Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting the Inlaws ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Er….long time no post? Yeah…about that…um…writers block? Well…*rubs head* No real excuse for it…so here's a sorry attempt to make up for the long absence.

Warnings and Disclaimers: Um…I'd rate it R for language, and possible sexual references…could in the future have vague references to the molestation of a child. Oh, and Goku abuse, right off. BAD CHIBI!!!

Alas, I do not own them, I merely dress them up and pose them in mouthwatering positions.

I DO own Sage however, and I do not take kindly to having him hijacked in any way shape or form.

As always dedicated to my most tsuinest of tsuins Cleodasia…

And to `tana and Manawolf…who are so CUUUUUUUUTTTTEEEEEE!!!

And to Dark Serapha and Oi-chan for being so patient with me…

The utmost grateful thanks and worshipfulness to bakayaro_onna for being my thankless beta…no, my beta READER….not my fishie!! Er…my chibi's fishie…um…okay…on with the fic!!

I've split this up into two parts, the second is probably three quarters done…hopefully this will get my muses moving…

Please, enjoy!!!

Meeting the In-laws

A BOAP Chibi Tail

By Talon

Chapter 1

"You did WHAT?"

The indignant voice of the Saiyjin no Ouji rang through the house. Bulma however, didn't so much as flinch as the rage of the man who was her children's father washed over her.

"I said, Vegeta, and I think you heard me, I invited Videl to bring her father over to dinner tonight, so we can have a chance to get to know one another before the wedding."

"Onna, we KNOW her father..." Vegeta began, but was cut off by Bulma's dismissive hand motion.

"I know you know him, Vegeta, but only "professionally." You may as well get used to it, Gohan is marrying Videl, and that makes Hercule Sataan a part of our family."

Vegeta gaped at her, for once in his life at a loss for words. The very thought of that…oaf being a part of the family sickened him. It was bad enough Gohan was going through with the wedding despite his bond-father's misgivings, but to be permanently attached to the blundering moron who had taken credit for beating Cell when it had been Gohan who had defeated the monster in the end, fixed at least one tournament they knew of and was a blustering, annoying bag of noxious wind...it was too much for his Saiyjin sensibilities to take in. His brain was still trying to grasp it when a thundering crash sounded from the direction of the stairs. Bulma flinched.

"I guess Sage didn't take the news as well as I had hoped," she said ruefully. Vegeta stared at her. She met his eyes, blushing slightly. "I asked Gohan to tell the boys..."

Vegeta didn't stick around to hear the rest. At the bottom of the stairs in splintered pieces was Bulma's dresser. Clothes littered the stairs, marking every step of the antique piece of furniture's demise. He sighed, taking some visceral satisfaction in the display of his youngest son's displeasure. He strode up the stairs, smirking slightly as he heard the tinkle of breaking glass. He was loathe to put a stop to the destruction; however it wouldn't do to let his discipline go lax, regardless of how he felt about the situation. He wondered absently where his mate was, and realized with a start Kakkarott was already trying to stop Sage...and having absolutely no effect on the raging chibi whatsoever.

As he approached Bulma's bedroom where the chaos was currently reigning, he could hear Sage's sibilant voice, screaming, "I AM NOT GOING TO WEAR THAT SUIT, BAKA!!!"

"Sage, if you would just calm down..." CRASH! "Sage, please, baby..." THUD THUNK "GODDAMNIT, SAGE..."

Vegeta pushed the ajar door open to a complete mess. Broken glass and pottery was everywhere, a bedraggled Kakkarott was trying to get close to Sage who was currently on the top shelf of Bulma's closet throwing everything heavy and or breakable he could get his miniature hands on. Kakkarott, obviously sensing the presence of his mate turned with a pleading look on his face. "Vegeta, thank KAMI…" there was a thud, and an iron smacked his mate in the forehead. "FUCKING OWWWWWWWW!!!" shrieked the taller Saiyjin. "Damnit, Sage, come down from there!!!"


Vegeta had seen enough. "Vegeta Briefs," he said calmly. "You will come down from there at ONCE." Silence, then the patter of Sage obediently clambering down from his perch could be heard. "Come over here." Scowling, Sage obeyed. Vegeta knelt before his irate child and coolly asked, "Now what is this fuss all about? Why did you feel the need to hurt your Baka?"

