Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Snack ❯ One Shot ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ

A/N: This is what happens when your husband leaves you for the night and there is absolutely NOTHING sweet in the house to suck on. Yep, smut happens.

Midnight Snack

Bulma padded into the moonlit kitchen, her eyes barely cracked open as she made her way towards the refrigerator. She had woken up in the middle of the night with the undeniable craving for something chocolate. The lure of cake that she knew waited for her in the kitchen led her to the shadowy destination.

Narrowing her eyes to the barest of slits to guard against the offending light she opened the fridge, quickly locating the target before retreating back into the darkness. She didn't bother to cut herself a slice, instead opting to grab a fork and dig in. She stood in front of the kitchen sink, plate in hand, gazing up at the stars while savoring the chocolately goodness that melted in her mouth. She was so engrossed in her stargazing that she didn't hear the door open up behind her or the soft step of the newest intruder to the kitchen.

Vegeta's obsidian eyes glittered when he caught sight of the aqua haired woman wreathed in moonlight as she stood by the counter in nothing more than a scrap of wispy cloth that passed as a night gown. For months he had lusted after the remote woman, but the old adage, don't shit where you eat, kept him from her. He knew that Bulma was the only person on this mud hole that could provide him with the tools that he needed to become stronger and while seducing her away from the numb skull warrior might be fun, he wasn't prepared for the repercussions. Eventually she would get pissed that he was just using her for sex and more than likely throw him out on his perfect princely ass. Not that he couldn't fend for himself, he was more than capable of surviving, but he had grown quite attached to his GR.

She chose that moment to moan seductively as she took a particularly rich bite of cake and the arguments against seducing her that he was currently listing off in his head scattered to the four winds. Silently he stalked up behind her while tugging off his white gloves with his teeth, tucking them into his belt. He knew the minute she felt his presence by the slight stiffening of her shoulders. To forestall her quick get away, her hemmed her in by placing both hands on either side of her waist, gripping the sink in front of them. He inhaled her intoxicating scent deeply, his breath feathering across her nape in a silken caress.

"Couldn't sleep woman?" He asked huskily while plotting his next move.

Any pretense of sleepiness dissipated from Bulma as her senses heightened, not unlike a rabbit that was being hunted by a wolf. All the spit she had built up from munching on her succulent morsel evaporated leaving her mouth as dry as day old bread.

"I was hungry." She whispered just in case this was a dream she didn't want to wake herself. As much as she feared the haughty Saiyan prince, she desired him just as equally. She had never seen a man who was such a perfect combination of deadly intent and iron control. He moved with the predatory sleekness of a panther, primal instinct tamed by reason. Yamcha could never compare to the prince's allure. He was nice and sweet, the kind of guy you married, but Vegeta was a man that you fucked until you couldn't move, then you got up and did it again.

His hand snaked out to take the plate of cake away from her, stepping back a fraction to allow her to turn and face him. She did hesitantly, watching as he dipped his finger into the moist dessert, before bringing the chocolate covered digit to his mouth. He sucked softly on his finger, drawing it out of his mouth with tantalizing slowness, telling her without words how delicious it tasted. He placed the plate to the side freeing both his hands, for what her fertile mind could only imagine.

"Very good, but I know of something better." His tongue slid out to lap at some icing on his lower lip, and Bulma unconsciously imitated him.

"Oh?" She asked, still fascinated with his sensual lips that showed just a hint of cruelty. She missed the feral glint in his eyes, but she definitely saw his lips quirk into a wicked grin right before he descended on her.

He braced his hands on the sink again leaning his upper body against her as his mouth brushed over hers, lightly at first before settling confidently. He licked her petal soft lips, petitioning for entrance into her chocolate flavored depths. She gasped at the feel of his firm mouth against hers and he took advantage of the opportunity, sliding his tongue over her teeth before colliding with hers. He explored her fully, their tongues dancing in a sinuous waltz of desire.

The moment his lips touched hers she began to sizzle with white hot heat. Lightning sparked through her entire body causing her to melt under his masterful touch. His kiss was meant to dominate, to clearly tell her that he was a man and she was a woman. It was the kind of kiss that a girl could get addicted too if she wasn't careful.

He pulled back licking his lips like a satisfied cat, his onyx eyes glittering with lust. "Much better. You taste good with a dash of chocolate." He leaned in to kiss her again, but Bulma regained her senses and pressed her hands against his hard chest. His very naked, lickable, sculpted like a Greek god, chest.

