Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Midsummer Nightmare ❯ Midsummer Nightmare ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball z
Midsummer Nightmare
She couldn't believe what she was seeing, no not him, it was impossible. Gohan was getting slaughtered. Videl couldn't believe her eyes, she had long since grown accustom to the idea that Gohan was an invincible warrior. But now she was watching that pink monster, Majin Buu was beating her Gohan into a bloody pulp.
As Buu began to levitate into the air, away from Gohan and Videl got her first look at him. His body had been beaten into the face of the mountain, but Videl could still see him. His gi had been vaporized in the fight with Buu, his skin had been sliced to ribbons and his blood was flowing freely down his body as well as coating the walls of the mountain.
As Videl's ocean blue eyes began to water at the sight of Gohan in such pain, a bright pink light began to shine in the sky before the blast was fired at Gohan. As it surrounded Gohan's body, his cries of pain filled the air. Videl's heart broke as she heard Gohan's cries of agony, the thought of him going through so much pain was to much for her. Falling to her knees, Videl clutched her sides as her body began to shake. Her vision never strayed from the sayain in agony.
Gohan's body was now being vaporized, Videl could see his skin melting off his body, his flesh and muscles being burned away and his bones turning to dust. Gohan's cries suddenly stopped and werereplaced by a deathly silence. Videl could only stare at where the man she loved should have been.
Videl felt her tears roll down her cheeks, he couldn't be dead, Gohan wouldn't leave her, not before she confessed her feelings to him, all she had to do is call him.
It had been going on for weeks, feed from some internal fear that was making its presence finally known. Panting, she sat up in her bed, untwisting the sheets from her long slender legs. A thin coating of sweat glistened in the moon light, before pooling together along her chest and slipping into the valley between her breasts. Sighing, she shifted her naked body, feeling the familiar erratic beating of her heart against her ribcage. The tears she had been holding back suddenly began to freely pour from her cloudy sea blue eyes and breaking the silence of the room with her sobs.
For as many times that she could remember in the past couple of weeks, Videl Satan, had awoke from a horrific nightmare about her beloved Gohan's destruction.
Videl dried her eyes before she pushed herself out of bed and picked up the Black silk robe lying on the floor before slipping her arms into the sleeves. She grabbed for the belt, but groaned sadly as it fell from her hand and hung from the thin loop sown into the material. With the robe draped open in the front, Videl made her way from the bed to the seat window in her room. The soft down pillows welcomed her into their embrace. Rolling onto her stomach, she propped her face in her hands and started out at the night sky.
A shiver ran down her spin as she felt the breeze from her open window touch her breasts and glancing down at herself Videl saw that her nipples were tightening into tiny pebbles. Videl let out a sigh before looking out at the sky, Gohan, he was the reason this was happening to her. Shortly after the destruction of Buu, they had started to date and Videl's dreams had gone completely out of control. They had started innocently with scenes of the pair taking moon lit walks or candle lit dinners but as each night passed, her dreams had gotten worse and worse, well that was all dependent upon your opinion. To Videl, they had seemed to get better and better and soon the dreams moved from Gohan flying into her room and making slow and passionate love to her too Gohan pulling her into the boy's toilets at their school and them having rough and wild sex. As dreams like these continued Videl had decided to sleep nude, it had become difficult to explain to her father why her nighty was soaked each morning.
But then something had happened. Gohan had stopped coming to school. On his third absence, Videl had flown to his house but only to find he wasn't home, after spending an hour searching for him Videl had given up and gone home. That was the night that she had her first nightmare. That was three weeks ago and she had not heard from or seen Gohan and the nightmares had not ceased. But the fact that Gohan had decided to disappear was not what was bothering her, it was the fact that she had a good idea why he was doing it.
Videl believed that Gohan blamed her for his death in the fight against Buu, if Buu hadn't of killed her then maybe Gohan would have been able to destroy Buu because her death wouldn`t of been on his mind. Ending her trail of thought, Videl looked up at the full moon shinning in the night sky. Gohan had told her about its destruction when she was a young girl and it had been wished back shortly after the destruction of kid Buu. She had looked up at the moon every night she had a nightmare and saw Gohan's face but as each night it would fade and now she could barely see his outline.
