Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Meow ❯ Confessions ( Chapter 4 )
Disclaimer: I do not own DB/Z/GT or any of the characters created by the all mighty manga god Akira Toriyama.
Author Note: This is my first time writing a real fanfic and I am not real sure about it. I would appreciate any input even flames at this point to help me revise this into what it deserves to be. Anyway I hope you enjoy.
Chapter 4: Confessions
Pan stepped into the dark room and saw sitting on the edge of his bed looking away from her. She felt like the lowest scum of the earth at that moment. "Trunks? Are you ok," she asked softly.
"Yes," he said in a flat voice. "Now leave me alone." She thought she heard his voice crack with that last sentence.
"Trunks listen," she said sitting beside him on the bed and putting a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry about what happened back there. I was just messing around I didn't mean to hurt you or anything."
"It doesn't matter," he said his voice definitely cracking this time. "Because it always hurts when you're not around."
"Pan, I don't care what anyone thinks, I have to tell you." Her face turned a dark crimson.
"Tell me what Trunks," her voice now cracking.
"I love you," he said turning and staring in her eyes. She looked into those pools of blue and felt lost in them. Safe, warm, wanted… "Pan? What do you feel?"
"What do I feel," she repeated feeling a little scared. "Well Trunks to be perfectly honest I don't know." She got a quizzical look from this. "What I mean is I never really felt like that for you before. Well for anyone before, I've never been in love. But after, well…it started I started getting some feelings." She noticed a slight smile on his lips and felt like melting to butter but remembered she needed to say more. "But Trunks I don't know if I really like you or if it's that and all these hormones, so I don't wanna say anything until I know for sure. So can you give me some time to figure it out?" He was left with a really light smile, but a smile.
"How long do you think you need," he asked sounding a bit scared.
"Well it is supposed to last about 2 weeks and I don't know about after, maybe 2 or 3 weeks. I know it's a long time to wait. But I don't wanna say yes and then when this is all over say sorry I guess it wasn't love." She looked at him and knew he was hurting. "Trunks you're my best friend, I don't wanna hurt you, ever! I felt so bad after the thing in Bra's room I was ready to come in in just a towel, but Bra convinced me otherwise. But are we ok for now," she asked staring at his face. His face lifted and he smiled at her.
"Yeah we're ok, but you'd better let me know as soon as you figure it out."
"Don't worry you'll be the first to know."
About four days later after Pan's tail and ears were both grown in
'Man I think I like this puberty thing," said Pan wearing one of Bra's largest Bras
and still barely fitting in it. She grabbed her hair tie and wound her now 32 inch long hair into a braid. The tail and ears weren't the only thing growing on her. She'd gained over a full Bra cup, had her hair grow about a foot and a half and gained about 6 inches in height. She looked great to say the least! But she was nervous as hell. Only a few minutes until Bulma and Vegeta came back and she had no clue how to tell them. She was also worried about Trunks. Her feelings seemed to have grown since that first day, 'could I actually be in love? I hope so, this feels too good to let go.' But she couldn't tell Trunks until after she was over it, to know for sure. Vega and Piccola had been over a couple times and had given Bra her homework to give to Pan. She wasn't ready yet to go back into the normal world. She wondered how her classmates would feel about this.
"Hey Pan," Trunks said as his voiced stopped her train of thought. She automatically turned a bright red and turned to see his smiling face. She so wanted to just jump on him and kiss him right then and there. But she couldn't! 'Damn Damn Damn Damn Damn,' she kept repeating in her head over and over. 'Come on Pan you can make it one more week,' she told her self in hopes that she would convince herself.
"Hey Trunks," she finally spoke up. "How are you?"
"I'm ok. You ready to tell all." She looked down and felt extremely nervous.
"Not really, but I have to some time right?" Trunks reached over and held her hand in his and they both blushed at this.
"Yeah, but everything will be ok I promise," he said giving her his best smile. She once again had to hold her form together as she felt like melting to butter. They were interrupted as they heard a loud obnoxious voice yelling on the other side of the door as Vegeta and Bulma were once again home. They both stopped in the doorway staring at the two in shock. Bulma was the first to speak.
"I'm gonna have grandkids," she squealed in delight. It was then that they both noticed they were still holding hands and quickly let go.
"No no Bulma you've got it all wrong! I was just really nervous about telling you," said Pan.