"What are you doing Vegeta?" She may have had more than one deep dark fantasy about the prince, but that didn't mean she was going to go cheating on her boyfriend of a decade. No matter that she hadn't felt this turned on in years.

"What does it look like woman?" He growled in annoyance, if she insisted in bringing in a voice of reason he just might remember that he promised himself that he wouldn't go seducing her in the first place.

"It looks like you are thinking about trying to have sex with me." She hissed, her fantasy bubble totally popped by thoughts of her boyfriend's handsome face.

When she said it like that, it sounded like a challenge and there was nothing more that Vegeta loved than a challenge.

"What's a little sex between friends?" He purred seductively while nuzzling her ear. She made to push him away, but his words froze her into inaction for a heartbeat. Friend was a word that she never thought she would hear dripping from the cold prince's perfectly kissable lips. The fact that he used it in reference to her sent a sharp thrill of conquest coursing through her body. The thought of any kind of meaningful relationship with the untouchable prince set her heart racing with longing. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that he was able to slip one strap of her night gown from her shoulder, kissing her soft skin, before she gathered herself enough to reply. Shaking him off she looked up into his implacable face to ask the burning question of the millennia.

"Am I your friend?" She whispered her luminous eyes wide with wonder. Vegeta nearly choked at her question. Friend was a rusty word in his vocabulary and he was surprised that it had flowed so smoothly from him when speaking of her. Her innocent question brought back a rush of memories from his former life that he preferred to forget. Never once had he had the opportunity or desire to call anyone friend, but he supposed that in all his years, she was the closest to one he ever had.

"Let me put it this way woman. If I had to choose between spending time with you or a Nurbian Sauris, I would choose you." He smirked down at her, confident that he had answered her question truthfully without giving away his thoughts. She frowned deeply at him, a grimace of distaste twisting her precious mouth.

"I don't know what that is, but I'm pretty sure you just insulted me." She shoved at his chest, intending on stalking out of the kitchen and back to the haven of her room, but when he wanted, Vegeta was just as about as unmovable as the Rock of Gibraltar and he had no intention of letting her leave. He dipped down, cupping her rounded bottom in his palms and hefted her up onto the kitchen counter leaving her to glare at him, unable to escape. With a nudge, he parted her legs and stepped between them placing his lips against the smooth column of her neck.

"Don't be so sure Bulma." He whispered before he ran his tongue from her shoulder to the base of her ear, stopping only to nibble on her lobe. Her breath quickened and she couldn't control the small tremors that shot through her body. His very nearness was a barrage to her senses, she tried to resist him, but he coaxed to life a liquid fire that pulsed through her. She didn't want to be unfaithful, but Kami help her she never wanted anything more in her entire life. For a brief moment an idea glimmered in her mind that maybe his wickedness was infecting her, turning her thoughts and heart sinful.

"I can't do this. I love Yamcha." She pleaded while weakly trying to disengage herself from the decadently sexy man in front of her.

"Who said anything about love? I just want to fuck you woman. I want to wake the whole house with your screams. No, the whole Kami-damn block." He growled ruthlessly against her exposed throat, causing her to whimper in submission. His words sent rivers of lava flowing through her veins. A relentless ache bloomed at the apex of her thighs, urging her to recklessness. Every dark fantasy she had ever had about him sprung to life and seduced her with promises of unparallel pleasure in his arms. He gripped her under her knees bringing her bottom to the very edge of the counter and urged her to wrap her long slender legs around his waist. Her head rested back against the cabinets as he began to rain kisses down her collar bone. He touched her with a passion that threatened to corrupt her very soul. She clenched her eyes closed, before slamming the door on the miniature angelic Bulma in her head that warned her that sinners burn in hell.

"It…it will be our secret?" She asked cautiously. He paused his ravishing to look up at her and snorted.

"Of course. No one needs to know about my business." Before he could drop his head, a stray thought struck Bulma and she stiffened in alarm.

"Wait." She cried urgently.

"What?" He snarled impatiently. He knew that his victory was at hand, but she kept delaying the inevitable. He never imagined touching her would be such a carnal pleasure. She was soft, smooth and rounded in all the right places. She responded to his touch as though she was made only for him, begging him to wring cries of bliss from her luscious lips.

