Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Midwinter Solstice ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Saiya-jin Secrets Holiday Fic Challenge 2006
Fic Requirements:
1. Set on Vegeta-sei, any timeline so long as it's on the home planet.
2. Saiya-jin holiday, of some sort, c'mon, get crazy. gift-giving not
necessary but encouraged, just think of the strange gifts saiya-jin
would think of!
3. Both fire (open flame of any variety) and ice (snow, ice, frost)
must figure prominently in the fic. Double theme might refer to
personalities in your fic as well.
4. Length must be between 2K-4K words, and contain at least one Yaoi
I'm just under 3300 words.
Midwinter Solstice
By: Chibi Hoshi*
Kakarott mumbled curses under his breath as he tromped through the snow. Vegeta had contacted him, in his way, told him to meet him. It was nearing midnight on Winter Solstice Night, their longest night of the year, and this year's solstice was doubly special, as it sported a full moon. Oh, the parties that were being held… the alcohol, the laughter, the bawdy jokes and merriment, the gift-giving and the parties going oozaru in the moonlight! And here he was, alone, <I>walking</I> through a snowy forest, freezing his tail off. All because Vegeta had ordered it.
He sighed, wrapping his fur-lined jacket tighter around him, watching his breath frost in front of him. In a way, the snowy, night-cloaked forest was peaceful, rejuvenating, even. The way the snow draped over the tree limbs was actually kind of pretty, the icicles hanging from naked branches making faerie-lights as they reflected the moonlight. He reveled in the soft sound of the snow under his boots, in the utter silence as he paused.
Vegeta had bade him walk to their meeting place, perhaps this was why? He closed his eyes and scented deeply, the cold stinging his nose. His eyes flew open and he whirled around. Vegeta stood a pace behind him, his eyes gone red and feral in the half-light. His lips curled into a predatory sneer, his fangs, longer and sharper, glinted. The flame of his hair was darker than ink and seemed to absorb what little light filtered through the snow-bound branches. The Saiya-jin prince took half a step toward him and whispered two words.
“Run, Kakarott.”
Instinctual fear at being caught off-guard by such an obviously dangerous predator, a prey's fear, reared uncontrollably in Kakarot's veins, and run, he did. He crashed through brush and frozen bracken, making ungodly amounts of noise. He drew long, panicked breaths and ran blindly, not heeding where he was going, seeking only to get away from the threat behind him.
A branch, full of snow and sharp needles, struck him in the face, and the shock allowed him to recover his senses. Still he ran, but a lid had been tamped down tight on that animalistic fear, and it no longer ruled him. He snagged an icicle from a nearby tree and crunched down on it, thankful for the moisture it provided his dry mouth as his mind worked furiously. How long had that fear ruled him? How far had he gone? Vegeta could not have been that far behind him with the noise he had been making.
His senses were tuned, his ears straining for sounds other than his own, his eyes constantly scanning both near and far, his senses extended as far as he dared. He turned sharply, almost sure that in his fear he had stupidly run a straight line. He turned constantly now, and evened out his pace, trying to catch his breath. Kakarott heard a small sound in front of him and swerved away from it, catching only a glimpse of red eyes as a weight hit his neck and his world went black.
* * *
Kakarott awoke to see soft whiteness stretch before him. More snow? No. He purred as the fur caressed his naked skin. He lay on his stomach, the fur he was on one of several that were laid before a roaring fireplace. The fire was lit and stoked in observance of the holy day, and boughs of berry-laden holly had been laid over the mantle. Other than that, his and Vegeta's little rendezvous cabin was the same as always. Ice and frost crusted the windows, and the wind howled as it blew by. He tested his neck for stiffness and snuggled deeper into his warm fur before rolling to his side to search for the one who brought him here.
Vegeta, also in the nude, stood across the room, the flickering firelight highlighting his chiseled body. His eyes still retained a slight red glow, but his fangs had receded, and his tail now swayed seductively behind him. He watched as his lover turned to regard him. A small gift was picked up, and Vegeta approached the rug. He had to be so careful now. Timing was everything.
“I have a gift for you,” Vegeta rumbled as he knelt on the rug.
