Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Melting a Heart of Ice ❯ Chapter One: Doubt ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I know, I really should be focusing on my trilogy, but when an idea strikes me, I have to write it before it gets away from me! This is the sequel to Expecting Unexpectedly. It was going to be a one-shot, but since I have so many ideas for this, I figured I'd turn it into a mini multi-chapter. A short and sweet (well, not really sweet…) little series. Unfortunately, I've hit a road block with Unnatural (sad face inserted here) and I'm trying to come up with ways to inspire myself, since my original ways aren't helping… But until then, I shall entertain you all with a sequel to a one-shot! (This is also available on my site, and I am also accepting other fics to post there, as well as challenge submissions, as well as members for the forum-Don't mind the dates for the challenges for now)
In this story, Trunks is six months old. I don't know how old he originally was in the series after the Cell Games was over, but I figured I'd keep him around six months. And in this, since he's a half-breed, I figured his development would be a bit different than that of a human child. So, don't be perturbed by some of the things written about him, because who the hell knows how fast a demi Saiya-jin child develops!
DISCLAIMER: One day, DBZ will be mine… *breaks down and cries pathetically*
WARNING: This story contains graphic content such as: sexual content, adult situations, profane language, and violence. It is not appropriate for those younger than 17! Read at your own risk! (This story starts off somewhat slow, but the rating will shoot up!)
Melting a Heart of Ice
Chapter One: Doubt
Bulma groaned as she rolled over to glance at the red digits that sat inches from her bed. It was well past two in the morning and this was the second time she had gotten up that night. As she sat up, she could clearly hear the screams of her six month old little boy whom was just down the hall from her bedroom, the wails he produced was sure enough able to awaken the entire house if she put off checking on him any longer. She stood and grabbed her robe that hung over her bathroom door, and threw it on before making her way to her baby's nursery. The moment she opened the door and approached the crib, his wailings slowed and her eyes softened at the small being that laid there.
Sighing, she picked him up carefully and held him close to her chest, her body instinctually rocking on its heels as she walked to the changing table on the opposite wall. She laid him down and began to undress him, then produced new diapers from the drawer and changed him. Once that was done, she redressed him and cradled him in her arms, rubbing his back in a soothing manner to hush his sniffling. She sat in the rocking chair next to the changing table, situating him in her arms comfortably. Bulma smiled as she watched his eyes drifted shut slowly, the chair rocking back and forth with the force of her legs pushing from the ground gently.
“My little Trunks…” Bulma cooed and his eyes opened. She smiled when blue met blue and warmth filled her heart. The moment she saw Trunks after she gave birth, it was love at first sight. The many months she had cried because of the intense pain of her pregnancy and the loneliness she had to endure was well worth it. Now that she had him, she couldn't imagine life any different.
Except for one thing.
Bulma frowned as her mind drifted to the one being that changed her life. Shortly after she announced her pregnancy, things between her and Vegeta changed. He became distant, more distant than he already was. Then, one morning, she awoke to find the gravity simulator gone, and Vegeta was gone with it. She approached her father that day, only to have him inform her that Vegeta had left for space early that morning without a word. She was shocked, but not surprised. But most of all, she was scared. With Vegeta around, Bulma had comfort that she wouldn't be going through the motions of her pregnancy alone, which was one of her greatest fears the moment she found out she was pregnant. And when she found out he left without saying a word or a goodbye, her fear came true.
She felt lost.
However, Bulma still had hope. She waited and when four months passed with no sign of Vegeta's return, her hope began to dwindle as her pregnant belly became more visible. Then, the unthinkable happened.
Yamcha found out.
And not only did he find out, but he was there for her where Vegeta wasn't.
She couldn't produce any words as he stared at her swollen belly, his speechless face giving nothing away to what he was really feeling. She hadn't told him who the father was, but she knew that he had a good guess, since that one person wasn't even around. Bulma swallowed and raised a shaky hand to rub at her stomach in a nervous gesture. The movement caused Yamcha to snap from his thoughts and he finally met her eyes.
“It's his, isn't it?” he asked dejectedly, his emotionless face giving way to anger and sadness.
Bulma nodded slowly.
“Where is he?”
She blinked at his sudden question and instead of wanting to yell that it was none of his business, Bulma simply shrugged her shoulders. She refused to cry. Crying got her nowhere. She watched as he took a step back from her and her face nearly crumbled at his action. Was he that offended? They had been broken up for so long! Anger welled up in her chest but before she could say anything, Yamcha surprised her.