"I need you to promise me something." She was looking at him seriously now and he barely resisted the urge to roll his eyes at her.

"I already told you that I won't tell." He hissed.

"No, it's not that. I want you to promise me not to hurt me." Her eyes were large and pleading with a hint of fear. Vegeta shifted uncomfortably. Did she mean not to hurt her when he left? Eventually he would leave her and it would not be his fault if she mourned because of it.

"Woman, if I wanted to hurt you I would have thrown you to the floor by now instead of listening to this useless chatter." He hedged uncertainly.

"No you wouldn't have." She spouted confidently, irking Vegeta.

"Are you so sure?" He asked darkly while flexing his hands menacingly. She merely flashed him a bored expression.

"You can't rape me because then I would demand that Goku serve your head up on a silver platter." She folded her arms smugly.

"Bitch, you would hide behind that third class?" He hissed. The conversation was spiraling out of control and was definitely killing the mood.

"I would be a fool not to Vegeta. He is the only person on the planet that is stronger than you. I'm sure that he is the only reason you haven't blown this mudball as you call it out of orbit and he is certainly your only deterrent from running around causing havoc and raping women at will." She flared with anger, realization that she was trysting with a murderer pounding through her mind.

He slammed his fist down on the counter next to her, cracking the tile with his strength. "How about pride woman? That is a very large deterrent for me. I have never raped a woman, nor have I had too. I have had more than my fair share of willing females lusting after me." He was furious at her slurs. He may have killed more people than was even possible for her to imagine but he never had to degrade himself by forcing a woman.

His fist was still embedded in the counter and she stared at it frightfully. He expected her to scream right back at him, but her skin had taken on an unnatural pallor. Her hands trembled in her lap and she swallowed before looking hesitantly back at him. He felt his anger cool when he saw fear dancing in her cerulean depths.

"I wanted you to promise me that you wouldn't hurt me in the middle of….in the throes of….you know." She whispered frailly and the world shrunk in around them again. Thoughts of Goku and Yamcha or the victims of his past were ejected from their shadowy realm where only the two of them existed. She was so incredibly beautiful perched on the counter with the soft moonlight casting a halo over her head. She looked like a pure perfect angel that had fallen to earth, lost and unable to find her way back to heaven. Instead she had stumbled into the den of the fiercest demon to walk the mortal plain.

"Passion." He completed her sentence. He stood before her veiled in darkness, his obsidian eyes glinting and his white fangs flashed. She was afraid that he would lose control and hurt her during his release. He was slightly unmanned that she thought so little of his discipline, but a quick glance at the countertop told him why. She was a delicate creature whose brains easily outmatched anyone he ever met, but when it came to physical strength she was as fragile as a rose petal.

He brushed the backs of his fingers against her alabaster cheek, gratified that she didn't pull away. She didn't really fear him, she was just uncertain. He moved back to stand between her thighs while lacing his fingers through her teal hair. He brought her close for a searing kiss that made her toes curl and her stomach do flip flops. She weaved her arms around his neck, bringing him even closer to her. He broke away, keeping his lips a breath away from hers.

"I promise." At his whispered oath all the tension that had built inside her melted away and she sighed with contentment. Feeling the instant change in her body, Vegeta untangled his fingers from her hair and sat his hands on her upper thighs. He ran his hands up her smooth legs, reveling in the feel. He kissed her again, surprised when he felt her wrap her legs around his waist without any prodding from him. He curled one muscle laden arm around her back so he could lean her back to kiss the white expanse of her chest.

He heard a thump as her head fell back against the cupboard again and he couldn't stop his victorious smirk when she moaned with longing. With a quick flick of her wrist he split her gown down the front, exposing her pert breasts with their cherry nipples. He ground his hard erection against her molten core as he leaned down to finally taste the bounty laid before him. He took her hard nipple into his mouth and rolled it over his tongue, savoring her succulent flesh. He reached his free hand under thigh, bringing her even closer to him, while trying not to be distracted by her roving hands.

She found the waist band of his pants and she impatiently tugged at them, letting him know without words that she wanted more from him. He ignored her silent pleas; instead he roughly pulled her towards the edge of the counter again, this time bending his knees slightly so he could drape her legs over his broad shoulders. She gasped caught in the awkward position of being slumped down on the counter her weight braced on her elbows, while her femininity was exposed to his greedy eyes.