Sage's lower lip poked out. "Gohan said there was going to be a special dinner tonight for the wedding and I hadda dress up for it. Kassan said! But I don't wanna wear that suit!!!"

Vegeta was perplexed. Apparently Gohan hadn't even gotten to tell Sage WHO was coming over for dinner. "What suit, chukra?" he asked.

Sage scowled darkly. "The sissy baby one," he spat.

Vegeta turned puzzled eyes to his lover who sighed. "A few weeks ago, Bulma decided the boys needed new suits. So she took them out to be fitted. The suits fitting Sage best all had short pants."

"That's cause they were made for BABIES!!" shrieked Sage, outraged all over again.

Goku sighed again and continued. "She ignored his requests for suits like Trunks and Goten's, saying the new suit fit him perfectly and made him look adorable."

Vegeta blinked. "That's what this fuss is all about?" he said in disbelief.

Goku nodded. "Yup. He wouldn't even let me try to explain anything else to him."

Vegeta groaned then addressed his still enraged son. "Sage, you don't have to wear that suit if you don't want to, but you will dress nicely, ne?"

Sage's eyes narrowed. "What aren't you telling me, Tou'tan," he asked suspiciously. "What's this dinner all about? Gohan said it was for the wedding, what's going on?"

Vegeta took a deep breath and locked his gaze with the fathomless depths of his second son's. "Your mother invited Videl and her father to dinner tonight. She says it's a ningen custom."

Sage's eyes bugged out. "That….man...here? Tou'tan, are you SERIOUS??"

Vegeta grabbed Sage by the arm and prevented him from resuming his efforts of mass destruction. "Listen to me, chibi, I'm not happy about this either, but damnit, if I have to go through with this so do you."

"Yeah, well no one expects YOU to wear short pants with that pervert in the house."


Sage stopped. His father's voice had taken on that tone, the one, no one, not even Kassan, not even that baka Yamcha EVER questioned. He stopped.

"Go to your room, dress appropriately for the dinner and go and ask your grandmother what you can do to help. I will not repeat myself. Move."

"Yes, Otou'tan," he mumbled, chastened. Walking carefully to the door, he paused once, turned and looked at his fathers before lowering his dark head and stalking from the room.

"Damn, Vegeta, how do you DO that?" asked Goku in awe.

"Royal prerogative," said Vegeta. "Now shut up and help me figure out a way to get out of this fucking dinner!!!"


A few hours later Hercule Sataan nervously rang the doorbell at the main house of Capsule Corp. He was early for the dinner, he knew, but his nervousness had propelled him. He didn't approve of his daughter's choice in husband material, for more than the obvious reasons. However he had had more than ample opportunities to get used to the idea since the skinny brat had been hanging around his daughter for years now. And since the kid had knocked her up, he was more than ready for the wedding to commence. He shifted, wiping sweaty palms on his brown suit pants, shifting the bouquet of flowers he had brought as an offering from one damp fist to the other. No one was answering the door. He knocked, somewhat hesitantly, remembering some of the things Videl had told her about her in-laws-to-be. "They have really sensitive hearing, Dad, so try not to be too loud, ok?" He sighed, wishing himself VERY far away as he raised his fist to knock again.

The door opened abruptly, and he immediately plastered a crowd-pleasing smile to his face, then stopped abruptly. There was no one there.


Startled at the muttered insult, he followed the sound down, to a child who looked to be no older than five. The kid's arms were folded and a scornful scowl looked completely at home on his slightly elfin face set beneath a shock of upswept, gravity defying black hair. Pitch black eyes glared out from beneath long, spiky bangs. He was dressed in a dark pair of close-fitting shorts...and nothing else.

Leaning down to get closer to eye level with the chibi, he said cheerfully, "Hey there, squirt..." but didn't get any farther. A small hand shot out and grabbed him by the collar, dragging his face a mere hairsbreadth from the boy's now furious facade.

"First of all, you will not address me in such a casual manner. I am Vegeta no Ouji, crown prince of Vegeta-sei and my father's chosen heir. Second, the wedding has been canceled, and therefore no reason remains to have this stupid dinner." He released the stunned man who stood up only to fall over in shock. As the door closed, the boy said distastefully, "Go home, you pathetic bakayaro."

