Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Meant To Be ❯ Destinies Apart ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any of its characters

Chapter Two: Destinies Apart

"It is obvious to me that you are hiding quite a few things from me… Ou-sama." The monster said turning from the closing door to the king, neither malice nor sarcasm in his voice... His most dangerous tone.

"I do not know what you mean my Lord."- Vegeta no Ou had been very surprised when told of Freeza's arrival. It had been two years since he had heard anything from the monster. Now... he just needed to reassure him enough to make it another twenty.

"Aside from hiding from me such a joyous occasion, as our Ouji-chan's "engagement" you've also gone and take half this galaxy over without even a thank you Com. Link." Freeza said smiling, looking over to where Zarbon was standing. "Zarbon- chan... if you please."

Zarbon took a few steps towards the middle of the room and held a sphere like object, pressing a button on it and dropping it on the floor to reveal a three dimensional map of the galaxy in question.

"As you well know," Zarbon announced, "the red planets belong to Lord Freeza, and the ever rapidly becoming blue are the planets taken over by Saiyan Empire under treaty conditions." He then turned to Freeza waiting for his next command. Being here surrounded by all this stinky monkeys was more than Zarbon could bear.

"Thank you Zarbon," Freeza said stepping closer to the map, "I do believe that the treaty between us did not actually specified how much of the south galaxy I would allow you to take over. But... I certainly thought you to be smarter than what you've shown." He smirked at the king, allowing him to talk.

"You own half the universe my Lord; I did not think this miserable galaxy really mattered as much to your Lordship."

"It doesn't, but I don't want you to own this much of what belongs to me. So I will set the ground rules for our "Treaty"" Freeza was enjoying immensely this pathetic man's fear, he could taste it, it was invigorating... besides he didn't want the Saiyans to become too powerful. That would give him a headache, and all who knew him knew he hated headaches. Taking Vegeta would kill two birds with one stone; it would help him to intimidate more and more worlds into submission, making his ever growing empire undefeatable, and of course would keep this filthy Saiyan monkeys from doing something stupid... Having their prince at his mercy, they would think twice before doing something foolish. As if he would hurt Vegeta before enjoying finally, what he had wanted since the first time he saw the prince... some ten years ago.

"I thought the conditions of the treaty were set." The king took a menacing step towards the monster, only to have Zarbon materialize in front of him giving him a crushing blow to the stomach.

"Do not step out of line monkey!" Was all the blue warrior said before returning to his former post.

"Well... now that we've establish how thing stand; I' am taking back the East, West and North planets, leaving you the South. I hope you realize how generous I' am being, no other empire possesses this much freedom and wealth."

"Why are you doing this, we have been nothing but loyal to your cause. Isn't that the reason you chose my heir to replace Dodoria?"

"And loyal you are, my dear, dear king... that is why I'm going so easy on you."

The meeting after that was about the new division of the south galaxy and the "readjustment" of the treaty, it went on for some three hours of the monster's humiliations and planning and how Vegeta-sei's best purging squads would now work for him. Since they had no planets left to purge for their own... it would be such a waste of talent were the monster's words. At the end of the conference the king was feeling less than reassured.

That fucking bastard of a monster is planning something... he didn't need a seer to tell him that... But what was he planning? He would have to make sure the brat found out.

He was brought back to reality by a sudden riot of laughter from Freeza, and then the lizard got serious... in a way that was short of chilling.

"Now if you prefer to go against my wishes and try my patience and benevolence I assure you: I can make your life a living hell." Freeza then came on the king so fast that Zarbon's previous display seemed slow motion in comparison. He beat the man to a living pulp, smiling the whole time. When he finally seemed to have enough entertainment for the moment, he towered over the fallen warrior and warned:

"Make sure Ouji-chan is on my ship on time or he will feel my wrath ten times over." He then kicked the man's mid section throwing him up in the air, grabbing him by the front of his cape and bringing him nose to nose, he added.

"Do enjoy your celebration, and please greet the lucky lady on my behalf," dropping the king he turned to Zarbon. "Let us go back to the mother ship; I seriously doubt we are welcome here anymore."

"Yes my Lord," Zarbon replied, "Shall I set post to assure of their well behavior?"

"No, I do not think is necessary, let them enjoy while they can." Zarbon walked towards the doors, opening one of them for his master to make his exit he waited a few moments after the reptile was out of the room he turned back and looked into the king's eyes. For some reason he felt the need to say something to this man he hated. He was seeing his world's last days all over again, and all for the monster's desire for himself. When his father had been stupid enough to think he could take on the devil himself: "For your sake as well as your people's do as he commands." And then he was gone.


"Brat!" a voice inside his head woke him up from his deep slumber. He did not know how long he slept but It took him a few moments to come around; "Brat, get you sorry carcass to the conference room right this second!" the prince sat up on his bed ready for the mental onslaught with his father, when a small moan distracted his thoughts.

The woman…she was curled up next to him, looking for his heat. Things were starting to come back to him, the morning events, the tank and finally what lead to this moment. He made his way to where his clothes lay, carefully not to wake her... Why did he care? He dressed, his mind blank from any thoughts but the mental call from his sire. Rarely did he spoke to him in this fashion... What could be so important?

"Brat, what the hell is taking you so long!?"

"Get the fuck out of my mind or I won't go at all," went the curt mental reply, he did not know what could be of so much urgency for his father to insist this way. He did know however that he felt rested and as content as he had no recollection of. Making his way to the bed to look at the woman once more he leaned towards her and against will and reason, he took in her flowery scent mingled with his own, and then he was gone.


"Toma I've got so much to prepare and so little time, I can hardly get new armor in two days, let alone preparing a banquet!" Chivaa had been preparing things for the upcoming engagement party with the prince ever since the morning events.

Making announcements, overseeing the decorations and all the pretty things that came with parties, unlike everyone else, she wanted this to be wonderful even if Vegeta-sama thought of her as he did... She could hardly believe he had agreed to it.

Now staring at her father's face on the monitor screen all the weariness from the day's activities came on her like a brick wall.

"You have to be here Toma...Otto-san," she only called him that when she was adamant on something. Her father was not exactly the most mature man she had ever met, and disliked to be reminded of any trace of his adult life. In his mind he was still a fifteen year old on his first purging mission. She sighted bringing her fingers to massage her temples.

"Two days... is that brat in such a hurry to fuck, what the hell is he thinking?!" Came the reply from the other end.

"Toma! We're just getting engaged not mated. Anyhow Vegeta-Ouji is just making sure that things are as hard as possible for me," she could sense her father's displeasure on this.

"Why would he do that? You are more than that spoiled little brat deserves... if you ask me I'll rather see you mated with someone who would respect you for what you are instead of being the Queen." Toma said in a less than condescending tone.

"I know, but the King chose me and it would be treason if we did not accepted, besides, he is the strongest son Vegetasei has seen in a millennia. Don't you wish to see me mated to the strongest Otto-sama?" She asked on a sly tone

"Hmph... that remains to be seen." Toma said not very amused.

"What do you mean; do you know someone stronger than Vegeta-Ouji?"

"Not yet stronger, but the boy got potential and is not the asshole that brat is."

"Do tell." She eyed amusingly at his open display of treason, although it was not a laughing matter at all. She sometimes felt the adult in the house, with Toma and Bulma around acting like children half the time. Bulma… oh Gods! How is she?

"Bardock's brat." The reply suddenly brought her back to the matter at hand.

"Who... Raditz?" He was strong, but hardly any competition to Vegeta, she smiled at the thought of what would the Prince do to her father if he had heard that.

"Not him the other one, Kakarotto, I don't think you know him… now that's one strong brat!"

"I do know him, I met him earlier today, he was with Vegeta- Ouji." She said with a little shudder, remembering his scent... touch…

"Did you brat... so, what did you think of him eh?" Toma asked with a broad smile, seeing his daughter blush if only for a second.

"Are you my... or his father? You're acting as if you wanted me to mate him." She said recovering quickly.

"If the jackass of a king we have hadn't chosen you for his brat out of spite I would have made damn sure you'd have mated him."

"Stop talking like that, lest you'll get in trouble... just be here." She finally said

"You're lucky I'm only one galaxy away, I'll see you tomorrow." And the communication ended leaving her with the ironic knowledge that her own father would bless the union of a third class with her. How different he was from every Saiyan she had ever met, Aside from Bar-kun of course; and she was sure had he not had sons her father would want her to mate with him. She had contemplated the idea before the Prince, before Kakarotto. Raditz was handsome but hardly mating material he was so promiscuous it was not even funny, and the other brother, Goku... the one Bar-kun and Raditz sometimes spoke of. She didn't even know him. Raditz... she thought with a smirk did not care who he got laid with.

