Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Meant For It ❯ The Bitch to Bark At ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLIAMER: I do not nor have I have ever owned DBZ.
Authors note: Hey guys! I’m so sorry for not posting for a while and I’m especially sorry to those who have been faithful followers who are still with the story not only on MM but FFN as well. You guys are great! A special thanks to Katherine Loves Kisses for pushing me along. More update more often is what you guys deserve and I’m ganna give it to you! Thanks and enjoy :)


Chapter 3: The Bitch to Bark At

What was it about Vegetasei’s sun that compelled its beauty to glow violet? Its contrast of both gold and vermillion set a tone for serenity for its seemingly rapacious inhabitants. It was that same great beauty that awoken Bulma from her surprisingly decent slumber.

Bulma rolled over and to her left and was a bit disappointed that her so called “fiancé” was no longer beside her. It was not that she had particularly fancied his close proximity to her last night but, it was just that she preferred the warmth of his naturally heated body to the bitter chill of empty sheets. Or that’s at least what she told herself.

Bulma suddenly realized that the Vidcom was all the while losing its mind, beeping away, just waiting for the message to be received. Bulma groaned as she sat up out of bed and stretched in an almost cat like manner, only to suddenly realize that she was half naked and unsure of Vegeta’s whereabouts. She quickly grabbed the sheet from off the bed and wrapped it around herself.

She reached the Vidcom and came face to face with a grumpy prince.

“Woman! It’s about time you got you’re lazy ass up.”

Bulma rolled her eyes, “What do you want Vegeta?”

“Report to the science division. You have many things to go over as far as your duties to Vegetasei are concerned. You have 10 minutes. Don’t be late.” The screen went black.

“Ten minutes! Is he kidding! How does he expect me to get ready and find the science division when I don’t even know where the hell I am now? Ugh, what an assh-”

“I can help you with that miss.”

Bulma’s scream was nearly sharp enough to cut glass. “Who the hell are you?!” She looked down and her eyes fell upon a small creature with great green skin, large eyes and round ears. He reminded her of a creature off of Starlight BattleWars.

“Oh I’m sorry miss; I mean prince-I mean princess, I mean, um.. Your highness… I’m Rhelpe. Your personal assistant to help you with absolutely everything and anything you need. Please forgive my unannounced arrival to your room but, his highness Prince Vegeta insisted that I not hint any clue to my presence and greet you proudly when you awaken!”

“Oh, Vegeta that bastard..” she spoke under her breath, “… knowing it would get a rise of me this early in the morning and-” Rhelpe stood there looking as remorseful as ever. “Oh, Rhelpe, I’m so sorry. It’s not your fault; it’s just that that prince always seems to find a way under my skin. Come to think of it that’s all the prince seemed to be able to do so far…”

“No need to apologize, your highness, but I do encourage you to get ready to go. You understand how hasty the prince can be when orders are not followed…”

“HA! Oh Rhelpe, let’s get one thing straight, the prince may be intimidating, but he’s just a candle in the wind compared to Bulma Briefs! I am not, not will I ever be intimidated by that man.” she stated proudly, maybe a little too much so.

“Yes of course, your highness! Now, if you would, your Highness, it’s my duty to have to have you arrive to all of your destinations, your highness. At least until you know your way around, um, your highness.”

“Oh yeah… Where do I-”

“Right over here you here you highness is the royal closet to the Queen of Vegetasei, your highness.” Rhelpe pushed aside on the tall mirror doors of the adjoin bathroom.

Bulma was absolutely stunned. The closet was enormous and flushed with beautiful gowns, dresses, lounge wear, shoes and not to mention top of the line lingerie! She blushed a bit and walked further into the closet and noticed a wide variety of training suits, combat boots, armor and gloves. Training and strength were beyond a doubt the most important influence to the Saiyans way of life.

“This entire closet is breath taking!”

“I’m glad you think so, your highness!”

“And the prince? He has one just like it?” she pondered wondering off to the closet parallel to hers. She pushed in the doors and looked in to find suits of all kind. She was amazed at the extravagance of the closets. There were training suits, battle suits equipped with armor and lush, traditional armor suits. Just imaging Vegeta in something so suave gave her chills. She assumed Vegeta could probably clean up nice. Real nice. She stopped for a second. ‘Did..did I just think that? Oh, Bulma what the hell is wrong with you?’