Without hesitation he leaned forward to lap at her swollen bud, lathing it with the single minded intensity of a starving man. Her moans echoed in the kitchen as she writhed underneath his masterful tongue. When she thought that the pleasure could not be any more unbearable, he nudged her entrance with his finger. Inching one finger then another into her satiny folds. Hungrily her muscles clenched around him, begging for more. She tossed her head from side to side, struck with the urge to weep for him to never to stop.

Sensation swept through her like a windstorm as coils of desire wound tighter in the pit of her stomach. He flicked his tongue over nub, flinging her over the edge into the abyss of passion. The waves of her climax threatened to drown her with intensity and she screamed into the darkened corridors of Capsule Corps, uncaring that she may wake her parents.

At the height of her release, Vegeta pulled away to gather her up against him. Somehow he freed his pulsing cock from his pants and he plunged into her undulating passage. His sheer size and thickness pushed the already writhing woman into the throes of a second orgasm. She wrapped her arms around his masculine shoulders, scraping her expensively manicured nails down his scarred back.

He gritted his teeth, hissing as her heat enveloped him. Her muscles caressed him seductively, urging him to thrust faster. His promise to the delicate woman rang in his mind and he paced himself, taking pleasure for the first time in someone else's release.

His sensitive Saiyan hearing picked up the soft tread of footsteps on the landing and he knew that her parents were coming to investigate the noise that the woman was making. He growled in frustration at the interruption and he knew that her parents walking in on them would definitely put an end to his fun. He pressed his lips against hers to silence her moans, while levitating them off the ground.

He trapped her against the vaulted ceiling, her body draped around him while she looked at him wide eyed. The both squinted when the room flooded with light and he turned his head to see her father and ditzy blond mother walk into the kitchen.

"Bulma?" Her father looked around questionably while her mother inspected the busted kitchen counter.

Vegeta turned back to see Bulma's horrified gaze watching her parents. With a wicked leer, Vegeta thrust his hips potently reminding her that he was still nestled inside of her. Her eyes widened with shock and she clamped her pearly teeth down on her luscious lower lip to suppress her moan. He threaded her fingers through his; trapping her hands over her head against the ceiling while he began to move inside of her. Her legs had been entwined in his but now they moved down to wrap more fully around his waist.

"I don't think she is down here dear. Maybe we just heard a cat yowling or something." Mr. Briefs offered a explanation to his wife who was still staring at the counter with a troubled frown on her face.

"I don't know I could have sworn it was her and look at my Italian marble counter. Someone has broken it." She huffed with annoyance.

Vegeta quickened his pace; sealing his lips over Bulma's when it looked as though she was going to moan.

"I'm sure Vegeta just had an accident or something. Weren't you just telling me yesterday that you wanted to redo the kitchen?" Mr. Briefs reminded his wife, knowing that the thought of tile patterns would make her happy.

"Oh yes!" She giggled girlishly at him and he couldn't resist pulling her close for an intimate kiss. When he pulled away she was out of breath and flushed.

"Oh yes." Her tone had dropped from girlish to wanton and with a grin Mr. Briefs lead his beautiful wife back to bed.

The entire exchange was lost on the other inhabitants of the room, so engrossed with each other that they had ceased to care about being caught. Vegeta growled as he felt his lower back get tighter and the pressure built inside of him. Bulma broke away from their kiss, dropping her head to lather his neck with soft nips and laps of her tongue. She felt lashes of desire whip through her with every thrust of his powerful hips and in an attempt to stifle her cries she bite deeply into Vegeta's neck.

Vegeta almost came to a stuttering stop at the sensation of the delicate woman sinking her teeth into his flesh. He released her hands so she could wrap her arms around him and with a primal growl he returned her bite, thrusting wildly into her. In an effort to control himself he dug his fingers into the soft molding of the ceiling. He had begun to fear that he would come without bringing her to her final release, when her muscles clenched around him for the third time heralding her ultimate pleasure.

She screamed into his neck as bliss laced through her body and he moaned inaudibly as he spilled his essence deep into her womb. Sensations of undeniable pleasure wracked the couple as they shuddered as one. Vegeta held her there for a minute, desperately trying to regain his control before lazily floating back down the ground. He gathered the woman up against his chest as he made his way silently to her room. By the time he placed her on the bed, she was already asleep, absolutely exhausted by their activities. Smirking to himself Vegeta left her, confident that he would be able to have her anytime that he wanted for now on.