Now to more important things... Bulma she needed to find out what had become of her best friend, Chivaa felt a sudden dread creep over her. Bulma had to be all right… she had to…


Bulma woke to the sudden cold air on her limbs, sitting up on the bed she was lying on, Everything came to her as she felt a mild discomfort between her legs, with a smile she turned to see her prince charming only to find him gone. She laid her face on the spot that had been occupied by his regal frame and cringed at the realization that it was cold.

He must have left right after she fell asleep... bastard.

She got up and walked around the room coming to a table with lots of food, at the sight of it her stomach made a noise that would have embarrassed her had there been someone in the room, sitting down, she ate like she always seen Saiyans do... like an animal. Never had she felt this hungry; her whole body ached, it felt as if it had been put through hard labor and this was her first meal in ages. Well, she had been through hard labor, a smile found its way to her lips, replaced quickly by the disappointment she had felt a moment before... Bastard.

Once her meal was done she went in search of her clothes, dressing quickly she remembered how curious she had been about the tank he had healed her in. Bulma decided to take a look at it; with luck he'd be gone for a while... but not before inspecting her current surroundings.

This room was enormous, tall windows to the ceiling surrounded the majority of the walls; furniture was scattered about, not many but very elegant indeed. Fit for a prince. She walked towards a set of windows that led out to a balcony and was about to walk out pulled by the view of the city below, when she remembered the gravity pull would crush her. She had never been outside the protection of walls or long corridors connecting buildings and all the places she had ever been in. Having a large and always growing population of slaves these Saiyans took great care on their protection, setting the gravity to a pull everyone including insects could resist... God forbid anything other than them got to kill the slaves.

She went to the next room quickly and looked for anything that might aid her on her research; she found nothing but a note pad and a carbon pencil

"Talk about high tech" she mused to herself and began to work.


As Vegeta approached the conference room he could not help but feel a surge of fear crawling up his spine. Whatever his father wanted, he knew it had to do with Freeza. They hardly spoke to the lizard, it was usually Zarbon or Dodoria who dealt with them and he had always been allowed to remain, as the crown prince he needed to be informed of everything concerning the empire.

But for Freeza to come in person it had to be serious. He came to a stop in front of the doors to the conference room and scanned the ground for any Ki that might aid him; He was in luck, he found Kakarotto's Ki out and about.

"Kakarotto" he called; "Vegeta?" came the mental reply, they were close enough to be able to communicate this way. It was not a strong link, but it was strong enough to be useful at times. "Go to my quarters and take the woman back to her owner." He ordered. "Right! Uh... she does belong to your lady, right?"

"Yes idiot, hurry up and do it, I do not want to find her there when I come back."

"Hai" came the mental answer and he felt the Ki moving in the direction of his rooms, satisfied with this, he went into the conference room.

As he entered the room he found his father seated at the head of the conference table, Nappa was standing by his side:

"Vegeta Ouji." The tall warrior said, moving to the nearest chair to aid his prince to his sit.

"I'm fine Nappa," Vegeta said waiving a hand to dismiss the attention. "What is the meaning of this?" He turned to his father noting faint bruises on the man's face.

"Don't you want to know what Freeza wanted?" The king said with obvious difficulty in his speech.

"What's the matter old man, did you let Freeza beat you in your own home?" Vegeta remarked getting the faint smell of a regen tank. "How pathetic can you be?"

"Now is not the time for your venom Vegeta, we are in serious problems. Freeza is leaving us with nothing but a forth of our empire, taking back the rest for his own, and what's more our tribute more than doubled, as well as the purging squad's are entirely at his disposal."

"What do you mean by taking back, what about the treaty?" Vegeta could not believe what he was hearing, what the fuck has come over the monster? This was not making any sense. Dodoria dies all of the sudden, then he, Freeza himself shows up here making him one of his top officials and changing the treaty on them. This was not looking good.

"The "Treaty" had been modified to suit his purposes. The question is, what are his purposes?"

"What else did he say?"

"Nothing more really, only that he wanted mainly Bardock's squad for his next couple of missions, strategies and layouts, that sort of thing."

"Nothing more?"

"Brat, he is onto something. I can feel it."

"You are not helping; I need details, if I am to figure out what he is up to I need you to replay word by word what went on here."

The king did, omitting nothing. This was going to be a long, long night…


Kakarotto arrived at Vegeta's room in exactly one minute and thirty-eight seconds, making this a new record. He smiled pleased with himself. That he still had the humor to train, eat and even play was beyond him... Well, training he definitely could not stop doing and stop eating was out of the question... so why not play? He couldn't take things too seriously if he did; his head would start to hurt; besides there would be enough time to worry about Freeza and whatever the hell was going on... Just look at what worrying did to Vegeta.

He liked Vegeta no matter what anybody said. He was strong and loyal, despite of what his father and brother had tried to tell him about his blood and other stuff he did not understand. That was one of the main reasons why he had distanced himself from them after coming back from Freeza's armies.

That and the fact that they did not understand what was like to suffer day in and day out the horrors he and Vegeta had, And because he was so much stronger than the both of them. They could not really train together anymore. What he did with Raditz could be considered nothing but a warm up. If either the king or his own father ever found out just how he and Vegeta trained they would surely disapprove. Long ago while on Freeza's ship, after a very brutal beating they had swore to each other to become strong, stronger than the monster and rid the universe of the virus that he represented. Whatever that meant... it had sounded really cool when Vegeta said it. And so every time they trained, they fought all out, if either one of them died it would mean whoever that was- was not worthy of fighting Freeza.

Their spouts usually ended in one or both of them unconscious, it was usually him; Vegeta was stronger than he was. But not for long, he would catch up to him and even if he couldn't tell anyone because Vegeta was the prince and all, Vegeta would know and that was enough.

He heard something smash inside. What was this slave up to, and why was she here? Vegeta usually took his women at the harem. A warm flush crossed his face as he remembered the woman who would be his prince's mate. What the hell was the matter with Vegeta? Having that incredibly gorgeous woman to be his mate and all he could do was drool over this insolent slave. Why didn't he kill her? The way she spoke to him before was something he's never seen any one do, not even Nappa, and he had been Vegeta's do boy his whole life. Another smash came from the inside of the room.

"Let's see what this woman is up to," he said out loud and went into the room.

Kakarotto caught the scent as soon as he came in. It was very powerful still; he could not help but to get somewhat aroused. The tall woman's image came to his mind and it downed on him that he didn't even knew her name, and he'd been thinking about her the whole day. He walked past the bed and the food that was still left on the table. Vegeta didn't even eat. How badly did he want to fuck this woman? He probably should give it a go to see what the big deal was. Vegeta would surely be mad, but he might ask him later anyways… another smash.

"Shit, shit, shit, what is the matter with this thing." He saw the woman fussing over the regen tank. It was practically taken apart. Was she sabotaging it so Vegeta could get hurt?

"What are you doing," he shouted at her, this seemed to scare her because she dropped everything that she was holding, including a pad with lots of notes.

"What's wrong with you? Scaring a woman like that… come here and help me with this."

"Are you some kind of spy... Why are you taking the regen tank apart?" He said with menace, but it was countered by the fact that he was already helping her with the tank's main component.

"Wow what's with all the questions, don't worry I'm not a spy."

"Then what are you doing?"

"I just want to see how this baby works."

"Can you tell just by taking it apart?"- He didn't think she could, the spy story made more sense, but it'd be really cool if she could.

"Of course I can, I am a genius. Who do you think taught Chivaa everything she knows? She said giving him some tools to put away.

"Wow… Who is Chivaa?" He already knew but he wanted to make sure, you never knew with women.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" She said winking at him, laughing at his obvious embarrassment. "She is my friend, I mean owner."

"Oh… Anyways, I'm supposed to take you back to her. Vegeta don't want to find you here when he comes back." She dropped the screwdriver she was working with, but quickly picked it up composing herself, hoping that he didn't noticed

"How do you know that?"

"He told me. He will take it out on me if he finds you here so, Are you about done?"

He asked looking at the array of nuts, bolts and pieces of machinery strewn all over the floor.