Videl couldn't stand it anymore, standing up; she tied the belt of her robe before opening the window wider and jumping out. Videl knew it was nearly 2 in the morning but she didn't care, she just needed to cheek on him, to make sure he is o.k. and hopefully quell the feeling that something is terribly wrong with him.
She landed softly outside the Son house, it was a cold night and the trees surrounding the house were blowing in the whaling wind. Videl began to shiver as she walked towards Gohan's window, feeling the wind blow up her robe and onto her bare skin beneath.
As she looked through the window, the heat of the room washed over her and Gohan's sent filled her nostrils. As she let out a sigh her eyes began to search the room. She took in the sight of Goten lying on his bed, the comforter was screwed up and lying on the floor leaving the young sayain lying on his mattress with nothing covering him except for his boxers. Videl's eyes opened wide as she saw what was lying next to his bed.
Gohan's bed lay to the side of Goten's, its sheets and pillows were neatly made, the pillows were fluffed and neatly stacked at the head of the bed and the sheets lay on the mattress untouched and were daring anyone to make a mess of them. There was no Gohan and judging by the state of his bed he had not slept in it for a while. Videl felt her heartbeat escalate, felt it thumping against her ribcage and as her eyes began to dart around the room, looking for signs that Gohan had been their she felt her skin flush. (Don't ask me why but I find that happens when people are worried.)
Videl felt her heart stop as two strong arms rap around her and a worried, soothing voice whispered in her ear
“What's wrong, beautiful?”
Videl didn't dare breathe as she turned around and faced a very worried looking Gohan who just happened to not be wearing a top. She wouldn't breathe for fear of him just fading away like a morning mist at the touch of her breath. The mere fear of him fading away like in her dreams however was not the only reason why she couldn't breathe; Gohan's current state would be enough to make any girl stop breathing. His black spiky hair was even messier than normal and was plastered to his forehead making him look in her opinion dead sexy, a bead of sweat was running down the skin of his face, bringing with it a few strands of his hair that was almost begging her to smooth them back. The endless blackness that were his eyes were looking much more tired then when she had last seen them but they still had the animalistic and boyish glints that always shined when he saw her. Videl's eyes then followed the bead of sweat as it travelled down his strong muscular neck and then came to his naked chest. At the sight of his chest Videl was sure she would faint, even though they had been training together and been dating for a month, Videl had never seen Gohan's muscular chest free of clothing. In her dreams she had only been able to speculate on what he would look like without any clothes on, they had not come close to capturing the magnificence of the real thing. The hard muscles that lay under his skin were indescribable works of art, the skin that covered them had a light tan and the only faults were the scars that he received from previous battles but to Videl, they made him just that little bit more perfect.
Bringing her eyes up to meet Gohan's, Videl then remembered that she needed to breathe as she felt herself become light headed. She took a deep breath before saying “Hi Gohan” in her best cheerful voice; she didn't want Gohan to think she had been worried about him when he had been obviously fine.
“What's wrong Videl?” Gohan asked again, his voice still sounded worried and it seemed that her little ploy had failed.
“Gohan, nothing is wrong” Videl said as she tried to hide back the tears that were once more trying to pour from her eyes. She had made such a fool of her self, she would have known if Gohan was in any danger, at least one of the z fighters or his family would have told her. Why had she done this, why hadn't she thought it through more thoroughly. If Gohan had wanted ton see her, he could have just flown to her house, if he thought he was in danger he would have told her, if he didn't loved her any more he would of.
Videl's trail of thought was suddenly broken as she felt his hard muscular chest press against the soft flesh of her breast through the silky material of her robe as his thin lips linked to her full kissable ones. As he felt her warm lips against his own Gohan couldn't resist touching her anymore; his hands gently took hold of her hips through the material of her robe and pulled her beautiful, near bare form closer to his body if that was possible; Videl moved her hands behind his head, her fingers began to play with his spiky black hair as her lips parted and allowed Gohan's skilled and insistent tongue find hers.
The war that was being waged between their tongues went on until the two teens had to break the kiss to breath. As they caught there breath, her sadness momentarily forgotten, Videl removed her hands from Gohan's hair and pulled his hands off her hips before saying “Gohan, behave yourself.” Gohan grinned at her before he leaned down and whispered in her ear “I missed you”.