“So, he just left you like this?”
“W-what?” She stuttered.
“He left you like this? Pregnant and alone!” Yamcha yelled. He scoffed at his image of the prince's actions. “He talks about how much of a weakling I am, but he's the one who runs away from his problems!”
Bulma stood there as Yamcha continued to rant and rave about how hypocritical the Saiya-jin Prince was and all she could think of was how mad he was… but not at her. He was mad for her. This was not the Yamcha she knew. But she'd take it.
When he wasn't looking, Bulma took a step forward, narrowly avoiding his flying hands in his outburst, and threw her arms around his waist, hugging him in a crushing embrace. All movement stopped. A few moments went by and she began to think her action weren't wanted, and as she began to pull away from him, she felt his arms encircle her shoulders. Her heart skipped a beat and tears sprang to her eyes.
“Thank you…” she whispered into his chest and smiled when she heard him chuckle.
He barely left her side since.
For the last few months of Bulma's pregnancy, Yamcha was always around. The loneliness she had originally felt had filled to a point, though she occasionally felt faded pangs that could never be filled, except by one person. But she refused to dwell on what would never be. Inside, Bulma held onto the small thread of hope that Vegeta would return, even if out of curiosity for the child she had carried. It would be enough.
She continued to rock back and forth in the wooden chair and smiled when she felt her son nuzzle his face deeper into her chest. It was moments like this that kept her going. Even though she missed Vegeta, she couldn't imagine life without her little one.
Bulma held in a chuckle when Trunks gurgled in his sleep, a frown appearing on his once peaceful face.
“Just like your father… Always scowling.”
She wiped at the sides of his mouth where drool began to form and then lifted from the chair to place him in the safety of his crib. Once he was comfortably tucked in, Bulma rested her head on the railing, her hand hanging loose in the crib above the young one. She had spent many nights like this. Wake up to him screaming, come in to tend to his needs, rock him to sleep, and then watch him sleep. There were times when Bulma had spent the entire night in the nursery watching her son sleep, only to realize how much time had passed when the rays of the sun drifted through the window. But it didn't bother her in the least. Watching Trunks sleep brought peace to the woman's mind. Even if his father would never be in the picture, she knew that she'd always be there for him, and he'd have others to rely on as well.
Vegeta never meeting his son… Bulma felt her chest tighten at that thought. What if that happened? He had yet to come back and see the wondrous being they had created together. The Cell Games had ended over three weeks ago and there was still no sign of him. Was he really planning on never meeting Trunks?
Sighing, Bulma rested her eyes on the slumbering being beneath her.
Maybe we're better off without him… It's not like you need a father… do you, my little Trunks?
If only things were that simple.
Several days went by and still no Vegeta.
“Trunks get that out of your mouth!”
Bulma towered over her child, a disapproving frown on her face. Trunks looked up at his mother innocently. Were they not supposed to go in his mouth? He was just curious! At seeing the now angry look upon his mother's features, Trunks pulled the keys from his mouth slowly and sat them on the floor in front of him, then smiled sweetly up at her. His smiles always worked on her. Then, just as he knew, Bulma's features softened and she bent down to retrieve the keys from the floor.
“These are not to chew on! These are mommy's keys!” She scolded lightly and placed the keys on the nearby table. Sighing, Bulma lifted Trunks into her arms. “What am I going to do with you?”
Trunks giggled and shoved his small fist into his mouth. She laughed with him. “You're a little demon!” Bulma exclaimed as she lightly tickled his sides. Trunks continued to giggle, his fist flying from his mouth and his arms flailing about in an attempt to escape his mother's clutches. Seeing his struggle, Bulma slowed her tickling, then stopped, her laughter ceasing with it. She kissed him on the forehead and then carried him across the room to his small playpen in the corner.
“Be good, no more chewing, mister!” She instructed as she placed him into the pen. She stood there and watched as he began to crawl away towards his toys, his attention now entirely preoccupied. Satisfied that her son was taken care of, Bulma turned away from the play pen and resumed her work out in front of the TV. Since she gave birth, she noticed her round stomach was taking it's time disappearing. Disgruntled, Bulma turned to yoga and aerobics.
She pressed resume on the remote and watched as the woman on the screen continued to bounce around, their arms punching at the air and then their knees kicking upwards. She copied their movements, occasionally stealing glances at Trunks to make sure he wasn't chewing. It had become a habit of his as of recent. On more than one occasion, Bulma had found several of his favorite toys completely chewed through, so, she threw them away. He was not happy about that, but it still didn't stop him from gnawing away.