"Just about." She said in a low voice. How could he? She gave herself to him and he knew it. No, it was her fault really; she knew better with this saiyans. They killed for sport. Why would he care about a stupid woman? She put together the rest of the regen tank in silence thinking about how today her life had changed so much, and all for one man… Saiyan. She learned her lesson well. She'll die before she'd ever let him touch her again.

"I'm done." She had not realized that Kakarotto was watching dumbfolded at how fast she had been working. She was used to it, but his expression was priceless, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's go"


"Did you find out anything Raditz?" She had called him shortly after ending her transmission with Toma, to help her find Bulma or at least find out if she was all right.

"No I have not, but I`m sure Goku knows where she is."

"How many brothers do you have? I just met you brother Kakarotto today." Chivaa said with a small blush. Raditz and Bardock often talked about Goku, she knew him to be Raditz younger brother and that he was serving time with Freeza. The poor soul, but other than that she only knew what she heard them say. That he is strange, had hit his head too many times as a babe and was now soft and dumb... and if that came from Raditz he really had to be something else. So she had never really wanted to meet him. But they never talked about Kakarotto she realized just now.

"You did? Oh right you met with the prince today he must have been with him, they're like "nail and dirt" lately," he said not liking her expression, "That's what Bardock and I call him."

"Oh… Why is that?" Goku sounded so silly; she could not help but liking the sound of it.

"Because that is the only thing he said until he was five, Bardock and I thought he was not going to speak, and his barrack leader wanted us to put him down."

"Oh god! Aren't you glad Bar-san didn't?"

"He tried."

"How could he... What happened?"

"Goku knocked him out."

"Good, he deserved it."

"Why are we talking about this now, I thought you wanted to find Bulma." He sensed something strange from her. No... it was not strange; He had liked her for a long time and knew her every expression. That was the only reason he hanged out around here, because he needed to see her. He had no respect for her father. What wouldn't he give to be an elite and Toma threw it all away to go with his own second-class father and purge. Like if it wasn't degrading. He knew he could never have her so he fucked anything that came his way. But somehow they all wore her face at the end of the night. It was killing him. But he could not bring himself to stop from seeing her all together. When he heard that she had been chosen to be the prince's mate and that he did not wanted her, he felt hate for the man as to no other. And now watching her blush at the mention of his younger brother drove him mad.

"Right, I fear the worst; I really hope she is alright."

"I don't understand what the prince wants with her. She is loud, obnoxious, demanding and that is on her best days."

"You of all people should know what he wants with her." Chivaa said eyeing him conspicuously.

"I don't fuck slaves."

"You don't?" she mused, "I must say you had me fooled."

"I meant what would he want with her when he has you."

"He doesn't yet," She smiled, "But I'm very flattered"

"Hmph." He was going to tell her how he felt, even if he looked like a fool, even if nothing could ever happened between them. He needed to take this off his mind, his heart…

"Chivaa, I… I …"

"What is it Raditz" She moved closer to him to hear him better. He was acting kind of strange today. There was a knock at the door, she turned towards it and called out:

"Just a moment," she turned back to Raditz, "What is it?"

"Nothing important just go and answer the door... it can wait." He turned disappointed and relieved at the same time.

"Ok" she said running to answer. She opened the door to be greeted by a whole, undamaged, smiling Bulma, who threw herself at her waiting arms. They both started laughing and crying and jumping at the same time. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Kakarotto coming in and closing the door, she immediately sobered up, for some reason she did not wanted this man to see her acting like this.

"Oh gods, Bulma I was so worried," She looked at Kakarotto who had turned away blushing, "Thank you for bringing her home." He just nodded. "What happened, what did he do to you?"

"Yeah, what did he do to you? Said Raditz walking in from the other room.

"You guys, I don't want to talk about that right now, especially in front of king pervert." She said looking straight at Raditz.

"Hmph, you'd be lucky Chivaa if our prince knew how to fuck."

"Raditz!" Kakarotto shouted not very amused. What was he doing here by himself with her?

"Relax Kakarotto, I'm joking, or do you know something we don't?" He was purposely trying to make him look stupid. He had seen the look Goku gave Chivaa and he was not about to let some dimwitted fool whom only met her this morning take her from him.

"Well, I shall go now. Vegeta said to bring her and so I did." He turned to go and suddenly he felt himself being pulled by something.

"Oh no you're not going anywhere." The slave said holding his arm. How insolent was this slave and how come nobody did anything? No even Raditz. What was her power over people? "Why not?"

"You brought me all the way here, and I know that you must be hungry `cause I heard your stomach make funny noises on our way over."

"That's fine, I was ordered to do so, besides I need to catch up on my training." Why was he explaining himself to her?

"Please, do stay it would be an honor to have you over for dinner," Chivaa commented, "Your father and brother are regular guest of ours, I would like it very much if you were one as well."

"I…Alright, I guess, hopefully Vegeta won't mind."

"Probably not, it`ll be another excuse to use you as a punching bag." He didn't like the look his brother was giving him, especially when he had been so nice and helpful earlier. Chivaa and Raditz started to walk to the next room, he sighted, and then followed but the slave was quick to tag his arm again:

"Wasn't it nice of me to set you up with the lady?" she elbowed him while giving him the funniest expression he'd ever seen.

"You're weird." He started walking in the direction the other two had.

"A simple "thank you" would have been enough."

"Thank you."

"You like her don't you? And don't lie"

"That is none of your business."

"Yes it is."

"So what if I do... it makes no difference." Why was he telling her this?

"I can hook you up."


"You know set you two up."

"Why would you do that?"

"Cause I like you."

"You like Vegeta you mean... but let me tell you it is an impossibility for you to have him."

"That bastard can rot in hell for all I care."

"He will and so will I."

"What do you mean?"

"We're going back to Freeza's army."

"Oh gods! When?"

"After the announcement."

"Are you going to tell Chivaa?"

"Why should I, its not like we're friends or anything, besides Vegeta should be the one to tell her."

"He doesn't care about her. How long will Lord Freeza keep you?"

"He didn't really ask for me, he wanted Vegeta, and he ordered me to go with him."

"He's such a bastard, couldn't he ruin his life by himself he had to go and ruin your life as well."

"Is not like that."

"Yeah right."

"I don't know why I'm even talking to you. I should kill you for your insolence, that's what I should do."

"You can't, Chivaa'll hate if you do."

"What did Vegeta see in you?" he eyed her for a long moment.

"Hey you two what's keeping you?" Chivaa called from the hearth room.

"Coming." Let's go before she gets jealous, but this conversation isn't over Kakarotto."

"Yes it is. Don't tell her about Freeza."

"In your dreams," she finally said pulling him to the hearth room to meet the others.


They dined and talked into the small hours of the night, mainly listening to Kakarotto's stories of the time he and the prince had spent on Freeza's ship. Always emphasizing how strong and cool Vegeta was. It made her sick, sick because she felt all she wanted to do right now was beg Kakarotto to take her back to him and ask him why? Why had he done this to her? Why did he made her feel so much, so overwhelmed with pleasure, so complete... just to have it all taken away from her as if she had never existed.

At the end of the night both Raditz and Kakarotto promised to be at the announcement to support Chivaa. Raditz kissed her cheek and went ahead and she went back in the house with the excuse to clean the mess, leaving Chivaa and Kakarotto by themselves at the door:

"Thank you from bringing Bulma back," Chivaa said looking at her feet, afraid to meet his gaze, she had been trying to avoid it the whole night, yet she was fascinated by what he had gone through. Vegeta Ouji had been far, far away from Chivaa's mind the whole time he had been talking. She wanted to ask him so many things, about himself, about life, about everything; she felt she just wanted to talk to him.

"It was nothing, like I said Vegeta asked me to do it."

"I'd like to think you would have done it regardless."

"Maybe…Well I gotta go, it's late and I have lots to do in the morning."

"Goodbye Goku." She said suddenly kissing his cheek and closing the door before he could do anything. He just stood there staring at the door, touching his face, a broad goofy smile spread out on his face he took to the air still touching his face, oblivious of anything but the warmth in his chest. So distracted that he failed to notice Raditz hidden in the shadows glaring daggers on his direction.


"So what happened?" Bulma was behind her, and Chivaa suspected that she had been all along.

"That's what I should ask you," She turned to her friend; "I was really worried about you."

"What's there to be worried about... you know what he wanted?" Bulma said turning to go back to the hearth room. "Besides... Do you really want to know what happened? You are to marry him you know."

"I'm glad you're ok" the tall Saiyan said ignoring her friend's comment. "Toma is coming tomorrow for the celebrations."

