Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Resurfaced ❯ The emotionally dead wakes... ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Note: Sorry I haven't updated my story lately; I just started High School and haven't had the time. Anyway, enjoy the new chapter.

Disclaimer: Need I say more?! How many times have I said this, I don't own the darn show! I'm not Bill Gates so I really can't afford it. *SIGH* When will you people learn...

Everything was black. He looked around, there was no one. Normally, he was used to being alone. But, this was the kind of loneliness that made you feel empty. His picture came into view, all around him was cold, hard brick. It was a prison cell, and a familiar one, at that. His eyes wandered around the dank cell and there still was nothing but chains, dried blood on the cold floor, and the remains of a person that used to occupy the cell he stood in. Then, a shadowy figure caught his eye. It was a small boy, to be precise. His hair stood straight into the air. His black eyes were empty, as though they were little tunnels that lead into thoughts of mystery. Bright gold armor laid across his broad shoulders, there was a cape attached to it that draped all the way down to his white boots. The boy scowled into every direction he looked. Even though his tough glare made itself apparent, deep in those empty eyes inhabited fear. The little boy jerked his line of vision everywhere as though waiting for an enemy to
jump and attack.

Without warning, the steel door opened slowly and a man in a lab coat with dark spectacles entered smugly. The little boy jumped back and was back-to-back with the cold brick wall. The man smirked and slowly approached the boy, he stopped in front of him and his smirk widened. He finally spoke.

"Now, now, little Vegeta. Lets calm down shall we? As we promised your father before he left, we mean you no harm..."

"And what of my mother?!" the boy retorted. "Where is she!?" he sounded almost frightened.

"Your mother...has other things to do, so she won't be joining you anytime shortly," he replied in a flat, monotonous tone.

Vegeta said nothing. What did he mean 'other things'? His mind sprang into panic mode.
Another man with a lab coat entered the cell and began speaking to the man with the spectacles in a foreign language that Vegeta had never heard of. The small boy looked at the open door and different plots of escape blinked through his head, each one better than the last.

The two men clad in lab coat sounded as though they were concluding their conversation, he had to think fast. They didn't even notice Vegeta slowly edging his way to the door.

Without warning, the boy sprang out the door. The scientists', after a moment of hesitation from shock began to yell into the hallway with pure outrage.

"GET HIM!" they shouted.

Vegeta ran down the hallway searching frantically for his mothers' familiar ki. He stopped in front of a door, recognizing the energy signature that could only be owned by his mother.
He kicked down the door in panic and stopped pale to the scene that was before him. Two soldiers ran behind him and grasped his arms forcefully. The boy didn't even bother to struggle, he was struck with shock. Before him lied his mother, eyes glazed over, and a gaping wound on her heart that stared right back at Vegeta. The tears fell, his heart split into two, the agonizing pain he felt made him feel as though he would collapse.

The man with the dark spectacles and eyes walked into the room and stared at the slain queen. He stifled a laugh, as though woman that lay before him deserved what had come to her.

"A pity, really...She really was quite beautiful, but, unfortunately was of no use to us," he murmured. "Not like you, little Vegeta. We have plans for you..." He gave a quick last smirk and one of the soldiers that held his arm smashed his fist into the Prince's head, rendering him unconscious.

Goku stared at his fallen comrade in disbelief. Vegeta was one of the toughest people he had ever known. He destroyed his friends, threatened the Earth, nearly destroyed Goku, and survived living with the worst tyrant to date for over twenty years. All of the sudden, he collapses from sickness. It was ironic, that Vegeta was subdued from something so small and weak.

Bulma said that Vegeta was suffering no less from a small fever. It should've only just made him a little sick, but something else was very wrong. Goku was the first to realize this as he carried the fallen Prince upstairs to the Med. Room. It wasn't something you sensed with ki, but something you recognized from someone you've known for a long time.

Bulma did many different tests on Vegeta's condition, plenty that Goku had never even heard of, but had only come to the conclusion that it was a minor fever. Goku didn't buy it. He knew something elsewhere was wrong, but couldn't put his finger on it.

Vegeta groaned and turned onto his side. It appeared that he was having a nightmare. His face was covered with cold sweat, and an upset expression had planted itself on his handsome face. He turned again, but this time, he whimpered instead of the same groan they had heard for the past two hours.