On the other side of the door, Sage smirked in satisfaction. Well, that took care of a whole bunch of problems at once, now didn't it. He sighed, wondering what Tou'tan and Kassan were going to say about the condition of the dress clothes he had been wearing. Helping Obaasan had turned out to be a bad idea when he had tripped and fallen face first into one of the trays of dessert pastries he had been carrying. Over the past two months his tail had grown an entire two inches and was giving him balance troubles. He grimaced again at the sound of footsteps in the hallway, then relaxed as he recognized Trunks and Goten, both looking disagreeable in stiff, new suits.

"Oi, Sage," greeted Goten. "We thought we heard someone at the door."

Sage shook his head and didn't even flinch when a knocking sound echoed through the entryway. "I didn't hear that either," he said, straight-faced.

Trunks peeked out one of the side windows and scowled. "It's him all right." He moved to answer the door, but Sage held out a hand.

"It's all right, Tru-chan," he said, smirking. "I told him the wedding was canceled and dinner was off."

"SWEEEEET!!!" crowed Goten, loosening his tie jubilantly. "And he believed you?"

Trunks snorted. "Obviously not," he pointed out, "considering he's still on our front porch knocking at the door."

Sage thought for a moment. "What we need is corroboration. Need evidence from an older source…Trunks, can you disable the doorbell? He was ringing it earlier…" He hadn't even finished his request when Trunks had swiftly retrieved a handful of wires from the mechanism. Sage grinned. Trunks smirked back, then seemed to notice something. "Sage, what happened to your suit?"

"Don't ask. It's just one more problem that can be solved by getting rid of him. Now one of you needs to answer the door when he knocks again. Remember, the wedding was canceled…say Gohan found out the baby isn't his and refused to marry Videl."

"But Sage," Goten protested. "We all KNOW the baby is his, it's a demi…" Sage slapped a hand over his older bond-brother's mouth. "Quiet, baka," he commanded. "Of course the baby is Gohan's, it was conceived during the tail end of his last heat. And yes, we can all sense the baby's ki. Do you want to get out of that suit or not?"

Mutely, Goten nodded. "Then by damnit, do as I say!!"

Goten nodded again, Sage removed his hand and Goten moved to answer the door, Trunks beside him for moral support.

"Can I help you?" Goten said in his most polite, butter-wouldn't-melt-in-his-mouth-Son voice.

"Yes, well, I'm supposed to be here for a dinner, my daughter is marrying Son Gohan, but a boy just told me the wedding was canceled, Videl didn't mention that earlier…"

"Ohhhhh, yeah, that. Sorry, Sataan-san, someone should have called you. See, Bulma-san has been keeping an eye on Videl's pregnancy, and she did some tests, and unfortunately for Videl, the baby turned out not to be niichan's. So of course, Gohan refused to marry her and the wedding is off."


"Thank you for coming, Sataan-san, do have a lovely evening," said Goten cheerfully as he closed the door.

Sage's eyes were huge as he regarded his bond-brother. "I swear, Goten, I could kiss you," he finally managed to sputter. "That was fucking AWESOME!!!"

Goten smirked. "What, you think you're the only one who can bullshit Papa-san?"

Unbeknownst to the unholy trio, Goku was nearby, just off the hallway, trying to stifle outright hilarity into his hands. He gasped and buried his face again, picturing Sataan's reaction to Goten's blithe declaration his daughter was carrying some unknown bastard's brat. Oh, Vegeta would be delighted if the boys managed to pull this off. And he certainly wasn't going to blow the whistle on them. He liked Videl, and approved of the match. And he was complete mush over the prospect of a new baby. He had been pestering Vegeta to have another baby for years, but they both knew it wasn't going to happen anytime soon, not with Sage being as high maintenance as he was. But a grandbaby…now that was spoiling waiting to happen!!! He sobered for a moment. Yes, he loved Videl, but he couldn't STAND her father.

Still snickering, he lurched off to find Vegeta and tell him what his children were up to.

Unfortunately for the men in the family, Bulma shortly thereafter happened upon the unholy trio at the door.

"Trunks, Goten, I thought I asked you both to...SAGE...why aren't you dressed? Sataan-san will be here any minute and..."

Knock knock.

Silence from the three demi's. As Bulma moved towards the door, the boys began edging towards the hallway.

"Freeze right there, all three of you." They obeyed. Or rather, Trunks and Goten obeyed, Sage walked backwards into them and was stopped by their obedience as their mother answered the door.