"It will be no celebration, that I can assure you," Bulma paused, "But let's talk about something other than that stupid announcement." She said pulling a note pad from under her clothes.

"I got something to keep us occupied for a while."

"What is it?" Chivaa asked suspiciously.

"While in Vegeta's room I came across something very interesting…"

"Save it Bulma, spit it out."

"Ok, ok…He's got a regen tank in his room, which he used to heal my lashes, I guess he wanted me in top shape for his…" she paused thoughtfully "You know, `enjoyment', so I did what any girl would do and I dismantled it. Worked out its functions traced its patterns and came up with sort of blue print. You know that sort of thing." She said handing the notebook to Chivaa.

"When did you have time to do this?" Her friend asked looking at the pages amazed at the accuracy in them.

"After he did the `deed' he ran like a slave run from Saiyans." Chivaa shifted her gaze from the paper with a mixture of concern laced with something that resembled very much like jealousy.

"Was he gentle?" She asked.

"I'm still alive. Chivaa I really don't want to talk about it if you don't mind, loosing your virginity to the fiancée of your best friend and owner mind you, is not something a girl wants to talk about," She said somewhat annoyed, "I think that we can definitely build one of this babies." Bulma said changing the subject.

"Remember we always said we'd talk about anything and if I remember correctly you were very adamant to include our first time."

"Yes Chivaa, but I don't think it counts when is going to be the same man we are loosing it to," she sighted "Look, let's go to bed its been a long day and I'm really tired, and since you don't want to talk about Kakarotto…"

"Why should I want to talk about him?"

"Can it, I saw you two. Let's just go to bed."

"This isn't over Bulma…"


The next morning she awoke with a nagging pain to her groin "Fucking saiyans and their big cocks." she thought grimly as she started on her daily routine. Chivaa was already out somewhere and she needed to make sure none of the other slaves slacked. Today was the big day. Chivaa would get engaged to the man she had spend all night thinking about. "Why can I get you out of my head?" Her groin was definitely hurting now, so much that she had to double over while tending to Chivaa's clothes... Armor was more fitting a word. The one she got was all silver with the insignia of her house. "How did these barbarians expect their women to wear this too?" The sound of voices coming into the house startled her. She went to see what all the commotion was and was very surprised to see Toma-san and some of the other man in his squad, including Bardock and of course Raditz coming into the house very noisily. Chivaa was with them.

"Bulma! I'm glad too see you have not destroyed my house." Toma-san said to her with a broad grin plastered on his face. "What have you two been up to since I left?" It was not really a question. She smiled at him very relieved to see him. Toma -san was like a father to her. Never treating her any differently than he would his own daughter. The others hurried to the hearth room to get a head start on the bottle, leaving Chivaa, Toma, Bardock and Raditz in the room.

"If I were you I wouldn't ask." Bardock said coming towards her giving her his tunic to put away, no malice or contempt just good natured as always. She looked at him once again astonished at the almost twin like similarity with Kakarotto. She took the tunic and was getting ready to go back into the kitchens to make sure there was enough food for them. Bardock suddenly grabbed her from the waist pulling her back to him, scaring the crap out of her. He lifted her from the floor and brought her upper body to his nose and sniffed quickly a couple of times.

"What's the matter Bar?" Toma asked eying all this curiously. They had talked about Bulma's beauty and how more than a few of them would like to get their way with her. But this was not like Bardock to do.

"You reek like my son Kakarotto and someone else I can't place." He said glaring daggers at her. Why? She couldn't tell.

"You are with child" Well now she could, Bardock let her drop flat on the floor.

"What?!" She said in unison with the rest of them, only Raditz seemed not very surprised by it. "What do you mean I'm with child?" She quickly got up to look at him imploring with her eyes that he tell her it is not true, not true, not…Bulma fell on her knees staring at her belly disbelievingly. She felt a woman's hands on her. "Bulma" It was all Chivaa could say before Toma grabbed her in a very similar way as Bardock had. And did the same "smelling."

"You're right... she is." He looked at her with a mixture of condemnation and outrage; he did not let her drop but held her higher choking the life out of her.

"Toma stop it!" Chivaa lunged herself at her father trying to loose his grip on her, and all she could do was wonder if "he" would even care, about the child, her death... probably not.

"Toma- Otto-san stop it please, its not her fault!" She turned to Bardock, then Raditz imploring both to do something.

"Toma!" Bardock snapped. "Let her go, at least let her explain." Toma dropped her like a rag doll to the other side of the room. In her self-pity she had only but a moment to notice that she had never seen him like this.

"It may not even be a saiyan's child." Bardock continued not even looking at her.

"Hmph." Raditz leaned on the wall crossing his arms suddenly very interested in the outcome of this.

"Is it Kakarotto's?" Bardock asked as she started crying uncontrollably. "I knew it." Toma lunged himself at her again with murder in his eyes, but Bardock only lifted a hand to halt him. "There is nothing she could have done to stop him." He turned to her holding both her shoulders, shaking her gently to get her attention.

"You know you can't keep it. I don't know how things went between the two of you, but you cannot keep this brat."

"It is not Kakarotto's." It was Raditz who spoke up.

"Raditz!" Chivaa shouted trying to get his attention to stop him from making a big mistake. The last thing she needed was for them to know who the real father was.

"What is it, are you really going to let them think that are you?" Raditz looked at her strangely. "Is Vegeta-Ouji's brat." If it weren't for the severity of the situation their faces would have been comical.

"All the more reason to get rid of it," Bardock was the first to recover. "I don't even want to know what happened there."

"But we can not abort the child for at least another three weeks." Chivaa said still holding her, soothing her back, while all she could do was listen to these monsters deciding her fate, unable to do anything.

"Then we kill her with it. I'll be damn if you have to mate with that asshole and don't even get to bore the next heir." Toma was beside himself. What the hell had gone on here? He had always seen Bulma like one of them. Maybe that had been his mistake for now he knew deep down he could not go through with what he just said.

"Tossan!" Chivaa could not believe her ears. That the person she respected and admired the most had just uttered those words. It wasn't Bulma's fault, it was hers for not seeing it coming. She had long noticed the lustful looks Bulma got from mostly every man that laid eyes on her and that included her father. She had to admit that she herself had felt jealous on more that one occasion. Why did it occur to her that the prince would be any different?

"Calm down Toma, there can be no bastard heirs of mixed blood, besides if we don't let her come out of the house it'll be alright." Thank Gods for Bar-kun he was the only one thinking rationally.

"But what if someone sees her, you know the longer we wait the easier it is to tell."

"If that happens I will take the blame." Raditz said to no one in particular "My reputation isn't the best so no one would question it."

"Raditz would you do that?" Chivaa's glorious eyes turned to him full of gratitude, How had this slave grown in her heart this way he would never know, but the thought of making her happy was all that matter to him; that and making the prince mad. "Why not?" He shrugged indifferently.

"Is settled then," Bardock, said shifting his gaze towards Bulma." I hope you realize what we're doing for you girl. Our "beloved Ouji" would not hesitate in killing you like a bug." She just nodded her head yes. Tears still rolling down her face.

"Bulma; its nothing against you, you know this but I cannot…."

"Toma, don't," Chivaa interrupted before he could finish the sentence.

"Girl...who has seen you since it happened?" Bardock asked.

"Besides Kakarotto, and us all no one else I hope" Raditz said looking at her for the first time since this started, "Saiyan I mean."

"No" she said in a small voice, holding her belly, coming to terms with the fact that she would never meet this little piece of herself. It was moments like this that made her realize just how defenseless and alone she really was.

"Go to your quarters and do not come out until we tell you to." Toma snapped.

"Toma you can't do this to her." Chivaa cried

"Yes I can... and you will stay out of this."

"This is not fare and you know it."

"Chivaa, leave it... there is nothing you can do this time. If I were you I would start getting ready for your engagement." Bardock told her grabbing her by the shoulders and leading her to the hearth room to join the others. "On your lives I hope it is not necessary to tell you that not one word about this must be said."

