Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mimic ❯ The Journey Begins ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"Nasis, where are you?" Lord Freeza yelled at me. I came rushing
in and bowed before my employer. "What can I get for you Freeza?"
"I wish for you to find the rarest wine for me, and I do mean
the rarest. I will give you 1 year to find it for me. Do you think
you can do it?" "Yes my Lord, but will you take over my
responsibilities to Earth while I'm away?" "But of course
my dear, now off with you."

That was one month ago and I've been to over 30 dimensions thus
far and I still haven't found what I'm looking for. I know it
was merely a challenge, Freeza knew that I had been getting
board and needed an adventure, but so far every dimension
I've been to is just as boring as mine. Oh well, I guess I
should be off again.

I looked all around me as I stepped out of my wormhole. There
was nothing anywhere, no planets, no stars, nothing as far as
I could see, and I had excellent vision. I scanned all around
me, there had to be something out there somewhere. There! I
felt something deep in space. I flew towards the only sign of
life I could feel in this barren dimension.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who it was. Prince Vegeta, I
couldn't believe it! One sign of life and it was my prince. He looked
shocked to see me, so I suppose he is the only one alive here. "My
prince! What has happened here?" He looked oddly at me, "You are
not Saiyan, what are you?" "My father is Saiyan. I am half Mimic,
that is where I get my coloring from. " I replied, looking down at my
light silver skin and silver hair "But what happened here? Where is everyone?"


*Mimic? A dimension jumper? I thought they were myth, but that
explains how she came to be here*

"I am alone for a reason girl, it is my own fault so don't worry about
it, just go and leave me to face my torment alone."

I had never seen my prince look so lost in any dimension I had
traveled in, I didn't know what happened, but I was going to
find out.

"Are you hungry my prince?"

"Baka! I said leave me alone!" Vegeta said through clenched

I heard his stomach growl, so I opened up a small portal and pulled
out a large basket filled with food. Vegeta looked at me, looking slightly

"Fine, you want to know what happened, follow me."

With that he took off, and I gave chase.

We landed on a planet that was devoid of any life. "Where are we?"
I asked.

"Earth" he replied.
I was shocked, what had happened to
the lovely planet that I was guardian of in my own dimension? I
pulled out the food and we sat down and ate. When we were done I
looked at my prince expectantly. He sighed and started to talk.


"I came here to this planet to destroy it, and I was defeated by
a Saiyan warrior who lived here. He let me live, and I eventually
came to live here. I fell in love with an Earth woman, and we had
a son. The boy came from the future to warn us of a threat that
would kill us all, and later I watched him die."

I couldn't believe this, I had seen the prince in my dimension occasionally,
but I had never seen such pain in his, or anyone else's for that matter, eyes.

"Well um, we should get some sleep, it's getting late" I told him. He
nodded and we both laid down. My mind was abuzz with what he had told
me, and the pain that I had seen in him. *What happened here?