Bulma was stunning in a silvery teal dress, her hair done up in a simple yet elegant knot. Out of respect for the Saiyjin noses in the house, Bulma no longer wore perfume, but had obviously abused the stash of sage lotion in the house. Hercule Sataan's jaw hit the floor as the door opened upon the president of Capsule Corporation.

A sweaty hand held out a slightly wilted bouquet of flowers as he managed to stammer, "The wedding…it's still on?"

Bulma gave him a puzzled look and replied, dawning realization creeping into her voice. "Of course the wedding is still on, please, come in. "She whirled around, chibi destruction evident in each movement. "Ok, fess up, who did what and how long has Videl's father been waiting outside?"

Trunks and Goten quaked slightly, but Sage stood firm, his arms folded and returned his mother's glare steadily.

"Well???" she persisted. She frowned. She was getting nowhere, a united front of demi-Saiyjins was nearly impossible to break. And, she noticed both Trunks and Goten's gaze kept flicking down to Sage, their tails in an uproar. Hn...

"YOU," and she pointed to Trunks, "In the kitchen, go help your grandmother." Trunks glanced at Goten, who was likewise receiving his orders. "YOU, go and tell your fathers I need to speak with them." She paused, neither boy moved, their tails twining together nervously. "Do I need to repeat myself?" They scattered. She turned her attention to her youngest, his arms still folded, his glare icy, his tail switching back and forth so violently she could actually hear it cutting the air.

"Sage, why aren't you dressed?"

No answer. She tried again.

"Did you answer the door? Were you the one who told Mr. Sataan the wedding was canceled?"

No answer.


Not a blink, not a twitch.

"Sage. You will go right now and put your new suit on, AFTER you apologize to Videl's father for lying to him."

Finally a quiet, deadly voice replied, "I am not wearing that suit, Kassan."

"You will if I say you will, it's already been altered to accommodate your tail!!"

"I'm NOT wearing it!! And I'm NOT going to apologize!!"

"You WILL obey me this INSTANT!!"


"I'm your MOTHER, I don't need your father's authority to expect you to do as I say!!!"

"Humph. You're not short enough to give ME orders!!!"

Hercule Sataan watched in fascination, and not a little bit of fear, as the two screamed, yelled and hurled insults at one and other. That little one had quite a mouth on him, if it were HIS child, he would never allow that kind of language…but damn, the mother was HOT!!! He watched her backside

wriggling through the shimmery, silvery tightness of her dress as she leaned over to dress down her naughty son. Damn, that was a FINE...

Quite suddenly his pleasant view was obstructed by a furious, small, tailed brat. Sataan blinked, then yelled as he was flung against the closed front door behind him. Stunned, he slid to the floor, blinking in confusion as the formerly black haired, black eyed boy appeared before him as a glowing golden child with piercing turquoise eyes.

"Stop looking at my MOTHER that way!!!" The child's voice was deadly. His eyes flicked back to Briefs-san, noticing how the dress tightly accented her bosom...his head was unexpectedly filled with a loud ringing sound. The brat had SLAPPED him!!! Had actually SLAPPED him like a disobedient child!!! "I TOLD you to stop looking at my mother that way," the furious voice repeated. "Do I have to remove your eyes to get you to obey? I will NOT have her drooled over like some fucking WHORE!!!"

He began to stammer some kind of answer as the boy gripped him for a second time by the collar and dragged him to eye level. To his horror, Bulma-san was making no move to stop her child. Instead she was yelling something he couldn't make out over the ringing in his head as Sage smacked him once more, presumably for looking at his mother again.

"I swear I wasn't…" he started to say when the choking hold on his collar was suddenly released and the brat was taken from his line of vision.

"BAKA, TOU'TAN PUT ME DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Power down this INSTANT, Vegeta," he heard an authoritative voice declare.


A very calm, icy voice cut the air. "We'll deal with that after you calm down. Now, power down. I'm not going to tell you again."

Hercule Sataan pulled his face up in time to see two men holding the boy between them, one at his head, and one at his legs. Before his eyes, golden spikes faded to black, turquoise eyes darkened and became obscure, ebony pits. Then…everything went dark and he hit the floor with a thud.


Vegeta was fighting an internal war with himself as he dragged his kicking, struggling, swearing bundle of Sage up to his room. On the one hand, Sage had broken a very important house rule: No going super Saiyjin without permission unless it was an emergency. On the other hand, he was undeniably proud of his son for defending what he saw as his mother's honor.