“Your highness, please forgive my interruption, but we need to be on our way to the science division. It’s my job to have your arrive on time to all of your destinations!” he spoke proudly with the air in his chest, “We must get a move on, um, your highness.”

Bulma couldn’t help but smile at Rhelpe, he was after all so adorable.

She smiled with a wink, “You’re right Rhelpe. Let me just get changed and you can lead the way.”


Bulma and Rhelpe finally arrived to a white broad building. “This, your highness, is the science division.” There were many saiyans coming in and out and from the looks of it all of them had an intent purpose to be carried out. Bulma breathed in the air as if she were home. This was her playground. A place she know what to do and how to be; essentially her light to life. ‘I’m home.’

She and Rhelpe walked inside the doors and you would have thought Bulma died and gone to heaven. The science division was even bigger on the inside! The outside had done the division’s interior no justice.

“Is everything on this planet extra-large and extra extravagant?” Bulma asked in amazement.

“Well only the best on royal grounds for the royals themselves, your highness.” Rhelpe began looking around almost frantically and finally spotted what he was searching for. “Ah! Come this way, um please, your highness.”

They walked right up to what looked to be the busiest woman in the history of the universe. She had long black as night hair that was pulled together on the top of her head. She was wearing a white coat and what appeared to be a spandex suit underneath, quite similar to the one Bulma was wearing at the moment. Bulma thought her to be altogether beautiful by both saiyan and human standards and was quite proud to see a woman of such great beauty able to work alongside a full staff of men and yet still hold her own. Bulma could tell she was the head of the science division just by the way she pulled apart a Ki infuser. She knew from the moment she saw her that they would hit it off greatly! Or so she thought…

“Good morning Rena! I’d like you to meet her highness, Miss Lady Bulma, princess of earth and soon to be queen of Vegetasei!”

Rena barley paused what she was doing to look up, give Bulma the once over, roll her eyes and focus back to her obviously more important work. “So glad you could show up.” Her voice dripping with sarcasm. “For a princess you don’t show much for punctuality… much less anything else.” She mumbled.

“Hey!” Bulma yelled. How dare she! Bulma was beginning to wonder if she had landed on a backwards planet where everyone says everything they hate about you before they actually meet you.

“Oh your highness please forgive Rena! She gets carried away with projects sometimes and tends to over work herself to the point of exhaustion. She most likely has no idea what she’s saying.” He tried explaining to Bulma but Bulma was hardly convinced.

“Rhelpe, don’t waste your breath. You’ve done your job, now go home and I’ll baby sit the child for now.” Rena said never once looking to Bulma. Rhelpe smiled and waved off to go attend his other duties.

“Now wait just a damn second! Who the hell do you think-”Bulma didn’t even have the chance to finish before the woman silenced Bulma with her hand.

“I am Rena. Not Re. Not Renee. Rena, Get that straight. I’m head of the science division and you’ll answer to me.” Rena inched closer to her face and looked down upon her. “Seeing as how you are not the queen of Vegetasei just yet, I don’t care who you are or what your status on your weak home planet used to be. You are here now, in my territory and for the time being, you’ll do as I say. You’ll sign off on the technology were will supply to your weak planet. You need me to explain to you everything that is supposed to happen in the next year of your life here on Vegetasei. I will explain it once and only once, so don’t let your simple weak human mind get distracted,” she gave Bulma the once over again and shrugged, “but, by the looks of it that might be a little tough for you.” She grabbed Bulma by the arm and pulled her down a hallway, “Let’s go.” She said dragging Bulma to her private and more importantly sound proof personal lab.