"I hope this works. Because it would really be our lives if it doesn't." Toma said following them. Raditz was already on his way leaving her alone to cry and cry and cry…


How much can this man talk! He had been in this chair for the past five hours listening to his old man ramble over Freeza's meeting. He had already concluded the monster was up to something in the first ten minutes of this. If only he could concentrate on the matter at hand. He knew this was bad, maybe even worst that they imagined, but he could not stop thinking about the woman. What sort of sorcery did she use on him? Her smell still lingered on his skin and it was driving him mad. He kept replaying their "encounter" over and over remembering the way she felt as he entered her untouched body, and the way she called his name with no fear, no reserve. He had to see her again and soon. Gods! She was even making him forget his training. Sorcery was the only logical answer he could come up with. Maybe he should kill her now before her spell is complete. Before is too late to part with her. On top of that he had been trying to contact Kakarotto for the past three hours but the moron has not bothered to reply; he'll show him later. But now he needed to make this bastard shut up. He had plenty of things to do before tonight. Yes that stupid woman will get hers tonight. Trying to sneer the Saiyajin no Ouji with tricks, her father will pay as well, if he had to be enslaved to them he'll make sure their lives are a living hell. They will curse the day they cross his path.

"I heard enough," Vegeta said getting up to leave, "I look into it while on Freeza's ship."

"Brat! Don't disregard this like you do everything else."

"We will not find the answers by sitting around here crying like babies."

"No, but we can come up with a good course of action, that I will expect you to follow."

"You know nothing about Freeza Old man; you can sit here and conspire against him all your lives and still will never understand what you are up against."

"But at least it will get us that much closer to it."

"Whatever. I'm done here," the prince walked to the door and turned to them. "Let me know when you do."

"Wait. I have something to discuss with you about tonight." the king said trying to get back his brat's interest

"What is it?"

"Nappa." Vegeta-Ou snapped at which the older warrior immediately responded with a firm salute and exited the room quietly.

"I'll see you at the training arena Nappa." Vegeta said as the taller man went past him, Nappa only nodded swallowing in apprehension at the annoyed look on his prince's face, that look only meant regen tank.

"Close the door brat, this will not take long."

"Hmph. Let's hope not."

"Here take this; it was your mother's and her mother's before that. I think your bride to be should have it." The king said walking towards his son holding a ring. Vegeta just glanced at it noticing that this was the first time his father had actually "share" something with him.

"I don't need that garbage." He responded disregarding the object. He had never seen anything belonging to his mother, never even seen a portrait of her in the palace, but he was not about to let his father know how curious he was or how impressed that he even had something that had belonged to her.

"She will get it regardless, either by my hand or yours. I think yours would be more appropriate.

"Fine" he snatched the ring from his father and left the room in search of Kakarotto. As he walked down the halls he looked at the ring bearing some ancient symbols instead of the royal seal. The ring was beautifully made in silver metal with many stones of different shapes, sizes and colors, the ring itself seemed to tell a story, it was also huge. His mother probably never wore the thing, but he had to admit that it was fit for a queen.

He rounded the corner and saw that stupid elite who would be his mate by one the hangers watching Toma and the other losers in his squad disembark. No doubt here for the announcement, Raditz was with her.

What the hell was he doing with her instead of training? All the better the more people to piss him off, the more asses he'll have to kick. A wide smirk spread on his face at the thought of that.

He lingered hoping to see the woman hanging around with her owner, but he didn't see her. He saw Bardock getting off the ship and held the elite woman up like a child. Disgraceful! A true warrior would not behave in that manner, especially in front of others to see. He will have to knock some sense and manners into him. Touching other man's property like that. So far the whole pack of morons was going to get it from him. He left for the training arena ready to kill, burning with the anticipation of the fight. He was in so much anger that today he would take Kakarotto to the desert to train.

As he got there everyone stopped in unison to salute, except for Kakarotto of course. He was very much occupied beating the crap out of an elite warrior. He stopped asking himself a long time ago how that was possible.

"Kakarotto!" he snapped.

"Hey, Vegeta!" the goof came to him with that annoying smile of his, forgetting to use his title yet again in front of others. "You're here early; I thought you would get some extra sleep today."

"Why would I do that you baka?"

"You know... Bulma can be a hand full." He whispered in his ear, cupping his hand and looking around, making him so mad that he could feel the vein on his temple pop out.

"That is none of your business, fool!"

"Ok, ok I was just joking."

"Did you take her back like I asked you to?"

"Of course."

"Good," he sneered, "How was she?" he asked hesitantly, he did not wanted to give this fool the wrong impression,

"Who, Chivaa?"

"Who the fuck is Chivaa? Oh her, no I meant the slave."

"Bulma was fine... she can sure talk a lot though, I wonder how come you didn't kill her for talking too much." the third class snickered.

"The same way I don't kill you."

"Yeah but I can fight."

"If you call that fighting I guess" Vegeta said trying to steer this fool out of topic. "We're going into the desert."

"Are you sure Vegeta? Tonite's your party you might wanna rest and look pretty."

"What the fuck do you think I' am you fool!! I do not need to look "Pretty"" This idiot was really making him mad now, and the fact the every elite in the room was still watching them made it all the worst. "What the fuck are you all looking at? Get back to your training!!" he yelled. All but Nappa immediately reassumed their fighting.

"I'll be happy to show him his place Ouji-sama." the older man said walking towards them.

"I don't think you can, but you would be a good warm up match." At this the elite warrior turned red in anger. To think that his own prince didn't think him worthy of this annoying third class fool. "Yes my Lord, it'll be my pleasure." He turned to the idiot with murder on his face. "Shall we Kakarotto-chan?"

"What are you going to do in the meantime Vegeta?"

"That Kakarotto... is none of your business." He said leaving the both of them staring after him. His rage at this point was leaning more towards the fool's father and brother; he'll get "his" warm up with them. They were no doubt at his "fiancé's" place. Maybe you'll even get to see the woman. The prince thought, somehow knowing in the back of his mind that- that was the real reason he was going all the way to Toma's place. He had hurt her last night. He kept saying to himself that he would kill her and be done with it but he also wanted to make sure she was all right... Sorcery.

He went back to the hanger where he had seen them before, but of course they were gone. He did not know where his fiancé lived but he had no doubts that many people did. He just needed to find one of them.

Many people were staring at him, probably amazed at the fact that they had never seen him wondering about; he usually went from the training arena to his room or to the harem. Or maybe they were staring because he had not fought his father regarding the engagement. Whatever it was it was annoying him, Adding logs to the fire that was burning inside of him. He saw a warrior wearing third class armor; this jerk must know where Toma lives.

"Hey you! Come here." He called out to him, the man turned looking annoyed but his expression immediately changed to that of fear as soon as he realized who had called on him.

"Ouji-sama," the man said bowing "How may I be of service?" Vegeta only smirked at the asshole, pleased by his reaction.

"Where does Toma live? And you better know it lest I kill you right here and now". Everybody knew who Toma was. It was not everyday that you saw an elite taking orders from a third class.

"Yes Ouji-sama I know where." The man told him. It took him about thirty minutes to fly there. The bastard lived so far from the main city. He descended lightly on the footsteps of the house. Big house it was. At least he doesn't " live" like a third class. He thought.

And he did what he did best stormed in.


They ate and talked briefly about the mission they had just come back from, trying to omit any mention of the little "situation" they had found themselves in. Chivaa was trying to cheer everybody up by talking about her preparations for the party; a party that everybody knew was a joke. She seemed to be okay with the fact that her slave was pregnant with the child of her soon to be mate and king of them all. There was something very wrong with this picture, and he, Bardock was going to find out. That his son Goku was even involved disturbed him greatly. He knew that hanging out with the prince was not the best thing it had ever happened to him, but unfortunately he had no choice there. He needed to have a talk with him to find out what really happened here. Bulma had came out of her room, "of course the woman was more disobedient than Nappa at his worst*" and was now in the process of devouring some roasted meat. She had just gotten with child and was already eating like a woman in full term.

She better not get used to it. She knew that brat had to go before anyone could tell. Chivaa kept on chattering to her father about trivial things and Raditz was just watching her, adoring her like always. He had noticed a long time ago about his eldest son's devotion towards her. He even thought about talking to Toma about them mating. But now, with the king choosing her to mate the prince he should have opted instead on discouraging this infatuation.

A loud noise that sounded very much like a door being torn from its hinges and an overwhelming ki that could only belong to Goku or the prince, and Bardock knew his son's ki and that was not it made its way into the hose. Everyone turned their heads to the noise at exactly the same instant. Bardock only had half a second to react.

"Raditz, take Bulma away from here now!!" Raditz was already hurling her over his shoulder and flying out the window.

"What the hell is going on?" he heard her say. "Put me down you brute!" And thankfully they were gone. The prince promptly made his entrance a second later.