"Sage, if you don't settle down, I'm going to drop you," he said calmly. Sage paused for a moment, decided he didn't want to hit the floor and stopped struggling. A few moments later, Vegeta deposited him on his and his mate's large bed. Sage turned away from him, not meeting his eyes, his posture still pissed, his tail lashing and bushed out.

"Sage, what are the rules regarding the Super Saiyjin transformation in this house?" Vegeta asked quietly.

THAT got his attention, thought Vegeta smugly as Sage's head whipped around, a look of confusion apparent on his face.

"Well?" he asked, lifting an eyebrow.

Sage's normally melodic voice was slightly hesitant. "No transforming without permission, except in an emergency," he mumbled.

"And why do we have that rule?"

A sullen reply. "For the safety of this house and its inhabitants."


Sigh. "And the insurance premiums."

"Precisely. Now tell me, was what we just witnessed an emergency?"

Sage glared at him, and Vegeta gloated internally at the fierce, savage gleam in his youngest child's obstinate, obsidian eyes. "YES."

"Vegeta. Was it an emergency...did you really feel you or your mother or any of the rest of the family was in danger so great you needed to ascend to protect them? Or did you just lose your temper?"

Sage's tail lashed, then settled around his knees. He sighed. "I lost my temper, Tou'tan," he admitted.

"Hn. It's understandable. However you still broke a rule in place for very important reasons. You could have killed that...man." Vegeta couldn't hide the tone of revulsion in his voice as he attempted to discipline his son. The younger Vegeta didn't miss it, nor did he pass up the opportunity to use it to his best advantage.

"Tou'tan, I just did what you woulda done if he had ogled Baka," said Sage innocently.

"Wrong, brat. For one thing I wouldn't have lowered myself to transforming to deal with...that. And for another, I have a great deal more control over my power in that state than you do." Sage's face fell as his argument went to pieces around him. Vegeta sat on the bed beside his son and wrapped his tail around the slim, bare torso. Sage leaned his dark head against Vegeta's chest with a sigh. For long moments they sat in silence, words being superfluous to a father and son so closely bonded to each other. After a bit, Vegeta stroked spiky bangs back from Sage's forehead and regretfully stood.

"I'm going to go help your mother and bond-father sort this bullshit out," he said irritably. "You get dressed and stay upstairs. I want you to think about what you've done. When our guests leave we'll discuss your punishment for transforming without permission."

"WHAT???" Sage's exclamation was incredulous. "That…that's what I'm in trouble for???"

Vegeta smirked. "Of course. What, did you think I'd punish you for doing something everyone else in this house was longing to do? Now get dressed." He turned to leave, but was halted by Sage's quiet voice.

"I don't have anything to wear, Tou'tan." A pause. "Well, I guess I can't join everyone for dinner then." He lay back on the bed, smirking faintly at the ceiling, his fingers interlaced behind his head.

"What do you mean you don't have anything to wear Sage? I saw you dressed earlier..."

"Yeah…I was. But I kinda fell into a tray of deserts I was carrying for Obaasan, and well, my clothes are ruined."

"But surely you have something else you could wear," Vegeta's voice betrayed none of the burgeoning panic he was feeling. If he couldn't get out of the damned dinner, no one else would!!

Shrug. "Nothing but that suit, and you SAID I didn't have to wear that, Tou'tan!!"

Vegeta grimaced. The suit was an atrocity. He'd seen it after Sage had gone down to help his grandmother. If HE wouldn't wear it, he certainly wasn't going to force his child to wear it!!

"Don't you have any other nice clothes?"

"None that fit me."

"Why not?"

Sage's reply was bitter. "Because Kassan is always buying me clothes as though I were going to grow sometime soon. Well I haven't grown in MONTHS, aside from my tail, and none of my nice, new clothes fit me. And I've worn out all of my nice hand-me-down clothes from my brothers. Everything I own, aside from that suit is worn, torn or patched. Nothing appropriate for the stupid fucking dinner you're forcing me to attend."

Vegeta cursed. "Well, we'll find you something," he promised. "If I have to go to this dinner, so do you!! You stay put, ne?"

Sage glared at the ceiling. "Fine," he said. "Won't budge from this room, Tou'tan."