Kakarott tore through the paper, casting the small bow aside. He held a small pot, sealed with wax, labeled `Healing Salve.' He frowned and looked up in confusion. “Vegeta, I don't—”
“You're going to need it, Kakarott,” Vegeta said, his eyes fixed on creamy flesh and a pulse that throbbed steadily. “For this.”
Vegeta lunged, grabbing the jar and casting it aside as his teeth sunk into the base Kakarott's neck. Ambrosial blood flooded over his tongue, and a cry of pain that melted into one of pleasure rang in his ears. Strong arms wrapped around him, a hand tangling and gripping his hair.
“I claim you as my own, Kakarott,” he rasped as he lapped at the wound. “Do you dare to challenge?”
His answer came in the form of sharp teeth sinking into his own flesh. He groaned and ground his erection against the body beneath him. The paradox of firelight on Kakarott's skin and the icy whiteness of the fur was not lost on him, and only served to heighten his attraction as it seemed his mate hung balanced between the two elements. He ran scorching kisses over fire-lit skin, tasting its cool sweetness that contrasted the hot sweetness of his saiya-jin blood. Corded neck was licked, nibbled, and kissed, drawing moans and gasps and soft cries that only fueled the fire within him. Those cries were muffled and swallowed as soft pink lips were devoured and parted, the heat of his tongue sweeping past them to taste and twine with the tongue within.
Tails coiled and twined together, grasping, sending electric tingles running up his spine. Kakarott's hands alternately gripped and stroked his back as Vegeta kissed him. Gradually, their lips parted and they gazed at each other, breath coming in short pants that fanned across the flushed face of the other. Vegeta drew a line of soft kisses down Kakarott's jaw to his ear, darting his tongue out to lick the sensitive organ.
“Kakarott…” he purred
A tremor ran through his body at hearing his name whispered in such a tone.
“Roll over for me.”
Kakarott pulled away from his lover's talented tongue. “Please, `Geta, don't tease me. I want you now.” He wrapped his legs around the ouji's waist and pressed up into him to emphasize his statement.
Vegeta hissed at the sudden, strong contact, and again drove his teeth into the wound on Kakarott's shoulder. His lover howled in mixed pain and pleasure, wiggling and bucking beneath him. Hormones flooded his system as again, saiya-jin blood flooded over his tongue. He pulled himself away with a growl. He could not lose control just yet: it would ruin his game.
“Submit, Kakarott,” he growled. “The moon is strong this Solstice night. Do not push me.”
Kakarott glanced up at the feral note in his voice. He saw the red in his lover's eyes and purred in response, submissively arching his head to expose his throat before moving to obey.
Drops of red blood had stained the frosty white fur on which they lay, and Vegeta sneered in disgust. What a waste. Then he was absorbed by the expanse of muscle and creamy skin that was Kakarott's back, admiring the way his broad shoulders and chest tapered down to a narrow waist and hips, the plump swell and curve of his buttocks.
Vegeta reached over to a bucket he had prepared earlier. It was filled with packed snow, and had small icicles stuck into the snow to help them stay frozen. He selected a smallish one, and placed the very tip of it to Kakarott's bite wound. The male under him jumped slightly and tensed, but otherwise did not protest. He traced the ice over the mark, watching the blood slowly coagulate and cease to drip. Finished, he cast the rest of the icicle into the fire, where it melted with a loud hiss. He picked up a soft cloth from beside the bucket and blotted the area dry before replacing it.
He surveyed the items he had placed next to the pile of furs, trying to decide what he wanted to use next. The snow and ice in the bucket was still mostly solid - good. Next to it were the cloth he had just used, and had plans for later, as well as a bottle of massage oil and a votive candle he had lit a few minutes before Kakarott awoke. The candle was melting nicely, and would be ready by the time he was ready for it, its small flame burning bright and strong.
Vegeta picked up the bottle of massage oil and poured a small amount into his hand before heating it slightly with ki. He let the oil drip off his fingers and onto Kakarott's skin before starting to work it in. He ran his thumbs up in a long glide from his hips up to his neck, and started working the area he had hit earlier to knock Kakarott out, easing the tension there.
“Oh, that's sore, `Geta.”
“It won't be for long.” He eased the pressure he was using and started longer glides along the muscle.