"Nothing to explain I can plainly see everything," said Bulma still squealing in delight while Vegeta sat there staring at Pan. 'He knows,' she said in horror.
"It's not that," Vegeta said roughly. Bulma stopped squealing and looked questioningly at Vegeta. "Show her brat," he commanded. Pan sighed a deep sigh and took in a deep breath before removing her hat exposing her ears and letting her tail snake out behind her. Bulma's face paled instantly, and Vegeta sat there arms over his chest smirking. "Suits you," Vegeta said. Pans face turned a nice rotten tomato red standing there under their scrutiny.
"How did this happen," Bulma screamed causing Pan to wince with her now even more sensitive ears.
"I don't know," Pan said looking at her a little scared. "I just woke up with the tail and then the ears just came out of no where."
"And what in dende's name happened to your cloths! You're barely clothed! Dende when you saiyans get a growth spurt you really grow," she said making Pan blush a deeper red if possible.
"These were the biggest cloths there were between Bra and me," explained Pan. As Pan spoke those last words they all heard a snap and Pan quickly covered her chest. "Speaking of bigger cloths Bulma I was wondering if you could help me with another clothing problem," she said trying not to look at either of the men. Bulma quickly led Pan to her private wardrobe that was secretly hidden away. While Trunks tried to get his nose to stop bleeding. Vegeta went up to him and smacked his son upside the head.
"Hentai," said Vegeta before retreating. Trunks went after his dad to give him some sort of retort. "I give you permission to mate with the brat, just watch out for her claws." Trunks stood there dumbfounded. 'That's not exactly what I wanted to hear from him but…wait Claws?!,' thought Trunks. But his thoughts quickly turned to what his father said about mating and was left in his own fantasy world.
Back to Bulma and Pan
"How about that," Bulma said as she observed one of her bigger Bras on Pan.
"Ok I guess," said Pan adjusting it a bit. "But a little tight."
"I guess we'll have to go shopping then," replied Bulma turning to toss Pan one of her larger shirts and grabbed her purse. "How did your parents take it?" Pan visibly paled. "You didn't tell them," exclaimed Bulma.
"I will," said Pan. "I just want to get everything under control first and hopefully all of my changes will be over by the end of the two weeks and I can show them I am ok with them so they won't make me get rid of them."
"Do you really want to keep them that badly," asked Bulma a little stunned.
"Yes, I'm not sure why, but I do. It just feels right."
"Well then guess we should be off if we're getting you a new wardrobe and have to adjust all of the pants and such."
"Bulma, I don't really have that much money," said Pan looking down in her little wallet at her credit card.
"Oh honey it's on me. How could I turn my soon to be daughter in law down?"
"Bulma! There's nothing between me and Trunks. I was just nervous about telling you guys and he was helping me out."
"Ok Pan whatever you say," said Bulma with a sly smirk. "Now come on lets get shopping," exclaimed Bulma heading out the door with Pan in tow groaning.
Later that night
Pan climbed into her guest room bed exhausted after Bulma pulling her through 3 different malls for cloths. But at least she got her wardrobe back. She rolled over and looked at the waning moon. Bulma and Vegeta were both worried about if she ever looked at a full moon. So Bulma had started on a project to keep her from transforming if she ever saw the moon. Pan rolled her ki band over in her hand and sat it on the dresser next to her things of morphine. Just 7 more days and no more morphine, no more frequent bathroom stops, and hopefully her feelings for Trunks would still be there. The only bad thing would be telling her parents about it. Of course they'd called every day at least once and talked to her, but she made the Briefs swear they wouldn't tell. She wanted to tell her parents on her own. But she was still afraid to. They were her parents. They leave her at the briefs for two weeks and she comes back a cat girl. She flicked her tails and ears at the thought.
Another weird thing had happened today. When she went to hug Trunks he pulled back looking kind of scared. 'What if he starts to think I'm a freak,' she thought feeling a bit depressed. 'He told me he loved me just a week ago. Could he really have lost those feelings already? No he couldn't have he must just be adjusting that's all,' she thought comforting herself. With that she rolled over and fell into a dreamless sleep.
One week later as Pan arrives home accompanied by the Briefs
'This is it,' thought Pan walking up to her home. 'Doomsday,' she thought this time accompanied by a sigh. Until she felt a hand on hers. She looked over at Trunks as he blushed a nice crimson color and found something interesting to stare at on the ground. She gave his hand a light squeeze and looked towards her door. She was once again hiding her appendages as to not scare her family immediately. She stepped inside and was immediately engulfed in a huge hug from her mother and father. She was able to escape their attack but was once again attacked by her uncle.
