun past the larger, his tail swinging up and batting at the other's face. His teeth flashed in a wicked smile as he darted just out of reach once again, leaving the larger figure grasping at thin air instead of the writhing body he so clearly wanted.

Need to get psycho
Wanna hear you scream
Tell me to take you, scare you, fuck you
After we finish the show
It's not enough, you listening whore?
You're one twisted little fuck
And now you wanna get psycho with me

He knew the prince danced only for him, the panting and leering crowd was only the backdrop for his display of himself. Vegeta loved the attention, Goku was sure of that, and he loved the chase. Loved being chased. But more than that, he knew the prince loved being caught. As the music thundered around them he swung around the pole and crouched as he moved, preparing to spring.

Give in
Give in
Give in

Get psycho
I wanna get psycho
Get psycho
I wanna wanna wanna wanna

As Vegeta twitched his newly regenerated tail at his mate, he could feel the anticipation building, their audience nearly screaming with lust for the two. Everything had changed; he was suddenly matched in sensuality and exhibitionism with Kakarrot at his side. His heart raced as he tossed hair from his face, he wouldn't have it any other way. It was something he knew none but a saiya-jin would or could understand.

I can feel the blood, flowing through my veins
Spilling on my soul
And now the hunger's getting bigger
Come a little closer now
Pretentious whore and pull my trigger
Free the violence that is building in me
I say now end of the ride, murder suicide
Is how I've been feelin' lately that I can't ignore
And the need to get psycho
Is not a question to me
get psycho with me

The larger figure sprang forward, tackling the smaller and tumbling them both over and over across the stage. The crowd erupted in screams and shouts of encouragement as both bodies now arched and writhed in time to the music. Glossy furred tails twined together, heated mouths met in fiery kisses as strong fingers curled into thick spikes of hair. As they moved together to the middle of the stage, the room went black, and the frenzied music came to a sudden stop.

"Wow…" Krillin blinked as the house lights came up, scratching at his bare head. "Did you see that, Bulma? Bulma?"

Glancing around, he finally found his friend. She was sprawled out on the floor in a dead faint. Krillin knelt down next to her; despite the fact that he was sure he would be stepped on, and patted at her cheek.

"Bulma? Hey! Wake up!"

He grumbled as he got a weak response, thinking of the effect the two saiya-jins seemed to have on everyone.

"Damn. Why can't I have hair like that?"

Review you lazy bastards…