Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Meant For It ❯ What You're Really Meant For ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
DISCLIAMER: I do not nor have I have ever owned DBZ. Booo hooo.
Warning: I’m not sure if I would really call this a warning, but WARNING. There’s no lemon yet but hints toward it.

Chapter 4: What You’re Really Meant for

Previously on MFI:

"Where are we going?" Bulma finally broke the silence and the inner conflict Vegeta was having with himself.

"To speak with Vegetasei's elder, Daizu."

"On what grounds?"

Vegeta growled, "The process of creating a saiyan human Hybrid."


“Process? You mean like a sex advisor? You need help in that area?” Bulma asked barley able to hold in her giggles.

Vegeta stopped, grunted and pulled her body tight against his. “I’m well qualified in that area woman,” He said with his signature smirk, emphasizing his capabilities.

Bulma suddenly became uncomfortable. She didn’t want to stay on this subject for very long. “How many times do I have to tell you, my name is Bulma. Bul- ma. Not woman. Use it.”

They finally come to the royal palace and entered to be greeted by the saiyan king himself. He was standing with a tall brute saiyan that looked as old if not a bit older than the king himself but still well built and handsome in a warrior kind of way.

“Ah, so this is Princess Bulma of Earth.” The elder man spoke while holding out his hand to take hers in a friendly manner. “Welcome. I’m Daizu, Vegetasei’s elder.” Was Bulma dreaming? An actual well mannered, self-behaved saiyan? Oh my! Bulma had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. She placed her hand in his and smiled. She was a bit thrown off as he took her hand and pulled it closer to more easily examine it. He looked at the tiny creases and fine lined imprinted within the make-up of her soft, small hands. He looked up and smiled first at Bulma then to Vegeta and back to Bulma. Bulma was perplexed. ‘What just happened?’

“Um am I missing something here?”

“It’s nothing, let’s go.” Vegeta stammered as he moved to pull Bulma in the direction what appeared to be Daizu’s sanctuary. Daizu opened the doors and Bulma’s breath, like always, was once again taken away. The room had large vaulted ceiling with marvelous murals graced upon all walls. In the middle of the ceiling where all the walls met, a skylight illuminated the room with the gleaming diamond crest of Vegetasei that Bulma had begun to favor so much. The room was lavish with tradition saiyan furniture and a large round red rug that was placed directly below the crest.

“Please, sit.” Daizu motioned with his hand warmly to the rug. Vegeta moved first to sit on his knees and Bulma followed suit. The king stayed put and watched Daizu from the sidelines.

“Now Lady Bulma, I’m sure you know why you are here?” Daizu questioned.

Bulma took a second to look toward Vegeta silently asking for conformation to trust this man with their secret. He swiftly nodded his head and kept his focus back to Daizu again.

“To create an Heir for Vegeta to bring down the council.”

Daizu smiled, knowing that there was so much more to the reason for Bulma here on Vegetasei and not some other Human. “Yes, you are right Lady Bulma.” He would get in to that later. “Prince Vegeta, do you know why you are here?”

The prince was jarred a bit to be questioned by Daizu in such a manner, but he would not disrespect the man by not answering or using one of his cocky mantras. “To Bring down the council and take the universe for Vegetasei.”

“Yes my boy, but before that, there is a key factor, something you must do far before even that.”

Vegeta knew that Daizu knew the answer, and knew that Vegeta knew the answer quite well. “Impregnate the woman.”

“Precisely. And that’s why you both are here is it not?” Bulma looked at Vegeta. She was shocked at the amount of respect he gave this man. He had never before shown any kind of respect to anyone what so ever since she arrived. That must mean that he was one to be held high in respect by everyone. It was a rare but peculiar sight to see the prince in such a way. Bulma had to admit it was kind of a turn on.

“Bulma, do you know what it takes to go through the process creating the child?”

Bulma didn’t know what to say. Was he looking for an answer beyond Sex? Bulma could help but answer, “Sex?”