“Why'd you have to knock me out, anyway?”
“The moon had me. I wanted a chase, and to hunt you before I claimed you.”
Vegeta continued to work until the knots were smoothed out of the muscle, working both sides of his neck and shoulders while carefully avoiding the bite. He worshipped and teased his chosen in this way, caressing his skin, smoothing the muscles, working his way down his back until he was kneading the round cheeks of his ass, dipping his fingers into the crease in the way that he knew his partner loved. Tiny thrusts accompanied by soft moans met his movement, and he allowed himself to caress the puckered opening only for a moment before moving his hands away. He smirked as a disappointed whimper drifted back to him. Not yet. He would take Kakarott, and fuck him hard, but not yet. He wanted to drive his lover nearly insane with desire before he sated the both of them by plunging into that exquisite heat.
He wiped the excess oil off his hands and checked the candle. It was ready, a nice, wide band of melted wax floating on top. He pulled a large icicle out of the bucket and moved to press the tip against his lover's heated flesh.
Kakarott awoke from his sleepy haze with a yelp. Fuck, that was cold! What the hell was that, anyway? The intense cold touched him again, this time drawing an icy line down his spine. He gasped when it touched him, and let out a grateful breath when it finally lifted from his skin. He turned his head to look, and spotted a glimmer of ice in Vegeta's hand.
As he watched, Vegeta reached over and picked up a candle. Confusion flickered across his mind until a drop of nearly searing heat hit the middle of the ice line down his back. He gasped as another, and another appeared, working their way to just above his tail, and then the coldness of the ice was back, connecting the dots of hot wax, causing them to cool and break, the cold even more intense because of the prior heat.
The twin sensations of fire hot and icy cold continued to torture him at Vegeta's whim until after long minutes the icicle was drawn down and traced around the base of his tail. Kakarott gasped and his tail fluffed instinctually. No, Vegeta wouldn't… Ice was one thing at the base of his tail, but, oh dear gods, not the hot wax on top of it! And then the tip of his tail was enveloped in a hot mouth as Vegeta's own tail twined around it and stroked it. He moaned and arched in pleasure, and then his voice twisted into a higher pitch as his sadistic ouji did indeed pour hot wax around the base of his tail. But the mouth and tail continued to caress and distract him, and the remainder of the icicle quickly dispelled the nearly unbearable heat.
Vegeta put the candle aside and grabbed the cloth, quickly wiping the excess water and frozen wax from his lover's body. He selected another icicle and lowered his mouth to lap at the base of Kakarott's tail. He ran the icicle around it again as well, before trailing it down between his buttocks to slowly circle it as he continued to kiss and nibble the base of his tail.
Kakarott bucked and moaned, not sure he liked the icy sensation in that sensitive area, but the heat of Vegeta's mouth was driving him higher. The very tip of the icicle probed into him and he gasped and bucked in pleasure.
“Vegeta, please!” he cried. His cock was still hard as a rock, and had begun to leak.
Vegeta smirked down at the saiya-jin that trembled under his touch and took mercy on him. “Very well, Kakarott. Come sit up and face me.”
Kakarott claimed the prince's lips as soon as he was in a position to do so, the heat of his kiss inflaming both of their bodies. He gasped into Vegeta's mouth as the icicle was run up the underside of his cock before skipping up his abs to trace his already pert nipples. Kakarott broke their kiss, but only to run more kisses along his lover's jaw and down his neck, lingering a little at each nipple before easing his prince onto his back and continuing his downward trek.
He paused as his chin was grasped, making him look up into his lover's face.
“Here, take this,” Vegeta whispered, his voice dark and husky with desire.
The remnant of the icicle was pressed against his lips and he smirked in anticipation as he took it into his mouth, letting the cold permeate his tongue and cheeks before he crunched into it.
Slowly, he reached back down and ran the tip of his tongue over Vegeta's shaft from base to tip, drawing out a soft hiss. The ouji was propped up in his elbows, watching, and nodded for him to move on when he glanced up to gauge the reaction. With that, he returned to his task with enthusiasm, running his tongue up and down before popping the head into his cold mouth. A pleased moan rewarded him, and he slowly took more into his mouth, sucking and licking as he went, until he had swallowed all of him.