"Don't get up for me." he said smirking to no one in particular and sat down on the spot Raditz had occupied but a moment before.

"Mmm... its warm. Who is missing this party?" he said pensive, "Ah yes, I thought I saw your weak excuse for a son with you before" he said looking straight at Bardock. "Where did he go? I need to discuss something with him." the prince looked murderous. What could Raditz possibly have done to enrage Vegeta Ouji like this? Chivaa... he must know of his feelings for Chivaa

"Vegeta-Ouji." Toma said getting up and offering his salute to the prince. Where was all that " I'm going to kick his ass, the next time I see him" or " Fucking bastard I'll tell him what's what". Bardock could only chuckle inside; he will have to tease him about it later.

"He is not here Ouji-sama" Chivaa said eying her father. "But I'm sure you did not come all the way here just for that. Would you like to hear how the banquet's preparations are coming along?"

"You will speak when you are spoken to whore." He said turning to her, ignoring everybody else in the room. Toma's face had turned red with rage, but he said nothing.

"My prince I do not see necessary to insult Chivaa in her own home." Bardock said noticing Chivaa's look of dread as he spoke.

"You need a third class to defend yours, Toma?" The prince turned to Toma with a malevolent grin on his face. He was doing this on purpose, taunting them, trying to make them angry. Bardock had never been in the same room with Vegeta before; he only knew what others said, that he was spoiled and unbelievably strong. The only one capable of even nip at his feet was his own son Goku.

"Where is the woman?" He asked turning back to Chivaa.

"She was sent to run errands Vegeta-sama." Chivaa knew exactly who he was talking about. That he was even asking about her was short of amazing, unless he wanted to kill her. Which he would have done when he took her.

"You will send her to me as soon as she returns."

"She will be out for a while Ouji-sama," Toma quickly added, "All day running errands for the party."

"You wouldn't be lying to me now... would you?"

"Why would you say that Vegeta-sama?" Vegeta got up and walked towards the window Raditz had exited but a minute before.

"I can smell both Raditz and the woman. They were both here not too long ago." Bardock was amazed at the perceptiveness of the boy. He was everything they said: Smart, unbelievably strong and not a fool by any extent of the word. They were going to have a very difficult time hiding Bulma from him. And by the looks of it, it seemed he was interested in the slave more than he should. What had Bulma done to get this much attention from him? She was beautiful, but so were all the royal harem girls.

Chivaa didn't even seem to mind. This was the man to whom she'll be mated. She had a lot explaining to do.

"When Raditz turn up, tell him to meet me at the training arena. In the mean time Bardock you and I will have a little chat about regarding other's property." He said shooting a glance at Chivaa. Bardock got up and followed the already retreating prince.


"That was close," Toma sighted slumping back onto his chair. "What the hell was that all about? He suddenly got serious and pointed a murderous look towards the door the prince and his best friend had just walked out of.

"I don't know Otto-sama," Chivaa was in as much amazement as they were. "I didn't know Bulma caused such an impression on Vegeta-sama." She sat trying to continue her meal, but her father was having none of it.

"What happened Chivaa... How did it get like this?"

"I don't know, I don't know. He only saw her yesterday morning, when I was summoned by the king to meet him. I took Bulma with me because I was feeling insecure about meeting him. You know what they say about him."

"That part I get but. Why does he seem so obsessed?"

"That you will have to ask Bulma, she did not tell me what happened."

"This is getting too complicated. We should just kill her and be done with it, as it is, it may very well cost our lives. All for a slave."

"A slave we love Toma. I refuse to believe you feel this way."

`I don't. But this goes beyond you, me, Raditz...all of us. The royal family is not something you take lightly. We are disgraced enough as it is. If this fiasco comes to light we will never recover."

"I don't see how it is our fault, he got her with child. I only did what he asked... Demanded" Chivaa amended

"Nothing good is gonna come out of this."

"I know…I know"


"Put me down!!" Bulma yelled at the top of her lungs, Scratching, punching. kicking and annoying the hell out of Raditz.

"Stop! Put me down right this second." They got to a cave somewhere in the dessert. They had left the city a long time ago. She'd never been very close to Raditz, and didn't trust him, besides this was very suspicious of him and she didn't believe he was doing this out of kindness. Plus, she was still in shock about the whole baby thing and knew in the bottom of her heart that she was not going to let them kill it. Even if it meant escaping, Raditz set her down roughly on her bottom.

"Start talking." was all he said to her. He looked as if he was ready to kill her... Maybe he was going to do just that.

"I don't know what you mean. I… You know what men and women do to conceive."

"Don't play dumb with me; I don't give a flying fuck about you and that asshole. I'm talking about Chivaa and Kakarotto."

"Oh that…Well I don't really know anything, only that they met yesterday and that he is very nice and handsome."

"I don't care what you think. What does Chivaa?" This was getting very interesting. Bulma had noticed Raditz looking at Chivaa weird before, but never thought much about it. A slow grin broke on her face. "Wouldn't you like to know?" He suddenly materialized in front of her, grabbing her by the throat.

"Don't fuck with me." He started choking the life out of her, reminding her just why she didn't like him.

"Ok, ok," She tried to say but his hold was growing stronger by the second. He let her drop. "Just remember that I have no problem ending your life at any time, I'm not feeble minded like the rest of them. Now talk!" Bulma held his gaze for a long time before talking, he reminded her of Vegeta, the way he talked, moved, looked, if she didn't know who he was she would think they were related. Her heart started to ache at the thought of the man who had dumped her like used underwear.

"She thinks he's cute."


"Handsome Raditz...cute means handsome..." Were all this saiyans so dense? "She told me he was very handsome, and that he looked just like your dad." She decided to play with him a little. "She thinks Bardock-san is very attractive, we always talked about how we like to grab him and do him until he beg …"

"Stop! I don't want to hear that."

"You asked." He just glared at her.

"You and I are in a little predicament," he said after a long time. "You on the one hand; are pregnant by the Ouji, and on the other the woman I want is engaged to mate him... Do you see where I'm going with this?"


"So what do we do about it?"

"Who said I care who he mates with?"

"You don't?" Ok this guy was not Kakarotto or Toma... he was smart.

"I do... a little, only because when they mate we'll all live in the same house. That'll be uncomfortable."

"Right…" ok... he was really smart, she had to admit, he was seeing right through her.

"If we are going to do something about it you have to be honest, if not with me at least to yourself."

"Ok…He was my first and he was so gentle and passionate and…"

"That's enough sharing. I don't need to know the details. You will have the brat." At this moment Raditz became her best friend, even if he was doing this for his own purposes. She looked at him feeling hopeful for the first time since this whole thing started. "What are we going to say to the others, you heard Toma-san."

"That you will leave to me. You just stay out of sight."

"What about Chivaa."

"Something tells me she will help you. But be warned, one word about how I feel for her and I will kill you very, very painfully." Ok this guy definitely reminded her of Vegeta.

"That won't make Vegeta want me, or stop him from mating Chivaa."

"That is where you come in. You got his attention once, how? I don't know. But you have to make sure you do it again."

"That will be a little difficult with him not being around."

"What do you mean?"

"He and your brother are going back to Lord Freeza's."

"What!! How do you know that?"

"Your brother told me."

"Does Chivaa know?"

"I don't think so. I had no time to tell her yesterday and your brother said he was not going to."

"This will make things a lot easier."


"Make sure she forgets about Kakarotto and my Father."

"Bardock-san is out of the picture. What am I supposed to do about Kakarotto?

"That is your job to find out." She could appreciate what he was doing. It seemed even noble. That he would sacrifice his own life to get what he wanted, but she really liked Kakarotto and was sure he could make Chivaa a lot happier. "All right, I'll do it."

"You don't have a choice." Raditz said sourly... We'll just see about that...she thought with a sour smirk of her own.


Vegeta and Bardock flew in silence for a while. When they got far enough from the city the Ouji turned around in mid air and said to the older man:

"Kakarotto is waiting for me to train, so I'll make this quick." He lunged himself at Bardock so fast that even the older warrior couldn't follow, and promptly beat the living crap out of him. Bardock didn't even have a chance to breathe, let alone counter or even defend.

Vegeta had thought Kakarotto's father to be stronger, but he had been wrong, this was being too easy, frustratingly so. After a while the older men seemed to recover and managed to land a couple of good blows. Hmph... At least the man was resistant like his son although a lot weaker... thought the prince. About fifteen minutes into the fight Bardock was already to the point of collapsing, no doubt the older man will need a regen tank for the rest of the day. He did collapse a minute later and Vegeta just watched him plumber to the ground below leaving him to go and release this adrenaline rush on Kakarotto. The prince wished he had caught up with Raditz too, but he guessed he'd just have to wait. The longer the more painful for the idiot first class.

