Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Media Mayhem ❯ Imodium AD ( Chapter 2 )

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Chibi-Gohan: Okay, now I'm set to help you out Vegeta. Hey what're you doing out of the bathroom?

Vegeta: I found some chalky pink junk in the cabinet. Seems to have fixed me up, I feel better now.

Bulma: Oh yeah Vegeta, I finished fixing your gravity machine, and I decided that you spending your time on the toilet has made you learn your lesson.

Vegeta: I certainly have learned a lesson. I learned never eat your cooking. Come on Kakkarot, lets go spar.

Goku: Sure, okay!

Imodium AD

::Vegeta and Goku are sparring in their normal Saiyan forms::

Goku: Okay, that's enough for a warm up. Let's say we kick it up a notch.

Vegeta: *smirks* It's about time, don't think I'll go easy on you Kakkarot.

Goku: *smiles* Yeah, whatever. *powers up to Super Saiyan*

Vegeta: *begins to power up, but suddenly stops*

Gohan: Where will you be when your diarrhea comes back?

Vegeta: *grabs his behind and runs through the door*

Gohan: You should've taken Imodium AD. It gets diarrhea at the source, instead of dose after dose of the pink stuff.

Goku: *Still in Super Saiyan mode, looking out the door Vegeta ran through, scratching his head*

Gohan: Take Imodium AD first. Because too late is never a good time.

Piccolo: Man, your evil Gohan.

Chibi-Gohan: Why? I only got one review not to do it, and after what he did to my computer. I think he deserved it.

Vegeta: Brat! When I get off this toilet, you're gonna have Hell to pay!

Chibi-Gohan: *smiles*

Goku: What are you smiling for? He means it this time.

Chibi-Gohan: Because he won't be getting off that toilet so easily. *holds up a bottle of industrial strength glue*

Vegeta: Hey my butts stuck!!