“I missed you too, Gohan. Where have you been?” Videl asked
“I'll show you” Gohan answered before his right arm quickly went under her knees and his left behind her back before he picked her up in his arms and took flight into the night sky.
The place Gohan brought her to was beautiful, they had flown across a sea until they came to a medium sized Island, it was around the same size of Master Roshi's. Golden sand that was soft under her feet covered the outside of the island; in the middle of the island was a grassy area with a bunch of coconut and fruit trees that concealed a capsule house and a domed building.
“Wow, Gohan this place is beautiful but I hope you don't mind me asking, um what do you do here all day?” Videl asked as she turned round and saw that he was a few inches behind her.
“I train Videl; I have no intention of failing next time earth is under attack.” His voice was filled with self loathing and hatred which broke Videl's heart. He was blaming himself for what she had caused and he was torturing himself because it. The tears that had not been shed earlier that night were now clouding her eyes and as Videl looked up at Gohan's eyes, her last restraint broke. They were cold, dark and filled with hatred.
“Go-Gohan, I'm sorry. I couldn't help it, that blast came out of no where and it, I couldn't help it.” Videl's voice was racked with her sobs as she tried to explain to Gohan that she couldn't help Buu killing her.
“Slow down Videl, what do you mean? What are you sorry for, what couldn't you help?” the dark eyed sayain asked, his voice was no longer filled with self loathing or hatred but worry as he rapped her in his arms and held her close, trying to stop her crying.
“Don't you blame me Gohan?” Videl asked as she rapped her arms around his torso as she basked in the feeling of his hard muscles and buried her face in his neck
“Blame you for what Videl?” Gohan asked while one of his hands had absentmindedly started too idly stroke her hair.
“For your death in the fight against Buu.” Videl said but wished she hadn't a second later as she felt the hand that had been stroking her hair suddenly stopped.
“Videl, I have never blamed you for my death” He said.
“You don't?” Videl asked, she couldn't believe her ears and as she looked up from the half sayains neck and into his eyes, she saw that the coldness and hatred had gone and there was now only concern and worry in the endless darkness of his irises.
“Of course not Videl" was all he said before he leaned down and gave her kiss that she eagerly returned. Gohan's mouth began moving against hers as their kiss became less chaste and more passionate. Her breasts began rubbing against his muscular chest through the velvety material of her robe causing Gohan to groan at the feeling of her hardening nipples grazing his skin through her robe. As there kiss continued, Gohan used the arm that was still rapped around Videl's waist to pick her up and lower her down onto the soft sand that lay beneath them so that she was now lying on her back with a very aroused Gohan standing over her.
Videl could feel Gohan's lips leaving hers and start to trail kisses from her open mouth to her jaw and then to the sensitive skin of her neck, his hands left there present spots on her body and were making their way to her covered breasts at a teasingly slow pace. A soft moan escaped her lips as his fingers finally moulded onto both her soft mounds, her head rolled back letting more skin for him to kiss as she bathed in the attention he was giving her, she loved their make out sessions.
As Gohan continued to kiss her neck, one of his hands left the breast it had been working on and travelled down her body till it came to the belt of her robe. When he had finally been able to undo it, the two straps were hanging loosely off her and the robe lay open revealing Videl's body free for the world to see. Using both his hands, Gohan pushed the robe off Videl's body and through it on to another part of the island before looking down at his now naked girlfriend.
 “Kami... you're gorgeous…” Gohan whispered as he stared down at her beauty. His eyes registered the sight of her smooth stomach and then travelled from her bellybutton up to her navel and then to her captivating breasts, where his eyes drank in the sight of her perfection. Her breasts were full and firm; their milky coluor accentuated the contrast with her rosy nipples that due to the attentions of the young hybrid had stiffened.
As Gohan's eyes finally left her breasts and looked at her face, Videl smirked up at him and leaned up to share a kiss, but he was quicker and one of her rosy buds in his mouth, making her gasp in both pleasure and surprise. His skillful tongue played with her stiff nipple, licking tenderly at its tip before sensually nipping at it; causing Videl to let out soft sounds of pleasure as she felt him suckling and lapping at her breast.