After the boy left Bardock got up on unsteady feet. The prince is strong, too strong... though the tattered second class warrior as he weakly made his way back to the city... May the Gods help us when he becomes king.


The rest of the day went in blur Vegeta trained with Kakarotto in the desert and had beaten each other to the bone. Now he was in his own room drying himself off after he got out of the tank. He put on his royal armor and crimson cape and made his way to the reception hall for that stupid announcement to begin. The only good thing about it was that he was going to see the woman... Why did he care?


Goku jumped out of the tank stretched a little, got dressed in his best armor; the one Vegeta gave him. Fixed his hair and left to the party. He was happy he'd get to see Chivaa, even if he couldn't talk to her. He walked down the halls whistling to himself to meet Vegeta where they'd accord; he just happy to be alive, Kami knew tomorrow any joy he might have would be over.


Raditz was at Chivaa's watching her run all over the place, he couldn't remember the last time he had seen her wear armor. She looked stunning, the silver gear made her look so tall a regal. She was fit to be a queen... His queen, but instead...

Bulma was running back and forth with her helping her with last minutes touches. After their little talk he had brought the blue haired nuisance back. Luckily Toma and his father were gone at the time.


Toma was now waiting impatiently to go and get this nonsense over with already. He looked at his best friend's oldest brat calmly sitting on a chair staring at his daughter the way he always did... hungrily.

"Raditz, I think you should go ahead. I don't think it'll look good if you walk in with us." Toma said matter-of-factly, not wanting to sound as if the boy was being a bother.

"I'm not going. I'm staying behind to watch Bulma," Raditz responded just as cold not getting up, "I don't think she should be left alone."

"You might be right…Chivaa what the hell is taking you so long?" And that was that.

"I'm coming." Chivaa said fastening her white cape. She kissed both Raditz and Bulma goodbye.

"Please take care of her." she whispered to Raditz, he nodded stupefied by her beauty and Bulma came running holding something in her hand "Wait…Let me put on some lipstick on you" She said applying the red paste on Chivaa's lips. "Good luck."

"Thank you." Chivaa took her father's arm and they left. Bulma and Raditz were left alone; it seemed the house had not been this quite in an eternity. Raditz waited, while Bulma had started to issue orders to the other slaves. It seemed to him that that was how she was coping with her pain, the way he slept around to cope with his.

"Bulma get dress." He snapped as she turned around suspiciously.

"Where are we going?"

"Do you want to miss this party?" She grinned from ear to ear... Raditz was her kind of guy, he was not afraid of anything.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world". She said running to her room to put on her best outfit.


Vegeta met with Kakarotto half way there like they had planned and were now about to enter the reception Hall, each of them deep in their own thoughts. His for one were still thinking on that damn slave. Why couldn't he get her off his head? This was disturbing. He the Saiyajin-no Ouji cannot be so infatuated with a mere slave.

"Hey Vegeta... What' you thinking?" came Kakarotto's voice.

"None of your business." He was half thankful to the fool for getting his mind off the slave.

"This is it huh?" he continued in that idiotic tone of his.

"What is?" Vegeta asked

"You know... you're getting engaged." said Kakarotto eying his prince strangely, almost as if he regretted it.

"Do not worry Kakarotto if you want her all that much, I'll let you have her if you beat me." The prince smirked at his guard's expression, he had noticed the fool drooling over the tall elite, he didn't really cared but the fool should guard his feelings better.

"What! Would you do that?" Kakarotto couldn't hide his shock. "I can't believe you would do something like that to her."

"And why is that?" Vegeta said amused.

"Because she'll be your mate... one thing is to share your concubines, but sharing a mate is unheard of." Goku felt like punching Vegeta. How little did he regard Chivaa, that he would do something like that to her... he decided to test him.

"I would much rather have the Bulma instead." Vegeta gave him an ugly grin.

"Would you?" he said still smiling dangerously at him. "You can... once I'm dead," Vegeta turned to the lower class fighter pushing the doors open, "Try not to drool too much while in her presence, lest she'll think you retarded." Vegeta chuckled; "If I were you I wouldn't want her to find that out until after I had her." They both knew whom he was referring to. As he said these words they both made their entry to the room full of people, Kakarotto falling slightly behind showing respect for a man than in more aspects than one was his only equal. As they entered everyone bowed to the prince.

Everybody seemed to be here, Goku could see his father and the rest of his squad seemingly very uncomfortable amongst all the elites and members of the grand council. The king was nowhere to be seen and neither was Chivaa. As if steeling his thought Vegeta growled under his breath:

"That fucking whore better not get here after my father."

"Vegeta!" Goku gave the prince a hard look. They mingled and Vegeta greeted with his usual snot several members of the council, and some of the elites that came to offer their congratulations and good wishes. Although everyone knew that Chivaa was not exactly the prince's top choice.

In the past two days they had heard of nothing but gossip and the fact that Vegeta had not fought the king over this, that the Ouji was going soft, or that the girl was simply too beautiful to be turned down. Goku knew better though. He knew Vegeta had a reason to do this, and it chilled him to the bone to think of what that reason might be.

They made their way to the throne that stood at the end of the room and promptly the prince sat on the one belonging to him, Kakarotto on the other hand stood loyally by his right side.

Moments ticked by and Vegeta seemed to be taking in everyone at the same time. The third class also had time to take in a few things of his own like the look of mask fear everyone was giving them. Them... was he feared as well? He also noticed that most of the females were stealing glances at them, mostly at Vegeta but a few were looking at him. Hmph...A third class both feared and admired. What would his father and brother think of that? A small smile crept on his face.

Everyone turned as the door opened and Toma entered the room with Chivaa holding one of his arms. She looked radiant in a silver armor and a white cape. The way he had imagined heaven's warriors to be clad. Vegeta snorted mumbling cruelly.

"Damn Kakarotto she is even taller than her father, that's going to make it a little hard for you won't it?

"Even harder for you Vegeta," Kakarotto was the only one to ever talk to the prince of Vegeta-sei that way…Until the woman that is.

"Like I give a fuck." Vegeta said staring dead ahead. Everyone vowed to her as if she already was the queen and he could see her blush. They were making their way to the throne; Goku could feel his pulse quickening, his temperature rising, especially around the cheeks area.


Vegeta was already having a horrible time after this afternoon's bout with Kakrotto, he wanted nothing more than to get back at him for the couple of good punches he had gotten on him today. He had been too distracted thinking about the woman. Well he wanted to pound the woman as well. He chuckled at that thought. What was her hold on him? The doors opened to reveal the culprit of this distasteful gathering, holding her father's arm. He wouldn't be caught dead with his father had he done what hers did, but that was not here nor there. He released the breath he was not aware to be holding half anxious half aroused at the thought of seeing the woman crossing that door after the elite. The doors closed and no Bulma to be seen. As they made their way to where he was, he couldn't help but cringe. The fucking whore left the woman behind on purpose.

"Ouji-sama." They bowed in unison, he hmphed at Toma who had bowed bringing his fist to his chest in formal salute, the woman had simply bowed. He could feel Kakarotto's heart beating against his armor clad chest, that made him smirk in amusement, the poor fool was surely a virgin and this was the first woman he had a crush on. He pushed the thought out of his mind snorting at himself for allowing it to be there in the first place.

"Rise." He said to them and pointed with his head to the left side of his throne. Kakarottto was sweating cold by now and he took the opportunity to rub it on his face.

"I thought we had discussed that the revelation of your IQ would happen after fucking." he mentally teased the warrior; and he shot him a look that would have scared Freeza were he here to see it. The woman was blushing as well and with a wide smirk he realized that she wanted Kakarotto as well. It should have bothered him, but for some reason it didn't, he only thought it funny to see such a strong fighter and such a tall woman blushing like idiots and not doing anything about it.

"When my father arrives you have your leave Kakarotto." The taller warrior only nodded and as if on cue Nappa came in the room holding the doors open for the king. The Ou made his way to the throne nodding to the bowed heads of those in the room. His eyes met his heir's for a second, enough to see the hate in them. Vegeta smirked... Patience old man your time will come... your time will come…


They flew through the air. She was holding on to Raditz. Head back feeling the cool air on her face, marveling at the feeling of freedom, of total abandon. She only wished it had been Vegeta's arms holding her by waist. She had been afraid to fly, but Raditz promptly explained that his ki would shield the gravity from getting to her. Now with her arms around his neck and the air blowing on her skin she felt invincible.