Vegeta snorted and exited the room, thinking frantically about what he could do about his son's clothing situation. Less than semi-formal wouldn't do, he knew. If it came to that Bulma simply wouldn't let him attend the dinner. Vegeta paused a moment in the boys' shared sleep room and located the hated garment. With a bit of ki, he incinerated the new suit, so wearing it wasn't even an option. Brain still buzzing he headed down to help his mate with Bulma and that…person.


Trunks and Goten slunk into their fathers' room to join their brother.

"Finally," Trunks breathed, leaning on the door as he closed it behind him. "Escape!!"

"It's that bad down there?" queried Sage curiously.

Goten shuddered. "Gohan's being all nice and kissing up to Videl's father. He's not ONCE gone anywhere even close to any of the "forbidden" topics of the evening. And Bulma-san is gushing...a little at least, and Obaasan is more than gushing. Videl is sitting by her father being disgustingly genki about the entire affair." Goten turned furious midnight eyes on Sage. "It's not fair!!! Why do YOU get out of it!!! We really NEED you down there, Sage!!!"

Sage snorted. "Blame Kassan then. She's the one who insisted on buying that shitty baby suit. You KNOW I have nothing good to wear."

Goten slumped on the bed beside his youngest bond-brother. "Hai, chibi, I know. Sorry for yelling at you."

Sage shrugged. "Nothin' to be sorry about, I'd be pissed in your position too. But Tou'tan said he wasn't gonna let me get out of this, so cheer up."

Trunks collapsed beside Goten. "This is the stupidest idea. Everyone in this house with the possible exceptions of `baasan, Gramps, and Dad hate that damned fake. Why do we have to have him over for dinner?"

"Because Gohan is an idiot," came the calm reply from Sage. "Instead of doing the smart thing when he knocked Videl up, he had to go and agree to marry her. He shoulda just done what Tou'tan and Kassan did. Then he could have moved Videl in here, given the baby his name and raised it with the family and not married Videl, thus eliminating this painful experience. I hate to say it, guys, but I think our brother is turning...human."

There was a collective gasp from Truten, but their conversation was cut off when their fathers walked through the door.

"Ah good, you're all here," said Goku cheerfully. "Makes this easier!!" Both men were carrying boxes they distributed to the three boys, who looked puzzled. Their confusion was furthered when Gohan also entered the room and was handed an identical box. Wordlessly the demi-Saiyjins opened their boxes and gasped. In each box was a bodysuit and identical sets of dress Saiyjin armor, complete with capes and an engraved triple pronged scarlet insignia over the left breast of each chest plate.

Sage was the first to recover. "Tou'tan, Baka, what...what's this?"

Goku grinned. "Well Gohan decided he wanted to make sure Videl knew what she was marrying into, and requested traditional Saiyjin attire for the wedding. These aren't it, but when your father started helping Bulma design the clothes for the wedding, I couldn't resist asking about traditional clothes for other occasions. So, we had these made up too, your mother had a blast with them, and put them away for some other time. And since this is already so uncomfortable, we decided we all ought to at least be comfortable in what we're wearing, so get them on." His grin was infectious and it was with a much better attitude the boys began stripping and getting into their new clothes.

It was obvious some thought had gone into the making of said clothes. While all the armor was identical, the newer style, without the extended shoulder guards, the body suits and capes were different colors. Sage's was a deep, blood red, matching the cape flowing from his shoulders as though he had been born with it. Trunks sported a bodysuit of dark gold, with a cape a shade or two darker than his tail and hair. Goten was resplendent in a mirroring combination, wearing a bodysuit of bright purple and a cape of muted gold. Gohan's bodysuit was an indigo blue, reminiscent of the Namekian style clothing he still favored when working out and in his downtime, his cape a brighter shade of the same color on the inside, sparkling white on the outside. Vegeta and Goku were both in bodysuits of black, with traditional red capes accenting them. Boots and gloves completed the ensembles, the tanked tops of the bodysuits revealing muscled arms all around. Vegeta explained that while the capes themselves were symbols of the royal family, the red shade of his, Goku's and Sage's capes was reserved for the reigning Ou or Ouji, his chosen consort or mate, and the crown prince. Everyone looked proudly at Sage, every inch the heir apparent. He lifted his chin and folded his arms, giving them look for look, until Goku couldn't stand it anymore and scooped him up into his arms, hugging him for all he was worth.