A good hour passed as Bulma continued her workout, a sheen of sweat covering her body. She was so enthralled in her workout she didn't notice her father enter the living room.
“Bulma, dear? What are you doing?”
Bulma jumped at his voice and paused the tape. She faced her father, her breathing rapid and heavy, and she smiled at him. “Just workin' out, Daddy. What does it look like?”
Dr. Briefs shook his head before leaning to one side to glance around her at the screen. “You were just bouncing in place. For a moment, I wasn't sure whether you were exercising or putting a show on for Trunks.” He said with a smirk.
Confused, Bulma turned and saw Trunks standing in his pen, a huge smile on his face and after a second went by, he continued his jumping. “Mama!” He yelled out as he jumped back and forth.
Bulma laughed at her son's replica of her exercise. She was so absorbed in it that she had forgotten her baby boy was even in the room with her, let alone doing the work out with her. She, too, began to bounce in place like Trunks. “Are you workin' out with mommy?”
“'ump Mama! `ump!” Trunks continued to chant as he bounced in place and Bulma ceased her jumping. It still amazed her at his rapidly growing vocabulary. At six months, he was able to talk like that of an eighteen month old. Even though he still had a bit of trouble pronouncing a few letters in certain words, such as jump, he was still progressing fast.
Saiya-jin genes, Bulma thought and then smirked as she added, and the fact that he's the son of a genius!
“You're gonna be big and strong, my boy!” Dr. Briefs encouraged as he stood and watched his grandchild bounce around in his play pen. He shook his head at the amount of energy Trunks held. Turning to Bulma, he informed her about lunch before leaving the room completely.
Upon hearing the word lunch, Trunks stopped his jumping, his eyes wide at the thought of food. “Food! Food! Food!” He chanted as he held his arms up to his mother, indicating he wanted out. “Out, Mama! Out! OUT!”
Bulma chuckled and shook her head. She approached the pen and stared down at her anxious child and then held up a finger. Trunks stopped his insistent chanting at the look his mother was giving him. He knew that look all too well.
“Say please.”
Trunks smiled adorably and breathed out, “Peez!” which melted his mother like he knew it would. He clapped when her hands clasped him underneath his arms and lifted him out of his play pen and set him on his feet. As much as she loved to hold him, she knew he needed to walk. As fast as his vocabulary was progressing, so was his ability to walk and she wanted to help it along.
It didn't take long for the pair to make it to the table and Trunks bounced in place as he waited for his mother, whom had walked into the kitchen for his bib, to put him in his high chair. The food smelled delicious and his mouth was watering from the aroma. His smile turned into a scowl when no one placed him in his chair and his patience had begun to wear thin. Without waiting for his mother or grandparents, Trunks began to scale his high chair, his stomach's demand for food eclipsing his patience.
In the midst of a conversation with her husband, Bunny turned to see her grandson hanging from the side of the chair and gasped before flying from her seated position to grasp hold of him. “Trunks, honey!” She giggled. “You must be hungry, trying to climb into your chair and all!”
Bulma came back from the kitchen, his bib in hand, and saw her mother holding her son. “What's going on?”
Dr. Briefs chuckled as set his spoon down. “Trunks decided to take an interest in climbing.”
“What!” Bulma exclaimed as she looked at her child who was now scowling at his grandmother. “Trunks, you should know better!”
Upon hearing his mother's voice, Trunks faced her, his frown still in place. He was not happy! His mother should've placed him in his chair, but of course, she just had to walk away! Didn't she know how hungry his little stomach was?
Bulma held her breath at the look her son was giving her. In just one look, his entire face transformed from one gentle being to the harshness that was his father. Only he could inherit a look from Vegeta. It made Bulma's heart flutter and squeeze.
Instead of getting upset, she stepped forward and held her arms out to her son.
“I'm sorry baby. But you know better than to climb on the furniture! You could get hurt.” Bulma took Trunks from her mother and strapped him into his high chair. His scowl was now removed and replaced with a bright smile as he watched his mother prepare him a plate.
Bunny took her seat and resumed eating. Upon seeing the plate that was now placed in front of her grandchild, she chuckled. “He has such a healthy appetite! Just like his father!” She blurted out.