"How much longer?" she asked absently tightening her arms a little around his neck.

"Calm down... do you want to choke me?"

"Shut up you can't even feel that," she said tightening her arms some more. He plummeted down rolling in the air his eyes rolling to the back of his head and his tongue coming out to the side of his mouth in a comical way, as if he was truly being choked.

"Air, I…must get…air." He joked and she took her arms away and replaced them with her hands and started chocking him for real. His head was going back and forth, his tongue still out, a truly funny sight.

She had not realized that they had landed on a balcony until her feet touched the ground. His arm was still around her waist, as well as her hands on his neck, she released him smacking him hard across the face. Since this afternoon he had been a lot friendlier towards her. They both understood their partnership and were making the best of it... For now.

"You're such a goof," She said laughing and fixing his mused long hair, "You should cut this mop." He only smiled as she was trying to tame the wild spikes out of his face. The arm around her tightened a little in a teasing manner, bringing her closer to his face.

"My women like my hair." He purred

"Well I don't... and if I'm "supposed" to be your woman you must do as I say…"

"Hmph, I knew you were nothing but a whore." They both turned at the same time releasing each other. How long had he been there? Raditz took a step toward the man who had just spoken.


The king took the throne next to his son addressing the rest. "Please be seated enjoy the food and drink, this is a day of celebration." And everywhere came the "hails the king" from the gathered crowd.

This was really getting on his nerves. Vegeta just wanted to get this over with and go in search of the woman. He had to have her before he left to Freeza's ship. He looked at the elite woman whom was very busy trying to hide her blush from Kakarotto. Toma had moved on to join Bardock and his squad with the king's leave. And Raditz was nowhere to be seen. Since this morning the first class had nagged at the back of his mind, First with Chivaa by the hanger and then his hasty retreat from her house. And he had been sure the woman went with him. The first class looser was going to get the beating of his life once he resurfaces. Of that he'd make sure.

"Is your brother coming Kakarotto?" the prince asked annoyed

"Raditz? I don't know," Goku scratched his head thoughtfully "Why you ask?"

"Never mind."

"He won't be here Vegeta Ouji," the tall elite woman said not looking at them. "He had something to take care of. He sends his good wishes to your Lordship."

"Did you know about this?" he said turning to Kakarotto.

"No... but why do you care?"

"I didn't know that fucking was more important than a royal invitation."

"You know Raditz." Kakarotto mused wondering himself where the hell his brother was.

"Where the woman?" Vegeta turned to Chivaa forgetting all about the first class for the moment.

"She…is not feeling very well. Ouji-sama." That part was true.

"Why do I have the nagging feeling that you are hiding her from me." He got up and levitated to be face to face with her. Very seductively, Vegeta reached out to touch the side of her face with his gloved hand, while running his lips up her jaw line, until his breath was on her ear then whispered:

"Are you that jealous Chivaa?" he said her name dragging the last syllable for added effect.

Chivaa's breath was ragged and her face felt hot all over, she spied Goku watching this obviously hurt, but she could not help but feel aroused by the intensity of Vegeta's actions. The man was passionate, that could not be denied. Suddenly he ran his tongue over her lips releasing a small gasp from her.

"You let me have your slave and I let you have mine." He said just above a whisper, loud enough for her to hear.

"Kakarotto!" He snapped removing himself from her. "Go take care of her. I think she is just about ready." The third class looked at him as if he was going to kill him.

"Do it before I change my mind." Vegeta chuckled sitting back on his throne.


Did she hear right? Had he said, "Take care of her." Had they talked about her like that? She glared daggers at Kakrotto. How had she misjudged him? He was just like Raditz.


The king interrupted them. He had been observing his heir and seen that little "display" .It looked as if he was coming around. Although he had to admit the elite did look ravishing in her armor:

"If I may get everyone's attention." Nappa stated upon the king's request "Our king will now speak."

The king had been on the other side of the room with members of the council. Making his way back to the throne he ordered the slaves to get everyone a glass of wine. Coming to a stop facing his son and the elite he would mate:

"Well brats." and then he turned to face the room. "We are gathered here to announce as you all know the engagement of my heir and the woman he has chosen to be his mate." Everyone in the hall hailed and nodded in approval. Vegeta only snorted at his father's choice of words "his chosen."

"Vegeta no- Ouji of the royal house of Vegeta-sei and Chivaa first class elite of the house of Toma," The king continued "I Vegeta no-Ou will bless this union when they decide to make it." Now turning to his son with a wide smirk he extended his hand signaling him to speak.

Vegeta got on his feet and the look he gave his father promised all the pain he could muster upon the older Vegeta when the time came for him to take the throne.

"Humph... Let us hope she can bear a strong heir to my throne." Was all the prince said and walked past them looking at Kakarotto for him to follow. "Now all of you enjoy the rest of the evening." He flashed his trademark smirk.

"If you excuse me..." As Kakarotto opened the doors for him he heard, no he felt something coming from the balcony. He moved over to it faster than anyone could follow. And as soon as he got out he was greeted by the sight of his woman, clad in the darkest crimson descending on the balcony. Holding that idiot Raditz by the neck in an idiotic attempt to choke him. He wanted to say something, to let them know somehow that he was there. As she smacked the first class, he thought that he would have to take back what he had thought of him earlier; Vegeta took a step closer when the woman started to fix the man's hair in an intimate manner

"You should cut that mop." he heard her say. And the men only pulled her closer and whispered to her almost to low for him too hear. "Almost"

"My women like my hair." He chocked... did he hear right? And oh gods! What she said next will hunt his dreams for a long time.

"I don't, and if I' am supposed to be your woman …" She said your woman not his but Raditz `s he felt as if a foot had kicked him right on the groin. Why was he feeling like this over a fucking slave? He had to say something before they realized he was there, he will not look like a fool, he will not…


Kakarotto came out to the balcony following Vegeta only to be greeted by a flying Bulma landing on him and a very furious Vegeta choking his brother. What the hell… Vegeta dropped Raditz and came towards them. He looked at Bulma as if he was trying to decide whether to kill her or just hurt her really bad. Thank the gods he did neither. He just walked away tell him to come with him.


Bardock had been very occupied with food and drink to pay much attention to the king's speech. He only came mildly aware when Toma snorted at what the prince had said.

"Fucking asshole... he doesn't have to mate her you know."

"Do not worry old friend he's just doing this to spite his father." Bardock offered putting a firm hand on his fiend's shoulders.

He felt it at the same time as the prince seemed to disappear from the spot by the door he had been standing on: Raditz... What the fuck was he doing here?

"I thought you said Raditz was staying with Bulma." He looked at Toma. "Yes, that's what he said." Bardock saw Kakarotto making his way to the balcony. "Bastard... Let's go Toma things are gonna get ugly."

He ordered his squad to follow. As they made their way to the balcony everyone had noticed that something was up. Once they got there they just started pushing people back trying to keep them from the fight that was obviously going to break outside.


"Ouji- Sama." Raditz let Bulma go and Vegeta- Ouji was on him like a hawk, choking him, lifting him off the floor if that was possible. He put his hands on the prince's arm trying desperately to free himself from his hold, trying to say something but his voice had been cut out of him.

Bulma launched herself at them screaming, pushing begging the prince to let Raditz go.

"Vegeta please," she screamed, "I can explain... please let him go." Something in him snapped. The woman was actually begging for the man's life? He dropped him and the first class fell like dead weight on the floor. The fucking bitch was neither worth his effort nor the loss of a warrior. He shifted his gaze to her, arm still outstretched, her hands still on it, and even on the mists of her deceit it still sent electric shocks throughout his body. He wanted nothing more than to kill her right here and now, but couldn't do it... the bitch and her enchanting spell.

At this point people had been alerted of what was going on; Bardock and the man under his command were desperately trying to keep the elites from pouring out. Toma had just gotten to the scene himself, joining them in their efforts.

Vegeta sent her flying to the other end of the balcony with a flick of his wrist; she landed on Kakarotto who had just come out to see what was going on. He made his way towards them slowly. Took her in for a long chilling moment, his face unreadable and walked away from her.

"Vegeta…" she trailed off

"Let's go Kakarotto we have nothing to do here any longer"


A/N comments and emails always welcome, Enjoy.