Kakarott slowly receded, pulling off to blow lightly over the member in his hand before again teasing the head and starting to set up a rhythm. The moans and cries above him grew gradually louder and harsher until a hand was tangled in his hair, pulling him away. He whimpered at the loss, only to moan in pleasure as his lips were claimed in a searing kiss and he was pushed onto his back under his lover.
Vegeta kissed him fervently, drinking him down, finally loosening his iron control. He reached out for the massage oil, nearly crushing the bottle when he finally gripped it. He broke the kiss and drew away slightly to coat his erection and his fingers in the oil, his vision hazed by lust. Kakarott's legs were already spread for him, his arms wrapped around his shoulders pulling him down into another kiss.
He plunged two fingers into his chosen, and the kiss was broken as Kakarott moaned his pleasure and arched into his touch. He started gliding his fingers in and out, scissoring them and stretching his lover hastily as his hormones surged before adding a third finger. Again, Kakarott moaned and wordlessly begged for more as he drove his fingers in and out of his body.
“Go feral for me,” Vegeta whispered, and turned his gaze to the moonlight shining through the frost-covered windows. Again, he felt his hormones surge and his higher brain functions were reduced. His fangs lengthened, and he saw the red in his lover's eyes that he knew he mirrored in his own.
Overcome by moonlight and his mate, he withdrew his fingers and positioned himself, burying himself to the hilt in one smooth thrust. Twin howls echoed off the walls of the cabin. He pulled his lover's feet up onto his shoulders, and leaning forward, started to thrust. Again, Kakarot howled and his body clenched around Vegeta's cock. Vegeta continued to thrust hard and fast, his chosen thrusting his body up to meet him as he moaned almost constantly. His eyes were drawn to the still-bloody bite mark from earlier, and he longed again for that taste on his tongue. Before he knew it, his teeth were again parting his lover's flesh, and that red ambrosia was filling his mouth. Sharp teeth pierced his own shoulder, and he roared his pleasure to the fire, blood dripping from his fangs as he picked up the pace.
And suddenly, the world shattered.
Pleasure overcame them both and heated seed pulsed onto their stomachs as Vegeta spilled into Kakarott. Collapse was unavoidable, and sensations slowly returned. The softness of fur. The heat from the fire. The heat from his lover. The quickened pace of his heartbeat under his ear. The soft pant of his breath as it tickled his chest. The soreness of a shoulder that had been bitten one too many times. Tails flicked contentedly as their breathing returned to normal.
“Hmm… `Geta?”
“Could I have that salve now?”
A soft, dark chuckle. “As soon as I can move.” He sighed and opened his eyes. Slowly, he stretched and willed his body to move. He reached over for the cloth and used it to wipe the extra blood from his own shoulder before moving to do the same for Kakarott. He stopped mid-motion as he saw the gaping wound. He turned back to the bucket of snow and scooped out a handful.
“This is going to be cold, Kakarott.”
“Yaaaah!! Fuck! `Geta! What'd you do that for? Talk about ruining the afterglow…” He grumbled as he glared up at his lover.
“The bite is pretty bad. We have to get the bleeding stopped before I can clean it and put the salve on it.”
:”Here, you could use some of that snow yourself.” Kakarott motion toward the blood that had dripped down Vegeta's chest as he took a handful of snow and placed it on Vegeta's shoulder, vengefully delighting in his lover's flinch as the cold substance made contact with his skin.
A few minutes later, the bloodstained snow was tossed into the fire. Kakarott used the cloth to wipe off both their wounds and the salve was applied liberally.
“This fur's ruined,” Kakarott commented, looking down at the red stain.
“Leave it. It will remind us both of this night.” Vegeta smirked.
“I have a gift for you, too,” Kakarott said. He stood slowly and walked stiffly over to his clothing, rummaging around in his coat. He returned with a small package, simply wrapped.
Vegeta took it and opened it, a wicked grin lighting his face when he saw what lay within the box. “You got me a cock ring?”
“Yea. I had planned for you to use it on me tonight, but you jumped me and used the ice and hot wax. But next time, it's my turn to be top. And you know what else, `Geta?”
The prince raised an aristocratic brow at his mate.
Kakarott smirked. “Payback's a bitch.”