Bulma insisted that Goku leave until Vegeta had gotten some rest. But Goku would refuse and say that he wouldn't leave until Vegeta had woken up and was assured that he was okay.

Goku still had a feeling that fate would tell him otherwise. Vegeta stirred. His eyes opened; his vision was blurred. Everything was just a big blur. The last thing he could remember was approaching the stairs, then everything went black. He could just barely justify two figures standing in front of him from the wall.

His vision was clearing slowly, and he could tell that the person sponging his forehead was none other than the Woman, as he called her. And to her left, was Kakarrot, the third class dope. His head throbbed with more power than he would have ever wanted to feel. It felt as though the temperature in the room was enough to make the Sun itself jealous.

Vegeta groaned once again and pushed the sponge away from his head. Bulma, rather reluctantly, put it down. Goku was the first to speak.

"Hey, Vegeta. How are you feeling?" he asked gently.

"Like Frieza just shoved his horns up my butt! Let's put it this way, I'd feel A LOT better if you both would just leave me be!" he spat.

"Hey! Calm down, Vegeta! You're darn well lucky you are even alive right now! If it weren't for us, you'd still be downstairs, drooling on the floor!" Bulma interrupted.

"What happened?" Vegeta muttered groggily.

"You were heading upstairs and collapsed, without warning!" Goku replied enthusiastically.

"Can you move?" Bulma asked with a sigh.


"Okay! Take a chill pill!"

With some difficulty, Vegeta hoisted himself off of his back and leaned against the wall. He panted a few times and then got onto his feet.

"Feeling better?" Goku asked with slight curiosity.

Vegeta only replied with a dirty look.

"Okay then," Goku looked away.

Vegeta walked downstairs and took a seat at the table. Bulma was at the counter, making coffee no doubt.

"Want some, Vegeta? It might help you feel better?" Bulma looked at Vegeta.

"Are you stupid?! NO! I do NOT want your stupid coffee or whatever it's called! Knowing you, you probably spit in it or poisoned it!!" he shot with venom in his voice.

"TOUCHY!! Jeez, I was just concerned..."

"You were just concerned!" Vegeta mocked back at her. "I do not need your pity, slave girl!"

"I am not your slave girl!"

"I am the Prince of the Saiyans! YOU are my slave girl!"

"One! I'm not a Saiyan; therefore, you do not have ANY authority over me! Two! Planet Vegeta blew up! And three! Even if there was, you can't rule me around because Goku would kick your hiney, mister!"

Goku looked up. "Huh? What?"

Vegeta only huffed as a response. He got up from the table, and began to head upstairs. He was swaying uneasily.

"Hey, Vegeta? Are you sure you're okay?" Goku asked with concern written on his face.

"I AM FINE! WOULD YOU SHUT UP!?" he screamed back.


Goku looked at Bulma and shrugged. Bulma only shook her head.
Bulma got up and started upstairs cautiously. Goku followed. Bulma looked around and finally caught Vegeta, he was in the bathroom, looking into the mirror. He was a ghostly pale in the face.

Vegeta stared into the mirror with fatigue. His hands were clammy, and they were shaking

'What's wrong with me?' he thought.

A horrible sensation consumed his stomach and climbed into his throat. He held his mouth and his vision was swirving.

Bulma looked into the bathroom and noticed that Vegeta looked as though he would throw up.

"Vegeta?" she asked.

He didn't reply he was swaying around the bathroom and holding onto the counter. All of the sudden, he fell to the ground, opened the toilet lid, and began to throw up his lunch.

Bulma, instinctively, kneeled onto the floor and began to rub his back to help out.

Goku stared at Vegeta with utter helplessness and sympathy.
After about five minutes of regurgitating, Vegeta finally stopped and began to pant. Bulma grabbed two tissues and helped the sick Prince off the floor. She began wiping his mouth, but Vegeta pushed her hand away and walked wobbly to his bedroom. Bulma took this as a sign that Vegeta wanted to sleep. Goku, without question, escorted Vegeta to his bedroom.

Vegeta gave him a look that could burn through metal and slammed the door in his face. Goku merely shrugged and put a hand on Bulma's shoulder. She stared at him and motioned for them to go to the kitchen. They talked for twenty minutes and then said goodbyes. He left. Bulma walked into the living room and began to watch T.V.