“Oh my dear girl it is so much farther beyond the occurrence of simple sex. Sex can be shared between anybody. But a bond, that! That is something truly extraordinary. It is only something mates can share. And soon you and Vegeta will share it too.”

“Daizu… we never agreed to… mates!” Vegeta was acting so, put down, so tamed.

“Vegeta!” the king scolded, “Daizu said that you two will become mate and that’s final!” Vegeta flashed the king his teeth and a nasty grunt towards the king.

“Mates? What’s a mate?” Bulma questioned truly perplexed.

“A mate, Lady Bulma, is a partner in life. What you humans call husband and wife. Never to be separated, never to be without the other. They are connected by a spiritual bond that links them to not just this life but the afterlife as well.” Daizu explained.

“And your saying that prince Vegeta and I, the same Prince Vegeta that can’t stand my presence, are going to be Mates?”

“Indeed I am saying that.”

“But how, how do these things happen?”

Daizu smiled, “Over time these things develop. The closer you become the more the bond develops. Eventually the bond will lead to sex, but not just any sex, this will connect you as one.”

“Daizu, forgive me, but how do you expect that to happen? Vegeta and I... we, can’t stand each other I’m quite sure,” she looked toward Vegeta as he looked away, “and this bond is supposed to link us together forever through this life and after? I’m sorry but, I just don’t see that happening.”

“Bulma, my girl, you are such a brilliant young woman!” Daizu complemented as Bulma’s grin grew wider, “But your apprehension clouds your ability to see.” Bulma’s girlish grin was wiped from her face and a chuckle fell upon the prince’s lips. “Vegeta, your arrogance clouds your judgment as well. You both cannot see as I do but you must trust that I know what I’m doing. You do not see it now, but you will.”

“Hai Daisu-sama.” Vegeta bowed and got to his feet resuming his arrogant posture. He turned on his heel to leave and called for the woman to follow.

“It was nice to meet you Daizu.” She bowed and followed after Vegeta.

“Bulma,” Daizu called after her, “Come back tomorrow at dusk. There is much still left to explain to you Lady Bulma.”

“Yes of course,” she smiled and waved off to both the king and Daizu.

Daizu smiled and turned to king Vegeta. “It’s her. She is the one.”

“Are you quite sure Daizu? By what chance is it that she is the same woman to fulfill the prophecy? How did we get such luck to pick her of all humans?”

“It is not chance my friend, nor is it luck. It is fate.”

“How do you know Daizu?”

“I felt the electricity in her palms. She has it in her. The prophecy states that one woman, saiyan or not, will stand next to her king and she will shine as bright as the day. She will bring him victory and loyalty, but only if he can tame her heart.”

“So Vegeta has to make her fall in love with him? It’s so un saiyan like.”

“And she is not saiyan. But Vegeta must also do vice versa. When the bond is created, the gate to obtain as much power and strength as possible is opened. She must be seen as strength and used as one as well. When they go up against the council they must stand side by side or damnation is the only outcome.”

“I see.”

“But we must be careful. When Vegeta becomes ready to take her, he will become aggressive. You remember what it was like right before you first bonded with Nagi.”

The king took a second to reminisce, “Yeah, I remembering wanting to fuck the shit out of her. My energy spiked and I was a complete animal that night.”

“But with Vegeta, he must be more controlled. Bulma is still human and much weaker than us. She may not be able to with stand their first coupling.”

“What do you suggest we do?”

“We must separate the prince and Bulma as soon as we feel that spike in energy. Once we feel that the prince is capable and won’t injure her, we will let them be and do as saiyans do.”

The king nodded in agreement. “Whatever must be done must be done. The boy’s not going to like that one though.” The king smirked. This was going to be good.


A/N: Mascarafreakerrrxoxo: Well now isn’t that interesting? Bulma and Vegeta soul mates?... maybe not. Who knows! I do apologize for it being so small but it was necessary and I felt terribly bad for making you guys wait so long and only get a short update on chapter 3 (Chapter 4 for FFN) so I gave you this tad bit. Hope you liked it! There is way more to come! Comment and review! It keeps those Updates aflowin’!