Surprising everyone, Sage bore his bond-father's bear hug, smiling, and returning it full force.

"You're so handsome, chukra," whispered Goku into his bond-son's flame of hair.

"Saa," Sage whispered back. "You just say that cause I look like Tou'tan."

At that, Goku laughed out loud and set Sage back down on the floor. Standing by Vegeta, the bonded mates looked over their brood, appraisingly, proudly, completely satisfied in their progeny.

"All right, brats," said Vegeta. "Back into the fray." With that, he turned on his heel and stalked from the room, his mate by his side. A line of colorful, armored demi-Saiyjins stretched out behind them, Sage, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, all with chins raised, tails gently waving and eyes sparkling with mischief and amusement.

At the top of the stairs they paused, and Sage's clear voice smoothed over them all. "Remind me to thank Kassan for buying that suit, ne?" A chorus of agreeing snickers met that statement, and the clan of Saiyjins descended the stairs to join the group seated in the living room.

They had an interesting reception. Blank stares, dropped jaws, an "Oh my!" from Mrs. Briefs...most of the Saiyjins pretended not to notice. What was unmistakable was the aromas of fear and arousal from the group. Fear from their dinner guest, though he valiantly strove to hide it, the dripping nose and bulging eyes gave him away even if his scent hadn't. Arousal from the three women in the room. Gohan smirked as he detected his bride-to-be's scent spike, and both Goku and Vegeta grinned wolfishly at the small line of drool forming at the corner of Bulma's mouth. Mrs. Briefs' arousal was quieter, more of an appreciation of their beauty and pride in her grandchildren than anything else, but even the pride couldn't drown out the faint but unmistakable odor of arousal.

Bulma found her voice first. However, what trickled out of her mouth was anything but coherent. She swallowed hard and tried again.

"Wha...why did you all change?" she sputtered, trying to remain calm and failing utterly.

Goku shrugged. "Sage didn't have anything nice to wear. Upon reflection, we decided this would be a better way to go anyhow." He ruffled Sage's hair affectionately, and Sage smirked at his mother.

"'smatter, Kassan?" he asked. "Don't I look good?"

"You look very handsome," approved his grandmother happily. "All of you do," she added.

Gohan had taken his seat by Videl and was holding one of her hands in a white gloved embrace. Her eyes were big and shining, and her excitement was tangible to all Saiyjins in attendance. Goten opened his mouth to say something to his elder brother, but shut it with a snap when his bond-father just happened to catch his eye.

"I bought everyone new suits," said Bulma slowly. "Sage included."

Vegeta snorted. "Woman, he TOLD you when you had him try it on he didn't like it. But you insisted on buying it for him. Did you honestly think to force him to wear something he detested? And it is no good looking at me," he continued, catching her open-mouthed. "You know my standards. If I would wear it, I will make them wear it. If it's something I wouldn't be caught dead in…" Here he had to pause and thwack Kakkarott with his tail as his mate remembered a certain pink "BadMan" shirt… "Then I am not going to force my sons to wear it. You might think about that the next time you take the brats shopping. And incidentally, you may want to check Sage's growth charts before your next shopping trip."

Bulma blinked. "Why?"

Vegeta frowned. "In case you hadn't noticed, none of the new clothes you've bought him in the past four months fit him, he's been wearing out the clothes that DO fit him. Try buying clothes to fit him NOW, not later. It's not as though you can't afford it. Do not treat him as though he is Trunks or Goten or Gohan."

Bulma gaped first at Vegeta, then at her son who was scowling at the situation in general. Before the tension escalated, a distant *ding* was heard, and Mrs. Briefs jumped to her feet.

"Dinner's ready," she chirped and led the way into the formal dining room. Dr. Briefs was close on her heels, and the usual Saiyjin stampede was quelled by a poisonous look from Bulma as she offered her arm to Hercule Sataan. Smiling graciously, and looking pretty damned stupid in the process, he accepted and escorted her to the dining room. Gohan and Videl followed at a nod from Vegeta, who then glared at his offspring, warning them not to make trouble as he and Kakkarott walked through to the dining room themselves, two long, thick tails twining together briefly then settling around their waists.

The unholy trio looked at one another, considering options, weighing consequences when Sage finally snorted and spoke. "Nothing is going to get done on empty stomachs, let's just go in. I'm starving." Truten nodded in agreement and the three of them strode into the formal dining room.


to be continued…