Releasing her breast from his mouth, Gohan began to trail kisses down her stomach until he came to her dripping core, his hands parted her slender legs before he began his second assault on her body. A sensuous moan escaped Videl's lips as she felt his hot tongue parting her folds and sliding into her damp womanhood; now and then his sharp canines would gently scrape on her clit, before his skilled tongue resumed its teasing licking.
"Yes! Yes! Don't stop!" Videl cried in pleasure as she felt Gohan's tongue moving in and out of her tight slick passage, tenderly stroking her velvety inner walls as the slippery love nectar that leaked out of her core and slid into his open mouth. As Videl felt another wave of pleasure wash over her, her thighs rapped around Gohan's neck as she tried to make his tongue go even deeper. Videl was in heaven, it seemed his skill at kissing her also made him very skilled in other acts involving his tongue. But then this wasn't normal, Gohan had never even made a move to take her coat off in anything but a gentlemanly manor, but a few minutes ago he had taken off her robe and began to pleasure her in unimaginable ways. But then as Videl opened her eyes and looked into the sky, the answer to her unasked question was revealed. The full moon, Gohan had told her what power it had over a sayain's instincts and hormones, it seemed that Gohan had found her tonight because his instincts were telling him to mate with her, regardless weather he blamed her or not. Well she loved Gohan, and wanted to spend the rest of her life with him so he would have to take her virginity some time, might as well be tonight.
Her slender hand gripped the ebony coloured tuffs of her lover's hair as his tongue delved deep into her centre. She was close, so close that her milky coloured thighs tightened their hold on his head as she released a pleasure filled cry. She could feel that the overwhelming peak that had been building up was going to be mind-blowing, as a result of the spiky haired teen's incredible orifice. His tongue retreated into his mouth momentarily before it shoot back into her core again causing Videl to scream his name into the night sky as her hips began to buck against his mouth as she came into his mouth in a gush of her steamy essence.
After a minute or so, Videl could still feel her inner walls contracting and her fluids flowing out of her centre and into Gohan's very well endowed mouth; as she felt the flow of her nectar stop, she watched as Gohan stood up and kicked his loose sweatpants off and revealed his inhumanly large member to her now very lustful eyes. Videl had never seen any part of the male anatomy before, but she did know that Gohan size was no where near average, more like double it. I guess that's another gift for a half alien. She thought before she began to wonder what other gifts he had that she didn't know about.
As he positioned himself at her entrance with his body levitating above hers, he spoke for the first time since he gave he kissed for the second time that night. “Videl if you don't want to do this, I won't force you, I have enough control to stop myself from raping you” his voice was strained and she could tell that he was struggling to not just take her there and then. Videl's response to the question was immediate; she lent up and gave him an open mouthed kiss that he eagerly responded to. Videl braced herself as she felt him push the head of his member inside of her, but at the same time his sharp canines bit the inside of her lip.

The sudden pain in her mouth distracted her mind from the pain in her groin, so much so, that she had not even realized he had entered her. (I got this idea from The Chronicles of Riddick. `One pain lessons another' it was said by the purifier.) Videl gasped in surprise and then let out a long moan as she felt his thick manhood entering her hot tight passage; she could also hear a groan coming from Gohan as he kept pushing his manhood into her but at a pace he found agonizingly slow. He would have loved to go faster but he knew that would hurt her because of his size and hurting her was one thing his sayain instincts would not allow. Videl's head rolled back in the soft sand as she felt his member filling her wet canal, it took her a few moments to get used to his size before she started to lift her hips, trying to get more of Gohan's manhood.
Gohan thrust his hips into hers, forcing himself a little deeper inside her slippery passage and making her close her eyes as a moan escaped her lips; she was totally lost into the pleasure she was experiencing; he was filling her like nothing she could of imagined, she could fell his thick member pulsating and stretching her velvety walls every time he moved inside of her, it was an exquisite feeling and one she would definitely be experiencing a lot more of.