"It's good to have ya back Panny," he said scooping her up.
"Nice…to…be…back," she wheezed out. Taking the hint he set her down and got a murderous look from Trunks for some reason.
"Pan you've grown so much in the last two weeks," her mother exclaimed. "I guess you finally got that last growth spurt the doctor was talking about." Pan blushed and stared at the pretty floor. "And look at your hair it's almost as long as you," she said looking at Pan's main of hair tied in a loose ponytail near the end (AN: A lot like Tifa's from FF7).
"Sorry about strangling you Panny," said Goten putting a hand behind his head and giving the famous Son smile.
"It's ok uncle Ten," she said between big breaths to make sure her lungs were still functioning. Bra nudged her in the side signaling she should get it over with already. Pan took a deep breath and sighed. "Mom, dad, uncle, I have something I need to show you," she said staring at the floor.
"Oh my Dende! You're not pregnant are you," screamed Videl glaring at Trunks. "If you hurt her in any way-."
But Pan cut her off, "No mom! Nothing like that," she screamed her face a beat red. She took another deep breath and took off her hat showing her fuzzy little ears and looked up as her tail came out from under her sweats and became visible.
"Aw how cute! What an adorable costume," said Videl. Pan and all of the Briefs fell over anime style.
"Mom, it's not a costume," Pan said looking up at her guiltily. Videl's smile went away in an instant.
"What," she said confused. Pan tugged on one of her ears to show it didn't come off and pulled her hair back to show her human ears were gone. "My baby's been turned into a monster," she said as she fell to her knees crying. Her uncle Goten went up and started poking one of her ears. And her father kneeled by her mother trying to comfort her.
"What happened," asked her father looking up from the floor.
Pan put her hand behind her head and gave her own Son smile. "I guess you could say I got a bit more from that growth spurt then you thought," she said a huge anime sweat drop forming on the side of her face.
"Well you're not keeping them right," said Videl from the floor.
"I think she should," said Goten earning him a glare from Pan's parents. "I think it looks kewl."
"And I am keeping them," said Pan. "I am proud of my saiyan heritage and I'm not going to hide it."
"But what about the moon," said Videl referring to the oozaru form saiyans took on, hoping to discourage her daughter.
"All ready being taken care of," said Bulma. "I'm working on a band a lot like the one that controls your ki to try and control her shape changing." Videl sat on the floor looking defeated. They all went in still talking about Pan and her tale.
Later that night after dinner
Pan was able to escape from everyone's questions and poking at her new appendages, especially her uncle Ten. She sat under the tree in the backyard and sighed. It was then she heard someone come out the door and turned to see a figure walking towards her. 'It was only a matter of time until someone noticed I was gone,' she thought to herself. But was surprised when the figure sat next to her. She looked over at the loan figure, "Trunks?"
"I decided to come and find you," he said smiling at her. "I wanted to ask you something," he said a small blush creeping across his face.
"What is it Trunks," she said feeling shivers running along her spine from his being so close. She started to blush as she felt his hand reach over and take hers in his hand.
"Pan," he said slowly as if having trouble speaking. "I know you said you needed some time and I don't know if you need any more or not, but I wanted to know. What do you feel for me," he said turning to stare right into her dark eyes feeling a bit lost in them. She blushed even deeper remembering how she was supposed to tell him how she felt.
'Well the feeling didn't go away. If anything it's stronger then ever. But is it really love?' She looked up into his deep blue pools of eyes and felt the blush take over her face and the soft touch of his hand against hers. 'If this isn't love I don't think I'll ever be in love.'
"Trunks," she said softly looking up at him. She leaned up slowly and felt his hand under her chin tipping it up to his own face. And felt a shock of electricity hit her brain as his warm lips touched hers. 'His lips are so soft. I wish we could stay like this forever.' But like all good things it eventually came to an end. As they pulled away and opened their eyes they noticed how red their faces were. "Trunks," she whispered. "I love you…" She smiled as she felt his hand close over hers again.
"I love you too Pan," he said leaning down for another kiss. 'Could life get any better," thought Pan. 'Nahh.'
Trunks and Pan are together…now what? How will Pan's classmates react to her new form? Find out next time in "Rejection from a normal life."