Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Memori ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Trunks!!!!!" Pan's screech coincided with the squeal of rubber on concrete.

All of a sudden, Trunks felt something push him over, and a sharp bang to his temple created an end to his perceptions.

"Oh kami, Trunks! Wake up, please!" She patted his cheek in an anguished attempt to rouse him, but all that succeeded was to get blood on her hand.

"Oh miss! Is anyone hurt? OH KUSO! I hit someone!" A lady in a business suit came out of her car, her high heels clicking shallowly against the concrete. She pulled a tiny phone out of her purse and started dialing a number, while Pan sat with Trunks' bleeding head in her hands.

"Hi, can I talk to Jillian, attorney at law?"

Abruptly, Pan's tears stopped. Her eyes almost turned red, she was glaring so hard. "You just hit a guy, and you're calling a lawyer? He's not dead.. yet! Although I'm sure Bulma Briefs will be glad to sue you for neglecting to call the hospital!" Pan said this as calm as she could, although she wanted to strangle the lady.

"Bulma? Briefs?" The lady immediately hung up on her attorney and started calling for an ambulance.

"It's okay Trunks… everything will be fine… just hang on," Pan muttered soothingly, moving his hair away from his face over and over again.

They'd just been going home from a nice day at the skating rink with a couple friends. Everyone else flew home, but Pan had begged Trunks to walk with her. It was only a short way, and she wanted to talk to him. He couldn't say no to the puppy eyes, so he walked with her… and ended up getting hit by a car.

"Damn… it's all my fault." Pan's tears started up again as sirens started being heard.

"Miss? Are you family?" A man said in the background of her thoughts.


"Here we are at the scene of Trunks Briefs death…"


"He's not dead yet! Get those cameras out of here!"


"Pan! Pan, you've got to let him go. The doctors can't get him on a stretcher to get him to the hospital."

Let him go?

"You said he wasn't dead yet." She looked up at her dad, eyes begging.

"Miss, his pulse is still amazingly steady. Please, just let go and we'll get him fixed up in a jiffy. You can even come with us, okay?" It was the same man from before. "Sir? You might want to get the lady who hit him. You'll need her phone number and address if you want to take her to court."

"Thanks, I'll do that." Gohan said. "Which hospital are you taking him to?"


"Thanks. Go on Pan, I'll be there in a while."

"Okay Dad." Pan let her arms slip from around Trunks neck and stood up, watching anxiously as they put him on a porta-bed.

"Come on, Ms. Pan, you can ride up front with me."

"Alright…." Pan followed the young man obediently to the ambulance doors and to the hospital.

An hour later…

"Miss? Are you…"

"Leave her alone Clarice, she hasn't left his side since he got here. The guy just got hit by a car right in front of her, give her a break, k?" It was the same guy who drove the ambulance..

Trunks had stitches on his temple where he'd hit his head on a stone while he fell, but nothing else was wrong with him. The doctors had been amazed nothing had been broken, but when they questioned Pan, her only response was the car had only grazed him.