Bulma was dumbfounded. The gall of this woman! She was almost too shocked to say anything at all. Was this woman for real? Bulma had tried to figure out why this she had hated her so much. She swore it was the first time she had ever met her, but already her intelligence was being insulted along with her competence. She scowled, ‘Must be a saiyan thing…’

“First things first, Princess,” she stated mockingly, “We’ll go over the main reason you’re here.” The woman began to slow her speech down as if Bulma would have a hard time comprehending if she spoke any faster. “You, are going to get a baby in your tummy by prince Vegeta. That is called pregnancy. When the baby grows big enough in your belly, we, the scientist, are going to harness that energy of the new born at birth using a painless Ki extractor. Mmmkay? We do this because-”

“Because the energy of the new born saiyan-human Hybrid excels that of your history’s super saiyan and quite possibly beyond that. It is the specific rational combination of pure Human blood to pure Saiyan that makes the Nano waves of the Saiyan’s genetic make-up, spike in abundance without going Oozaru. It is almost a scientific phenomenon that took a year to be even hypothesized, but was all well devised by none other than the human woman standing before you.” Bulma began inching forward to stand in front of the woman’s face for a change. “And let’s get one thing straight as well. I’m not here to sign off on any ‘advancements’ from you. I’m here to provide them, like I provided my Ki extractor. My name is Bulma Briefs, Princess of Earth, head scientist of the top science division on earth and I’m no bitch to be barked at.” Bulma had heard enough. She was sick of being ridiculed and slandered by this mal-mannered saiyan.

Rena’s face went from cocky to anger then to straight submission. She glanced behind Bulma, immediately lowered her head and dropped down to one knee.

‘Wow, not that’s more like it.’ Bulma thought until she heard a voice all too familiar.

“Looks like the Human woman has a bit of saiyan backbone in her after all.”

Bulma cringed. She turned around and came face to face with the arrogant prince. “Prince Vegeta,” Rena began, “What brings you here my lord?”

“I am the Prince of Vegetasei. I go where I please.”

“Right of course. Forgive me, but I thought that the briefing for the both of you wasn’t until tomorrow.”

“It’s isn’t. I’m here for the woman.” He moved toward Bulma and grabbed around the waist leaving Rena where she stood.

“Hey! Quit man-handling me! A simple ‘let’s go’ is sufficient enough!” she started to try and maneuver out of his grasp by her strength paled compared to his.

“Woman, quit struggling.” He moved them closer to the door and just as they moved outside and into the empty hallway and her pinned her to the wall. “Woman, in order for this,” he motioned back and forth between them, “is going to work is if we both play along one hundred percent. The people of Vegetasei are no fools. If I pull you to my side,” he said as he eliminated any space between them by grabbing her waist once again and puller her flush against his chest, “do not pull away. If I kiss you,” his face leaned in closer to her until his lips were just a hairs breath away, “return it tenfold.” His breath was warm and soothing on her lips. He was so close to her and him embrace was so warm. Bulma felt like all of the air in the room was suddenly sucked away while his eyes pierced her very core. And then she felt it. That spark. The same spark she had felt the first time his eyes reached hers. Just as soon as it was there, it was ripped away as Vegeta tore himself from Bulma’s body. For some reason Bulma had a bit of a hard time steading herself again.

“Let’s go.” Vegeta led Bulma down the hallway and outside of the science division. He scooped up Bulma in his arms and just as he was about to take off in to the sky Bulma began to shriek.

“Wait Vegeta, we going to fly there?”

“How else do you suppose we get there woman? You’re not scared of a little height now are you woman?”

“I’m not scared of anything.” She challenged back.

“Good.” He said taking off a little more agile than she preferred. He smirked at her slight gasp. Maybe flying with the woman was a bad idea. Just holding on to her soft body was making it hard for him to focus. He would never admit it but a couple of times he almost forgot about his destination and almost led them back to their bedroom. Almost. ‘What the hell is wrong with me? She’s a human. A weak, inferior, human woman.’ But if she were saiyan, oh he was quite sure she would still be wrapped around his body in the most pleasurable way and never have left their room at all that day.

“Where are we going?” Bulma finally broke the silence and the inner conflict Vegeta was having with himself.

“To speak with Vegetasei’s elder, Daizu.”

“On what grounds?”

Vegeta growled, “The process of creating a saiyan human Hybrid.”


A/N: Mascarafreakerrrxoxo: Ohhh, what do we have here? A sex guru? Hahah maybe(: Next time we see what’s in store for the actual mating process to this saucy engagement between Bulma and Vegeta. Comment and review! I’d like to know what you think and what you wanna see! It keeps these Updates aflowin’ !