As Gohan looked down at the beautiful creature beneath him, he found it near impossible to describe in words how she looked at this moment in time. Her sea blue irises were half concealed behind her eyelids but still clearly showed her desire and love, her hair was a bit messy and specks of sand were trapped in her dark locks from where she had rolled her head back in the sand, her creamy skin was almost glowing in the darkness of night but what captured his attention was her large, firm breasts. He could see that they bounced as she breathed and that her rosy nipples were a perfect contrast with the pale, creamy skin of her breasts.
Gohan began to pull out slightly, losing himself in how her vaginal walls pulled against his manhood, before he slammed back in. Videl's breath caught in her throat and her eyes widened as she felt his sudden movement. He then started to pound into her with slow-then-fast strokes, changing from long-to-short rhythms. He kept alternating so much so until she couldn't find her own rhythm to keep up.
"Damn it," Videl shouted, growing increasingly frustrated “Gohan make love to me at one speed or the other! If you keep teasing me with all this switching, then you will not be getting anything next full moon because all this switching is really pissing me off" She knew it was an idle threat, she could never deny Gohan and even if she did, he would probably convince her somehow.
Quickly, Gohan's motions came to a stop. "I'm sorry Videl, if you tell me what you what you want, I'll do it." He smiled down at her nervously, his sayain instincts demanded that he be in control but at the thought of not being able to mate with Videl at another full moon and having his desires unfulfilled at their peak, it was enough to quash his instincts any day.
Videl had to admit that she didn't expect that, but she knew that this was her first time and she wanted it to last. "Start slow," she whispered. Videl sighed as she felt Gohan slowly withdrew and slid just as slowly back in. "That's better," the teen murmured, as she began to rock her hips with his. Videl bit her lower lip slightly as the motion started to have its desired effect. She began to move her hips up, trying to meet his as he thrust down into her.
"Yeees," she moaned as she meet one of his powerful thrusts which made his member go much deeper inside her. "Just like that Gohan," Videl instructed as she rocked her hips in small circles. "Kami, don't stop!" He just continued the rhythm, looking down and watching as her breasts bounce up and down with their movement. Gohan wasn't getting as much out of there slow love making as she was, but the sensation was enjoyable and he was satisfied as long as she was enjoyed it.
God, her walls feel so good moving against me, Gohan thought as he felt Videl's internal muscles rub against him as her hips made a rolling motion that felt like they were pulling him into her deeper. That coupled with the sway of her breasts finally got to him, leaning down; Gohan's lips began sucking her sensitive breast while his sharp canines began gently nipping at the rosy bud before his skilled tongue completed the teasing by licking it.
"Harder!" she suddenly screamed, grabbing a fist of his hair and holding him tightly to her breast.
Gohan complied with her request by pulling out until just the head of his member was inside her before he rammed all his length inside her hot slippery tunnel causing Videl to gasp loudly as her hips moved up to meet his thrusts; one of his hands gripped her creamy hips and almost dug his sharp nails into her delicate skin, guiding her movements in time with his pushes.
"Don't stop, don't you dare stop!" Videl begged as she felt Gohan slam into her again, and again, and again until she felt it, his thick member had hit her pleasure spot and as he continued to slam into her, he kept hitting it over and over again making her cries louder each time as she neared her climax.
The dark depths of the young sayains eyes were shut tightly as he felt himself nearing his limit, he could tell that Videl was really close too, and when he hit her pleasure spot once again she couldn't hold back and she came in a gush of her hot slimy fluids that coated his member, which was sliding in and out of her core at a speedy pace. As he felt her inner walls convulsing and tightening around his thick member, Gohan let out an animalistic howl as he exploded inside of Videl.
As Gohan collapsed onto the sand next to Videl, he felt her arms rap around his waist and her head rest on his muscular torso before he heard her shallow breaths. He could tell she was asleep and had no desire of wakening her. His capsule house may have been less than 10 feet from them, but getting her there, then getting inside and then putting her in the bed would probably wake her. Rapping his arms around her protectively, Gohan decided to sleep on the sand as it was the middle of summer so it would be warm and the sand was at least comfortable.
As sleep washed over him, Gohan began to think of answers to all the questions the creature rapped in his arms would be asking him in the morning.
The End.
Hope you enjoyed the story and please Review.