Bulma stiffened in her seat. For the last several weeks, Vegeta had been a constant in her mind. He hadn't come home yet and she was becoming worried. No matter how much she told herself she was better off without him, she couldn't quite convince herself that her son was better off. Trunks needed a father.
She glanced around the table and saw that everyone had resumed their meals; the only conversation taking place was between her parents. No one seemed to take notice her inner struggles and she wanted to keep it that way.
When her father turned to her about a question concerning a new project, Bulma plastered on a fake smile and joined in the conversation, hoping to fool her parents.
But she was only fooling herself.
The day went from beautiful to gloomy as night draped over the city.
Rain drizzled down the windows creating a waterfall effect and Bulma stood mesmerized by the trails and patterns it created. Flashes of light filled the night sky, followed by loud rumbling of thunder. She took in a deep breath and turned back to the crib behind her. The storm startled Trunks and it took some time to get him back to sleep. Rocking didn't help this time, so she sang to him.
She was always told she was an awful singer; that her voice was never on key and sounded pitchy, but her son didn't seem to mind. It put him at ease instantly. Turning back to the window, Bulma watched as another bolt struck in a nearby field, the light so intense it caused her to squint.
Normally, she loved thunderstorms; the sound of the rain beating against the domed house was always soothing to her. But this time, she was anything but soothed. Her mind constantly drifted back to Vegeta and his whereabouts.
She had hoped he would've returned by now, but to no avail. How long would he stay away? Did he even plan to return? Was she not important to him?
Questions continued to fill her mind, overwhelming her to the point of crying, but she held the tears back.
Biting her lip, Bulma turned away from the window and turned the mobile on above the crib, grabbed the extra monitor, and left the room. It was late, but she wasn't the least bit tired. So, instead of heading in the direction of her room, Bulma headed for the living room.
She flipped the television set on and sat on the couch, the news channel playing the local weather updates. She rolled her eyes as the weather man talked about the storm and the chance for rain.
“No duh, dipshit! It's already raining!” Bulma declared. Getting frustrated, she picked up the closest pillow to her and threw it at the screen, directly towards the man. The pillow bounced off and landed several feet from her. She sighed. That wasn't satisfying in the least.
Bulma was restless. The remote was nowhere to be found and it irritated her.
Her left knee began to bounce in place as the storm continued to blow through. Her mind was filled with Vegeta. She wanted him out! Out of her mind! If he didn't want to be a part of her life, then she didn't want him a part of her mind.
A small chime sounded off to her side and she saw her phone light up. Reaching over, Bulma flipped the phone open and saw it was a text message from Yamcha, asking her to go out with him for the night. She raised a brow and looked out the window, then back down at the phone. Really? Out in this weather?
Was he serious?
She texted him back with that very same question and only a few seconds went by before she received her reply. Both brows lifted.
`YES! Awesome new bar, dollar drinks, sending taxi to come get you!'
Shaking her head, Bulma quickly typed back, `No, can't leave Trunks, plus it's nasty out, sry,' and threw her phone onto the couch next to her. What an idiot! Out in this crappy weather?
And what about Trunks!
Apparently, her ex had forgotten about her son.
He must be drunk already.
Her eyes settled on the screen. That annoying man was still on! Turning in her seat, Bulma began to dig into the couch, trying to find the lost remote. Standing, she threw the cushions onto the floor and dug deeper, but alas, no remote.
Well damn!
Placing the cushions in their respective places, she went to the love seat and dug in that too. Her head lifted when a light knock sounded on her door. Bulma pulled her hands from inside the couch and her eyes locked onto the door. Who in the hell could be here at this hour? And in this weather?
Maybe it's that taxi.
Rolling her eyes, Bulma marched forward, ready to tell the fool that she wasn't going anyway. Her hand grasped onto the knob and she cracked the door open, her mouth ready to spew her violent words, but they were caught in her throat when she saw who was standing on the other side.
Her breathing picked up, her eyes were wide, her heart tightened, and she was speechless.
Alright, to settle a few future questions.
This was originally going to be a one-shot, but I have a lot of ideas and I don't think a one-shot is going to work out. So, I figured 3-5 chapters would work out for this story. Make it short. I do have a trilogy I need to work on. And since it is a sequel, I'm going to post it with Expecting Unexpectedly on my site.
I also posted a Fanfiction challenge on my site! View it and enter!
Hope you enjoy it and Chapter 2 is already finished! It will be out in a week!
Until next time my lovelies,